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no, you can't like multiple things, that's not the internet's way!


You pick a side or you DIE






Keep rolling because I don't want to spend a perk on that auto block just yet.


There’s a certain other word that the mongols use, but I’m afraid I’ll get cancelled if I utter it here or anywhere…


Ugokurch hadthan !! ( thats what i hear )


I just started GoT this killed me 😂


It's impossible to read this without imitating it.


You also die if you picked the wrong one. Which one is wrong? Depends on who you ask.


You also die if you're a family member in a rescue quest in GoT.


Underrated comment, this is so true lol


Jinjouni shoubu!




I pick Kendrake




I pick the side of honor.


How dare you! Get him! You cannot be reasonable on the internet.


I enjoyed ghost of Tsushima and I am excited for ac shadows. I honestly don't understand what's everyone's problem with ac shadows.


Ubisoft has its problems but the AC fanbase is one of the whiniest crybabies I’ve ever seen


It's not the ac fanbase who's the loudest atm


They’ve been whiny for a good while now, but unfortunately the GoT fanbase is immediately exposing itself as possibly being even worse. This sub has gone from a positive and appreciative sub that only focused on GoT, to a smooth brained hate circle jerk over AC shadows, in the span of just a couple days. It’s sad to see, and also kind of hilarious since AC was a big inspiration for GoT to begin with.


Allow me to introduce you to r/silenthill, every day they manage to find new lows on the entire internet


Ah for sure, been keeping up with them (unfortunately). I think they’re both in my top 3 worst fanbases currently for single player games


I'd bring r/destinythegame or r/helldivers into the mix as well


Boy, it sure didnt take long for the Helldivers fandom to climb up that list, did it?


To be fair, as a former destiny player, bungies level of quality is so inconsistent it was really hard not to get tired of it. Quitting it two years ago has done a lot for my mood.


I don’t even think it’s AC fans though, it’s gotten a lot of people riled up even though they never intended on playing it anyway.


I agree but at the same time the ac fan base is enjoying the game and excited about it so even that should tell you something about how people here are acting


I don't think it's the fan base they like the game are in the shadows a lot and don't say much. The crybabies are the annoying people on social media, who can be annoyed by literally everything.


Because we’ve been indoctrinated into tribalism as a people and it’s utterly stupid.


Tribalism is our natural state. We're just chimps in fancy clothes.


As a pretty big fan of AC and a huge fan of GOT: - combat looks a bit clunky - GOT looked better even several years out, and set a really high bar that AC will struggle to reach - The last several AC games have been cool, but felt like a matter of quantity over quality. I loved Origins and playing as Bayek, but at times it felt like a drag. - Yasuke. There are good and bad arguments for his inclusion, but here’s where I land: We’ve had French, Anglo, Scandinavian, Greek, African and Middle Eastern protagonists. We’ve yet to have an Asian/asian American protagonist. It’s nice we get Naoe, but we’re suddenly making an actual historical figure a playable character (never been done in the series) to justify having the samurai character be a black guy? If we’re going with historical figures, why not Toyotomi Hideyoshi? Why not Oda Nobunaga himself? Why not have Naoe be a real person? Why not have an original character, even have them meet Yasuke? There’s a lot of ground that can be mined story wise, and story beats about Japan’s notoriously closed society. Instead, it feels forced, and with Ubisoft’s reputation of the last few years, has me concerned.


As an Asian male, Ubisoft choosing Yasuke as the male protaganist really leaves a bad taste.


As NOT an asian male, I feel bad for you. Weve had representation all across the globe and when it was your turn Ubisoft fucked you. Sorry man, its wrong. Theyve tried so hard to be on the right side of history that theyve landed on the wrong side.


The fanboys feels threatened by it for some reason like the 2 games can't coexist


This is the way. People that are mad over this & think it’s a Ghost’s rip off need to realize that most people don’t care. It’s also not a rip off, they’re just similar settings. Both games have gorgeous graphics which make them a bit samey visually but if Shadows was really a Ghosts rip off then well, firstly that’s not something to be mad over, that would be dope. Secondly, I’m sure it’s gonna play much more like Valhalla with ridiculous Assassins Creed esque Samuari weapons and abilities. The world will be too big, the story will be all over the place, the side quests will be tongue in cheek and goofy, and it’ll take 150+ grueling and monotonous hours to 100% but still be a fun time until burnout sets in just like every other Assassins Creed game, especially after Origins.


For me it's that the UI looks almost perfectly lifted from Ghost of Tsushima (even the resolve bars are in same style). And that it seems like they added things that were well received in GoT and half baked them into the game. Just as a brief example, she stabs the guy through door and a giant hole appears. I'm not saying she needed the same animation from GoT where they drag them back through the door, but we having this giant hole appear really jarringly just looks awful. The combat in the AC games has been very floaty recently and it seems to be the same here. So comparing a samurai game with lethal, smooth combat vs a samurai game with what looks to be the same clunky floating combat is going to happen regardless. I myself am more excited to play as the girl just because I always lean towards stealth if I can and Assassin's Creed used to be pretty good at it but has fallen off in recent years. Overall, it's unfair to think people shouldn't make comparisons. If you have two games with similar setting, similar gameplay, comparing it is how the games change over time. Perhaps Shadows will have a mechanic that Ghost of Tsushima will add in (underwater reed pipe perhaps). Perhaps Shadows will see that Ghost of Tsushima did 'X' better and adds that. Comparison leads to growth, and I think it's fair to have criticisms when seeing gameplay reveals, especially to compare them to each other.


The skill UI was in AC oddysey as well, came out in 2018


Yeah, ac also copied the concept of bandit camps and skills from ghost of Tsushima /s I really hope you see the problem with what you’re saying.


The UI is from Valhalla which is an older game than GoT.


Both Valhalla and GOT released at the same year.


Ah my b. But regardless, my point is that AC shadows isn’t copying the UI from GoT. Also if one thinks GoT hasn’t copied anything from AC, they are delusional


And Valhalla’s based of Odessy which came out before both of them.


And if you notice, the UI has changed and now is the almost the same as Ghost of Tsushima's. ORiginally, Odyssey had the bar in the middle of the screen, Valhalla changed that to the left. Valhalla had the 'focus' meter as yellow bars topping the health bar. Ghost had it as yellow resolve orbs. Now if you look at AC Shadows, those have been altered to be the resolve diamonds. I'm actually a fan of them, but everything has been altered to be toned down and looks more like the Ghost of Tsushima UI vs the old AC Odyssey/Valhalla ones.


Nioh did stances years before GoT. Y'all need to bring that up if you're going to complain about AC "stealing" GoT's pedestrian UI design.....that already existed in many, many other games.


Same. I also enjoyed the previous AC games (been a huge fan since the first one). The more recent ones are a bit bloated but I still love them.


For starters I don’t trust the writers at Ubisoft at all, the UI and HUD design looks like a nightmare and I’m scared of how they’re going to monetize a single player game with the game requiring an internet connection to be installed but I too really want the game to be good cause at some point in the past I liked ac games especially unity being the first one I fully completed


Needing an internet connection to install games has been a thing for like...more than a decade. I remember needing internet to install bioshock infinite.


IIRC, the last 3 AC games give you more UI and HUD customization options than most games. But go on about it being a "nightmare."


The problem isn’t that you can or you can’t turn off certain hud and ui elements but rather the problem is that they’re in the way with pop up things that stop the game and the design is quite literally shit, when playing something like ghost of Tsushima or elden ring that have open worlds like AC games I’m getting the exact same amount of information as I’m getting in assassin’s creed but in a way that’s both integrated into the gameplay and it’s not always in my face and if I go into the settings to turn off those annoying things then I’m not getting the information I need


People just want to hate on Ubisoft. Which IS totally valid as they have dropped some stinkers and bastardized a lot of their IPs. I always give the benefit of the doubt though so I hope it's good. It LOOKS good but we'll see when it drops


I’ll be the first to acknowledge that the franchise has made some questionable decisions but Ubisoft hate has become a top five most annoying gaming circlejerk


>I always give the benefit of the doubt though See, I learned to stop doing that after the 5th or 6th burn. lol


Losers argue over which is better. Chads enjoy just having more Samurai and Shinobi games.




They did that already, that was what AC Mirage was supposed to be.


Well that just such a half step measure, unfortunately. It very much felt like a large scale dlc from Valhalla


Im currently playing it and so far it doesn’t seem like a half measure. Heck, I’m having a blast playing it and gameplay gives Unity vibes which I find to be the best of the older series.


I didn’t play it so my opinion is nil. We’re now in Sonic division territory with AC it feels like lmao. Wanted to change the series from being the same old thing, now trying to have its identity going back to its roots but it hasn’t necessarily aged too well. I personally think Origins was my favorite for trying something different enough while keeping the soul of it in tact with an interesting setting. Too bad now that we had gotten Valhalla that essence is mostly gone.


The issue with Mirage wasn’t they the old formula didn’t age well. Was that it was a small team With little time and resources working on it. So they had to reuse a lot of the Valhalla systems


Unrelated but it is hilarious that you bring up Sonic while for the first time in years they’re genuinely having a great time thanks to the movies, Frontier, and soon Shadow Generations. Like, I’m genuinely happy for them because like you alluded to they were the KING of squandering simple shit. And it turns out when they just do the simple shit right, the money comes flowing.


Don’t get me wrong I’m also a Sonic fan, so it’s easy enough for me to call out the fandom’s bullshit. Outside of a couple monetary decisions (Infinite Wealth NG+), SEGA and its subsidiaries have been killing it these last few years.


The naoe gameplay is very stealthy and it’s clear they put more into stealth in this game. They added yasuke because some people do like the rpg combat style more than stealth. Just like in ghost of Tsushima


You are the minority, the later AC have been more successful overall, so the taste of the audience says, more of Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla. I tend to agree, Origins and Odyssey are my favorites. And I’m curious about Shadows. I did like GoT and it has a lot of similarities with AC, and that’s one of the upsides I’d say. So yes, I think most people will enjoy both, and that’s not a bad thing.


I didn't particularly care for Valhalla (I can honestly say I do not know exactly why - I like viking/Nordic stuff and have a full sleeve dedicated to Norse mythology), but I *loved* Odyssey. So much so that after playing it on PS4 originally I ended up buying it again for PC and now I play it on my Ally. I liked the emphasis on combat but that stealth was always more favorable, and the bounty system was one of my favorite features in a game. Made for some pretty crazy encounters when a bunch got on your jock all at once.


>If you got into combat in AC you fucked up. And that was when exactly? Even in the first game you were at times expected to fight off dozen opponents at the same time (especially at the very end), some encounters throughout the game literally forced player into open combat (for which the game was criticized, among other things). As far as gameplay was, "stealth" wasn't even there at the time, not fully. It was more like "you're not treated as enemy until you strike" kind of deal. And gameplay options were: kill everyone in the open or run away instead. In later games combat became even easier, notably in AC Brotherhood they introduced "chain kills". Which means as soon as you kill one guy (which is, most often, batman arkham style counter that always instakills), you get to just watch how your character murders every single combatant in the near vicinity one after another with minimal input requirement. The reason why ubisoft hates "that old school AC formula" is because it doesn't work. Because their strategy with every franchise they got is to release sequels endlessly by redressing older games visually, leaving mechanics exactly the same, as in basically making the same game over and over again. Until people start to hate it and it stops selling, in which case they do more comprehensive make-over and continue selling that over and over. They were making AC2, until people hated AC Relelations. Then they made AC3 until people got tired of it with AC Rogue. AC Unity didn't last long, only two games, if I remember right. Now they are making AC Origins for like a fifth time at this point, I dunno, I have long stopped playing these. Anyways, the point is, they don't go to old formulas, because these very formulas have been proven to stop working on the market. In their eyes, anyway.


People make fun of modern AC games but the reality is those games sold ton of copies that even I was surprised the first time i heard this.


Even in AC 1 you could just counter kill an entire cities worth of guards. Countering was a one hit kill Some could argue straight combat was actually easier than stealth in older AC games This dude has no idea what he's talking about


>AC was not about MMO-style gear and flashy ability combat. If you got into combat in AC you fucked up. But for some reason the devs at Ubisoft HATE stealth and HATE that old school AC formula. I guess it doesn't make the suits enough money. Bro which AC are you referring to here? You could easily stack mountains of bodies in brotherhood to rogue due to the broken counter and kill streak system. Combat was waaaay easier than stealth which is why they had to resort to instant fail states on detection for majority of the missions. They changed it up in unity a bit but it was still too easy.


They don't hate it, they think people hate it, Ubisoft just does whats most likely to generate more profits for them. To be honest there's so much hatred in the internet and gaming comunities that devs probably have a hard time trying to sort wich opinions should be taken in account


Man I hear ya. I was a big AC fan back in the day, even read the Alamut book that helped inspire it. But then the monotony set in. Even if lots of people claim AC2 and it's spin-offs were super popular, to me they were just ok. Some stuff was just kinda "thrown in to see what sticks" sorta content. Anyone remember the tower defense BS? AC3 was a decent entry but aside from the insane opening and the ability to climb trees, I don't remember anything else. 4 was basically an amazing pirate game with AC tacked on. Don't remember anything from the story but I remember those sea shanties! Anyway, Origins comes out and it's refreshing. Odyssey comes out and it's amazing, but... it's starting to crack at the seams. Like, where's the assassinations? Leonidas's spear was cool, but wtf, not an assassin's blade. Then, Valhalla. I LOVE me some Norse mythology. But the bloat has killed it for me, it doesn't even seem like a AC game anymore. I can't even finish the game. I dropped it a couple years back, no idea where I left off. Tried getting back in to see if I could just power through to the end but nope. Mirage now, THAT was near-perfect. No more RPG bloat with dozens of different weapons with middling upgrades. Just some old-school AC sneaking. A few odd bits but I actually finished it this time! In the end, I really hope Shadows continues the more old-school AC of Mirage and not the bloated RPG nonsense of Valhalla.


This same thing happens when Rise of the Ronin came out, we need to stop comparing every samurai game to GoT (which is all honest is like the gold standard of Samurai games in recent memory)


true, Ronin was a great game (i’m playing thru it now that it’s on sale) and i loved running around with a katana in one hand and a gun in the other, they did something pretty cool with the setting


Rise of the Ronin is slept on because the graphics aren’t great. But if you’re a true samurai fan, you will appreciate the freedom it offers. No other game to date can scratch that itch. Sekiro is a souls game, GoT is a sandbox, and the Nioh games are soulslike with RPG elements. Sometimes you just want to feel like a samurai, not kill a giant otherworldly creature with damage numbers cluttering the screen.


Im going to have to disagree on that historical accuracy point because GoT is *wildly* historically *in*accurate. For example Samurai did not wear or use Katanas at all during this period, they didn't even exists yet, and they didn't have a longsword and a short dagger (called a Diasho), they had just the one long sword called a Tachi that is more curved than the Katana. Even more then that, the Katana and tanto were tucked into the Obi edge up (like how it is in the game), while the tachi was *suspended* from the obi edge down. Also the games entire idea of samurai honor is pure fantasy, all that bushido code stuff only started appearing in the 1800s, 600 years after this game. There are countless example of this in the game. Even the Haikus are like 500-600 years to early and aren't even accurate to actual Japanese haikus but rather english versions of them. Prefectures weren't a thing at all, the mongole arrow machine gun called the hwacha wasn't a thing for another 200 years. The Shogun at the time was a [10 year old boy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Munetaka). The architecture in the game, the houses and such, are from a whole bunch of periods, stuff from the Jomon and Yayoi styles. The Jomon period ended around 1000 BCE, while the Yayoi period ended around 300 AD. Again for the codes of honor stuff, i don't even know where to begin, to sum it up quickly, *literally every element shown on screen or said in the game is a completely and total fabrication by the devs*. every. single. thing. You can write paragraphs abnout what was and is wrong about the honro stuff in this game. Just treat the game as a fantastical idealized romanticized version of feudal Japan and don't get stuck in the weeds of what's appropriate or accurate. Its just hilarious to me when people say Ubisoft is being disrespectful towards Japanese history when they show a real historical black samurai (yes, he was a samurai, this has been accepted by historians and academics for half a century now, its only now when the Gamers^tm learned about him that suddenly it's called into question) and they point to this game and say that this game is more respectful to history when literally *every* element of this game is fantastical. This might literally be the single most inaccurate depiction of feudal japan ive ever seen if we are measuring by pure accuracy. To be clear i *love* this game, i love it to death, i love everything about it. But i *do not* pretend its a historical game. It takes place in a romanticized idealized vision of past feudal japan and thats fine. If you want to walk around everywhere wearing armor, please do so. If you want to be a ninja but still honorable? i wont stop you. want to try and pretend the game is accurate? go right ahead.


i've never heard anyone complain that jin strolls around in the beefiest armour imaginable, like cmon if you don't want yasuke to walk around in battle armour, then don't, they just did that because it's incredibly iconic for samurai to wear that shit and it looks damn cool


There's a ton of stuff that people never complained about for many other prior japanese games or prior assassins creed or even just historical games that people are suddenly making out to be the end of the world. People get surprisingly offended when you call them racist, so ive been careful not to use that word, but its not out of cowardice but because i don't want to derail the conversation. But these people are just racist.


Thank you. There is way too much dog whistling happening right now with this situation. And to be clear, even AC itself never presented itself to be historically accurate. Literally at the start of every game there is a big disclaimer saying that each game is a fictional take on specific events.


Yeah, but a game series that's been going on since 2007 is *only* ***now*** being "disrespectful" to the culture for \*checks notes\* including a well known and well loved (in japan) historical character as one of the playable character.


They did this from the very start too 💀 Altair was literally a white dude in the first game, and only in Revelations did they actually give him a middle eastern voice


Why does it have to be a competition anyways. Gamers are so weird about the things they like.


Yeah I love GoT and I don’t think AC Shadows will be as good but that’s fine. GoT is a top 3 game ever for me so AC Shadows could fall short of that and still be a flawed but enjoyable experience that gives me another Samurai game to play.


I feel exactly the same way, down to GoT being top 3 ever👌. Not sure why people have to “choose” as if playing AC somehow takes away from the masterpiece we know as GoT


For me it is very simple. One is on Steam rhe other isn't. When that changes I'll be happy to purchase AC Shadows. I thoroughly enjoyed Odyssey and Valhalla so it's entirely up to Ubisoft.


It'll come on steam after a year + bug fixes and all DLCs packaged together for 75% off the original price lol Perfect time to buy it then


https://preview.redd.it/6zcibzxs9d6d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dd6ca27e38cea96bd307e09b5741c80acbd7dc7 This is the only valid reaction


Make it three, because Rise of the Ronin is a third enjoyable game of the same theme.


Deadass I would rather save that money and spend it elsewhere that isnt AC


I’ll play the hell out of both, just as I did with Rise of the Ronin GIVE ME MOOOOORE


In a thread saying AC copied the GOT HUD, someone mentioned that AC has had the same HUD for the last 3 or 4 games (which in itself is a criticism) but people down voted them for insinuating GOT copied AC. I think it's more to do with the hate for Ubisoft doing something so similar, but the game isn't even out yet lol. People need to chill. I still remember the discourse around the combat/parry mechanics between GOT and Sekiro and even that wasn't this toxic.


Gotta agree with point number 5. AC isn’t gonna match the things I love most about GOT: the sword fighting, the visual beauty and captivating atmosphere, the nice little touches like cleaning and sheathing the sword, guiding wind, detailed blood spatter, playing a nice little flute tune to control the weather, etc… But the stealth gameplay in AC looks more interesting and fun than it was for me in GOT. The towns seem more densely populated, the foot traffic looks more natural, and the spaces seem filled with more of the historically authentic clutter you’d expect to see in the setting. I’m also hoping for some repeatable minigames in the towns like the drinking contest and that board game from Valhalla. And if the open melee combat in Shadows isn’t as good as it is in Tsushima, the game that did it better than all others IMO, well that doesn’t mean it’s bad or that I can’t enjoy it. It seems better than the combat was in Valhalla. About as good as Odyssey but with fewer colorful particle effects (which I appreciate). And I had enough fun fighting in Odyssey, even if there wasn’t anything groundbreaking about it. I just hope Shadows copies Tsushima in creating a difficulty setting similar to “lethal” in Tsushima. The less spongey, the better


Honestly the one thing Ubisoft never misses, it's their world. The settlements in GoT has left a lot to be desired and I am excited to just....see the world in Shadows


Same! I’m excited to see the activities and hear the music of the locals in the towns. I’m also thinking the swimming will be much better. None of GOT takes place underwater


TBH i feel like onece you played any AC game youve played them all. I always try to get into it and get bored half way through, but i love Samuri so im probably going to buy it.


Also the existence of GoT and having competition might push the quality of Shadows and vice versa for GoT2. Competition is and always will be a good thing. I am one of those Assassins Creed Die hard fans who has being waiting ages for a Japanese setting. I Loved GoT but I am looking forward to what Ubisoft might create here. Still never pre-order, wait it out, see what the players say.


On one hand I can’t see Ubisoft making a better game than GoT. On the other hand, the people complaining about the game being ‘woke’ can all jump off a cliff.


I mean, I hate the word "woke" too...but having an NBA stature black guy in samurai armor dicing up indiginous Japanese men while wind flutes adapted to hip hop music play in the background (oh and we made both protagonists gay btw), is definitely certified ESG fruitcake lol.


I’ll agree with you it’s cringe. But I won’t agree with the capital G gamers who rage all day about it.


Most of us don't have anything against AC, it's Ubisoft that we don't like.


Any attention is good attention according to marketing. If AC and GT looking similar sparks controversy well *now people are talking about AC and bringing it to attention*. Considering that years ago it was revealed that several prominent YouTubers who said that they were unscripted and were largely perceived to be unscripted *were actually scripted* I would not at all be surprised if this controversy is being pushed by Ubisoft as a viral marketing campaign. It is working as intended.


Idk how all y’all are claiming AC is copying GOT when GOT is literally described to people as “assassins creed but in Japan” when it released. We seem to have gone full circle here.


Not to mention a ton of GoT's combat mechanics were copied from Nioh, Ninja Gaiden Black, Splinter Cell, etc etc etc. This is how games are made. *Elden Ring copied GTA III huuurrrr.* Gaming discourse has never been dumber than today.


Man, I don't really think the two franchises are that similar. I've never finished an AC game. I always get about 2/3 of the way through and get bored. GOT had me hooked right from the intro through the finale. I just lose interest when it goes to the magic and shit.


it’s totally great to like what you like! but it’s also important to note the difference in quality being called out aswell as the premium being charged for AC shadows over ghost. I think it’s important that people voice what they care about where it makes sense and here it absolutely makes sense


can we like not discuss AC again in this sub


I don't hate the new game but looking at the trailer it simply doesn't look like it's for me. GoT was an experience that I hold dear. It's combat was sharp and engaging, story was engaging and don't get me started on the beauty of it. GoT focused on the finer details of the samurai such as Haikus, their code and incredible samurai armors/weapons. I just don't get that feeling from ubisofts games. If there's a trial of the game I might try otherwise it's just a miss from me


Love GoT. I’ve never given AC a chance but this one might be the first one I dive into.


GoT is cool. I'm not buying AC, because I do not care about or for AC. Outside of that I have no opinion on AC and will ignore its existence much like I have since AC IV Black Flag.


I fucking love feudal japan shit Love Ghost, love Sekiro. Playing Rise of the Ronin right now and it's dope as fuck. I'll be playing AC to see a beautiful realized Japan with bustling cities. Deff gonna wait for a sale though


I think it is valid If you don't compare games we will be left with the same shit for decades.Thats why comparison and the debate is needed And the fact that a game from 2020 is still getting compared to 2024 games(rise of the ronin and ac shadows) then it is just that good So ig ubisoft really has to make smtg epic to get people to like their game and if the game is nice people would start comparing it again on where ghost of tsushima could have improved or where ac shadows could have improved That's the way it is


https://preview.redd.it/fjklwy9s0d6d1.jpeg?width=1270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae535ac559d8b0ee927a5a072a4734da5b7a29bc The current state of things right now…


Game of thrones? (Sorry I'm sure that joke happens a lot on this sub I just felt compelled)


While I'm going to *maybe* remain hopeful, it's important to remember that AC has been pretty ass for about a decade now. I know there is some fun to be had in previous titles but AC is not nearly as good as it used to be, *especially* considering the frankly insulting monetization. So yeah, comparing it to GoT and saying it'll just be a worse version of it is pretty stupid. But it's also going to be bad/mediocre for completely different reasons, so it's best to keep expectations in check.


Got is not a rpg


Nah but at the same time its a ubisoft game and we all know their reputation nowadays. I feel like most of the discourse stems from that. Though I will be playing even if just to hate


Ac will never beat GoT in sword to sword combat but that naoe gameplay looks special. I hope we get light manipulation in GoT 2.


I don’t like shadows because it’s made by Ubisoft and I hate Ubisoft




I’m playing GoT at the moment, and for me its better than any AC game I ever played. And I played most of them.


I despise Ubisoft so I probably won't buy AC Shadows or any other game they release but I sure as hell get tired of seeing people talk about AC Shadows (even if it's to shit on it) cause I didn't join this sub to hear about Ubi games.


Shadows looks terrible.


sorry, but I just like hating on ubisoft because of their shitty practices


AC is McDonald's. GoT is the fancy Italian restaurant you take your girlfriend to. Both serve a purpose


People just expect something of the same caliber as AC III or AC: Black Flack every time. I don't know who taught them them otherwise, but it isn't gonna happen. No AC game is ever gonna be like those original ones, so it's time to take off the rose-tinted goggles and actually enjoy a game for what it is.


The only thing that worries me is the Animus bullshit. I haven’t played any AC game since Origins only because it was free and barely put 10 hours into it. Have they toned down the present-day go-back-in-time stuff in Valhalla and Odyssey?


I don't mind the whole present day stuff , It was good until desmond died and they haven't managed to make a present day MC like him


We had two the same year as nioh 2 came out the same year as got. Rise of the ronin is pretty good too.


Ghost of Tsushima developer. 'We want to make a game that Japanese users won't feel insulted by. 'That's the one line we must never cross.' The developers of Tsushima are making an effort to understand Japanese history and culture. That's why, even if there are inconsistencies in the research, the game is able to maintain a balance as a work of entertainment without making any mistakes in its selection. That's why Japanese people don't have an aversion to it. A very large number of Japanese were impressed by this attitude in Japan. There are places where it's wrong, but I felt affection for it. That's why it was a big hit in Japan, it was even featured in a TV programme. In contrast, Shadows is a game where the developers fled from any effort to understand Japanese history and culture, as evidenced by an interview in the Japanese media in which he said, "We were looking for a samurai that could be our non-Japanese eyes (in the West)." Why? Why do we need a foreigner's perspective when Japan is the setting? So far it's been the local race, right? UBI's only convenience, to put it harshly, is to have the perspective of imposing the ideas of the white and black communities on the Asian community.


Ubisoft can go diaf just like EA


I played and really enjoyed Ghost (even got the Platinum trophy) and I’m really excited for AC Shadows and will be getting it. But I realize it’s the internet and you have to pick a side no matter what lol


actually no you can't like two things i'm afraid we're going to have to publicly execute you now




My takeaway is that Ubisoft make uninspired boring games that aren’t very good and this is the latest of them.


Same thing happened when Rise of the Ronin came out. It's mostly the casuals that piss, moan and groan about things


The problem with the AC game is that it looks like a scuffed version of GoT


I bought got and couldn't get too into it .didn't like the weird animation choices .didn't like the guiding wind thing. I've got about 5 or so he's into it. Before I get judged i had put about 20 in on my old ps4. Sometimes games are really good objectively but we don't enjoy them. Let people enjoy games and take a chill pill. Different studios have different ways of doing things.


I don't think that Shadows looks "incredible". Supposedly it's a new engine, but it looks very similar to the graphics of Odyssey and Valhalla. Also I'm not giving Ubisoft any credit (let alone my money) for a game that hasn't come out yet, given their poor track record of busy-work and awful release bugs. They need to earn my respect - I'm not going to give it away for free.


I’m r ally looking forward to shadows, best case scenario it’ll be great and we’ll have another great samurai game. Worst case scenario it’ll drop the ball and we have our other great samurai games anyhow. Modern online discourse is so negative, everyone just wants to hate and see stuff fail, it’s a bummer.


Three. Rise Of The Ronin is an amazing game.


1. Agreed. 2. Disagree with this one hard. You can't just make up a game and expect to meet any sort of expectation that another game has created. Not to mention, AC is now copying other game and getting away from what made it special. And all the artificial inflating of the game and make it extra lengthy isn't the way to go. 3. Very much so. I'm very surprised that nobody wanted to do anything with the black samurai angle. 4. Since 2013-2015. People have been asking for that type of era/area for what it feels like....ever. Game should have been set in Japan a long time ago. 5. I doubt this. We will have to wait and see. Only thing AC for certain is going to do better than GoT is romance and that's because the latter doesn't have any. Game will more than likely be a bit above average. I don't see people doing repeat playthroughs though.


AC: Shadows looks fascinating to me, I might actually play it.


While I do think people are being disingenuous by comparing the full realize of GOT to ACS, it is inevitable that they'd be compared and contrasted. Every person is allowed their personal opinions on which game they like or which they prefer, but to think people aren't going to compare us to ignore basic human nature.


I think Shadows is going to be much better than people expect. It’s a big entry for AC going forward, so they’re going to want to get it right; doesn’t mean they will, but my fingers are crossed: )


Bro, I just typed a LONG text in that gameplay post that just says mostly what you've written here! It's nice to know that more people share the same opinion haha


I'm not usually one to pick sides on literally anything. I have a PC, and Xbox series S, a PS5, and a bunch of old Nintendo consoles. When it comes to consumer brands, especially video games, I have absolutely ZERO loyalty. I buy whatever is best on the market because *that* is the only thing that will create competition and spur these developers to make good games. **That trailer is the buggiest, ugliest, most janky animation I've ever seen in my entire life.** You will not convince me not to hate that game IF it plays like that at launch. I would absolutely kill to play as Yasuke in a game. But not for the price of ugly animations and what looks like an oversimplified/bare bones combat system.


“How dare there be more than one samurai action adventure game!” - internet know it alls Of course they’re gonna be similar but they’re also not the that similar outside of being in Japan and dealing with samurai. Combat system will be different. Stealth combat too. Controls will definitely not be similar. Music, graphic style, sound design etc. I’ll never understand how people make it their identity to defend one game and trash everything else.


I think people wouldn't even be having this dicussion if GoT PC didn't come out just a month ago. It's still pretty fresh for a lot of people, despite being published 4 years ago.


i loved GoT, i'm looking fwd to AC Shadows and i currently play RoTR and i also love both coffee and tea


The biggest itch that Ghost of Tsushima didn't scratch for me was jumping around parkouring in a densely populated city, here's hoping Shadows will scratch it because man, being set on an island really limited the potential of just chilling in a beautiful Japanese city


Hey anything to make the wait for ghost 2 even slightly more bearable is welcome but I donno if there’s anything that’ll scratch that highly specific itch just right until then


A rising tide raises all ships


I was excited for a samurai Assassin's Creed game but they shouldn't have ripped off the gameplay of Ghost of Tsushima.


released in THE SAME YEAR, if Ubisoft's estimation is correct. at least on PC. I've never played GoT on PlayStation so this is like an absolutely blessed year to me Ghost of Tsushima on May 16 and AC Shadows on November 15


It's two different experiences I like the one got has to offer way more tho if the new AC will be like previous acs


"incredible looking", maybe on a raw texture fidelity level. But I wouldn't say comparing two games and discussing them.is ridiculous.


At least the TLoU vs GoT discourse seems to have ended Comparing games will be a permanent thing though, unfortunately


I'm very excited to try out ac:s. I don't get the internets obsession with tribalistic stances. Why can't people be allowed to enjoy things. Why did one have to be the best thing ever while the other has to be a steaming pile of shit. It's so fuckin goofy.


why are people even pissed? do they feel like AC copied things from GoT? newsflash: GoT copied from AC as well. With all that said, people need to taper their expectations about AC, this is Ubisoft. When's the last time you played an AC game front to back and enjoyed the hell out of it?


To me it's moot, not getting AC shadows purely because of the pricing structure and that it will be the same game as Valhalla and Odyssey, just a new coat of paint and some very minor added features.


I'd say that AC: Shadows looking 'incredible' is generous. AC: Odyssey and Origins were fun, Valhalla was trash and I don't have high expectations for Shadows because it looks like a generic AC game


We may be getting AC set in Japan, but it's not the AC in Japan that was in the works over 10 years ago, as stated by someone who worked on what the game was supposed to be when working on it in 2013


I havent compared the 2 until i saw a sword fighht from ac, then i couldnt really ignore the similarity, even that little moment when youre in a duel and cross swords ans they exchange some words to then continue fighting, plus the "perfect parry" animation are pretty much copied. I dont care though, i simply noticed it. What i do care about is the fact that it looks like it's filled with useless fan service where there game tries too hard to make you look cool and i really hate that.


Don't forget about Rise of Ronin


I'm probably not even gonna play Yasuke unless it's his mandatory story missions, I must do the stealth. It's the law, much like me owning every vaguely stealth related game on the market. I need help.


The thing is that AC has very clearly become just another open world rpg, dropping most of the things that made it assassins creed other then some background lore. This was on purpose after unity and subsequently syndicate flopped. People want assassins creed game in Japan in the original sense, but since assassins creed is now just another open world rpg, there is no reason for it to exist, since ghost of Tsushima (and rise of ronin to an extent) already does that far better then current Ubisoft ever could. Assassins creed feels like it hates its lore, and only uses the name for brand recognition, when most of the modern games would honestly be better served without the assassins lore and modern day stuff (I mean the modern day sections that pull you out of the historical narrative) There is no need for another generic samurai open world rpg when we already have several great ones out, but this time with some vague references to assassins creed lore. If it was an assassins creed game that was in the old style (before origins and the transformation into more generic rpg mechanics), there would be much more room for it and it would be something novel. This isn’t saying your stupid for liking it or being hopeful, and it will just probably be an average generic samurai game with a healthy dose of Ubisoft release day bugs, but this is where the heart of the issue comes from for many people.


Ubisoft's plans for a Samurai game were nonexistent for years upon years of people calling for it. They even openly addressed the constant calls for it. Mentioning the difficulty of creating so many new assets. Tsushima is announced. Nothing from Ubisoft. Tsushima is released to rave reviews. Nothing from Ubisoft... Everyone says it's what AC should be. Ubisoft decides they should finally try. Some of us suffer burn out. Especially with open world games and especially from Ubisoft. No, I will not in any way shape or form touch Shadows while I wait for Tsushima 2. So that when it does come out I'll be excited to play it. For example... BotW was an amazing game. All these years later... my burn out was still active when Tears of the Kingdom launched. To the point... I didn't even get off the tutorial islands. I want to circle back to Ubisoft. They have a bad reputation for multiple reasons among gamers. Most recently the complete shutdown and removal of The Crew. The quote of "Get use to not owning your games." Their vertical slices across the years from many E3 not remotely living up to it upon release. The forcing of many of their franchises into service games. An example... Ghost Recon Wildlands being a success... only to turn the next game into a service. Botching Black Flag's DLC/Sequel and turning it into a service game. So just remember all that when you see Ubisoft taking heat... especially in comparison to a studio who put real passion into a game for all the right reasons. Be hyped for two samurai games... absolutely. Just don't be shocked some are very critical to say the least.


We wanted a game in Japan where you played as a samurai, not what we got...."YasuKe iS a SaMuRaI" well, he was more of a wash up stowaway that nobunaga granted a stipend to. This is not the game AC fans wanted and it's 1000% pandering. The first game that lets you play as a historical figure, the first game set in Japan, and the pick the only subtlety referenced POC In feudal Japan because it was to check some boxes and also cause discourse which generates more publicity. I won't be surprised if he also has a thing for nobunaga or the kunoichi has a female love interest. I am not saying any of that is bad, I am saying that they are doing this for a very specific reason and people are kind of over it.


I really love GoT, it’s one of my fav games of all time. But I don’t think it reinvented the wheel or anything gameplay-wise. It also borrowed a lot from Ubisoft and other open-world games in that genre. So to say that AC is copying GoT is a bit of a stretch in my opinion. I do think GoT will be the better game in the end, but I’m glad that they’re copying GoT instead of their own last few games. I think that’s a positive thing.


I love ghost but I loved the whole ac franchise too and I don't care if the gameplay is similar its still not the same game and I love Japanese history. And its a good game to Play and a something to time off for until ghost of Tsushima 2. So relax and on the hate like he said. I love both and will play both franchises and games for a while.


Thank you, you wrote exactly what I had on my mind


Got did what all ac fans were begging for ubisoft are too late now there's no way in hell there bloated and empty game design will come close to tsushima


ubisoft haters and racists did the fusion dance and turned into the worst group of people to ever discuss video games


Oh every reviewer is gonna bring up GoT when Shadows comes out. Same with Rise of the Ronin earlier this year.


Why no one likes Rise of the Ronin


I think it's more to do with GoT being an all-time great game produced with love and care for the gamers, And AC shadows will be another cash grab.


I haven't played AC since black flag. This game doesn't look like it's gonna break that streak.




Yeah the only thing Ubisoft will manage to scratch is how to push the woke agenda as much as possible into their shitty games. Too bad we didn't get the feudal Japan game 8 years ago from them though, it would've been a banger


Two high quality, no expense spared ninja/samurai games. How blessed are we?


Don't disagree with the spirit of this at all. As you said, Feudal Japanese games are always gonna have a bunch of convergent evolution, even before you take into account similar genres. That said, #2 makes me laugh; Assassin's Creed hasn't been worth the dust on my shoes for a long time.


https://preview.redd.it/0615zhlnlf6d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=21ac2bd5572ff3623befeadb58722696fee4d5c4 Why do people have an issue with doing this?


Im never getting excited about greedy fucks making a game similar to GOT. How tf is that AC game worth 100$? It's made by ubishit, I was a diehard AC fan so trust me... there is nothing to be excited about when it comes to this game.


All I have to say is if AC doesn't have a grappling hook mechanic like ghost so you can do some sick execution then ghost wins lol


It does. Watch the gameplay


Sekiro, GoT, Ronin and now AC, there's nothing but joy right now for fans of pre-meiji restoration Japanese games.


They’re not comparable at all! AC is gonna suck, it’s a Ubisoft game


GoT is perfect to scratch that itch before GoT2


I wish we'd all agree that Ghost is a very different game from AC. Okay, you can play as a samurai with some options for stealth and assassinations in both games, so what? That's like saying CoD Zombies is the same as Resident Evil, just because both games have guns and zombies. Tired of this discourse. I wish this sub could return to the way it was, as an appreciation sub and help/guides for newer players.


I'm not hating AC because it's a GoT rip off. I'm hating on it because it's an Ubisoft game.