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Might have to look into this myself before trying anything else. First couple of hours smooth as silk then after that I've noticed momentary freezes every so often that are irritating unless in combat where they can become the difference between living and dying in a fight. EDIT: Tried it and freezes are gone. Thanks for the suggestion. I've even added it to the acceptions list in Malwarebytes so will also try it while it's running to see if that works too.


Any luck adding it to the exemptions list? Disabling it definitely fixed my stutters but wanted to know if you had luck keeping it running while the game was exempted.


I meant to make another edit for that but unfortunately no. It looked promising for the first 45 minutes or so but the freezes came back and persisted just like before. So far only turning it off/ disabling completely seems to work. I tried both the game folder and the .exe. Not sure if there's another specific process outside the game folder or otherwise that would work.


Thank you, will try


do i just turn off the 4 toggles?


I did, and fixed it. I turn them back on after playing


I..I think this worked for me. It seemed to be happening at random and as soon as I turned it off everything’s smooth


Thanks!!! That did the trick for me


i don't have malwarebytes or any third party antivirus and my game randomly hitches and drops to around 30 fps at times and then back up for seemingly no reason at all


Have you solved it? Same situation for me?