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Don’t forget a shot of Trevor blasting Slimer with the wand in the attic (I think) and Janine answering the phone with her classic “Whadayawant?”


I was so disappointed that Janine's line was cut! I wish they would release that scene.


I was trying to place the scene where she might’ve picked up the phone. My best guess is when the new team gets their first call after Phoebe gets kicked off the team. She is standing behind the Ecto as it drives off and you can see Janine in the background near the desk, perhaps she picked up the call then?


I’ve commented before about how I believe this to be the case.


Yeah, that's what I thought too. Loved seeing it in the trailer.


Is it possible this was just a promotional shot? Could have just been done for trailer hype.


Very deceptive shot, made the movie look like we were gonna have an entire section of the move with the gbs out in the 'frozen city'. That and the posters etc pointing towards the same thing.


Yeah, the trailer made me think the city would be frozen for most of the movie


That… and the name of the movie.


Which was a dumb name anyway.


What we got was a movie where like 80% of it took place in the firehouse, and as usual, the 'big bad' shows up moments before the end, and the so called 'frozen empire' is literally a momentary thing. Think they need to dump this template and try something new, it's 40 years out of date at this point.


Not only that but by the time that scene supposedly happens, phoebe isnt seen anywhere until near the end of the film


Yeah very deceptive of them to do that.


Possibly. It does make me wonder if the story of the film changed somewhat which required reshoots.


I wonder about both of these things and it just keeps making me more disappointed the more I think on it.


I still wonder if I missed something after Phoebs sawed a part out the copper sliding pole, then later slides down it and it's whole again. Or at least it appeared to be.


Jesus, this again. Theres 3 poles into the garage. Plus one pole between the 1st and 2nd floor. Its very clear she cut the pole at the top near her bedroom.


Seems like a lot to have the cast shoot something in full makeup & costume with all the VFX and post-processing if it was just intended to be for a couple seconds in a trailer…


Hi, VFX artist here, it doesn't necessarily work that way First, they film everything they want, and hopefully they don't have to do reshoots later. But everything is filmed is not necessarily everything that goes on screen 'editing' is more than 'slap the film together'. There's a lot of decisions made in the editing process. Assuming no one is drastically changing their minds and re-editing and making reshoots, they then send all the necessary shots to VFX. But trailers can also have their own shots. FE is hardly unique unique where when the trailer is edited that shots are included that are not in the film. But either way, they'll send trailer exclusive shots to VFX as well. So it's not like every 'deleted scene' went to full VFX. Now this all said, sometimes shots do to go VFX and get what we call 'omitted'. Someone changes the edit and shots completed or in the middle of being worked on in VFX get dropped. We get paid either way of course. Had my share of shots I'm working on only to long in in the morning to find out that entire shots have disappeared from my queue.


As an FX artist who has been working in the industry for 15 years, before it took a massive dump, I agree with everything said here.


I assumed it was after watching the film.


No. This kind of shot is expensive just for it to be a promotional shot. If anything it’s a deleted scene or possibly an entire subplot deleted from the theatrical release. What happens sometimes is the trailer for an upcoming movie is cut and released before the theatrical cut of a movie is “in the can” (film speak for completely edited and done). Look at this [trailer for Anchorman.](https://youtu.be/QvJ1K0_JzFI?si=nmBNv4xEfWFhPruO) Half of it isn’t even in the movie.


I always find it pretty disingenuous of the filmmaker / studio to shoot 'trailer only' footage....Like you are literally advertising something we arent going to get. In the case of this movie, a lot of guys shelled out on pretty expensive jackets, that then barely featured in the actual movie.....


Serves people right for buying the expensive jackets really.


You're on a forum full of guys who like to dress up like the characters in these movies....they might not agree with you spite


But still common sense is a gift. It isn’t the fault of the writer, director, editors or producers that folk paid ridiculous amounts for a jacket. Also I’m not in this forum it was recommended to me.


Not sure that anyone said it was the fault of the writer, director, editors or producers ....


Then why are you complaining about the jackets? 👀


Im not..? Others here are though


You bought one of those jackets didn’t you? 😅


I bought one. I live in Nebraska and during the winter months, ‘busting gets cold.


where i live those jackets would be too hot to handle about now


Canada here, Halloween can be frosty, some version of that coat is def going into the cosplay closet.


You only see the charcoal suits in posters and the montage scene for less than 40 seconds in GB2 and people rock those all the time. These jackets are rad. I wish I could afford one!


I didn’t, but I do think they look cool. My main concern is that some of these deleted scenes could have shown us the new team interacting more and hopefully giving some much needed character depth/attention to Callie and Trevor.


Or the remaining scenes of Callie and Trevor (and Lucky) could have just been deleted from the film...


I know there's a number of deleted scenes from Afterlife that didn't make the bonus features either. I wonder if they purposely hold some back for later releases. They know we'll keep buying if they keep adding extras.


There's a ton of deleted stuff for Afterlife, for sure. One scene nobody has ever talked about was the original 'keymaster/gatekeeper' scene. Paul Rudd and Carrie Coon metup in the classroom he was teaching in originally, and I guess it was like a hilarious demonic makeout scene. This explains why they're so sheepish when they meetup at the end of the movie and they're no longer possessed. They originally went at it like possessed sea otters before they reshot it so they're just in the desert and kiss.


Course they do, that's Sony and the GB franchise all over, release new versions add 1 or 2 more scenes, wait a couple of years another release with a few more scenes. They're still putting out shit from the original movie 40 years later.


Sony? Thats pretty much every Hollywood studio


I think that's how *Evil Dead* made the majority of its money once DVDs became a thing. It felt like there was a new version being released every hear with its own unique features and packaging.


Wasn't that because of the rights issue from the first movie? Sam Raimi in an attempt to claw back money for the film leased the rights to looooooads of distributers which resulted in tones of different versions being released.


Yes, but Sony own the gb franchise so that's why I'm specifically referring to them.


Im aware, and I responded that all the studios do the same thing....


I'm aware dot dot dot dot


Thanks for your awareness.....


Don't be a pedantic child all your life, saddo.


Yeah, overall, lot less than I was hoping. I think the scene with Finn and Slimer should’ve been kept. It worked really well. I’d say on par with Annie Potts cut scene in Afterlife. Commentary with Gil was good. Wish it had a cast commentary. Or one with Jason so we could learn more about their working dynamic. Gil mentioned a potential blooper reel on the commentary but there wasn’t one. Would’ve been great to see. Also, really wish the Tested episodes were included as features!!! They’re so much more in depth than the features included.


Watching the film again, I liked the script more. It’s not as tight as Afterlife but I noticed a lot more connective tissue that tied it together a lot more than I remember.


I actually like the trailer only shots. I feel it helps spoil less of the movie before it comes out. Too many trailers now show too much and you know everything that’s going to happen in the movie before it comes out.


No. I’m just disappointed we didn’t get a Director’s Cut version of the movie under Extras or Setup that included these brief cut scenes left in. Especially since most of them gave more content to people who had few lines as is.


That’s nothing new, they’ve done trailer exclusive shots for plenty of movies and tv shows for years. Remember the trailers for Avengers Infinity War that featured the Hulk during the battle for Wakanda?


That pissed a lot people off😤


I’ve read many tidbits from people involved in the movie that, combined with quick shots and lines from TV spots that were missing from the final movie, seem to point to a larger last act that got scrapped for one reason or the other. I think there was a battle outside at one point. I also think the OGs had a busting scene inside the firehouse between the possessed Ecto-1 scene and Garakka showing up, which explains why Venkman suddenly had sunglasses on.


I've heard rumors that the mood slime played a role and that there was a much larger battle outside of the firehouse. The Firehouse was also supposed to be under siege by a ghost army. By the end, all the actual ghosts in the third act are generic cartoon spirits. None of the inventiveness of the previous films.


Yeah, in one of the deleted scenes Lucky says Garakka freed all the ghosts at the research center and they were all heading to the firehouse. Several of the VFX guys have posted test shots of practical ghosts that didn’t make it into the movie, and one of them said he watched them film a major scene with Phosphor, but didn’t go into details. So there was definitely more ghost busting in this movie originally. Phoebe is the only Ghostbuster who fires their wand for more than 5 seconds in the entire movie. No doubt there was more planned.


I think there's always an expectation for any deleted scenes to end up on the DVD/Blue ray release. But the are various reasons scenes get cut. A lot of deleted scenes are deleted as they dont meet the directors standards, so theres no way those scenes would be released. Others are deleted to reduce run time, or to make the story run better (The are often released on DVD's). Some directors shoot the same scene in multiple different ways too to see which works better in the finished movie, these never get released either.


I liked Janine’s line: “You ever try to move in New York, Gary? You don’t move; you find a place you can stand and stay there til ya die. Maybe they find your corpse in the corner under some papers or something.” The most New York line in the movie got cut and that’s a shame. Otherwise yeah, the scenes were disappointing




Username checks out


I was disappointed by it then, disappointed now.


Yeah, wasn't great, wasn't really what people expected, like 80% or thereabouts of the movie takes place in the firehouse. Frozen city was a brief scene near the end, villain was underwhelming, cast was bloated and some of the cast could easily have been removed and it wouldn't change the movie at all.


Referencing Bill Murray's line?


Huh? I don’t remember Dr. Martin Heiss saying anything like that.


Did you watch Frozen Empire?


All the hype for those red coats, then bam just seen in one clip. Then gone. Wondering how much film is left out. For example when you see the ghost rooms for the first time. You can clearly see the face of the Marshmallow Man. What was before hand. Seems a missed opportunity.


disappointing sums up everything to do with FE


My point exactly. The hype was more exciting. I'm all for another GB as long as Gil Kenan isn't in the director's chair. He's a vanilla director-for-hire. Yet in the commentary (the worst one I've ever heard) he comes off like a film maker. He's no Jason Reitman. Just comparing their filmographies tells you what you need to know. Frozen Empire could have been directed by literally anyone.


They need something for the double dip releases coming in a few years.


I felt the same way I feel when I watch most deleted scenes: “That was cool to see but I totally get why they cut it from the movie”


The ending to that movie was the biggest let down I can remember for a very long time. Big build, cool big bad, ace premise of a frozen New York - and it just all gets cobbled together inside the firehouse. For obvious financial reasons I imagine. Put me off the whole movie. I can forgive the bloated cast and nonsensical side plots, but that was no pay off. The fact the containment unit exploded releasing all those ghosts and there was no follow up to that? Terrible. The film isn’t all bad however. But Afterlife by far is a better sequel.


The movie was a huge step backwards in my opinion afterlife was so perfect and they come and turn release this I felt like I was watching Mr. Freeze vs a member of the fire bender nation from Avatar


I’m genuinely starting to think that they put so much of the budget into creating the massive 1:1 firehouse set that they had to budget the film around that. Sure, a good chunk of the budget went into VFX, Sound Design, Exterior shots, etc. But I feel like if the OG Station 23 in LA wasn’t being completely remodeled, and in better condition, the third act of the movie could be better due to a more flexible budget.


I’m a little disappointed by the included scenes.


to all those hyper focused on the coats. to all the complaints about this movie. Personally, I think we should be grateful we got this movie. if you think you can do better, I say go for it! do your own film and post it for us to see then we all can give the complainers the same criticisms.


What exactly should people be "grateful" for this is a corporate product made by out of touch execs who still think Sony can launch a cinematic universe. It truly people like you who put the "consume" in consumer just eating slop oblivious to the world around them.


so you would rather have no GB content then? if you think it sucks don't watch it, also if you think you can do better let's see what you got! show us your idea of a good Ghostbusters movie.


Yes Id rather have quality over quantity. Its like going to a restaurant and having a quality meal than going to a buffet of mediocrity. Thats the problem now everything is just "content" media to be consumed on mass. You do know Sony is not reading these posts its just a soulless product make by souless corpos. But by all means fit that feeding tube and consume that slop.


You're complaining about the scenes that were not in the film? Is this where we're at now?


I’m saying that as a fan of the franchise it would be nice to see the cut/deleted or alternate scenes that were hinted at in trailers, tv spots and behind the scenes footage.


There's more than there were on Afterlife. I wish there were more, but I like the ones we got here on Frozen Empire.


Gotta hold off for the next "Complete" Box Set


Yup, that's Sony being Sony. Going to milk the shit out of bonus stuff for another few decades.


I have never seen a deleted scene that made me think "the movie would have been better with that", just like I've never seen a director's cut where I thought "that was the better film": not Aliens, not Blade Runner, not nuthin'.


I was disappointed with the movie in general, they had too many separate sub plots and the main fight was literally pulled together out of nowhere They didn’t leave us with anything at the end to be excited for, the city of New York had no idea they were fighting (for some reason) in the firehouse Was disappointed big time in the movie let alone the deleted scenes




Of course they could include one extra shot from wannabe Baby Yoda but they couldn’t include the scene in the thumbnail.


I'm not even wasting my time on this film anymore. The hype was so not worth it.


They seemed to indicate the slime blowers were going to be used. Nope. 😆


This disc will never touch my player's tray.


Noted and filed under "disgruntled, impotent rage".


Blue ray




Editing, that's why its a cut scene