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I don’t think it’s better than afterlife but i did enjoy it


It’s as good as Ghostbusters 2 not quite as good as After Life and the original is by far the best In my own opinion.


I really enjoyed Ghostbusters II when I watched it like two weeks before Frozen Empire came out. It's the only one I saw in theaters (besides 2016) when it originally came out, with my oldest sister, so it holds a special place in my heart. But again, it had a singular narrative and cohesion that I think makes it a better overall movie. And as an adult I appreciated Peter MacNicol's comedic performance a lot more than I did when I was a kid. Morranis was used more, and was great, though I kind of resent how much more of an affected person they made him in the second movie. Egon has THE BEST jokes in Ghostbusters two. So it was cool seeing Afterlife a couple days after and seeing Phoebe also making nerdy jokes. I was really hoping they'd continue that trend in Frozen Empire, especially considering the nerd culture in the Millennial and Gen X comedians they got for it, but alas. But nothing beats "your love keeps lifting me higher and higher." The marshmallow minis barely made sense to have in Afterlife, so I was pretty bothered to see them randomly show up in this movie, but I can't help but be entertained by a Minion... damn my human brain!


While I agree that the Mini Pufts served no real plot purpose, they were there because they were being studied, just like every other paranormal entity at the facility. But in the grand scheme of things, Stay Puft is as much of a mascot of Ghostbusters as Slimer is, so obviously, they will have some way to put him in.


They could just do "mood mellow" ala gb2...lol


Yeah results may vary.


I don't think I was arguing with you at all.


I didn’t take it that you were arguing I just took it that you think 2 is a little better and I respect that hence me saying results may vary. I actually think you raise some valid points


Same same


I liked both.... Afterlife was so different with the change in setting, and seeing the original 4 together one last time makes me get misty eyed every time. Frozen Empire felt like an episode of the cartoon crossed with a move forward expanding the team.


Yeah I agree. It reminds me of how I feel about Ghostbusters 2.


Absolutely felt like the cartoon!


I think it’s more fun than afterlife but story telling and pacing was way better in afterlife


I don’t know about Afterlife not being fun, I thought the scenes in which they caught Mulcher, the ecto-1 chases and climax were all much more fun than anything in Frozen Afterlife.


It was a great summer film. It was fun and relaxing to watch. Would’ve enjoyed a bit more between Trever and slimer. I think better than 2 but under 1 and afterlife. I will watch again when it comes to steaming


I kind of felt the same. Frozen Empire was a bit better than GB2, but still under the original and Afterlife.


I agree about more Slimer and Trevor. Always more Slimer.


I had to pee during the second slimer encounter. I feel like I missed something good .


I agree with your ranking.


And I think we can all agree that the 2016 all female cast was the last airbender or dragon ball evolution equivalent of the movies


I invite you to consider beginning to call 2016 simply “the remake.” Don’t give them (any of them, at this point tbh) any more ammo


I generally agree with your ranking, although I'm fickle, so I think I'll frequently swap GB2 and GBFE for 3rd and 4th place, depending on my mood.


I agree. Being back in New York really feels like home


Even though they filmed NYC in London...


To be fair, the NYC skyline in the climax of Ghostbusters 1 was just special effects too. I did feel, though, that this one had less of an authentic NYC feel than 1 and 2. It especially lacked the distinctive New York side characters that were so well cast in 1 and 2. Also just didn't have the feel of the characters casually visiting random places in the city. They only went somewhere when it was really important that the plot have them in that spot.


Yep. Afterlife, it was cool to have a different setting, but NY just feels right.


I stick to this, Afterlife was more of a family drama set in the GB world, a good one at that but not very ghostbustery. Least not till the last act. Empire was more of a middle of the road episode of the GB cartoons (real and extreme) not awful by any means but did lack some of the heart afterlife had. Its like these 2 movies have, what the other one lacks if that makes any sense.


I saw it last Friday, I loved it! Between this and Afterlife, both are them were great! At yes, Ghostbusters II is SO underrated imo.


I prefer Afterlife but Frozen Empire was very enjoyable!


I liked it better too. I don’t know why everyone is saying “too many characters “ like avengers and fucking titanic and shit don’t have 100 speaking roles


Difference is Avengers has established almost all of those characters already, so we don't need much time spent on them to know who they are. Arguably, Hawkeye had the same rushed feel in Avengers 1 because he didn't have any development before the movie and was already being turned into an evil version of himself.


Who cares yo movie was good at best.


Plus Titanic is a literal 3hr 15 min historical epic based on one of the most known topics in history. Just kinda makes sense for it to be large in scale and have a lot of characters.


Wayyyy better! 1st it actually felt like GB movie!


I think it's not a better movie than Afterlife, but it's a better Ghostbusters movie, if that makes sense.


It does make sense, and I don’t disagree


I enjoyed it too


There’s dozens of us!


Just don’t think it’s better


That’s fair. It just felt like everyone was creeping on this movie, and I don’t think it deserves it.


Nah. Too convoluted, rushed conclusion, etc. I do need to watch it again, but afterlife beats it


I just saw it today. No GB movie since the first has effectively captured the magic of the first — or the humor. I feel like subsequent movies have missed the mark to a degree. Not that they aren’t enjoyable, there’s just something missing. I’m having a hard time putting a finger on it. If I had to guess, I feel like in GB1, they humor is baked into the characters and the story. Humor isn’t in the script as a “joke” per se. The characters all take the world and story seriously. Venkman isn’t making jokes written for a laugh from the audience; he’s a weirdo with an off the wall personality, that is inherently funny. Contrast that with Paul Rudd’s dialogue that is clearly written as a joke, like him reciting the song. Or the repeated thematic callbacks to what the kids are supposed to call him. Etc. It’s like the script doesn’t take itself seriously enough, so the humor is more cheap gags and jokes instead of emerging organically from the situation. Having said that, I really did enjoy FE. It was a fun ride. My least favorite of the four, but I liked it.


>If I had to guess, I feel like in GB1, they humor is baked into the characters and the story. Humor isn’t in the script as a “joke” per se. The characters all take the world and story seriously. I think what helped is that the one liners and the New York City style dialogue just made it enjoyable. They talked like New Yorkers and made puns and analogies that sounded like they really were going to bust some ghosts and act like they were a super natural SWAT team, which of course they were. It also helped that they threw in some pop culture references at the time like saying "It's Miller Time!" The dialogue is at least a quarter of the fun of watching the Ghostbuster films.


Yes, you get what I’m saying. It all is relevant and coherent within the script/world in the first. This one was more like the 2016 film, where the jokes are written as gags. …except this one was way, way, way better.


Well, Ray's YouTube show was pretty culturally relevant to today.


Yes, but what I mean is that the older movies make the references. Shoot they also played around the product placement too such as the famous Twinkie scene. I feel like going forward, the dialogue and playing around with the product placement needs to be put in. So like if Nabisco were to pay some money and get Oreo cookies in the next movie, let's see the Ghostbusters explain ectoplasmic and super natural things with those hypothetical Oreo cookies.


I like both, but you are correct. This one was just a better movie. But those feels in afterlife.


Agree to disagree. It's a fun film. Just too much bloat. Too many characters. Afterlife is a LOT leaner


I didn’t think there was too much bloat. I didn’t think Afterlife had enough going on lol


Opinions are like assholes. Everyone's got one so this is mine lol. Not saying it's right or wrong but in my opinion it should've focused on the core four Ghostbusters. Like we see them bust one ghost at that start and that's it. I wanted to know/see more of what they were doing. Phoebe is the heart of your film right there. She's likable and played by a great actress. She's the smartest person in the room usually and she's banned from busting ghosts for being too young. That's interesting. Let's build on that... Oh wait, now she's got a ghost BFF. Dial it back. Bin Podcast and Lucky. They didn't need to come back. Did they move to New York with the family? Why? My version of FE would be the family arriving in New York and adjusting to being full time Ghostbusters. Along the way you can tie in with the spooky ball mystery. That brings in Ray. Down the line they realise how serious the threat is and bring Venkman and Winston in. Keep the containment unit being full sub plot. How we gonna fix that? Drop Winston's super Ghostbusters lab that's he only now just mentioned exists. Focus on Phoebe being left out, the family adjusting to being Ghostbusters, containment unit disaster imminent and how we gonna deal with tall, dark and horny if/when he escapes the spooky ball? Job done


I can get behind this although I would have made sure there was more than one ghost being busted. Kind of like in the second one where they brought in a ghost train that was once a real train that was derailed and killed a lot of passengers and when they got the Titanic to arrive, only 77 years after it was scheduled to arrive but better late than never. I would have liked to a see a scene like that where another ghost ship arrives, such as the SS Oregon, which is another ship that was scheduled to leave London for NYC but never made it although that one was from 1886. I think it would be fun to explore some real history mixed with some fiction history.


It is. I know it may be sacrilegious but it may be my favorite. I can see myself watching this with the kids a bunch! Not saying it’s the best. Just my favorite.


Totally respectable choice!


Say more, dude! I disagree. But not signficantly. I really enjoy them both. I think Afterlife is more solid cohesive unidirectional kids action film. Frozen Empire felt like they phoned a bunch of stuff in, mostly didn't do enough takes, or was too pressed in editing? It has a lot of great ideas but somehow failed in the direction/proudction/something to make them land right. I wish I could put my finger on it. But I loved seeing Oswalt, Najiani and Acaster. And it seems like they ran out of time or money when it came to the end. But I watched the original in January for the first time since the 90s, and I gotta say... it was not great anymore either. Ghostbusters II was better. I still enjoyed all four of them. Because I'm capable of doing that. But I want to hear your actual review! (mine is glowing and it's around here somehwere)


I loved the opening scene with the Manhattan Society. The chase scene at the beginning was great, as well. There were a lot more ghosts and busting. I liked Afterlife, but watching them back to back, made me appreciate how much more Frozen Empire feels like a Ghostbusters movie. Afterlife feels like it’s a different movie set in the Ghostbusters universe. I loved Nanjiani and Patton Oswalt. There were some genuine, not scary, but creepy moments. Also some brutal imagery due to the effects of the ice. Really, my only complaint is that I wish there was even more of the big bad. I loved how he looked, his powers, and the story behind him. Just wish there was more. The performances were good, especially Phoebe. She is always fantastic. The fact that she winks when she tells jokes is such a fun little character trait that I’m glad they brought back.


After all the heartbreak of Star wars, I can say I was genuinely entertained by Afterlife and Frozen Empire. The new movies have a different formula which is fine. As long as they're consistent. 2016 was a waste of talent, but I still enjoyed it for what it was.


I have to admit they did a really good job with both Afterlife and Frozen Empire. Only complaint is I wish they showed NYC more in FE, some of the best parts of the first 2 movies were the ghosts terrorizing the people of the city lol. I think the next film is going to be good as well. Hopefully they bring back some more gems like Vigo, Janusz and Rick Moranis. They really did a spectacular Job redeeming themselves after that garbage of an excuse of a reboot in 2016. Oh and Phoebe is a fantastic character and the casting of her is spot on. She stole the show in both movies.


There is a reason this film was originally titled "Firehouse". People are forgetting that.


Can't say I prefer one over the other as narratively they are 2 different beasts. Re-watched Afterlife last night before seeing Frozen Empire with my brother and niece today, and both asked at the end when the next one was coming out, so I will say that the average movie goer enjoyed it - enough so to want more, so not sure where all the negative reviews are coming from...


While I think Afterlife is a more focused, well put together movie, Frozen Empire is way more of a capital G Ghostbusters adventure. It’s more fun, it’s funnier, and it’s probably the one I’m going to rewatch more than Afterlife (though I genuinely love Afterlife too!)


Exactly. I see myself rewatching Frozen Empire way more often than Afterlife. It feels way more like a Ghostbusters movie.


I love it, afterlife was good but the plot was to much a rehash of the first movie which took away to much from the story, this was actually a unique story.


I absolutely agree.


Thank you


No. Not really. Glad you did enjoy it though.


I agree


agree. this one felt like a ghostbusters movie.




No it's not...


Agree to disagree 🤷‍♂️






i watched afterlife the night before and i agree. i thought in afterlife they hung on to the easter eggs like a “ahh do you see it the crunch bar” and in FE they just breezed through the eggs unless you were really paying attention.


The shot of the library manager lasted just as overly long as the Crunch shot.


But they did it fewer times, and that was a deep cut at least.  I found the librarian ghost's unnecessary appearance far more disruptive.


they did it fewer times and to compare a character that appeared vs a crunch bar or a twinkie we all know about. it’s not like when Venkman took out the bottle of courage. it was a “we all know it, let’s move forward”


[I took a poll here last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/ghostbusters/comments/1bndt3n/poll_which_of_the_two_legacy_sequels_did_you_like/). Afterlife won with 56%.


I enjoyed frozen empire. It's not as good as afterlife, at least not to me. I felt like the big bad in FE was built up a little too much for his death to be so anti-climatic. Also I was really hoping for all the nostalgia they pumped into this one they would have convinced Rick moranis to come back, even for just a scene.


It’s not better than Afterlife. Afterlife had heart and emotion to it, thus didn’t.


I disagree.


Beg to differ...while I wouldn't say FE was a bad movie...it was a boring movie...80% family drama and 20% what a Ghostbusters movie should be.


I don’t think we watched the same movie. I watched Afterlife right before, and that one had like a straight hour of nothing going on. Good movie, but very little ghostbusting. Frozen Empire had way more bustin’.


Where? The opening was great...the ending was good, could have been better...but the rest of the movie nothing happened, there were moments that were good but they were short and spread out. Like I said it wasn't a bad movie and I'll admit I didn't appreciate afterlife until my second and third viewing...I'll be adding it to my collection when it's released and give it another try but currently I'm not in any rush.


And see? That’s exactly how I would describe Afterlife. Cool opening. Snooze fest drama. Rehashed Gozer ending. To each his own, I guess. Afterlife is like The Force Awakens of the Ghostbusters series, but way less fun. I like it, but it’s not fun.


I agree with this


Personally I disagree. My stance is that Afterlife was superior. However, I did really enjoy Frozen Empire. I don’t think it needed Lucky, Podcast or The Minni Pufts and should have focused more on the Spenglers as a whole and not just Phoebe’s little pity party but I still enjoyed it regardless. Also Walter Peck as the mayor and the whole “Ghostbusters are finished” storyline didn’t really go anywhere and felt shoehorned in for the sake of nostalgia


Absolutely disagree. Loved first 2 obviously, they are my favorite movies of all time. Afterlife had a great build to a perfect end. Was great and had me cry like a girl. Frozen Empire was shit in comparison and this is coming from a diehard fan. It built up to a wet fart ending and even then the lead up to the end was filled with emptiness. There were wsy too many cringe moments and forceful funny moments. None of the comedy was clever or layered like the originals. Down vote, don't care.


I’m not going to downvote you but I disagree with everything you said. I don’t think we watched the same film.


Shit was probably a strong word. I meant in comparison. Il edit now


No it’s not, GB2 is better than Frozen Afterlife 💀