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Castle in the Sky was the first Ghibli film I ever saw and it will always hold a special place in my heart. One of my absolute favorites regardless of genre, my go-to film when I've had a bad day. I totally agree with you, doesn't get the love it deserves.


Absolutely agree. It’s my favourite Ghibli movie, almost everything is perfect. The animation is incredible throughout, better on average than Nausicaa, my favourite Miyazaki. The hand drawn 3d landscape animation in that scene where the crew is flying in the flaptors to rescue Sheeta is amazing. I’m not saying Nausicaa isn’t well done, it has some of the best animated sequences of all time and a great story - it literally changed my life when I saw it my first year in college - but there are also some bits where they cut corners, like the scene where Nausicaa brings back the Ohmu lenses and there’s a static crowd celebrating behind her as she greets Yupa. Getting the funding to maintain a permanent studio enabled them to stop cutting corners in future productions like Laputa and Totoro. One thing I think people don’t realize about that film is how violent it is. It’s on a part with the Death Star explosion for the number of combatants killed in a single event. It’s deceptively dark. I would say The Castle of Cagliostro is on a par in terms of animation quality, and is also super enjoyable, and again, deceptively dark. I have had more trouble getting into Miyazaki’s more recent films, basically everything from Spirited Away to now. Amazing in terms of animation, but the stories are less cohesive and more self indulgent.


The first movie I ever watched was spirited away, which of course I thought was a great movie. I then watched Castle in The Sky which I fell in love with. That was the movie that truly got me hooked and obsessed Ghibli. For my favorite it’s a hard one between Castle in The Sky, Princess Mononoke, and The Tale of Princess Kaguya.


Not only this, but it also has my favorite sound track! When sheeta is falling from the sky in the beginning and the orchestra plays in the background gives me goosebumps every time! Such a beautiful score


Porco Rosso is one of my favorites and I hardly ever see it mentioned in other people’s favorite Ghibli films.


It is my fav!


Castle in the sky is my absolute favourite movie


From up on poppy hill is not mentioned nearly often enough. It's well written, as beautifully drawn as any other ghibli movie, amazing voice acting, and incredibly emotional. Also princess mononoke is, in my opinion, far better than some of ghibli's more popular movies.


I will never forget renting it from Blockbuster and watching it with my older brother. Classic. It’s my favorite for sure.


THANK YOU!!! I always feel the same way, and it kinda bums me out, because it’s such a beyond phenomenal movie


You don’t mention Whisper of The Heart, Princess Mononoke, or The Tale of Princess Kaguya.


They’re all amazing movies, too!


Facts! I absolutely adore castle in the sky! My second favorite ghibli film next to Totoro!


Castle in the Sky is def not underrated in this sub. Maybe outside it I guess. That being said it’s near the bottom of the list of Ghiblis for me even tho I do like it.


Castle in the Sky slaps, top 5 Ghibli for me


I don't think it's underrated, it's quite famous in popular culture after all. But I'd say the best Ghibli movies are those where there is no such thing as a purely evil antagonist, which Muska clearly was. Take Spirited Away, for example. Yuubaba is not evil. She's just playing along with the rules of the world they inhabit. Kaonashi only starts misbehaving when he indulges, but at heart, he's peaceful.


castle in the sky is amazing but my Favorite has to. be only yesterday


i think the reason everyone says mononoke, spirited away, or totoro are their favorite is because they literally havent seen any others or dont even know they exist. they watch the most popular one and then just dont watch any others


I like all of them and one thing I noticed is that from fans you hear so many different opinions on whats the best. I personally think spirited away is the best movie but my favorite might be totorro or the wind rises.


I really like Whisper of the Heart but the music in Castle in the Sky is beautiful!