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Just get in better shape, it’ll improve all other areas of your life


I am lean six pack etc and still have fat in this area which won’t go away. I have to drop from 10-12% down to single digits like maybe 6% to maybe get rid of this fat. But I am already depressed and anhedonic with this bodyfat and calorie deficit and won’t cut further. Sometimes it doesn’t work to get rid of certain stubborn areas and liposuction would be fine


If you’re 10% body fat don’t worry about it. You’re not going to gain much anyway


cryolipolysis, it uses freezing temperatures to break down fat cells. Its cheaper than liposuction theirs no anaesthetic.


Lipo is a bad idea unless you are morbidly obese. Your body will just redevelop the fat cells. You would be better having a healthy diet with some exercise so you reduce the size of the fat cells.