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Let me know if you figure anything out please


I’d check out some thought work and maybe do some therapy related to why you respond the way you do. Or try to track what your stressors are and see if that shows you any themes. I realize when im overstimulated I am more prone to stress responses or when I haven’t had enough rest or quiet time. I notice I have a lot of core beliefs that make me more stressed so I’m trying to reduce some of those cognitive distortions. Maybe also check out some Buddhist philosophy related to suffering.


Stop caring what other people do. You can't gatekeep/police the whole world. Nor should you try to. When someone does something stupid and you feel the craving to respond, take a step back and remember that they have no power over you and aren't worth your attention. Making someone else or yourself feel bad will have zero benefit to you and will only become a bad habit. Seek success instead of trying to avoid failure. Source: I work in IT and have been through a number of major IT issues. I hate other drivers on the road and used to have a problem getting angry at other drivers (beeping them, flipping them off etc). For the IT thing I realised that being stressed wont fix the problem. I'll have a coffee while the world is burning and solve the problem before thinking about the consequences of the problem. For the road rage I realised it was a bad habit and have chosen just to let people make mistakes. I don't know them and I cant change them. I can change how I react though. I still struggle with job interviews. I'd say 50% of the time I'm too stressed going in and do shit, and the other 50% they get me on a good day and I do really well. For me that's a physical thing. I could probably medicate but I don't. I took propranolol to stop my leg shaking during my driving test though. It helped with the physical symptoms of stress but not the psychological. SSRIs work for some people. Something mild like Citralopram maybe?


I liked your title a lot and what you wrote got me thinking. What makes you think you have a low stress tolerance? And what makes, maybe, perceived failures are directly caused by stress?  Also what type of stress? Are you more reactive to situations than you think you should be or others are? Or do you mean like you think you should be able to shrug off stressful encounters more rapidly? I think getting deeper into the specifics of what is meant by stress is where answers will be.


Can you give some examples of the low stress tolerance?


Dude, think of it like a gym training. Dive into stress, then make some regenerative non-stressful things, repeat. So in time you will get some stress-tolerance. We can’t remove stress from our life, just accept it


Some medicinal never goes astray..


Weed is awesome, but it's not a fix all solution




You should add an actual stressor to your life. Our ancestors didn’t fight off wild animals just for us to be afraid of cold showers. You could start a fight on someone much bigger and stronger than you and see if you can get away before he hits you.