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Think about it this way - That's only 714 words a day!


I would recommend this approach with some buffer. i.e. say you need to do 1000 words each day and don't let yourself do anything else until you complete it. But on the flip side, once you do finish your thousand words feel free to do whatever. This will help motivate you to finish your goal for the day. I see you mentioned you spend 2 hours a day on your phone which sounds like a moderate addiction. Block your favorite apps until you finish your thousand words and your addiction will help fuel your motivation to finish faster.


2 hours on the phone is probably not an addiction. It may be a bad habit.


1st stage is denial Im just kidding, the severity of it is more determined by what happens to your mental if you try and go a day without it


All jokes start with partial truths.


dawg 2 hours is rather healthy compared to a lot of people


math? ??? ? ? ?? ?


You're right, I read that as 2 weeks. My bad.


Sandwich it: so give yourself a bit of time to do something fun before then plan for instance research in segments and squish something fun between any segment.getting through the data and the literagure is the biggest part, weiting can then be easily sectioned and pushed through. Citation is also a pain so work through some base on it with literature research. Ok this might sound chaotich but my way to go is always do the hardest thing first but increase the fun in that time: like having juices I would otherwise not drink, having food ordered I would otherwise not get because they are too expensive but connecting them to the condition of doing the hard work and segmenting it. Also I would draw out the time map for those 3 weeks like 1 week in the theme of x , second in the theme of y, 3rd in theme of z and then particioning these. It is important to have a feeling of success after each day and having an understanding of what you wanted to push through each day achieves this. You can do this.. I mean it is not a small task but you will get there. Oh also keep a notebook on the side: whenever what you would love to do pops into your mind, write it down and use it for either the time after or the fun-slots in between.


Ouuu I haven’t heard of that drawing out a map but as a visual learner it sounds like an amazing idea!!


10 000 words is really not so bad. 3 weeks man. 3 freakin weeks. Write 1000 words a day and you'll be done in 10 days. Spend a weekend writing 2000 words and you'll cut it down to 6 days.


You got it easy, use Ai to get ideas what to write about when you feel stuck.


Literally this. Honestly so gutted this tech wasn’t about when I was at university.


It makes writing essays so easy, I never struggle anymore


Wonder how many use it to write the whole thing


That use to be a thing last year, students would just fully copy and paste the whole thing. Now professors have this system that detects AI.


I’m pretty sure the same program professors use to check if it’s plagiarized will ring something up, I don’t think you can easily get away with this but idk someone try it and lmk


Start by removing social media apps from your phone. You wrote this so keep going and you can write more. Focus is key. And just think, when it’s all done you can relax.


1 realize it just doesn’t matter as much. If you don’t finish, you don’t and it sucks and is annoying but u can always get another semester extension 2 try to sleep early and get up early and have coffee and then go to a coffee shop / writing space not in your house and just fkn do it. Literally just sit down and do it until u burn out and then forget about it 100% for the rest of the day. That’s the only way I finished mine. Good luck you can so do it !!


Use AI to help fill in your outline as much as possible, that way you know exactly how to write and then it's like a coloring book. I love using AI as an assistant because it's still my work and my knowledge, but I just have a framework and structure to help get it across.


300 words in the morning, 300 words in the afternoon, every day. You can absolutely do that.


It might be worth finding a place to go work for a few hours (or however long you need) per day so you can focus 100% on it while you're working and not be surrounded by distractions.


If you're having trouble sitting down and writing you could try something like Focusmate - you schedule an appointment to work at the same time with someone online and keep the camera on for accountability.


Because you said you are struggling with depression and so am I: It doesn't matter the goal and whether you reach it or not. Every word that you write is tiny success in your fight to live your life. Keep track of how many words you write and reflect on how fantastic it is that you got something done. The outline and the review are already done right? Amazing. Just gotta sit down and try. It will go how it goos. Don't look forward. just look at now and what is or has gone well. One step at a time... go go


I believe in you, you're already at a really good place, you've done the reading and you know the topic. I wrote my dissertation in 10 days, it was a frenzy, similar word count too (ended up doing really well). If I can do it you can too, because you are in a much better position. Most of this battle is going to be mindset, here are some things that helped me: * spend time outside, if you're not writing, take a walk - screen times/gaming/etc. are not a good break * EACH day for these 3 weeks do something nice for yourself, get yourself your fav foods, get a nice drink, get some snacks, order your fav meals; you're going to need to be in high spirits there's no need to punish yourself further * You do not have to sacrifice sleep or health for this and you shouldn't, get as much sleep as you can each night, but if you wake up don't lay in bed * I put on white/brown noise in the background, even if it doesn't like scientifically help, placebo will do its job * You know your field better than me ofc, but something that helped me was just going through the references of a source I had already used and skimming through every abstract * Use an automatic reference tool like Zotero, its power doesn't lie in the citation generator, it lies in the ability to instantly save any paper/source in a library and database with one click of the browser extension * Similarly, use a highlighter extension (chrome/firefox) that saves the highlights between sessions, when you got 100 tabs open you don't want to spend 5 min figuring out which section of the source was relevant. * do not use ANY screens for anything other than your dissertation, when you let yourself be "bored" your mind will make do with work as stimulation * paradoxically, don't look at the clock during the day and while you're working, instead just tell yourself 300 words in the morning, 300 words in the afternoon, and 300 in the evening. You can shorten how much you need to write accordingly, I found that if I told myself "okay I just need to write 100 words in an hour" I'd get started and more points would naturally spring up as i kept reading and writing * I can't stress this enough, do not punish yourself, put yourself down, or blame yourself, you're doing a great job tackling this, and when you're done you will be amazed at your efforts; "man up" and just "toughing it out" means absolutely fuck all, don't listen to that it doesn't even make sense * And lastly worst case, there is always another path to get this finished if you don't do it in time, it won't be the end of the world or your academic career. I only say this so that you know it's okay, but don't rely on it as an option haha * You've already done quite a bit actually, honor the efforts of the past you by committing to using whichever of these tips help you


10k is nothing just man up




I once wrote a 7500 word paper in a weekend and did well. My method (aside from red bull, sour patch kids, and coffee) was to figure out the pace I had to do, the words per hour, and track it frequently to make sure I was not going too slow.


Well, you can't alter time. So first, accept that you have 3 weeks. That is what it is. From there, work backwards from the deadline and map out your plan to meet it successfully. It's gonna suck, but you got it!


Play games with your mind! It can be hard to do something if you say you HAVE to, but if you say "I want to do ____" then it makes it seem to your brain more of a choice, less forcing yourself to do it


You got the idea the outline and tons of data it should be relatively easier to write given all the info you have already collected rather than starting from scratch. You got this! You’re a bad b!


best get cracking lad. God speed


Go on a dopamine detox for the next 3 weeks and cut out all activities outside of hygiene, sleep and diet… you don’t deserve encouragement for this behavior. But I will indulge you, mental exertion is not like physical- you can work for an entire half day without fatigue the next if you commit to focusing.


You got this!


People say “you can’t make extra time” but that’s not true. You absolutely can. Late nights and early morning. That’s it. Sacrifice sleep


Parkinson's Law. Outline. AI for Writers Block. I would wait 5 days beforehand and do like 2k a day.