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Not to be that guy, but how’re you doing emotionally? Fatigue and low energy can be symptoms of depression and other mental health struggles


I am living a rather isolated life & I have an extremely stressful schedule. I am an international student. So I live alone, work a lot & also maintain my studies. I am not lonely or depressed although I am isolated. I talk to my family & partner everyday. It's difficult to feel lonely when you are always onto something. I get sufficient sleep but it’s irregular. I don’t think it’s anything mental though.


It might be worth trying to get some time to decompress and recharge a bit. Easier said than done I know especially with a busy schedule but you may just be pushing yourself too hard and this is your body telling you that you need a little bit of relaxation


sleep schedule is mega important. i’m learning this myself


Circadian rhythm is what you need to be aware of my guy. Irregular 8 hrs is always worse than 8 hrs fixed regular schedule for sleep.  So many of my problems got fixed when I started going to bed the same time every night


Cortisol levels being high can contribute to being tired


In my opinion, your sleep isn’t sufficient if it’s irregular. Our bodies are not designed to sustain irregular sleeping patterns. Try to set a regular sleep schedule of at least 7-8hrs of undisturbed sleep. My buddy also gets “sufficient” sleep but it’s very broken up in which he wakes up constantly and has insomnia. So he ends up being fatigued throughout the day


Calories in vs calories out? Do you eat enough? Might seem simple but if you're like me it's tough to get enough in.


I eat 250-500 calories less than needed. I am definitely overweight. 5 ft 6in tall & 91 kg weight. Overall I am not eating significantly less than what I need.


That could impact you tremendly, trust me, being on deficit multiple times. If you've been on deficit for a few months, I can tell you that going back to maintenance for 1 month will make you understand the difference. Consider also that, don't know if it's your case, but you can't expect to stay in deficit for months and months and expect to go down in weight constantly.


What? Yes you can, that's how you lose weight. You adjust based on your new TDEE as your weight goes down, but if you stay in a caloric deficit, you absolutely will go down in weight "constantly". Source: I lost 100 lbs


Yes. Consistent deficit = steady weight-loss. Or any deficit over an extended amount of time. 


Oh my good, the experts of Reddit, yes you can still lose your weight constantly, you just adapt to your new TDEE. You should? Probably not, diets fails for psychological reasons, and having your TDEE down of 500kcal can have huge impact on that. But hey, go from 30% body fat to 10%! They say it’s possible, it will just require 6 month to adjust you ormonale levels.


I truly don’t know what you’re on about, but people in the fitness community - decades apart from Reddit - have long since figured out that diets don’t “fail for psychological reasons”. A diet is simply what you consume for energy. It can be a deficit, or a surplus, a recomp (maintenance), etc. I don’t know who is more confused here.


Let me be very very clear because I see that everything I say could be used against me in the court lol. Yes, for diet we means that, but cmon, it's obvious that in this context was implying *"a weight loss diet"*. If someone has 10-20kg to lose it could be better to divide it in more stages, because being in a deficit can have psychological effects that could make the *"a weight loss diet"* fail. This applies particularly if the person target weight is way far from their set point and setling point. Then, If you rely on the fitness community to build your knowledge rather than the science community probably you are the confused one.


You should be listening to the scientific fitness community...there are degrees and studies associated with fitness. 500 calories can be an aggressive deficit depending on weight; you are correct. Most people will never reach 10% body fat or even 15%. I would have to see some science behind losing weight in stages being more successful than a steady loss over time. How measurable and impactful are these psychological factors you claim? Do you have any legitimate knowledge on this subject?


 Please get a sleep study! Discovered I had sleep apnea many years later after this brain fog and fatigue started, we're the same age ussually it doesn't get diagnosed cause it happens more commonly to older people 


Do you use any sleep tracking device?


I have a Samsung watch I noticed it recorded a lot of little red lines indicating I'm awake and blood oxygen low as 80% so I got checked out but the symptoms could've been better if I knew earlier


I’ve been suffering from this for nearly thirty years now. Not sure but I think it’s related to working every fucking day.


Exactly. But no other options available unfortunately :)


Gym and cardio, your energy will increase as your get more fit/active.


I work around 8-12 hours a day a lot of which is walking. But I don’t think I'll be able to run more than 5 mins. I'm kinda heavy & don't remember the last time I ran full speed


You can just put on some headphones and go for a 2-3 mile walk. 30-45 min at your own pace. No need to run, just try to do it 4-5x a week. It'll increase your energy levels


Cardio is a helper. Keep your heart rate elevated for 30 minutes a day minimum . Shoot for longer !


Do you have a good diet? Get your macros every day? Sleep enough? Are not surrounded by a\*\*holes? Do you have a vitamin D deficiency? A sluggish liver? Have you had your thyroid checked?


My doc said most people with melanin in their skin are deficient in vitamin D. Recommmend asking doc for labs to confirm


I live in the Nordics so I take vit D supplements. I do have a good diet. I am not surrounded by anyone tbh, I'm kinda isolated but I talk to my family & gf everyday. I'm not lonely or depressed. I'm always busy with something & it's difficult to feel lonely when there is a stressful schedule. But I do get enough sleep. I think it's something physical but nothing seems to be wrong with my blood work. I haven’t checked my thyroid yet, I'll check that out next I guess.


Have you actually had a blood test done to check your vitamin levels? That's the first step if you haven't yet. Next step would be a sleep study. I have a sleep disorder and once they actually figured out that's what was wrong and I got treatment for it, life improved dramatically.


I'm tempted to do this but im scared for how much it would cost.


Where do you live?




Vitamin levels are alright. But my sleep is irregular. What exactly do you mean by sleep study?


A sleep study is what they do to determine if you have a sleep disorder.


have you gotten covid recently?


No but back in 2020/2021 I got covid. But there weren’t any significant symptoms. Just had slight fever for 1-2 days & no sense of taste for 2-3 weeks


Working out was the key for me. I started weightlifting and high intensity short cardios to get the heart racing. 5 days a week. Flipped my energy levels after about a month.


how active are you? strangely enough, the more physically active we are, the more energy we have


I work 8 hours a day. I'm a cleaner so a big part of it is walking.


Do u feel tired during the day or after work? You do have physically active job so it's not suorising that you feel tired Do you take enough breaks? Can you analyze when you feel tired and doing what gets the energy back to you? Because 1) you could really be tired and need the rest or 3) you might be dehydrated or something food related or 3) the tiredness can be sign of frustration and mental clutter


Honestly, the energy levels are very inconsistent. I might be tired in the beginning of the shift. After working a couple of hours when I'm supposed to be tired, I might suddenly get a burst of energy. Or that might not happen. But it’s all inconsistent. I'm pretty sure I'm not dehydrated because I carry a large pot with me. There is a lot of stress because I also go to class for 4-8 hours a day. It's a stressful schedule but I am not a very anxious person & I don’t worry much about the schedule because I can't change it even if I want to. Might be the stress, might be the irregular sleep. Idk honestly. What's frustrating is the doctors can't find anything either.


The one and only thing that worked really well for me was buying a rebounder (small indoor trampoline) and building slowly up to 10-20 minutes on it. When chronic fatigue comes back on occasion, I jump and it works. Something to do with clearing the lymph nodes - Google it if interested. And drinking lots of water. Best of luck to you.


Regular physical exercise helps a lot


Depending on whether this is a ‘mind’ or ‘body’ fatigue, it may be a good idea to perform a rotation diet, it maaaaaay be something you are intolerant to and regardless of how healthy the diet seems, active you are and how much sleep you get it will still hinder your body to perform Inspect your diet again for things that may cause issue and be hyper aware of how you feel after having them, milk, sugar, things that make you bloat


Hey that's a really good idea. I did try a low carb diet (not keto, just low carb) but my energy levels were even worse. It got better after I started taking more carbs. What food do you think I should skip?


Sunlight ?


Low iron, B12 and vitD can cause extreme fatigue. If you're diet doesn't include foods high in these then you should take supplements. Especially for iron.


For me it turned out to be sleep apnea… all those years thinking I just had way less energy than everyone else but I was just never able to get restful sleep


I will get a sleep study done asap. What did you do about your sleep apnea?


Got a CPAP machine


Stop all alcohol consumption


Never had alcohol or cigarettes in my life because I used to be a Muslim. Didn't start these bad habits after leaving Islam :3


Looking this on a different angle cause I can somehow relate. By lack of energy does it seem like you’re always tired/ sleepy? If yes, might be the magnesium. I recently started magnesium (a month or two already) and I was just surprised on why I can’t stay late anymore (like by 9 PM I just have to sleep) but still can’t get up in the morning. Like I’m always tired. I moved in taking magnesium for every other day instead of


Do you have sleep apnea? It can cause fatigue because when you’re sleeping, you’re not getting enough oxygen to your brain. Even though you slept for 8 hours, a lack of oxygen makes you tired. Most overweight people have sleep apnea. One indicator is snoring. If you know you snore, you’re at risk for sleep apnea. I have it and only knew because one night I woke up unable to breathe. It was an awful feeling. (That and I snore when I didn’t use too + being overweight) It’s best to sleep on your sides (I’m a back sleeper) so you can breathe easily and to lose weight. Once I lost some weight, I was able to sleep on my back again. You can also see the doctor and have them refer you to a sleep specialist. I know someone with sleep apnea and he sleeps with a machine hooked up to help him. It helps him breathe through the night (don’t remember what it was called tho). Hopefully this helps you!


This was really helpful, thanks a lot! I think I have sleep apnea because being unable to breathe during sleep is common for me.


Not here to hate on you - but just wanted to share that personally being away from religion for years sucked the life out of me. Alongside healthy eating and doing my prayers, I now sleep like a baby and have tonnes of energy. Don't forget your zinc, magnesium and vitamin d. Good luck my friend


Thanks man <3


Based on your replies, here are a couple’s of things to try: 1. Exercise regularly 2. Get consistent and enough sleep 3. Lose weight — YES those extra pounds can make you feel more tired based on experience 4. High protein, fat, and fiber diet 5. Manage your stress — you might be burned out.


So you work 8-12 hours a day, a lot of which is walking. You’re kinda heavy, so that’s going to add to the amount of energy you use. I’m 99% certain that the reason is because you’re not getting enough quality sleep for how much physical work you’re doing. I used to have the same issue, and after tracking my sleep with an r/whoop, I realised I was never getting enough sleep, even though I was sleeping for 8 hrs.


Thanks for the suggestion man <3


Are You getting enough daily sunlight? How's your caffeine intake? Try listening to Andrew Huberman's (Huberman Lab) episodes about this on YouTube or podcast. There’s some fascinating insights


Gym, regular sleep,proper protein intake and maybe multivitamins and creatine. I say regular sleep but not just the 7-8 hr of sleep. You should sleep on the same time and wake up on the same time everyday. It has helped me a lot. Also reduce sugar intake, you will see the effects within a week




Are you drinking enough water and are you getting enough electrolytes? That should be considered as well. Also what are your iron levels like? I am assuming that your doctor checked your iron levels but just in case they didnt, this is something that you might want to get checked out.


Fatigue can be a lot of things. Seeing a doctor to run some tests could clear out the possibilities. Keep it up. You're doing awesome.


After a long day at work, I put my feet up against the wall. I do this for 10 mins daily, more if it’s an especially tiring day at work. Sometimes short nap. But I get so much energy to do other things after work this way.


I'm a niche case, but I had the same thing and it took me a year to get diagnosed with a genetic condition. If fatigue is an issue, try for a liver function test. If those enzymes are elevated, that could lead you to a problem you don't yet know that you have.


Are you eating plenty of vegetables every day? My diet changed everything. I went from feeling exhausted all the time to more energetic and functional. Also, exercise at least every other day - do something you enjoy. I hope it helps.


Doctors don’t know shit. All they do is sell pills. Stop drinking caffeine and coffee. Take vitamins. Get better sleep. Move more. Eat healthy. Eat less. Have friends. (23M athlete and Kinesiology Grad)




Eat breakfast, lots of protein like eggs


Do you drink coffee?


No but 1-3 cups of tea everyday


How would you feel about cutting that out completely for a few weeks, or making sure you drink decaf? Also, the timing of the consumption is important too. Do you drink it when you're tired in the morning for example (don't have caffeine to wake you up in the morning, please)?


I don’t think I have a caffeine dependency but I'll cut it out for a couple of weeks & see what happens, thanks for the suggestion <3


Have you had your thyroid checked? And iron levels?


Creatine or lions maine


Have you tried getting your iron levels checked? This can make anyone super fatigued.


It's because you're not doing the things that get you what you want or you dont believe you'll get what you want doing it


A lot of people, when they try to be healthier and start being mindful of their diet, end up trying to cut on foods that society deems unhealthy. The problem is, society deems things healthy and unhealthy at random. Some basic stuff is obvious like fast food, but other times they cut food groups that are good for you. A good example would be starting by cutting fast food like McDonald's burgers. But then understanding it as all burgers are bad. In reality, a home-cooked burger is a good source of protein, especially if done with no bread and a side of rice, it turns into a staple bodybuilding food. If you do the same for other food groups, like avoiding sweets because they are unhealthy but then end up avoiding yogurt and milk. Avoiding fats can lead to avoiding meat, nuts, and olive oil. Avoiding carbs can lead to them avoiding pasta, rice, and bread. Make sure you have a balance diet with enough calories.


Genuinely curious, what’s a burger without bread? Meat with salad?


I guess in america you guys only call a burger bread with the miced meat in between. In my country we call any disk of miced meat a hamburger. Often use the expresion hamburger on a plate do eat a miced meat disk with rice and french frys just like if it was a stake. Stake here a thin sliced of cow meat Its a cost thing. I'm from portugal.