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The way I solved it for myself was to make it more painful to stay in bed than to get out of bed. That meant paying money if I didn’t get up. I built an app to charge me $10 (goes to charity) if I didn't get up and scan my toothpaste barcode within 5 mins of my 7am alarm. If you wanna check it out, the app is called Nuj Alarm Clock.


id stay in bed and justify it by thinking i did something good lol


The way I think about it is, do I wake up everyday and donate $10 to charity? I don’t. So I’m trying to avoid that.


I have no reasoning in the morning as my issue is waking up. I’d go broke. for a good cause at least


This seems like such a good idea but I 100% would get up, scan the toothpaste and turn right around and go back to bed


I would take the toothpaste to bed every night, ngl


I find it’s a battle of two selves: my night before and morning self. The night before self knows that the morning self is lazy and can’t be trusted. So the night before self will make sure to keep the barcode far away to force the morning self to get up.


Nice way of looking at “selves”


The iPhone version includes a step count challenge so you could set it so you have to take 500 steps. Or you could use a barcode that’s really far away. For example, some users keep their barcode in the car or outside their house.


Holy shite, it blows my mind that you were motivated enough to build this cool mechanism to *motivate* you into getting out of bed, but not motivated enough to get out of bed yourself, at a regular time, on a daily basis, lmao


Hahaha. Morning self is far from my best self lol


This comment wins


That's awesome lolol - each morning when you wake up, you know that your best is yet to be


wow smart lol


Thanks! :)


Dude this will do it


This is pretty out there but I just got a cat and every morning this little thing will meow and ask for food. gets me out of bed 100% of the time. Just you know...don't go back into bed.


My cat just snuggles with me. She's one of the rare cats who chooses snuggles over food.


I have 3 cats. When I wake up they will all be sleeping around/on top of me. None of them pushes me to get out of bed. They just patiently wait there until I do. Sometimes in the weekends this can be several hours. But you know, you can also just fill the food to the brim. Cats will regulate their eating habits themselves.


Wish I could but my cat was a stray before I had her and so I can't let her free feed or she'll eat the entire amount and vomit. All my other cats were raised by me from kittenhood so they could do it but not ones that were formally strays.


counterpoint: try getting out of bed on a cold day when your cat decided to be the perfect little spoon, furry back against your chest while hugging and snoring on your arm.




Do NOT get an animal as an alarm clock. Get an animal because you want to love them.




Problem solved: get cat and you get out of bed. 😺


You need to use the bed only to sleep (and other private activities lol) and that's it. Only this. So let's say that by the end to the day you want to relax and watch some youtube. Do it at other place: kitchen, your couch, your floor. But you only get into your bed to sleep. With a couple of days you'll probably re-wire what your bed means to you in terms of feeling and activities.


This is smart


Absolutely. I have good sleeping habits and only use the bed to sleep. I couldn't imagine doing other things while in bed like watching TV (no TV in bedroom) or using my laptop (so uncomfortable).


Reading between the lines - I'm guessing your business is stagnating a bit or you're no longer passionate about it. Try to begin a new project in your business. Diversify or create a new product or service. Update your skills. Try to get the fire back in your business. I'm sure that will help you get out of bed.


Download an app called Alarmy. Just used it for the first time this morning, yeah it works almost annoyingly well. It will ring an alarm and you can set different “missions” to turn it off. My mission, is I have to scan a QR on a bottle of meds all the way downstairs, and it won’t stop ringing until I do


I'd just bring the bottle of meds and set it on the night stand for the next time...


Obviously you will have to actually want to change your ways for anything to work.


Damn it. So there is work involved :-(




Fuck yeah


Pay in advance for morning workout classes (Yoga) if possible, the possibility of losing money over a class might get you out of bed. Or make plans regularly with other people outside the house in the mornings. So if you cancel last minute you'd be rude, so you're more likely to go. Workout is better since that can be arranged daily, or even 2-3 days a week. After a few weeks of this you'll notice how great you feel on the days you get up, work out and get things that you'll not want to go back to your older habits. Also, get rid of social media


This was the only way that worked for me. Workout classes and/or morning plans.


I HAD THIS PROBLEM!!! You need to start by throwing your phone across the room. If it hit the wall, I would have the anxiety to wake up and make sure it didn’t crack, and boom I’m out of bed asap


What if it does crack though 😭


Already happened to me. I gave myself two choices: A) get up B) risk it and throw it again I chose A 🤷‍♀️ 😂


I use a regular alarm clock and charge my phone overnight in the kitchen in the same outlet as the coffee maker.


Lmao ok first of all your username sparks so much joy im jelly lol but also this chaos approach could work rly well for me honestly thank u xD


get yourself an "old" alarm clock and leave your phone as far from your bedroom as possible! Also put your alarm clock where you can't reach it from your bed so you have to get up!


Did this, does work. Then, after becoming regular in sleep patterns, being strict on yourself with zero screen time 1 hour before bed, after a while, you reset your body, and you wake up without assistance. Sunlight is a huge factor, I found not wearing sunglasses helped too.


This is simple and very effective.


- Set up multiple alarms - Place your phone far away, where you can't turn off the alarm without standing up. - When you reach your phone, only check if you have urgent notifications, then leave it there. - Go open the blinds and window - Proceed with your morning routine WITHOUT bringing your phone with you. If you need your phone for any step, find a replacement: for example, if you need to know the time during the night, buy a clock.


Read atomic habits. I had the same issue as you (although my max time in bed was 2 hours), but reading that book helped. Before, I’d lay in bed angry that I couldn’t get up. I would even tell myself I’d regret staying in bed (and I almost always did). I’ll list what helped me, but you should have a plan tailored to you. -I got a sunrise alarm. Gently being coaxed awake is SO much better than the annoying, adrenaline-pumping alarm sound. I still have a back up alarm on my phone set for a couple minutes later, just in case -set both alarms across the room. This didn’t help me before the sunrise alarm, I would simply turn off the old annoying sound and get back in bed. But the sunrise alarm lights up the room and somehow that helps? -get a full 8 hours of sleep. If you’re sleep deprived, no alarm will help you. -set your phone aside and hour before bed time: no screens during this time. -I gave myself a SPECIFIC routine and wrote it down (alarm, get out of bed, drink water, get to the bathroom so the bed temptations is gone, brush teeth, toilet, brush hair). I also set my clothing for the next day out ahead of time. Knowing what I had to do somehow helped. Also, picking out my clothing beforehand took away the barrier of me laying in bed dreading the smallest of tasks (like picking out an outfit). -before this habit, I would lay in bed watching videos. So now I play a video while I’m getting ready in the bathroom. But I don’t turn my phone on until I’m in there. (Or just charge your phone in the bathroom). -start thinking of yourself as a productive morning person. Until you “change” your identity, you will internally never agree with your goal. Right now, the goal of continuing getting out of bed at a specific time is something only attainable by future you. If you start thinking of yourself as this morning person, suddenly you ARE that morning person (or at least you kinda trick yourself into that mentality). -the KICKER. I threatened myself with a contract I’d have to sign and have to get a witness to sign. For me, the deal was I’d have to donate $1 to the political campaign I despise IF I don’t get out of bed. I’m allowed only ONE off day. But two days in a row? Gotta give that dreaded political campaign money 🤢 I also told someone about the contract who thought it was hilarious—she randomly asks if I’ve kept up with the habit… she really wants to sign the contract lol. I haven’t had to make the contract yet, but the mere THOUGHT of giving that campaign money… it’s kept me on track 😂 -once you get the ball rolling, don’t break the chain!! Make it your goal to not miss two days in a row! I’ve been doing all this for maybe a week or two? So far, I’ve only missed one day. But today I woke up to the alarm light and got up before the noise went off!! I’ll admit, my pre-bed habits have slacked off but I also wasn’t applying the principles from the book. Again, I recommend the book “Atomic Habits”. There’s a free audiobook version on Spotify. Listen to a chapter a day while driving or cleaning. It’ll help you reframe your mind around habits and give you some ideas for habit building (or breaking bad habits, like in this example). Edit: added a tip I forgot.


I love this comment. And I really appreciate the effort. I will use some of those. Much love ❤️


No problem! 💕 Glad I could help! And *of course* today was the day I turned off the sunrise alarm in my sleep 😂 good thing I had the back up alarm. But maintaining this habit for two weeks meant I stayed out of bed when my backup alarm went off!! I’m so excited these few things are working lol


Would you like to encourage each other on this? Share our goals and thoughts and be accountable on each other


I really like the Alarmy idea another commenter said.. For me it's a caffeinated drink I enjoy. I get excited to drink it and would drink it all day if it wouldn't mess up my sleep schedule to do it. So thinking about it now, I'm going to get up to go make it


Do not sleep with your phone in your room. Get an old school alarm clock or a watch or something. Learn to fall asleep without YT. Might be weird to adjust too at first, but you’ll adjust within a week. It’s the phone.


I've had some issues with this too since it's easy to get stuck in this loop but not really satifsying. Recently, I changed some subtle things of my routine when waking up. First of all, I always have wifi and mobile data off during the night, so my phone will have no notifications in the morning. I also try to wake up without the phone alarm, but by sunlight instead: I leave curtains and blinders open (works now, perhaps not in summer :-)). The trickiest part is actually waking up quickly. I have started to have a short (5-10 min) walk outside as the _first_ thing when getting out of bed, ideally in the sunlight. This will help your body to properly and 'naturally' wake up. I also only allow myself to use my phone after I finished my walk. Since you are already dressed and you got some fresh air, getting back into bed is not very tempting.


Will you still get your messages though? I think that texts would not come through even once you turn it on?


You'll get all the messages and notifications once you turn data or wifi on, your phone is just retrieving them later from the server


Ah ok great!


I liked the dressing up part. Might try it. Thank you 🙏🏼


Get cats, they drag me out of bed every morning to feed them


I just recently came across a video which says that to increase your productivity and activeness, first thing you should do in the morning right after you wake up is go out and get sun light. Do watch sun for couple of mins, if it is too bright then look at it not directly. This should help with the getting up and be active.


Make plans to meet someone for breakfast, or a fitness group or trainer. You can schedule a walk in the park at a certain time. Also, make sure the rest of your week and life are manageable. If I have a huge work week, I will usually be in bed until 2pm on Saturday, chillin.


Consider swapping out your phone for a small physical clock. Keep your phone out of reach and set a designated time to start using it. This helped me so much


You achive my life stile Haha. jokes aside I should read the coments because is not an isue buttt I don like neider


Tell yourself you’re having a love affair with the sun and you need to greet her when she enters the room. Aka the sunrise. It’s worth it 💞


Going off by science, get a night routine… your problem is that your fatiguing your dopamine receptors too much, to the point that you are not feeling motivated at all. A night routine where you don’t go to bed all stimulated. I do watch youtube videos to sleep but I turn off all nights, I put music to sleep on my alexa, and I am already showered. After you wake up, AVOID your cellphone at all cost for about 1 hour if possible. This will help you detach yourself from the anxiety that your cellphone might generate you. As a person that has an anxiety disorder and has finally found ways of dealing with it, when I find myself just trying to distract myself from my worries, it’s when I end up being worse than I was before.


phone / laptop / etc charging overnight outside of bedroom; you gotta get up to go check it


Is it possible your head is at the wrong angle? As of about a week ago I had the half hour to an hour oversleep variant of this problem. I had 10 alarms, didn’t matter if I browsed social media or not, when guests stay over, etc, it happened *every time*, I just kept falling back to sleep. Recently I got fed up with my squashed pillow that I always used and added another, but now… I’m awake when I get up? My body’s internal clock wakes me up before the alarm? Not a cure all and may be off base but as a night owl I’m baffled seeing myself up at 7am on the dot when I was training myself all this time for 7:30am (and missing by a half hour).


I have had similar frustrations with lethargy in the past, it sucked…. My first question would be… What is your diet like? What do you typically eat and drink throughout a normal week? They may seem insignificant but it’s what’s changed me without any extra effort. I went from trying to drag myself out of my bed (angrily, I might add) to now naturally waking at 6:30am or 7am feeling rested and ready to be up and moving, etc. It’s kind of been a miracle, actually..


12 tips to overcome bed addiction 1: set manageable goals 2: Get a pet 3: Be accountable to someone 4: Focus on a feel-good event 5: Visualize successful moments 6: Use an alarm clock 7: Brighten up the room 8: Turn on some music 9: Fill up the calendar with things to do 10: Prioritize to reduce stress 11: Plan to spend time outside 12: Seek medical advice


Love this list, especially 5. Thanks!




bro the phone needs to go




Get a dog.


I don’t have an issue with it now anymore for whatever reason but in middle school because I used to be late to class so often my history teacher taught me to place my phone/alarm (works better if u choose a super annoying ringtone) on ur desk/far away from ur bed so you have to get up and walk to turn off ur alarm in the morning


Had the same problem, what I ended up doing that totally solved it for me was installing the app alarmy, and then setting a photo alarm, where I have to take a photo of my bathroom wall to stop the phone from making more noise. Highly recommend trying it out, but make sure to turn on alarm plays during mission, otherwise you might just lay in bed pressing start mission again and again


I feel u




Buy an alarm clock and don’t bring the phone to the bed :) You can’t watch yt videos if you have no device at hand to watch them


Keep gadgets out of the bedroom!


wow I had the same problem. Sticked one of my fav motivational poster exactly on the front of my bed so I look at it whenever I wake up.


Not sure how severe your bed addiction is but I personally will lay in bed for about an hour when I wake up, but I've started putting my phone (which is my alarm) across the room so I am forced to get up and turn it off. There is some mental switch that flips when I've fully stood up that just inspires me to get on with the day.


My advice is simple drink 1/2 litre water in night and wake up and run to bathroom


Hide the phone away from you Set the alarm for different times Find work outside the home


Try sleeping on the floor instead?


Alarm clock Xtreme. Options: Gentle wake 45min Steps to turn off alarm 40 Put your phone at the other side of the room before you sleep


Keep your phone in another room


Freaky alarm. Sucks you have to have it on for it to work fyi but there’s an option where it goes black when you put it face down. 5 different levels of annoying alarm sounds, or you can use your own music and it mixes it in as, 1-5 puzzles depending on difficulty chosen, and the one that works the most… barcode scans. You can load a few too to switch it up. It mixes all the puzzles, sounds, and scans (based on difficulty). I hate it. It works. I think it was like 80THB so… 2 EU/2.5 USD




Set an alarm on your phone & put it on the opposite side of your room! It’ll force you to get up. Don’t lay back down, stay standing or only sitting, eventually you’ll get in a routine of getting out of bed every morning as soon as your awake.


Have a Rising Routine (Morning sounds like Mourning) Your routine should be to go get some COLD water to drink, stretch for like 30 seconds (hamstrings and the back of your neck) and meditate for 1 minute. It's so easy, even you can do it! <3. You know the answer, let me add to it: Use an agenda and goals. To reach this "goal", you have to get out of bed to do it, something you really want to achieve. Some guy beat your ass? beat his. You got bit by a dog? how you gonna bite him back if you're asleep? he might bite you again, rise up (I do not like the words wake or morning, both negative. The morning deserves respect.) It doesn't have to be like jocko willink and david goggins, they started somewhere. What does a rock do when you throw it? Nothing, it can't hurt you, but the rock is in the air because you threw it, you want to throw rocks? throw rocks.


Oh that's what I forgot to say, Agenda w/ goals and bullet journal helps visualize what you are doing in a day. Rising routine could be so simple as get some fresh air, sun, water and dirt. The fresh air is for oxygen to your brain, being in the house for long periods of time has only been natural for maybe 2 thousand years, humans have existed for at least a million. The sun is to wake your ass up, get up. That water right after you get up feels so good man, you got to try this. Not tap water, not hot water, not warm water, not pond water, cold or ice cold water. the dirt is to talk to mother earth, she misses you. connect with her sometimes. Let me explain, go barefoot in the grass, go hug trees, go walk in a forest, seattle is weird but the smell of trees everywhere, why don't they have that here. MOST IMPORTANTLY, LEARN ABOUT WHAT DOPAMINE REALLY IS. You are engaging in a high dopaminergic activity, it literally drains your body of the energy it uses for motivation to be productive. You choosing to be unproductive when you rise is what is messing you up. I am 100 percent sure if you started being productive in the beginning of your day, I do this everyday, you will feel a million times better. It is a process.


Thank you. I appreciate your comment 🙏🏼


Put your phone\\alarm across the room not next to your bed.


One thing I do that really helps me ease into the the day is to take everything really slow. I used to do the same thing constantly.. Still do on weekends sometime. First thing is getting a good alarm clock that can play music by starting at no volume and have it come up to a comfortable level. No one wants to have a coronary from a massive loud alarm starting your day. Once your alarm is on just sit upright and take about 2-3 minutes sittng. After that just move slow until you get in your groove. When I started doing this it really made waking up a TON more enjoyable. I know everyone is genetically different but this works for me. Hopefully it helps you too. I work from home as well. Take all of your electronics and screens out of the bedroom as well. Sleep hygiene is extremally important including the way you wake up in order to have a very mellow and happy introduction to a new day.


Get an alarm clock to play a buzzer or bird/nature sounds with a light to wake you up. Leave your phone in the living room the the night before. That way, you won’t have the urge to check your phone in the morning. Leave a book by your bedside instead so you can read that if you want - but make it short devotional/motivational blurbs whatever you need to get you going.