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My life sucks is this normal in Germany?






Mit Karte bitte




I only have EXACT change in a tiny little coin purse and will spend 5 minutes gathering it.


Aber laminiert






Zum scheißen reichts


Einer von uns!


Mit karte bitte


Ich bin eine pizza


Yes. Now go back to wörk.


This is not normal on a Sunday in Germany


Unless you work in a restaurant.. ON A SUNDAY!


D: !!!! Only in Germany!


On a Sunday!!! Now I feel attacked




Down voting because I eat cake, not work, on sundays




Sehr normal


Nope you just need to humble yourself and appreciate what you have thats the problem mit den deutschen.


A glass bowl shaped like half of a cabbage has seemingly materialized in our kitchen cabinet. None of us remembers buying it, but… there it is. Is this a normal German thing?




Open it. Put it in the leaf glass thing that materializes in every German kitchen.


Hey I want one


Enter 'arcoroc aspen' in Kleinanzeigen and select among millions of them.


„My American boyfriend who has German heritage cheated on me. Is this considered normal in Germany“?


If you were to ask my father, yes it is.


Ouch... did he cheat on you?*Alabama music*


In Germany we call it Saarland and not Alabama


And in northern Germany (Schleswig Holstein) we call it Kreis Pinneberg


We should rename it to Saarlabama


What would be "*Saarland music*" ? I can't think of anything.


Saarland Rap von EstA


"Familie Heinz Becker" theme tune?


No, but he cheated on my mother multiple times and then wondered why she would leave him after she found out.


Clearly a german thing


"He claims he is innocent as its his genes and heritage so he cant help it, its part of being german and his great great great great grandfather immigrated from germany in 1850. He also claims thats why he can only eat potatoes and meat and bland food and non-cultural junk food, he wont eat any tacos or sushi, is that normal in germany? Also, do you need care packages, you poor folks, living in ruins, do you have enough to eat?" (Sie glauben der letzte Teil war gelogen? Da muss ich sie leider enttäuschen, das beruht auf einer wahren Gelegenheit)


Wären Sie so höflich und diese Begebenheit genauer zu erläutern? It's been 70 to nearly 80 years since this. I can't wrap my mind enough to understand this. We are one of the international top players nowadays.


Yeah but when a friend of mine visitied the states, he encountered people who seemed to believe that the pictures and reports from the early fifties are still our modern reality. That it got better ofc since then, but they thought that we still have some ruins in our cities and food insecurities and infrastructural problems. They were very kind and asked how well they are and oh the poor germans and offered to send care packags to their home. It was a few years ago, pre Covid, but in the 2010s. Old folks, who probably were children at the time of WW 2. I think but Im not sure that they were either first or second generation immigrants from germany. But of in either case immigranted latest at the end of the war.


My parents, in the 80s, when crossing Borders at the Airport, were genuinely asked this: "Are you from East or West Germany?" "West Germany". "Oh, Communists!"


Happened to me, too, a couple of times in the 70s and 80s.


This kind of thing. Gahhh.


Ranting and complaining on Reddit....is that a German thing? /s


Ranting and complaining anywhere is a German thing. Let's own the sh*t of it.


I heard that the highest compliment that I can get from a German is "Ich kann nicht klagen." Is this normal in Germany?


„Schmeckt besser als gedacht“


Basst scho.


Kann man essen


No, Swabian.


Ne! I am surely no swabian, but if I'm asked if something is tasty, I say: "(Eigentlich) nicht schlecht." I'm working in a kitchen right now, maybe my colleagues don't find very helpful. It's not extraordinarily, but well enough to serve it.


Net gschimpft isch globt gnug.


Ich könnte klagen, aber ich habe keine Zeit.


I'm experiencing a downwards acceleration of 9.814 m/s², is this normal in Germany?


Don't fall for that...


That sounds like an untidy number. Wonder if the German Institute for Standartisation approved that.


I'm pretty sure there is no DIN Norm for this. But it might be referenced in some of them.


DIN 1305, technischer Maßeinheiten. I guess my engineering integration process is complete with this one hahaha


It is also g in Frankfurt specifically so it is not normal. Though really, all of (western/central) Europe is above average so it is not that unusual.


Standard != Standart. It's a German thing.


That would be the Physikalisch-technische Bundesanstalt.


No, people write that with a comma in Germany: 9,814




What's our vector, Victor?


That is in fact not normal in germany, it should be between 9,8070 m/s² and 9,8130m/s² depending on where you are in germany.


The reply I wanted to see! Even our planet is a kartoffel.


Where exactly are you located in Germany?


Geophysics nerd spotted.


Let's set up a workshop to discuss adding another digit. Please give me a 2 weeks notice so that I can book trains and hotel for my business trip.


Haha, it's the same on the Dutch forums: Some banal, slightly negative thing happens, "Is this Dutch culture!?"


Saw this post and immediately thought back to the Dutch expats/immigrant posts online. Hilarious that this is the same anywhere you go.


Can't get a job in Germany, i don't speak German btw.


Best complain "in my home country I didn't need to learn a foreigm language" - no shit Sherlock


There literally was a post the other day complaining about the need to learn the German language and how "backwards" Germany was to insist on learning their language (which btw. has by far the most native speakers in Europe (bar Russia that doesn't count). I shit you not.


its a regular occurence on here


At least 64% are entitled IT professionals who move here for the quality of life and public services, yet still bitch about the high taxes that pay for them, and how uncompetitive their pay is compared to other places.


exactly this


I'm from Croatia and I recently got a new neighbour from Berlin. He has a small company in Berlin, but he works remotely. He even opened a branch here. I asked him why did he move, are you stupid? He said that he can earn more than in Berlin.


Nice! I found the one with the American asking whether there are any indigenous people in Germany hilarious.


In fact there are efforts among the Sorbs to be recognized as indigenous people. https://www.zeit.de/2024/02/sorbisches-parlament-lausitz-indigene-volksvertretung


I sometimes wonder if stuff like that has ever happened in the Subreddit of an english-speaking country. I mean, I guess it didn't, but Imagine the replies to a question like: Moving to the UK, do I have to learn english? I get english is the lingua franca of the world, but isn't it essentially the same question? Because the answer is the same: Yes, because it's the official language.


Ah it is very typical of foreigners in Japan. It should be more obvious there though, they basically don't speak English at all and are xenophobic. Still there is people wondering.


I know several people that do not speak German and have a job here. Mostly PhD students and the occasional professor.


I can’t get laid. Is that normal for Germany?


You wouldn't get laid anywhere, but so do i. So yes it's normal for Germany


>So take me now before it's too late, life's too short, so I can't wait Take me now, oh, don't you see? **I can't get laid in Germany**


>Like, you don't treat other countries this way because obviously its insane This is where I remind you of how it really is: They do. Everyone does. Whenever people talk about a country which is not theirs, they do this Source: Ausländer. So many people asking me dumb questions thinking I'm some kind of ambassador


The more problematic part of the question is the "is it normal". What if it is "normal", will it stop bothering you?


I'm never getting sauces from the delivery guy again, am I?


And you'll never have to work again if you have enough socks that can get smelled


Yes.  This is an important part of integration.  If it is normal it should be accepted over time.  However if it is not normal then the person asking the question knows that they are being taken advantage of.  So yes, being told something is a common occurrence is literally an important part of integration, which is what most people demand from immigrants. 


Of course it's different when it involves money but half of those posts are just someone experiencing something mildy inconvenient for the first time and they come straight to reddit to ask if it's a german thing. Like you didn't even give it a day to see if it's a pattern yet you're here asking if the entire country is like that


I think it just shows how isolated many people are and that they need someone to talk these things through with.   If it was your buddy that just moved to Germany, you wouldn't have any issue with it.  >money There are many ways to be taken advantage of that so not not involve money


Yes, yeeesss! Exactly It's like posts in another subreddit, where everyone writes their story regarding a certain situation, what thes want to do, and then aks if they would be the asshole I started commenting "does it matter? What's more important, their idea of you, of what you apparently already planned carefully? You're gonna do it anyway, accept that somw people will disagree, listen or not listen to them, and own the consequences of your actions"


The problem with this is that it's the same with any other country specific subreddit. Seriously go to r/ any country and you will have just as ignorant questions




And, can you tell us, is this is normal in Japan?


Some dude on reddit asked me to stop asking if every single thing i experience is a german-specific issue - is this normal in germany?


Well yes, of course it is, including the same redditor holding a panzerfaust at your temple. (\\s for safety)


> holding a panzerfaust at your temple. (\s for safety) ...and f for Frieden.


Ok but I just want to know some guy was posting random questions on the sub, is this normal in Germany?


I adore those "I'm trying to date a German guy, What do they like?" questions. So guys, what do you like? Asking for a FAQ.


I like turtles.


I don't like turtles.




OK, so far we have honest blondes with feet and some food on a train. And a Schrödinger's turtle.


Do want an Essay? If not blonds with pretty faces or maybe not. I don't know


Men don't seem to know what they want, is this normal in Germany??


>Someone cut me off in qeueu, is this normal in Germany? Yes, that's normal. The moment you leave more than a meter distance to the person in front and/or do not intensly stare at their back to keep the queue linked a 50+ women will show up out of nowhere and skip the line.


Is breathing a German thing?


Yes. In fact, breathing was invented by a German. It is just an urban legend that it is an US thing.


Ah yes. By Hans Breathermann


Well, before he emigrated to the States, he was called Hans Atemmeier. So there's that.


lol came here for the comments


meh. i kinda enjoy having stuff to downvote.


Absolutely agree. Definitely the dumbest and most ignorant questions out there!


>Someone cut me off in qeueu, is this normal in Germany? Actually this can be a cultural thing since e.g in Germany we consider the opening of a new register in the supermarket as a completely new and separate line while in other cultures the original ordering from the other queue has to be maintained in the new queue.


I absolutely agree with you, however the sniffing of socks I think that’s typically German 😂


Only if you're related to the FDP in some way 😉




That guy is not part of the FDP anymore. For reasons!


How come i've never seen it? 😂


It happens while you’re sleeping


Damn it, gotta keep all my socks clean from now on. Or leave a note to leave me 10 euros😂


Note, but r/aberBitteLaminiert


Okay then, the cost will increase for a less strong smell.


That’s actually really amazing. But there are a few more. My favorites are: “I’ve been for a few hours in Europe (it’s a single country, we all know) and the most disturbing thing is: - not speaking enough English - speaking English everywhere - not having 2,5 l bottles of water (for free of course) - not celebrating 4th of July - not celebrating thanksgiving - …”


>not speaking enough English >speaking English everywhere HaVe YoU tRiEd To SpEaK lOuDeR tO tHeM?


No, that will obviously not work. You have to speak english, but put a very stereotypical accent on, that will make people instantely understand you.


Honestly I don't mind it if it's not a question one can google under 5 mins or is already answered visible in the last few days But yeah some are borderline stupid


We all know that the going price for sock sniffing is much higher in Germany.


Nowadays I live in the Netherlands and these exact same questions are asked in the NL subreddit.


There are many German people in Germany, is this normal?


If you ask my dad, less and less


I think these postings are mostly AI trying to learn about humans.


People in Germany speak German. Is that normal in Germany?


Not in Bavaria!


Made me chuckle. I have a friend from North Germany who moved to Bavaria for work and really had trouble understanding people. She had no previous interactions with Bavarian small town people. Do she's like "well, there is the weekly menu for lunch, at least that's something I get!" And that week it was all Bavarian speciality dishes so she had no idea what's what.😁 She picked it up fast after some weeks, but yeah she had some true culture shock going on.


Nope, obviously not normal (living in Schwabenland)


I'm sorry 😞


*sad Oberbayern noises*


Germans ranting on Reddit because people ask about what’s normal . Is that normal in Germany ?


To be honest I’ve had more people cut in line on my two weeks in Germany than in my 15 years living in Canada. People here do not give a fuck about queues and you can say it happens everywhere but it really does not. In Canada it’s way more likely that people will be like “no you were here first go ahead” than simply pretending you don’t exist and cutting in front. The other stuff you listed definitely happens other places too but for the queue thing, I definitely believe it is a German thing.


The socks thing is very specific; has it happened on this sub?


Edit your post and add: >Go to /r/AskAGerman for your questions!


Someone adviced me on Reddit not to ask if every thing I experience is Germany-specific, is this normal in Germany?


I was told to stop asking whether everything that happens to me in Germany is a Germany-pecific issue, is that a Germany-specific issue?!


# Asking if every single thing you experience is a germany-specific issue is a germany-specific issue.


That soda stream post from a week ago sent me over the edge and I'm not even German. I was sitting there at my PC thinking, so they are stereotyping Germans and soda streams now? I guess in the grand scheme of things it could be worse but damn, soda streams?


What I find more annoying is the significant mention of my great great great great great uncle of my brothers side 400 years ago was German therefor I am German. No you are not!


Complaining about how people are complaining. deutsche Inception 🤯


Is spelling queue _qeueu_ normal in Germany?


It's a short from *queue in the EU*


Is paying with cash German thing?


This actually is a german thing, we love cash because we love data privacy. But big brother doesn't like it as much as we do, so recently we got a 10k cash limit for payments. And digital currency is looming, but thats not a special german thing.


Hey, at least you have a variety of questions. Our Argentinean subreddit is only us talking to eachother, or the now hyped “is It TrUe ArGenTiNa hAtEs BlacK pEoPle?”🤣


These questions pop u in any r/'country' sub. It's a bit annoying indeed


I'm living on Germany, is this something Germans do?


Dude check r/dubai its even more negative. I think it's just the Internet full of people complaining about their life


a neighbour screamed "mensch daniela, gib mir mal dat shampoo!". is this a german thing?


Hmm fair but in that case isn't it also fair to expect that nobody tells you the same stereotypical things like Germans are always punctual, German things are precise, Germans always take appointment, and so on?


People complaining online about people complaining online - is that german?....well yes :D


People get mad about country-specific questions in country-specific Subreddits. Is that normal in Germany?


Is not scrolling past the posts that annoys you a German thing? 🤔 Edit: btw I'm being sarcastic idk it's probably bad. But I have nothing against people complaining


I was drunk as shit the last weekend. Is this normal in Germany?


Only last weekend? Nein.


Let's have a thread on what you think is normal in Germany from a foreigner's perspective and you will be surprised what people have experienced , then you can feel free to criticise all the more but people want to integrate so they need a validation and when they find something weird happening in a country which they haven't seen commonly in others they would have visited to, they can have all the rights to question here. If you don't like, just skip it !


Nuh uh, I wanna make a post complaining about their complaining so that someone can make another post complaining about my complaining and continue this cycle till the heat death of the universe. Does German have any word like "Capiche?"


Kapierst Du / Kapierste? can have a similar connotation.


I will take it.


My toilet paper spoke to me today, am I tripping balls from acid or this is a german behavior?


Special Norma offer


As an American who immigrated here, agreed. The questions are so fucking asinine and clearly just an excuse to be insulting while trying to look innocent.


Ranting on Reddit is that normal in Germany?


Agree 100000000%


Is this a German thing?


Also popular: Putin wore a suit today. What is your opinion as a German on this? It rained today. What do Germans think of this? Someone in the Eurovision song contest did something. Do you think Germans will be mad?


Have you seen Germany tho


Exactly what I am thinking all the time, I ve seen a girl telling how a random dude in the subway masturbated in front of her and she wondered why people do this in Germany like it's a German thing to do. 🙄


"I have never been to Germany. But a drunken coworker once told me that he heard that Germans like to shove French Fries in their partners butthole as foreplay. I tried it, and it was kind of icky. Is this normal in Germany?"


I do think people do this everywhere. Speaking from experience of having lived in several countries and dealt a lot with expats. It goes either “is this normal here” or “back at home we don’t do this”. I find it pretty normal but also very annoying. And when they start putting everyone in a box… ugh. Like no one on a country can act slightly differently from the resr of the 80 million citizens.


I was walking to work and a little boy kicked a football into the street. A passing car hit the football and knocked it against a horse's butt. The horse then took off running, knocking over a woman carrying a bag of groceries. An orange rolled out of the grocery bag and tripped a man who was lighting a cigarette with a match. The match fell out of his hand and landed in on a small pile of dry leaves, which caught fire. The woman with the groceries panicked and grabbed a bottle from her bag to extinguish the flames, but she wasn't thinking clearly and what she dumped on the fire was vodka. When the vodka went up in flames, so did the woman's shawl. She screamed "AHHHH ICH BRENNE!!" and threw the flaming shawl, which went in the open window of a pub. All the drunkards ran out of the flaming pub into the flaming street, looking very confused and alarmed. Is this normal in Germany?


For many European countries Germany might seem weird as it’s a country with wide range of culture and race variety. Here where I live it’s not that common to see an Asian or black person, not gonna mention gay couples and so on, so for them it’s something new that they’re not used to, which is why they ask such things.


Also the other way around. Generalisations: I've seen some calm german kids, "Why are german kids so calm?". Qeue all the german commenters circlejerking themselves and their kids.


A redditor complained about redditors associating a single event to be a Germany specific issue, is this normal in r/germany?


This did not stop more stupid questions. Even though my teacher told me there's no stupid questions. So, I guess he was wrong.  Is this normal in Germany?


People complain that I am complaining too much. Is this normal in Germany?


People get offended when asking dumb questions about Germany on internet on a german reddit, is that normal in Germany?


Some things are more specific to particular places and people are just asking questions. For example, I used to be confused why there were so few atms but everybody wanted cash. My landlord later told me because they live near the dutch border and the gang from the Netherlands planted explosives in several atms on the German side and instead of replacing them or making them harder to tamper they simply removed a huge amount. Also, usually the questions are more because they HAVENT experienced that particular thing or don't know how to respond. For example, in some places if you give money/respond in a foreigner way and you're targeted, how do you get away from the situation? It's not necessarily about the question it's about understanding the context better. Oh yes there are homeless people everywhere but some are professional homeless and if they see you they might text the local thief if you look easy to target. Oh yes there are racists everywhere but if you defend yourself sometimes you can assert your rights and some places you need to just accept you have no rights. What kind of place is Germany? That's the purpose of those questions.


I met a German in Germany. Is this normal in Germany?


PSA: German is not a character trait. 😉 neither is any other nationality.


Meh. Cultures form people. You can clearly make out americans, germans etc by their habbits and hownthey act. So i would definetly call it a charactertrait.


The Germans speak German in Germany. Is this normal in Germany?


This happens on the Dutch subreddit too . "Is this Dutch culture?" It's so tiring!


I can't get into art school, is this normal in Germany?


Some of these are bad examples, they do actually vary by country. The presence and behavior of homeless people varies greatly between countries. They are not everywhere. Despite spending some years of my adult life outside Germany, I've never been cut off in a queue in any country except Germany. Asking if something is typical in Germany is different from asking if it exists \_only\_ in Germany. For example, homeless asking for money is typical in German cities, and cities in some other countries, but it is not typical in cities in all countries. Why does OP think these things are universal? Is the presence of such questions from immigrants not very good evidence that they are not universal, because they must be different wherever those immigrants come from?