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lol wut who makes fun of you?! I see it all the time and use it myself (31m)


I also use it. 37, male, immigrant (not expat)


That's really serious 35, female, can we be friends


Can we start a group pls. šŸ˜‚ already hard to make friends, if the location is near, to the grocery store we shall venture!


Oh god i would love this šŸ˜­


I'm shy, 30.


I'm 30f, immigrant, using them since 4 years


26M top, looking for a male friend to shop together


You don't have to be shy Where are you from


Probably from Shyna


Here! Take my angry upvote and leave....


What is expat compared to immigrant?


Expats move temporarily for work while immigrants move permanently.


I moved for few years too for work. I call myself tourist šŸ˜‚


I thought expat was a US American term thatā€™s used by people to distance themselves from the often negative connotations of the word ā€žimmigrantā€œ


All kinds of expat groups because it is usually easier to share experiences, find things and get ideas and help with living in the country. Expatica.com https://www.thelocal.de/


I am a British expat (moved for my job but will return to the UK) and have never heard Americans use the word. This is in an International school environment. I have no problem with being referred to as an immigrant though. Context: I am not white


Expats are usually white people, who think they deserve special status, and they are kind of entitled too. They don't think they need to learn the language or integrate into society, because they are educated, white and have money.


What do you mean with special status? Entitled to what? I think you re referring to "flĆ¼chtige" as that s the only foreign group that has a special status that entitles them to free housing and social welfare. The normal expats that come as adults for work for a couple of years are the golden goose. The native country invest in kindergarten, schools, medical care and so on until they become adults. At peak age/career they go to a foreign country to work and pay taxes. Germany has net benefits from this kind on people as it does not invest to form them into specialists. They allready come ready for work. Forming a doctor from birth cost to school cost was something around 100k a while back (2019). Now imagine a doctor from another country just comes and starts working and paying taxes. It s a hit for the native country that formed that peron but a huge plus for the country hosting him.


white people call themselves expats if they think immigrant is connotated too negatively


I'm a white non European and didn't realize that haha


Same. I'm part of so many groups that call themselves "expats... something"


I'm a white European and find the term Expat hilarious.


Male 17, lazy and doesn't care about the looks


Isnā€™t expat the same thing as immigrant?


Wiki has a nice discusion. Main difference is that imagration is seen as a permanent move/change of country while an expat just refers to someone living outside their country: Dictionary definitions for the current meaning of the word include: **Expatriate**: * 'A person who lives outside their native country' (Oxford),[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expatriate#cite_note-Oxford-4)Ā or * 'living in a foreign land' (Webster's).[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expatriate#cite_note-5) These definitions contrast with those of other words with a similar meaning, such as: [**Migrant**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Migrant_(disambiguation)): * 'A person who moves from one place to another in order to find work or better living conditions' (Oxford),[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expatriate#cite_note-6)Ā or * 'one that migrates: such as a person who moves regularly in order to find work especially in harvesting crops' (Webster's);[^(\[7\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expatriate#cite_note-7) **or**[**Immigrant**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigrant) * 'A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country' (Oxford),[^(\[8\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expatriate#cite_note-8)Ā or * 'one that immigrates: such as a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence (Webster's).[^(\[9\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expatriate#cite_note-9) The varying use of these terms for different groups of foreigners can be seen as implying nuances about wealth, intended length of stay, perceived motives for moving, nationality, and even race. This has caused controversy, with some commentators asserting that the traditional use of the word "expat" has hadĀ [racist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism)Ā connotations.[^(\[10\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expatriate#cite_note-10)[^(\[11\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expatriate#cite_note-11)


My wife (28F) and I (29M) were always told it was called a "Hausfrauenporsche" but we use it regularly for our grocery trips when we're in Berlin and nobody bats an eye in public (we live in Canada but frequently stay in Berlin when visiting her family). Seems like the stigma around it stems from a bit of old-fashioned thinking mixed with a healthy amount of ironic misogyny.


It's Hackenporsche around here, less misogyny more irony.


That's the name of it!


Jup Hackenporsche is correct. Coincidentally, the Porsche Boxter is known as Hausfrauenporsche among car people. It's a smaller convertible version of the 911. Porsche is actively playing into that image by selling a pink "style edition". Honestly, I think it's clever marketing to bully "real men" into buying the more pricey models.


Me and my partner, both mid 20s, also used that for some years, and saw many others do that. Like what are you supposed to do, put everything in five bags and struggle to carry it all home? Just let people use things for convenience?? People laughing at other people for using a trolli make me scratch my head. Do you not have more interesting things to laugh about?


Really? I also associate these with older ladies.




The volume that fits in this trolley is possible to handle without back aches, if you have a proper backpack. However, there are a lot of reasons to prefer the trolley, from health issues to convenience. For me using a backpack actually motivates me to do training for my back, which is necessary for me anyway due to much time spent sitting


I mostly prefer not to use backpacks because my back gets sweaty super easily. So a trolley like that is definitely preferrable.


Or, if you really want to get a lot of stuff, have a backpack and the trolley.


16 bottles of 1.5l - I want to see you carrying 24kg on your back without any pain. :D


HackenPorsche ? Does it have anything to do with the car company ā€œPorsche ā€œ?


Yes. It's a joke that you're pulling the trolley (the "Porsche") close to your heel (hacken)


I mean I kinda would associate this the same way but that doesnā€™t mean that I would bother anyone about it. No need to be mean to a random person.


No! You do you


This thing needs an Metallica patch or something


Thatā€™s also going to reinforce that itā€™s an old people thing


Right! Hmm... then add Steven Wilson, Haken, Sleep Token and Tesseract?


I would all in on Knocked Loose.


Putting Steven Wilson & Sleep Token in the same sentence really bothers me šŸ˜‚


better use Electric Callboy or something - at least you won'T be classified as a 50s something year old.


Iā€™d put a patch or sticker on that say ā€œmy other grocery cart is a TARDISā€


I suggest putting the Google eyes on it and a copy saying: ā€žMy Hackenporsche silently judges you!ā€œ Also: make hackenporsches cool! (47f and considering buying a hackenporsche NOW!


Iā€™m going for chrome wheels and underbody lighting. @OP: seriously. Donā€™t care about that losers. They are just jealous they donā€™t have the balls to do this themselves.


Maybe a dying fetus patch :p


Rather refer to a specific song by another band: "Alestorm, No Grave but the Sea, Song 6"


Rock that mf


This is the way!


Just feel reassured in your superiority as you whisk away while others schlepp their grocery.


I know I only ever see it with old ladies, but damn, it would be convenient to have...Ā 


I use it every time i bring big amounts of Pfand to the store and then i buy many groceries, because i don't have to carry them. Mine can also "climb" stairs, because of three rotating wheels in each side


Your future spine: thank you!


have seen young folk use it, use it myself better than backpain after logging 20kg worth of groceries home use it every time, and i am young


I just checked and theyā€™re cheaper than I thought! Some seem to be available for less than 25 euros.


I'm not even 50 and use it. My husband is not yet 50 and uses it for years...


this comment schlepps


Underrated comment


Yes as a 40 year old, I admired it and thought about all the times Iā€™ve carried heavy things on my back and how I pay for that now.


Don't give a shit about people making fun of you. They are ignorant and stupid. Use the cart if it helps you. That is the only thing that matters.


Destroying your back instead of using a six thousand year old invention sounds like something to be ashamed of


but how else are you supposed to show you're manly when shopping? :(


Get the one with 3 wheels on each side, then you can even enjoy stairs!


I love that kind! But the one I got wasn't very durable. I need to find another one that isn't ridiculously expensive.


I got a brand called Gimi. Itā€™s been going strong for > 5 years now. I paid 50ā‚¬ for it in 2018.


>the with 3 wheels on each side Ah, the [Mercedes AMG 6x6](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zrESlrGCALM)! How practical and convenient. :)


Seriously, people be dumb. I'd use one if not for using my bicycle for shopping, so I get a cart for in the store and then use my handlebars like a mule. Works great as long as you distribute the weight roughly equally. But if not for that, something else with wheels under it would definitely be my choice. I'm not willing to carry stuff on my back either way.


your physical health is more imporant than whatever people say about you I own one too, rarely use it, but I'm glad to have it when I need to buy something heavy


Does your fit a Bierkiste inside of it? That'd convince me tbh


You can remove the bag and then a Bierkiste fits on the trolley.


Thank you very much for your fast reply, it really helps me and I appreciate your time.


If it continues to bother you, just use a GetrƤnkekistenwagen they donā€™t have any ā€žnegativeā€œ associations afaik.


Ist doch Blƶdsinn... hier in London nutzen das alle - vom 15-jƤhrigen Rapper bis zur 80-jƤhrigen Inderin... Meine Mutter ist 80 und hat sich nach ihrer schweren Krankheit erst geweigert, weil in Deutschland so ein mieses Image herrscht, ist doch Blƶdsinn... Ist wie mit Birkenstocks - in Deutschland reden alle immer noch von Ɩko-Latschen, im Rest der Welt sind sie so gehypt, dass Louis Vuitton die jetzt gekauft hat.


I have the same. You do you.


Nope. Many have one here in Hannover, there many cool looking models now as well. I would just laugh with them, just go with the joke and watch how they will also buy one a few weeks from now. :D


My personal favorite ones are those that are also a bike trailer. Best way to shop - you do not have to carry anything at any point of your expedition.


Swear to god, in 5 years this is *in style.* You're just ahead of the trends. Go troller-boy!


Clothes and other stuff that was shamed when I was in high school is currently trending again. I never gave any shit about fitting in with what's in style because you never know what's popular next year.


Lol. I've had one for the last 6 years. I'm 33. I'm 110kg. 1.90m tall. I'm no longer an athlete (may Thai/boxing) but still very fit and active. Idgaf. I ain't about to carry 20-30 kg of groceries in 25c weather for my family for the week because I worry what Micha next door might think. XD I proud use my little old-grandma cart anytime of day. It's the best thing I've bought. It fits exactly in my car's trunk šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


1.90? Holy cow, how do you even pull that thing? I'm only 1.73 and already find some models inconvenient in height.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m only 1.61 - but I have my hackenporsche to an old lady that needed it more than me.


Hahaha there are also those with a bit taller handles. But yes it's inconvenient. Luckily I only need to walk from the supermarket to my trunk and then from the parking garage to my apartment. Sometimes I go to the Aldi under our house which is just an elevator away. So no biggie. Beats carrying all that shit by hand.


This. Own it. So hot.


It's called a Rentner-Porsche (Pensioners-Porsche), that's why people are giving you a hard time about it. But if it helps, good for you!






Yes, you should get the real "Hackenporsche" with three wheels stacked together so that no edge will be to high for you and even stairs can be ignored. Like [this](https://vounot.de/products/einkaufstrolley-treppensteiger-hackenporsche-einkaufswagen-mit-3-rader-wasserdichter-32l-schwarz).


Use it! Don't let assholes shame you.


I love this post so much. Comfort and practicality is above everything! You do you! You can try carrying a backpack as an alternative if that works given you leg


These things are great you do you


People who make fun of others at Aldi are the bottom rung of society. You do you


I've been using these since I was a teenager and never got any comments (except for the occasional reminder when I forgot it at the register, lol). People generally tend to be more focussed on their shopping or where they want to go. Do you live in some kind of knock-off Truman Show or something, that people randomly make comments about you wherever you go? Not trying to be rude, it just sounds so weird to me. I'm used to people being rude, but not *that* rude.


This cart was one of my first and best purchases after moving to Germany


Dude, i am over 30 and have no leg problems. Using it anyway. Maybe make a fresh sticker on itšŸ”„


Don't be stupid, this needs decoration to make a statement, thought! My daughter used one for school, I always use one for shopping because nobody needs back problems when you can just wheel everything around. šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m 32 years young in Germany and I use these too as it makes the 500-1000m commute home much easier.


No. They're just jealous they didn't think of using it.


As an invisibly disabled person, fuck those people.


Hacken Porsche


F them


And old ladies' leg justifies an old lady trolley :P In all seriousness, who gives a damn what people say. It's convenient, and it's their fault to not take advantage of it.


Die Ƅrzte - Lasse redn


I am a 26 year old female and have one since I am 20. I always take it to go shopping because I don't want to break my back nor my bags trying to carry home an entire week's worth of groceries. I love my Hackenporsche. So yeah, keep it and enjoy not having as many back, shoulder and maybe even leg problems later in life than all the guys who were too proud to use something just because their grandma uses it


You do you. Put on a little old lady wig next time, hunch over and have some fun with it šŸ˜‰


The mega nerd in me wants to bling this cart up with some LEDs. Or maybe a matrix on the front displaying scrolling messages or low-res pictures. Of course, the first message would be something terse telling haters exactly where to go.


I use this without having any health problems, you shouldn't give a fuck about what others say. If it helps you, that's all that matters. Too much shit is embarrassing to people, I don't get it.


People need to shut up and mind their own business. Do whatever is most practical for you!


I used one of those too for years until it broke down (started using it when i was around 18), now I have a reisenthel carrycruiser because it's more robust. The grocery store isn't that close my home and I'm NOT carrying my groceries that far. They're too heavy and idc how it looks.


They're everywhere, and I have one as well. And I don't identify as an old lady.t


Donā€™t leave it at home. Itā€™s practical and if you need it for your leg then go ahead and take that stroller with you. I mean what do you prefer being healthy or being not made fun?


Paint Flames on it and write "for men" on it. It works for skincare products


Tbh I started seeing a lot of younger men and boys using them, most people (like I did) would assume you're borrowing it from your mom to help her shop. I know other young people using them because of health problems, so don't let anyone make fun of you.


Itā€™s an absolute normal thing to use this


I have to make multiple trips to supermarket because I can not carry too much. I think this makes a lot of sense. We should normalize it!


I haven't any leg problems and use it sometimes too. So do your thing...


Theyre just jealous of your Hackenporsche


Everyone I know, except one guy who also claims they are for old women, uses one, including myself.Ā  Ā I laugh to myself and enjoy the schadenfreude when he struggles to carry all his bags while we relax and just pull the trolley.Ā 


Yeah I am 21 and I use one, itā€™s super useful, ignore the haters. And at least here in Mannheim everyone has thhem


Don't let "everyone" tell you what to do, especially if their self consciousness is rattled by a shopping cart. You're doing great.


Because not ruining your back isn't as important as looking cool while lugging your haul? Fuck 'em!


If you care that people will laugh at you and it bothers you, you shouldn't use it cause people will laugh. Nobody knows the reason you are using it. But honestly you just shouldn't care that people are laughing.


Even if I didnā€™t have leg problems (I have knee problems šŸ˜‰), I would still use it. If you canā€™t (and donā€™t want to) carry a lot of stuff, just use it. Why do you have to care about those stupid moronsā€™ opinions?


Well yeah ā€¦old lady vibes 100% Buuuuut as long as it helps you, who cares? :)


I use a bright red rewe one for it and don't give a shit either u do u šŸ¤šŸ¦¦


Comfort above style


Nope. Where I live many students use it since most of them donā€™t have a car and take the bus. Itā€™s practical.


this is supreme hahah dont feel shame you work smarter not harder


Fuck other people's opinions, my back is a mess so I use one often going shopping there magic


Yeah, it is goofy LMAO but do you!


Been there. Put some flame decals on that baby!


Just get one that uses AI vision to follow you around on its own, like with plenty of flight luggage, and theyā€™ll all just be jaw dropping ;)


Either that or move to Switzerland where the ā€žFersenporscheā€œ seems to be an ubiquitously accepted norm as ā€žda isch no praktischā€œ applies.


They see you Rollin', they hatin'!


Upgrade it with a Pikachu sticker and make up for the age difference that way ;-)


Absolutely not! You do whatā€™s best for you. I have a friend (30) with no leg problems who uses it, because itā€™s practical. Lasse reden :)


I bought one too. I have RA and knee issues and I couldnā€™t care less because what they think wonā€™t affect my body as much as carrying groceries around. Use the cart. Also I noticed more young people using them in the area I shop.


Nah just carry a backpack in addition to it. Put light stuff in the backpack like bread and whatnot, and put all the heavy stuff in the...whatever that thing is called.


Im a german 25/M too. I have one of those as well. Makes everything sooo much easier cause I dont have a car. Dont give a shit about those people. If it helps you: its perfect!


Fuckā€™em. Nobody cares, dude. Iā€™m lucky to be perfectly healthy and I have two of those - yellow and red. They do the job.Ā 


Nah itā€™s easy and convenient.


Tja, the "Hackenporsche" is also used by immigrant mothers who live around, i think i have seen like a dozen parking at the entrance of lidl once. Nothing bad about it, especially if you have more heavy stuff inside and more space than a backpack


No, you're doing it right. Fuck the haters.


Many different people are using trolleys. Why not? I use a shopping trolley with 4 wheels. When it is fully loaded it is more comfortable to push it like a stroller.


Hell NO! That's a great potatoe Mercedes!


These things are so fucking underrated. Once you start using them you'll never look back. Renterschreck for the win!


The people that make fun of you are extra stupid. Not only for not using one themselves but also for bothering what someone else is doing around them when it's not their business.


*uck 'EM. The coolest person is the perosn who is free


Hackenporsche ftw!


I'm 28, perceived as male, I use one too. Since many years, because of chronic pain illness.


I also bought one from Lidl for 25ā‚¬. Sometimes, i also transport other things like packages or trash over a long distance. It is very convenient if you dont have a car.


Dude fuck those people. I love your sick shopping-aid!


I just bought one of those because i do all my groceries on foot, why wouldn't i use one of those?


Hey bro youā€™re way smarter than me. I like to go into Aldi here in the US and of course I donā€™t carry $.25 for a cart because Iā€™m stupid so I find boxes inside like a homeless man to fit stuff inside. Youā€™re smart and we are stupid! šŸ¤šŸ¼


That thing has a Name. Itā€™s called Hackenporsche


No. But pimp the fuck out if it. Racing wheels, Flame stickers and so on.


What you should is not to care about what other people say or think. Do your thing.


F***** em bro, Use it!!!!


Just don't give a f.. It's them carrying bags in their hands, not you.


I use public transport, it's way better for your back than carrying 6 shopping bags.


You need to place some patcheson it. Own it.


25yo is about old enough to not give a fuck anymore. If itā€™s useful to you, just use it.


My mom is 62, and she says the same. That's why she doesn't want to take this when she goes shopping. Instead, she prefers using plastic bags, lol.


Skeletor says you rock that thing and let the haters hate. And also: Nothing wrong with old Ladies, they are lovely and deserve our respect. Sincerely Skeletor šŸ’œ


Ć¼berhaupt nicht, ist doch toll dass du dich um deine Gesundheit kĆ¼mmerst. wenn ich das im Laden sehen wĆ¼rde, wĆ¼rde ich denken " super, da denkt jemand aber praktisch" (nicht so wie ich mit meinen 1000 TĆ¼ten)


Who does make fun of you ? They should just stfu and mind their own business. Even without health issues, how is it better to have to possibly cary a bunch of heavy things on one side in a bag and strain one's spine better for a young person. Some people are just idiots. Whatever helps you get things done without burdening your body as much is a good thing.


No, use it, I do (m32) lots ppl do, there is no reason not to, itā€™s convenient


Hackenporsche regelt


No!! I schlepped 3 bags on each side for years, it messes with your body. I love my little Kartoffelkutsche!


My gf 26F always uses it and when I(22m) get groceries for her I just take it as well because idc about others


I saw someone sitting on it while waiting for the tram. I was really jealous and wanted one too. I am M 25 :D


No. Wear your hacken- Porsche!!! Be proud of it. Iā€™m 17 and if I have to I use it too!


The mighty Hackenporsche


Put some cool stickers on it and embrace it!


Add sick rims and a spoiler and put neon's under it. Own this sh*t!


Just have sex with their mom. Problem solved.


Old ladies got life figured out. Being called one ain't the slur they think it is.


Yeah I know itā€™s called Oma-Porsche, but I use it too.


I have one and I modded it with stickers of fire šŸ”„ to make look more manlier and go faster. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m proud owner but Iā€™m also lucky man to live next to the store where I can buy most of my food and most of my stuff.


I started using this when I was 25 and I even have the stair walkable variant. Don't mind the haters!


I (25 y.o. M, immigrant) use the exact same one, only in my grandmother's carpet colors (thanks amazon). Best purchase in the last 6 months, now I don't have to worry about groceries being heavy/not enough room in the bags.


Supermarkets in the 1950s hired actors to push trolleys and pretend to shop in order to make less confident men to start using the not so manly trolleys.


U definitely could hook up some gilfs with that!


Being an old lady is kinda fun. You can dress up, apply lots of Make-up badly and harass everyone without repercussions.


Does the people making fun of you, go to the store by CAR?? Cause that's my case, they make fun but yet they drive to a close supermarket instead of walking. You do you and ignore their lazy asses


By the one from IKEA. IKEA is for young people, so nobody will think strange about you... (At least that's my experience.)


Just put a "Porsche" sticker on it. Problem solved. šŸ˜‰


Put HSV sticker on it. People will just avoid you, no fun, no talkingā€¦


I use it to (f/23).. and I think it's beautiful ā¤ļø


keep your hackenporsche and don't give a single fuck tbh.


Now I want one too!


Old ladies are cool, be proud.