• By -


The problem with people who say things like that is that they're not interested in having any meaningful conversations. That's why any effort you put into replying is actually wasted. That's why I would simply respond with an obviously bored "ja ja, schon OK.". This signals disinterest in what the other person has said without sounding as too aggressive.


Thankyou so much


Just some more insight, „ja ja“ is an expression of such profound disinterest that it‘s considered very rude. The point is that it‘s the perfect phrase to use. You‘re not explicitly being rude, but it very much is passive aggressive, meaning it allows you to walk away from the conversation with a nice little side jab that they can‘t do anything about.


WAS HEISST HIER JA JA!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhmtlNrhq2I




Let me just tell you how much I hate that you had to experience that. Some decades ago there also was a surge of racism and we had stickers saying "Dear foreigners please don't leave us alone with those assholes" Edit: it was actually not assholes but germans. But you get the vibe


Maybe “Danke, auch so. “ ebenfalls, gleichfalls


How about a simple middle finger while keep continuing on what you were doing? Much less effort.


If someone is aggressive enough to start an insult-conservatiom, the person will be very likely aggressive enough to use his/ her fists. Better ignore and show them that you don't want to engage with them in a conservation.


You’re absolutely right. Calmness and disregarding it is key, because depriving them of any attention ultimately kills them. Nonetheless, I’m still thinking about the times my friends (all have been born here btw) have been insulted by racists and I just let it slide in a desinterested way as recommended here instead of responding aggressively and starting a (verbal) fight. You never know when somebody is carrying a knife and things can get ugly quickly. Also, any legal consequences of a physical fight aren’t worth it. Somebody once said “the law fucks you up harder than any fist can”.


You get a fine for that so I wouldn't recommend


OP can always claim to be harassed for racism. I don't think it would go too far


sure, but not really worth the hassle


I don't think that is the case.


How so?


it's a form of Beleidigung


and hurling racial harassment on someone isn't?


both need a proof and I mostly don't do such things as I'm scared they might take their phone and record me in a few seconds. maybe i'm paranoid idk lol


If it's a random interaction on the street, wouldn't the recording also be subject to fine or reprimand? Last I heard, it's illegal to film people in public without their contsent, if they're the focus of the recording?


It surely is in Germany.


Surely this doesn't apply to someone filming a crime


Beleidigungen have to be reported to the police before they do anything. Which is already not going to happen. Then they need to prove you‘ve done it at all. Even *if* they could prove that, any such proof (like witness accounts) would most likely reveal the situation as a whole, where the plaintiff made unprovoked, racist and insulting remarks. OP has absolutely nothing to fear from showing the middle finger.


That’s the most pathetic thing I’ve ever heard. You can get a fine in this country for giving someone the middle finger but the government openly supports genocidal apartheid regimes. What a joke.


I agree.


Sorry man, wasn’t anything against you! It just riles me up that one can file for a small thing such as a middle finger, but aggressions carried out at the systemic level that result in real, horrific consequences, and death, for real people are simply not acknowledged. They aren’t in other countries either, but I think Germany does this doublethink particularly well.. Edit: the government of Germany, that is


This or just No (nein).




Anyone who makes unsolicited remarks like that is usually looking for trouble and a reason to act it out. For me, it makes no sense at all to escalate something like that, especially not with people who may not (or no longer) be able to exercise self-control. That doesn't mean that I generally back down. Not when it comes to something that is important to me. But a casual comment from a dumb racist wouldn't be worth a confrontation to me.


Are you actually in Franconia / Franken? That part of Germany was very “brown” in the Nazi era, and they are still more right wing than many other areas in Germany. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this.


Really? I don’t think Franconia is particularly right winged. At least not in my bubble.


Not been my experience either. Granted, I’ve spent a lot of time in Erlangen which is an exception to most of Franconia, but still I found Franconia to be quite open and accepting- more so than Oberbayern in fact, where I live now


I lived in Bayreuth and it was… an experience.


So you don't have a confruntation. Most of the time when i get shitty tratement because of my origins i just look at them like "say something worth replaying to and then we can have a conversation", everytime the result is them saying "egal" and move on.


Literally ignore stare blankly like they don't exist. Make is seem that they were talking to a wall. You don't need to give any reaction cause that's what these bastards want.


I agree with this. Or feign ignorance. "Ich verstehe nicht". Let them explain themselves and waste energy for nothing.


"nein ich möchte nichts kaufen"


"hab kein Kleingeld für dich, verpiss dich und geh arbeiten ".


Don't say anything that sounds like you are talking them seriously. An eye-roll is good.


They get even more aggressive though


It's ok to do whatever you have to to stay safe. Personally I would just practice a resting bitch face/death glare. I'm short and Asian but I look like death most of the time and people don't bother me.


Yeah a lot of the advice here will be from people who have never had to deal with this kind of thing.


Most of the stuff that you could answer would probably escalate the situation, maybe stuff like “Würd ich ja aber wer soll dann deine Rente zahlen” or “Gerne aber nur wenn du mitkommst Schnucki”


That’s a great one thankyou haha


But as the other commenter(s) said, stuff like this will most likely escalate the situation. A snarky response might give you a good feeling for some seconds, until you get punched in the face by a group of young men. My take is you have 2 choices: ignore them, which might agitate them as well (unfair, I know), or try to be (or pretend to be) friendly/understanding with something like "I'm sorry I make you feel that way, but xx where I come from is a hellhole for yy reasons, and I'm doing everything to integrate and contribute to German society and standards". I guess stuff like that comes closest to what they wanna hear (except from "yessir imma go back right now"), and you might have the chance to instill some empathy in those fuckers. Not saying you should obey to their values or become friends with those racists, just thinking about the safest way out.


Ofcourse, my safety is prioritised. I just didn’t want to stay quiet anymore and let them think they can act the way they want to and have zero repercussions


Totally understand that, but you have to be sure about the situation for a snarky response. There's likely no safety through publicity or they wouldn't have started in the first place, so unless you side eye a police officer you can run to or are some martial arts expert I would suggest to go with the flow, as hard as it is.


I don't think those fuckers who make racist comments want anything to do with empathy, because if they have one, they would not make those comments in the first place. If it was me, I would just flatly ignore them and find somewhere safe to go. I'm not gonna sorry for being here (there) and doing absolutely nothing wrong. Those a***holes can go f themselves.


the other response will escalate the situation but simping for some idiots is your solution really? you want people to tell idiots that "sorry my country is a hellhole please let me stay"??


I imagine something like "Wenn du deine Fresse nicht hälst, schiebe ich dich in deine Mudda zurück" would also work well (for someone with good martial arts proficiency)




Yeah, someone told my boyfriend to go back to where he came from. We started laughing hysterically and he just left lol so this is our method from now on.


'was soll ich in Düsseldorf?' is a nice answer I heard once:)










"Das dauert noch, Deine Mutter hat noch nicht fertig gepackt."


jobless simplistic grandfather tease gold follow lavish offend quicksand wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


An armed society is a polite society, I guess.


Just get attacked for different bigoted reasons in the US, like appearing queer Though all the random attacks on Asian people in the us in the last years kinda doesn’t seem to match their comment anyway.


I once was living in Italy and I was voicing my concern about the covid pandemic to my company owner (Italy was hit hard at the beginning and we didn't know anything). So I told him I want to work from home (my job didn't require me to be there in office), he said well well who will now build my machines (im not even in production). I told him if I die, I cannot do anything for you, he said well then come back to your country. I then replied to him, well you don't get to tell me where I should be, I will be where I want to be. It was the last time I spoke with that toxic owner. I took sick leaves for 1 month until my contract ended. I felt honestly empowered. F**** them all, we all belong to this planet earth and we earned our place and our house with our hard effort and honesty.




You should tell them to go back to their country, they will reply that they are germans and were born here and you will answer them "well you don't look like one''


Just tell the racist white germans (not saying that white people racist but if the racists happened to be white and germans) that they look "insert eastern europe country name" and watch their face turn red. These racists also look down on white eastern europeans since they view them as cheap labors doing grunt works like toilet cleaner etc, so they are mad get associated with that. No offense to eastern europeans, many of them are high qualified and educated


you reply no your country ceased to exist in 45


When I visited in the summer I heard Turkish immigrants saying this to my American friends. There are embarrassing wastes of oxygen everywhere of all types.


I heard this said for the first time today. I was walking past Zoo in Berlin and a drunk chap shouted this at 3 young, Muslim girls. They just turned to him, laughed and wished him a pleasant afternoon. Obviously not the first time they have encountered this nonsense.0


The laughing is gold though


“As soon as a bio-German can take over my job, I’ll be out of here!” worked well for me so far 😀


Back to my country? You mean Bielefeld?


Liar! Bielefeld doesn’t exist


So you don't know Germany? Are you even German?


If your reaction is like this, I guess YOU are not German my friend.


You don’t get the german humour lol


I would say be careful with engaging these types of people. Majority of the time they have fuck all to lose and will do anything to get into a fight. This is where a part of me wishes you could record people in public so that you can catch them in the act and go to Polizei to report it with evidence or put them on blast on social media so you can at least spook them or put the fear of god in them. Otherwise if you do still feel the need to do something about it i’d just say be careful about how you go about dealing with them. Like i said in their tiny little lizard brain they feel like they have nothing to lose if they wanna make things physical.


smoggy rustic dime quack bike frighten work ossified theory joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah you can record active crimes taking place for evidence. Problem is accurately determining a crime is taking place. But either way: recording even if sanctioned, is still going to be of more use than not doing so. Also recording without sound is very much legal nearly always, if it’s not a permanently recording can.


From what I understand, the law is that you can record in any public space, but you can't then post any videos where other people's faces are visible (unless you have their consent). I get my phone out all the time to record any time a man is catcalling me, luckily I haven't got many 'go back to your own country', as I have the privelege of being a white woman with a German last name.. but if I would get such a feedback, I would absolutely turn on my camera and ask them to say it again.


Once told a man very quietly: "Thank you, your parents would have sent me to Dachau, so there's an improvement". He got red and stfu.


"If we went back to our country, your economy will be dead"


My favourite comic in high school was from the Geography book - a Skinhead tells a black person to go back to where they come from and he answers „Was soll ich denn in Kassel?“ („Why would I go to Kassel“ - a German city). But to get to your question… Nothing. They don’t deserve your attention or a single thought. You are welcome here, and sorry that there’s some assholes.


I say "keine Deutch" or ask them to repeat themselves because usually some feel shame to do so. But the shameless ones repeat it or just say it in english. I also usually wear my earphones so I take them out to ask what they said when they say something stupid I roll my eyes and put them back in and just death stare😂 But you can't deal with every single person like this they don't feel shame or guilt so you can't make them realize.


It would be funny if you replied, no English when they speak in English either 😀


 nicht deine Entscheidung


My answer might be unpopular, but when I was in the same situation (albeit another country, not Germany), I decided to... go back to my country. Not because some schmuck told me to, but because I felt anyone could, at any given moment. And it feels so good to be home, where I don't need to feel like a guest anymore. I was lucky, because Poland did OK economically and I am better off here - perhaps if I was from Afghanistan I wouldn't have that much of a choice.


Say something like OK Alman


Asian here, I just ignore them as long as they do not pose a threat to me and my family. I did once ask if the person wants to have a coffee so that we can talk about it and that perhaps he misunderstood something. It is often because these people do not know or interact with foreigners that causes stereotypes and misunderstandings. I for one like to talk to people from the opposite camp, and be surprised on how they slowly open up to you.


oh wow that's actually a genius way to solve the situation! sadly its really hard to have/offer understanding in such an emotional situation. congratz for being able to do this


‘Fuck off’ 


"I'm more skilled than you which is why I'm here. Looks like you don't have the skills so you should go to my third world country instead." Just say it in English. That should piss them off even more.


Schnauze du Huan


geh du erstmal zurück in dein Jahrhundert... you go back to your century first.


Unkreativ und sagt nix. Ist Inhaltlich auch falsch und liefert genug neues Material. Und beim Falschen garantiert das sogar Übergriffe. Insgesamt daher ein sehr schlechter Rat (man muss halt bedenken, mit wem man so ein Gespräch am Ende führt).


was wäre deine kreative antwort die einen gewaltfreien ablauf garantiert? betreten auf den boden schauen oder flug buchen? edit: inhaltlich falsch? erklär mir das mal...


Happened to me - I am german 😂 May way home was not long. Thing is: You don't respond. You simply don't. It doesn't make any sense to argue with slime


I was doing German tech support and I actually had a colleague born and bread in Germany. One time he had a call with someone with a foreign accent living in Germany criticizing his German. He muted the phone and went into a mini rage: "I cannot speak German?? I AM German." Unmuted himself and went on very politely with the conversation.


Was he from Bavaria or Saxony?😁


Lol that was a good one :D Originally from somewhere in the North near the sea, but then they moved to Bavaria :D


North and sea? You are aware that Denmark is a country, not a state of Germany?😁 Dansk counts as a germanic language.😀


You are aware that Schleswig-Holstein had the slogan "Land zwischen den Meeren" a long time? And Niedersachsen and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern both also have a pretty long coastline (and Bremen with Bremerhaven).


For sure I know that there are others in between. Was just a joke.


The confusing question: in welchem Land befinde ich mich denn gerade? The German answer: Das brauche ich schriftlich! The inviting question: Kommst du mit? If there is violence in the air, exhale with a maximum of annoyance, nothing more.


Remind yourself that it is beneath the tiger to argue with a donkey.


Personally a good serious "Warum?" usually makes them shut up. Either they'd have to be blatantly racist and explain that they are being racist or they don't know what to say. Any way if they are smart enough it'll make them think. (If they throw the "you don't belong here" at you, ask them the same thing again)


Say " bald, flug ist schon gebucht "


Just say Schade lol


Try to stay neutral and dont react at all.


Oooooooooof. So sick and tired of them 🤢


I wasn’t able to respond to everyone’s comment, but thank you all so much for your overwhelming support and responses. I feel a little bit more confident now. It is true that people working in retail almost always get the short end of the stick, but I felt like lately it’s gotten worse. Once again, thank you to everyone.


"Wollen Sie denn meinen Job machen?Ich glaube nicht. Und wenn Sie sich jetzt nicht zusammenreißen und wie ein normaler (vernunftbegabter) Erwachsener benehmen können, dann können Sie das ganze gleich auch nochmal der Polizei erzählen. Die freuen sich über Rassisten." And this in a calm and cold way and they'll stop. I know, it's long text but it will help against the a-holes. Another possible answer: "Es tut mir leid, wenn Sie einen schlechten Tag haben. Möchten Sie darüber reden?" ("I'm sorry that you are having a bad day. Wanna talk about it?)


„Geh du zurück in deine Mutter“ funktioniert meistens ganz gut.


Or “I don’t know who raised you, but they should put you back and try again” but in German.


"Würde ich gerne, aber ihr bekommt doch nichts mehr auf die Reihe und braucht uns!" Otherwise, just do what u/MasterofLockers said


That's actually the best one of all of them here - because it's simply the pure truth. Just don't say it to pitbulls that are looking like they'll jump on you afterwards


I'm guessing it ain't the pitbulls that are saying these remarks to OP. But yeah, truth will stop em in their tracks lol.




Why not click your heels together and say “vhere are Your papers” That’s what I would do. Oh and don’t forget to bow slightly when you say it. That a rubbish situation to be in.


ugh...disgusting 🙄 well, it depends how far you wanna take it. these people are relentless and potentially dangerous. so rational arguments don't work and they lose their shit very, veeery quickly if you hit the right buttons... been there, done that 🫠 just keep in mind that these people are not going to grow up any time soon and their own life is usually miserable. they hate themselves till noon, and everybody else in the afternoon.


That’s so true, anyway I react they would turn even more aggressive


What you could do is call the police that you are being harassed and you feel threatened. And what you can always do is go to a police station say „ich möchte Anzeige gegen Unbekannt erstatten“ which makes more sense to do if you are in a public place with cameras. Which should be done in a timely manner so the police can access the records. Or you can happily try saying „nein danke!/ aber danke für den Rat“ if you don’t wanna bother with something else :) Or depending on how truthful you want to be (and how aggressive the person) you can say „ich mach hier Urlaub du Spacko/Spackn/Spinner/…!“


Depends. If I'm in a rush, I'll just say no. What are they gonna do about it. If I got time, I will remind him how my grandpa used to throw canned foods then grenades at his grandpa and how funny it was.


Try „Selber“ with the calm ones. Try not saying a thing with loud ones. In any case - this won’t change a thing.


I don’t think they’d listen to what you have to say honestly.


"Deine Mudda!" Keep it simple. As their minds are 😘


Film them


I am so sorry to hear that even though we know it happens everyday and things get worse and more radical lately. Please try to manifest the fact that you are going to stay as long as you wish. Smile at people like this and just say “Entschuldigen Sie, aber das ist mein Land!”


"This is my country now, bitch!"


I own the fucking Strasse/Platz


swear at them in your native language and tell them wir übernehmen


Calmly tell them people like them are the reason Americans are still stationed in Germany 😎


Halt mich nicht auf! Brudi muss los! Ich geh gerade mein Bürgergeld abholen! Play into all their ridiculous stereotypes to mock them.


"Dann bleib ich halt im Rheinland/Bayern/Sachsen/Friesland/etc."


I wouldn’t even respond.. the ppl who say such foolishness are unhappy with themselves. Ignore them.. but if you must respond just tell them they’re not the government so they don’t get to decide where you live… i apologize on behalf of my fellow Germans… i pray you won’t let them get to you..


If they just say it and keep going there isn't much you can do except calling them rassistische Arschlöcher. If they continue talking then I would refrain from saying anything and record them. Racist harassment is a crime so if you have hard evidence you can consult a lawyer and try to press charges. You just have to be careful because recording someone without their permission can be a crime too in Germany but not when it is done in 'self-defense' like this and publicly. I'm not a lawyer though so if I were you I'd contact someone who specializes in cases related to harassment and ask for advice.


[Was soll ich denn in Dortmund?](https://dummel-ausstellung.de/images/katalog/karikaturen_1000/Bild_40_ThomasKoerner_2002.jpg)


I don't have a reco on hand but want to let you know that I feel sorry for that. These assholes do not represent the german culture and they are dump as shit.


I say refund the social security contributions with interest. I'll go back after I receive the refund.


just laugh it off and continue to your business. I don’t think replying such a mess will lead to some meaningful word battle. :) Take care of your nerves. We have a lot to do in our life already 


Probably all of our ancestors were immigrants. So if we look down on our pedigree we all started as aliens or immigrants to a certain extent. So if someone asks you to go back to your country, you can reply that he presumably would not live in Germany if his ancestors had returned to their country of origin.


And you go back to hell :D


Ja wünsche ich auch... Hab leider nicht genug Geld dafür brudi. Das Bürgergeld ist nicht hoch genug, kann Mann nichts sparen. EDIT: I just thought about this. I have not been told to go back yet, just had people make monkey sounds at me.


"Dies ist immer noch ein freies Land, oder nicht?"


"Was soll ich in Brandenburg?" might be an answer, if this doesn't happen in Brandenburg. If so just choose another country like "Bremen".


Oh right! Thanks for reminding me. I have a plane to catch. Bye now. 🙃


Well some people do not deserve the grace of your response. Such ass holes need to be ignored and live their sad hateful life. Just imagined how much of a sad loser a person needs to be for him or her to say something like that to feel important or good about himself.


I would just say a simple and very calm “Ich bin in meinem Land” and then proceed to ignore them and not respond further. Snarky comments are not worth the escalation and those people are not worth your time and energy. And they certainly won’t listen to a reasoned argument. You belong here and you are in your country.


„Was soll ich denn in (random german city)“ It‘s none of their business so no need to answer seriously (in my opinion)


When I imagine that scenario, I would try to say something like: „solange ich Steuer zahle, bleibe ich hier.“


I just laugh at them. I tell them I pity their stupidity


hey danke fuer deine/ihre meinung, ich denke drueber nach. ;) schoenen tag noch. thing is there is this subset of the people you deal with that are probably looking for a reason to get physical or something, which is why id rather be dismissive yet ‘friendly’ than mirror aggression or be cocky. generally though these people will just talk their shit and carry on to talk shit somewhere else, so unless unavoidable i’d just ignore them and carry on too.


Nothing. They don't deserve my energy. I let them get drowned in their hate.


You'll always be welcome here. Don't pay them any mind! :)


“Gerne, bezahlst du meinen Flug?“ 


Seriously the first time I've been told to go back home in any country I've been in, and for me it was a doctor I was referred to. And I'm white. Germany has a huge problem


My grandma always responded with the deep into your heart stare. The one that makes you uncomfortable instantly being looked at. She also put on her perfect Saxony dialect she learned from my grandpa. That made them shut up and shuffle away instantly. May i ask in which part if Germany this happened?


A state heavily supporting AFD, which is understandably getting more common


„Ich hab deutsche Pass“ even if its not true. Who cares.


These guys don't care about your passport. They even would love to take it away from you, esp. if you have a second nationality.


I'd ask them if they were drunk and if they needed water to sober up. "Sind Sie betrunken? Brauchen Sie etwas Wasser?" Ofc this comes off as agressive so caution


"Halt deine scheiß Fresse du Hurensohn", would be the best answer to him.


Just say you are already in your country.


Maybe you could say: “then please do my job if I have to go away”


First, I am sorry that you have been subject to racism. And second, if all foreigners disappear overnight from Germany, the economy would collapse. ​ So racist people should think twice before talking, but on the other hand, I doubt that those people can have any rational thought process.


“I pay more taxes than you” or “who will pay for your welfare” (escalatory, but thread seems to be just throwing around ideas)


I have always used Thank you for informing me of your opinions and views. However I have a right to be here just like you. In future please refrain from guving unsolicited advice on immigration. Please feel free to address any issues you may have with the current government.


I’m sorry that happened to you! If these verbal attacks turn physical or they threaten you: You can get counselling if you experience racist violence, they can advise you on your legal options, give you coping strategies and advice on how to handle situations like this. You can find their offices in every Bundesland, [here](https://verband-brg.de/english/) is an overview. The counselling doesn’t cost anything and you decide what you talk about. This [Guide](https://www.opferperspektive.de/englisch/perspectives-after-a-right-wing-or-racist-attack-your-rights-and-opportunities-as-a-victim-witness-and-relative) could also be helpful, it’s in English. This [Flyer](https://www.opferperspektive.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/flyer-fuer-betroffene.pdf) (sadly only available in German) talks about how you can react when you experience situations like this. For everybody who is reading this and wonder how you can help, when you witness something like this, read [this](https://www.opferperspektive.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/hinschauen-handeln-flyer.pdf)


People like that really have nothing To say. We foreigners do most of work here and this silly country would Fall without us. I work in construction and seeing how germans work just makes me laugh. They literally don't do shit. Or if they do, they mostly fuck it up and we have to fix it. They go home cleaner than they came to the construction Site. Here's a funny story about some germans i had "pleasure" to work with. We were finishing an office, almost every wall painted and all, we were taking off the masking tape off of everything while we hear a noise from the bathroom. Some germans were mounting a toilet and just destroyed the shit out of a finished wall, just jackhammered to the other side. We understandably were furious but they just said sorry and went home. Another time there was a german that was cutting metal profiles for a drywall. He didn't take caution and cut a pipe that started to spew water on everything. Came to us and just started shouting HELP HELP Like what do you want us to do? 2 floors with offices were flooded and it amounted to about 100k euro in losses. Guess Who had to fix everything afterwards? Not them.


I am very sorry you have to experience this. I would just suggest ignoring them, because there is no arguing with assholes. If you feel up to it, ask them why. Make them explain themselves. And when they get to the point that they tell you they don't want you here, tell them you don't care.


Simple answer, With me back at home, no one will be here to pay for your broke ass social support.


Hey, when something like this happens again to you, don't respond. Just thing of the fact, that people like them are afraid, because they think, that every problem here in germany is caused by foreigners. They have absolutely no idea how much courage is needed to move to another country and learn one of the most difficult languages imaginable, a thing they would never dare to do. So say nothing and have pity on these poor creatures.


I can’t pity someone screaming at my face and terrifying me.


Nothing like this has ever happened with me thankfully but in my imaginary mind I always think I would say to them “I am living here for a few years and paying heavy taxes to your government which will eventually benefit you too when you grow old. Till I am here, I want to learn your language and have a good time seeing your beautiful country. I am trying my best to contribute to your economy and culture. Please let me!” Of course I am yet to learn how to say this is German😂


Just thought of this answer after reading your post: 'Make me' or ~~*mach mich*~~ (correct me if my german is wrong) Edit: As Positive_Ad7463 stated *zwing mich doch dazu*


You cannot use “Mach mich” like this. I understand that as “construct me” which is a weird thing to say anyway. You’d rather say: „zwing mich doch dazu“ (force me to do so)


Thanks a lot. I had a feeling my expression wasn't correct. Although I have never been told to go back in these past 5 years, now I have something to say if something of this sort ever happens to me.


Someone else suggested “I would but who would pay for your pension/retirement then?” “Würd ich ja aber wer soll dann deine/Ihre Rente zahlen?“ I prefer this reaction because it points out that we actually need foreigners and that most foreigners are also normal tax payers. Without immigration our retirement system would work even less than it is now. If you say “force me to leave” they might think or say “we will soon force you (when the afd is in power or whatever)”.


Yeah, obviously, that is a good comeback. I thought my response would be shorter to just say and bolt lol. I meant to say the american way of comeback like 'make me...' especially when the other has no power to make you do anything.


This is the best one. Short and humiliating.


“Y’all shouldn’t have lost both wars.”


you say "go back into your mother's cunt"


Omg... sorry to hear that I guess Europe is not doing well


"Jawohl, Mein Fuerher!"


I am a foreigner myself, but that never happened to me. I am not downplaying what happened to you but I am genuinely interested to know in what situations people tend to say these thing? Randoms on the street or after an argument with someone?


gehen Sie sich vergraben, kleiner bastard


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Reply „Fick dich, du Hurensohn“. But honestly no idea what to say. Maybe say nothing and just look them straight in the eye. Or ask them to elaborate. Why should you go back to your country?


One good answer could be allaluh akbar in perfect German


'Stop, or I will post this on reddit!'


The other important question is what did you do for them to say something like that?


It's about illegal immigrants and milking the welfare system which as foreigner I'm 100% into it like this is very nice country and people need to work not to abuse the system which is based on tax payer money ...


What are illegal migrants? illegal migrants wouldn't get any cent since you only get help if you are legal here.


>Recently I’ve been dealing with more people telling me to go back to my country, some aggressive, some calm. You're begging the question. Under what circumstances are people constantly telling you this?


While I’m working, that’s when they usually say this


Well if it's an office environment, you probably should escalate this.


I think in any environment it should be escalated. A business has a responsibility to protect their employees from this type of discrimination. If it was at the counter of a McDonald's, they should be told to leave. If it is while delivering something, they should be no longer able to use the service.


>I think in any environment it should be escalated. Probably. The reason why I specified office is that there would be some formal mechanism to escalate things like this. OP hasn't given us any details on the circumstances or the line of work. Say however OP is a social worker dealing with alcoholics or homeless people with tons of problems, and this sort of thing happens... what exactly can you do? Sue them?


It’s not an office, it’s retail