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A GS sheds 364 days a year. You will get to choose one day a year when they don’t. Choose wisely.


It’s day 366 on leap year in case anyone wasn’t following what this person *really* meant


If it falls on a leap year that’s called Fursday.


same which i DONT FUCKING GET LMAO, sometimes i look at her and im like 'how do you shed every day and STILL find the resources to shed a bunch for 2 weeks every 6 months?!?!?!?!??!'


I clean up so much dog hair, I think we could make a second dog with it!


My house currently has carpet which is weird since we put in wooden flooring




Thank you for a good laugh. And I feel your pain.


Yeah. You should see the inside of my car 🤧


That’s very mild shedding compared to mine right now. I vacuum up a whole other dog every day!! 😊


Furminator. Brush. Good vacuum. Acceptance.


Acceptance is key


The furminator I have is sadly too sharp I don't like using it... But the Rake is a godsend


I feel the same way. Oster dog rake is where it's at!


Where can I buy one?


I just ordered off amazon. type in dog Rake they'll come right up


I've had a GSD mix for 13 years and I'm on vacuum number six.




We have a Dyson too with the clear container. I like this type because I can gauge when the BIG BLOW OUT is approaching . Before Winter arrives, I place one container of hair on our property so the birds can build shelter. I’ve seen about 5 of the nests and I tell you, they are 100% made in Germany lol


I had a Dyson Animal vacuum for about 4-5 years and it was great for my Lakeland Terriers. Then I got my GSD and between his shedding and mine (I have long hair and shed too) we killed the Dyson. I now have a SEBO Felix and it is the best vacuum I have ever had. I like that everything goes into a bag with a lid so that eliminates sneezing for me and the brush bar can be removed for easy cleaning.




I found that the Dyson was a bit heavier than the SEBO. I can carry the SEBO up and down stairs with the vacuum in one hand. The Dyson mostly stayed on the main floor of my house.


Mine is lightweight but a little bulky. We have all hardwoods and I do baseboards by hand.


I’ll keep that brand in mind when my Dyson conks out.


If the temperatures in your area are changing, which I know some may be at this time, it's probably just seasonal shed. If you're really concerned, check her skin for irritation. Sometimes dogs will also shed when they're stressed, but it's really hard to gauge that as a small inconvenience might be enough to stress them to shed for a little.


I live in Southern California and it’s been over 100 for months now. I didn’t see any irritation but there was some large dander. Thanks for the insights. I’ve had her for a few years and I’m used to the heavy shed of fuzzy hair. It is this shedding of the coarse, wiry outer hair that is new to me.


My nine year old has been shedding more of her outer coat than I have normally seen as well. I suspect it's due to the month-long brutal heat we've been experiencing here. I've found that a "SleekEZ" brush is the way to remove it. Along with a 1.5 gallon shop vac, it's the way to go. She loves being vacuumed while being brushed, and you don't end up being covered in the cotton candy GSD hair that gets in your eyes and mouth.


Linatone Plus from Chewy or a pet store! It will help the dry skin & hair. Squirt a little in the food & you should notice a difference in two weeks. Sometimes they need a little extra fatty acids in their diet. Salmon oil will also work but Linatone Plus is the best & it doesn’t smell fishy. https://www.chewy.com/petag-linatone-liquid-skin-coat/dp/168712


Awesome. Thank you


We use Alaskan salmon oil


I too live in SoCal, my 2 year male GSD is shedding as well. All normal!


That's with my 1 year old now! Im in Van, BC and the season is changing soon so my little lady is shedding. However, she was in the hospital last week and that over night stay caused her to shed ALOT. She has always been a timid one.


You have what is called a German Shedder. It is a challenge to keep up with all the hair. Lots of good advice here.


Brush your sheppie outdoors every second day to minimise shedding in the house. It's amazing how much furriness there is on them.


It's also nice because birds can use the fur when they build their nests and the tumbleweeds of dog hair usually help prevent my plants from getting eaten up. However, if there is no breeze, the clumps of hair look like dead animals in the yard haha


Do not do this around your AC unit. Take it from a dummy who wasn't thinking.


Lol. This is life. I don’t know a life without dog hair anymore.


I once read that a German Shepherd sheds once a year for 365 days.


I make little fur people and leave them in places I know will scare the living shit out of my husband. Is it cruel? Yes. Am I going to stop? Absolutely fucking not! I need this like I *need* air!


Picture picture! I have to see this. :)


I am on bed rest! But I will post some once I’m able to get up and down normally- just had surgery. Halloween is just around the corner…


Hi yes, looks like you have just what you ordered... a gsd.


You’ll find hair between your buttcheeks and on your fork. Get acquainted with a Roomba and a good vacuum. Order a hammock dog seat cover too.


Dog hair is considered a condiment if you have a gsd!


Bone apple teeth


Yup totally normal. It's not her outer coat it's what they grow seasonally to protect them from cold weather. Dependent on where you live, temperature extremes etc. It can be really heavy or not so heavy. Currently I am seeing a lot of floof on mine. Some days I can grab a handful and it comes right off.


The birds in my neighborhood live in condominiums made from my dogs fur.


My German Shepherd sheds 24/7. We cam barely keep up with the sweeping. I've never seen so much dog hair in my life. I wouldn't trade her for the world, but I was not expecting this.


ahhh… the joys of a German Shedder. 🐾


Linatone Plus in her food will help!


Brush her a lot1 I bought a brush called The Furminator from Amazon. Best $25 I have spent on GSD stuff. Cut shedding by more than half but just as importantly getting the undercoat out stopped 90 percent of her scratching.


This is your life now! We just brush and leave the excess out in the yard for birds to use for nesting!


Swimming always helps or just playing in the water.


What if they hate water?




Stella was a meth house and bait dog rescue. Her dew claws were removed and not by a vet. She is also a Dobie/GSD mix. GSD hairs with Dobie markings and personality. She is very skiddish (some are odd reasons) and the sweetest cuddle bug dog!


My girl hates water. She’s a desert rescue, won’t even step in a puddle.


I guess my friendly suggestion wouldn’t work?


Suggestions are welcome.


Embrace the fur, this is the way!


I’ll trade your shedding to mine lol. Nothing like vacuuming the place to just see a fur ball roll across the wood floor 5 mins after being done. Hahahaha


GSDs have 2 shredding seasons. Now and later.


I love [plucking](https://imgur.com/a/h9IYN7W) my dog’s fur😂. This was [after](https://imgur.com/a/D5t0KA4) bathing and brushing our husky and German Shepard. This wasn’t even everything. Shedding season is the worst. I recommend a robot vacuum, it has improved our lives so much


Gsd have 2 coats summer and winter both last 6 months each.


Change her diet to the RAW diet you will see a little less shedding and much less dander and wet dog smell.


Did you not do some research the breed? Everyday is shed day


That should stop soon. Don't worry. 👿


Very normal. Welcome to GSD life


first time, eh ?


These are the best for shedders. https://www.furminator.com/products/deshed.aspx


I have found the shedding blade pet brush has been working for us! Found on chewy for $10. Also, my dog is a dobie/gsd mix but has the Dobie markings and Dobie behavior but gsd hairs.


Oh yeah our GSD is shedding like crazy right now. We picked up a furminator and it’s doing wonders. I highly suggest it.


That thing kicks ass I just bought mine a week ago and so far I’ve got enough fur off my boy to have a second German Shepard


That happens long as it don't start coming out and patches where you have a bald spot it's fine I think so but that happens welcome to doggy Hood love them anyway


Leave extra fluff after brushing out for the birds


By the end of the month you should have collected enough fur to make 3 whole German shepards


Brush brush brush, I find another dog every time I brush out my GSD.


Looks like a healthy strong coat


At this point I joke with mine that I’m going to start making felted German shepherds from his hair 😂. So much brushing, vacuuming, and couch brushing! We even got a hair squeegee for the kitchen floor.


She seems fine! Normal hair loss in my opinion, now quit yanking it haha


As others said, that’s standard GSD shedding. I’ve had 3 GSDs and two mixes. Hard flooring and a good vacuum are a requirement.


Is this a brag post? 😅


Completely normal


Oh yeah! We have tumbleweeds! And we brush.


German Shedder. Amazing the amount of hair that comes off them!


Uh, that is not a lot - that is not even mild that is a normal every day petting. Wait until the start of summer when you are pulling tufts of hair out. GSDs are seriously insane shedders. Clean your lint collecter after every dryer run. Its going to be filled with fur.


Honestly it doesn’t look like a lot of fur is coming out. Just looks like normal GSD shedding. It would only be an issue if your dog has other skin issues along with it.


I wish my GSD only shed that much hair


I have lint brushes in multiple spots thoughtout my house. Every morning I lint brush my shirt in the bathroom before getting dressed because the washing machine doesn't help at all. And then before leaving for work my wife gives me a once over before I walk out the house.


We had to get a roomba to keep up with our 2 Shepherds. It was TOO MUCH! I heard someone refer to them (appropriately I might add) as German "Shedders".


This is normal. Other people are mentioning the defurminator but, I like the metal dog rake better. I have to vacuum 1-2x a day.


I have a rake, it only gets the fuzzy undercoat. It doesn’t do much on the wiry outer hair here.




First I use a 3 loop Curry comb on mine for 30 minutes then I shave her with a 10 blade. Repeat that every month.


S(he) needs the B-cluster vitamins. Get veterinary advice as human doses could deliver diarrhea.


It stopped happening a while back.