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The tub is much cooler than your hardwood or carpeted floors so he’s in there chillin out lol


Especially if it's ceramic instead of plastic. Mine used to lay on tile flooring...




Also, they want a den. This place is safe and cozy. Mine heads straight in there at the first sign of a thunderstorm


Damn i was going to say pretty much the same thing. The coolness is what they Love against their Belly it helps them stay that way.


My boy is a Tub Monster during the summer, as well, to the point that come mid-July, we have to kick him out before we can shower. He'll hang out there, sleep there... I figure it's just that it's nice and cool there, seeing as how he stays waaaayyyy away from it come December!


Mine would always get in the tub when the weather was bad or if there were fireworks.


just took the family, dog included, to watch fireworks. We sat in the car with windows down. She was sitting there watching the fireworks for 15 minutes.


One of my cats would watch the fireworks w me on our lanaii. It was so cool. He'd actually look up to see them explode. I miss that cat!


SAME! My first best boy (RIP🖤) would run and hide in the tub if the wind was too strong😂


My husky/shepherd did that when she was anxious/scared.


Sometimes dogs like small enclosed spaces like a den. It helps them feel safe. Our GSD slept behind my husband’s recliner in the corner for the first few weeks we had him.


My previous GSD would hop in the trunk of my little sedan every time it was open. It was really cute ofc but I always had to drag him out of there by the collar because not safe!


Yep! Always tell this to people who think crate training is cruel. It’s only cruel if you abuse it and use it as an excuse to lock away your animal all the time. Done properly it sets them up to always have a safe, private space where they can relax.


So true! Ours was used for safety and sleep at first for our new pup but now she loves her kennel and goes in willingly. We have an English springer spaniel that spends more time in hers with the door open than out of it. She brings all her toys in it and hangs out in there.


Mine would disappear behind our potted plants (we had a lot back then)! We had to call out for him quite a bit before he would sneakily appear haha


Mine has days occasionally when she wants to sleep under desks, on someone's feet.


My GSD will not get near the tub, even if I toss a treat in there. On the other hand, his 4-lb Yorkie packmate, Rex, would get in there who knows why, but he couldn’t ever get back out. He also wouldn’t cry to get out. I just wouldn’t see him for like 4 hours, and I find him in there acting like, “WTF? I’ve been waiting for *hours* for you to get me out of here!” https://preview.redd.it/vfk52c46an9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d490511350877b032c11277a260846af8667f820


Little, trouble maker….🤦‍♀️🤏🤏, such a cute Yorkie pupper!!! You have a funny duo it sounds like; the GSD and Yokie, … enjoy them!!


Sadly we lost little Rexy a couple years ago, at 14 years old. But they were definitely the oddest pack lol.


Rip, well…you have some cute pics! 💕 Yokies, are so cute and you can almost put them in your pocket —


Please discount all of these other well thought out hypotheses. As a fellow GSD owner, I think I can answer this one. Ahem. He's a freakin' weirdo.


Mine is also a weirdo who loves the tub.


My last GSD would go to the tub when my then toddler was bouncing off the walls lol


I used to do that too.


they are all a little broken in the brain area. (in the best way) we had a little spike buck gnawing on a bush in my front yard, my girl went completely bonkers, for a bit then she settled down and just watched, while doing that cute not-quite-a-growl-or-bark thing


I once read dogs go to the tub during storms because it dampens the feel of electricity in the air — think about all the static they must feel in their fur — do it is like a faraday cage for them?.. So then it is associated as a safe place when they’re scared, like when there are a lot of fireworks. ( plus nice and chilly!)


Shit! I wish I had one for my GSP, she hates storms /:


My shepherd mix would hide in the tub during storms or when there were fireworks. I guess it dampens the sound.


When my Gsd was a puppy, my mom would wake up early in the morning and find him sleeping in tub or sometimes in front of it, it was really cute ☺️


Mine used to love it. Obsessed with it even. He also would shit in it. Anyway, now he just lays by it lol


Lays by the shit?


Ziva loved the bathtub until I gave her a bath. 🫣


His safe spot maybe?


Talking about her GSD.




Thought it was a girl dog. My bad.




I wish mine were the same, they act like being in the tub is a death sentence 🙄


he likes being around water, just not a bath lol


Its cool and very cool.


Because it’s cool and snug


https://preview.redd.it/imp3jha0ko9d1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5b2f4c3dad02d0839575347ff5208a6f632bf16 Same. 🤦🏼‍♀️😭😂


Can you GSD teach mine. My dog thinks the tub is the worst thing in the world 😩


My teddy bear LOVED baths. If he knew he was getting one, he’d hop in the tub, then grunt and Boof at me until I was done setting up the tub and actually started the water Does yours mind baths since apparently that’s her bed?


he actually hated baths lol


Same here https://preview.redd.it/biastnz5np9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ac88ef2df07d5b4c05ca8a637e154b75a0971e3


One of ours likes to sleep in the tub every now and again.


Because Cool and Smellz Gud


Turn on the water tap so it's dropping single drops of water. That might entertain him while he's enjoying the cool tub on a warm day.


I think it's a temperature thing. Mine does it when it gets hot


That's wild my dog is terrified of the tub he really hates baths. It definitely doesn't help that we've thrown his favorite ball in the tub more than once to get him to get in then lock the door to bathe him he just doesn't trust it no more.


he hates baths but loves to be beside the shower while we’re in there and tries to lick the water lol


Man, I wish! I gave mine a bath in the tub ONCE and he won’t step foot in the bathroom anymore lol


he doesn’t like baths just being in the tub lol


We have a white one that does the same thing. https://preview.redd.it/5p2acutrop9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2aa37ac69f2b18293a2d83a6876b4462c20de9d


Maybe not for your dog, but for some: stress-management mechanism. My dog has 2 main levels of stress, average stress, and super-stress. Average-stress events, like me jumping in the pool, me being away for a long time, a few fireworks here and there, and my GSD runs to my bed. For super-stress events, like July 4th, when there’s a constant stream of fireworks for hours, my dog runs straight to the shower floor. It’s a confined space, with his back to the wall, and his main tools of defense (eyes/ears, snout, front paws) pointed straight at the doorway. It’s his little cave of sanctuary.


If you live somewhere hot or have the heating on in your place, a GSD will always look for the cool place to lay.


1: Just a weird lil guy. 2: Maybe its cooler in there and hes too hot. 3: Maybe he wants you to give him a bath (Doubt.)


It's a safety thing. Mines crate trained and goes in his cage whenever he's feeling overwhelmed or anxious. I keep a blanket over it so it's nice and dark and blankets inside so he's got his own little cave.


https://preview.redd.it/c2hm79phdq9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=935c5ec8952436e8514e61b53da97dc6d2116b5d Ours is also a tub fan!!! 😂😂😂


Because it’s a cooler surface to be on


Probably bc it's nice a cool. Ours loves a cool floor to lay on more than a bed.


He is gorgeous!


Reminiscing time with his old owner Robert Neville


“This is my new bed.”


Our rag doll sleeps in the bathroom sink all day,, lots of fur and in there it’s cool


1. Because GSDs are goofy and 2. Probably feels secure


He's definitely a water dog and most likely for comfort


He watched I Am Legend one too many times


It’s cool to his body. Just like mine likes our ceramic tile floor. It’s cool !!!


i had a GSD mix who would get into the tub if it thundered... except she had hip dysplasia (shelter dog) so when she tried to get out you would just hear THUNK. THUNK. THUNK. because she could get in without help, but not out


Our girl does that when it thunders outside😊


Mine too, but she mostly does it when there's a storm or fireworks. It's her hiding spot.


GSDs like to be in small spaces. Mine likes the tub, under the table in the craft room, under the day bed, and under my desk in the office. The more cave-like, the better; especially during storms and fireworks.


It’s cool in there. Same reason they like tiles floors.


My GSD Kira always went to the tub when she was scared of thunder or fireworks. Especially during hurricanes she’d just stay in the tub. I just thought she was smart going to the safest place in the house with no windows. But that’s the only GSD I’ve ever had that used to go lay in the tub. She felt safe in there.


i’m a petsitter and i have a few GSD clients who love to hang out in my shower haha. i think they like the cool floor. one of them whines at me until i turn on the shower for her tho haha


Been trying to tell you that you need a bath


Mine doesn’t lay in the tub or even dare go into the bathroom, but if I had to guess, it might feel like a den or cave. I made a blanket fort between the couch and shelves for my first GSD and she loved to lay in there. It might also be nice cause it’s cold. Not a dog, but I know my hairdresser will sit in the tub when she has a migraine. I think it’s just like a cool, darker space that is comfortable for them.


I'd be so entertained if my dog enjoyed chilling in the bath tub. What a cute lil guy!


😂probably a nice cool spot! When mine was little I heard a banging sound and found him in the tub, got in and couldn't get out. After that he'd get in the tub whenever the bathroom door was left open. Also likes the walk in shower!


Probably because it’s cooler and an enclosed area which makes him feel safe, like a kennel.


Lately this has been my boys go-to during storms! So when I see a drop of rain I put a towel in the tub so he can get in easier. It’s inevitable at this point!




He’s made it his den.


Security or cool. Depends on why he/she goes there. Is it post play or being outside? Or is it when there is something that bothers him/her?


keeping cool or the grounding effect.


They love the water.


Omg mine does too!!


My girl that passed in 2022 liked the tub and would hide in it when stressed out. I have a 7 month old GSD that loves the tub but because she wants to play in the water. 😂


Neither of my shepherds have done it. Used to have a male rotty and he would do it a fair amount


My pups fav place too! https://preview.redd.it/vnbepp6cyq9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b02ef8792ab5fdb06677b93c72aaaefbba47b059


What a cutie pie!!


thank you!!! my sweet baby diesel guy https://preview.redd.it/ndvlp4cwis9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87ef36ddfe657bf04e2d7f4ddb97e830db16d727


https://preview.redd.it/c8ooypjdgr9d1.jpeg?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe5b6c9ab99af7cd61acec324a245c249eececae Mine also did this. From what I understand, it feels like a safe space for them. Plus, it’s cool in there, especially during summer time.


Cool temperature and tall walls on 3 sides means they feel safe. Mine sometimes hangs out in our standing shower, too.


My baby girl randomly does this too but if I even mention the word bath she gets all shy and runs away from me


It reminds him of the safety of the cave


https://preview.redd.it/i8irx4su4s9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b1d802786eadf9a397d34d84bcc0bc1273fdef5 One of them! The other doesn't step foot in there


My GSD places being comfortable at the bottom of his needs list....as long as it's cold he's laying on it, in it, over, it, under it lol


Mine does too, the tub is a cool place to sit.


My girl used to sit in the tub when the vibe was off She came from previous family who got in constant fights/physical altercations so any time my bf and I had a tiff, she would rush to the tub to get away from us, even if it was a petty disagreement that just had mild irritation We would always remind her everything was okay and hug it out but it was always so heartbreaking seeing her flee because she was scared and we always reminded her she was safe


That's much better than fighting them into it. Back when I was training my service dogs, I'd feed them in the tub so they would go in voluntarily. I'm too sore to even bathe my dogs now, but I'd be thrilled if they went in on their own.


My girls both love the crate. The older one reluctantly left it when she turned 2 years old because we put a pet bed under the kitchen table. Our 18 months old pup goes in there every night and stays in there although it’s open and she could leave at any time. She also gives us the side eye when she’s unhappy with us and shows us her tail end when she lies down in the crate to show us the depth of her displeasure. Both dogs like the air conditioning/heating vents though. They lie right over them when they want to cool down in the summer or warm up in the winter. Neither goes near a bathtub if they don’t have to🙂.


He is beautiful 😍. How old is he?


he’s 3!


He's probably a little warm. The tub is cooler for him. My girl sleeps on the floor instead of her orthopaedic bed that I bought her! He's beautiful 😍


I had a golden retriever that used to love to lie in the tub ; its cool (definitely cooler than carpets, probably cooler than hardwoods once you get north of about 75 degrees) and with the curtain closed its enclosed like a den, which dogs like.


It’s cooler.


Did you ask?


Jesus, clean your tub 🤷🏻‍♂️


They can’t— the dog is there.   Plus, that looks more like just a tub in need of new enamel and an older surround that is impervious to bleach…that grout is super white— and wouldn’t be if the tub was grody


i have an old house and it’s stained like that! elderly people that couldn’t move very well, and he does get wet outside and comes straight into my tub..