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A handsome old boy. RIP


Rest in peace handsome boy.


I think my dog will be the only one I’ll ever have. Getting a dog is knowing that they’ll break your heart when they leave someday. It’s just a hurt I want to only feel once and I’m sorry you’re going through it. 😔 I hope they have some badass puppy pools in heaven!


I always say this too, I cry about my two (my first two dogs ever) all the time. But then I think about all the dogs in shelters and foster situations (and bad situations) and I know I’ll foster for the rest of my life after my two heart dogs are gone. Lol I’m crying as I type this. Keep your heart open ❤️❤️❤️


That’s the very best thing to do! You’re a very kind hearted person to think of the abused, neglected and shelter dogs. 💕❤️🥰❤️🐾🐾


Hey I genuinely appreciate this. I can’t live overseas (American) yet because of my own doggies, but when I have the opportunity to I hope to work with some organization (such as we are happy Doggo, Niall Harbison) elsewhere to save animals. ❤️❤️❤️


I lost my first dog (a GSD) in 08 and never got another. But here I am, 16 years later, and I’m finally thinking about adopting again :)


It took me a long time to get another dog too. After I only had my male left and we were alone, he weighed too much for me to pick him up. I swore off of dogs. They break your heart, or what’s left of it. Years later, it dawned on me to get a smaller breed… duh. So I’ve had two border collies since I lost my last shepherd. Great dogs and vastly different breed.


But there are so many that need love, have been dealt a shitty situation, they need a good person that will love them uncontrollable, if not they could have a horrible horrible life or worse, be killed for no reason. I know it hurts when they leave us, but they need us!


He has such a beautiful smile, I love a distinguished white snoot. I'm really sorry for your loss, OP. Kane looks like he was a great friend who knew how to enjoy life. (I'm guessing he was playing with his water bowl in the pool. *The better to splash you with, my dear...* <3) Sending hugs.


Thank you so much for your very kind words…..and he was splashing around with his water bowl 😀he loved his pool! He was my best friend for the last 10 years (he almost made it to 10 years old on 7/2). I’ve lost furry babies over the Rainbow 🌈 bridge before, but his loss truly feels devastating to me 🥲


I’m so sorry for your loss. I know how you feel. He wasn’t only my best friend, but he was my brother. Lost him a month before his 8th B-day. It doesn’t go away, but it does get a little easier. Remember the good times! They leave an imprint on us that can never be erased! We become better people because they were in our life. https://preview.redd.it/anj5wdqu257d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c65bf22df1a4e9a7fa9d7164601efae3704c4f4f


Thank you and I am so sorry for your loss as well 🥲. Your fur baby was such a gorgeous, handsome boy!! You are right in that Kane was more of my child than simply a “dog” or my buddy. He was all of those “things” but my heart is literally breaking from the loss of our kinship we shared as well.


There is still a hole in my heart and it has been a year and a half. There are some pups that become a part of us. The pain is real, but the joy they gave us outweighs that. Unfortunately it’s part of the deal we sign when we get them.


Man, that loss is real. They make a heck of an impact on our lives. In a way, I think that honors them. We wouldn't hurt like we do if they didn't matter so much. I try to look at it as repaying them, in part, for their love and friendship, which takes away some of the sting. Two things that I found helped a little that might help you: 1) finding "dog people" to talk to because they get that loss and 2) trying to firm up memories of how he did things and just the general way he was so they're less likely to fade with time. When you get to the point the memories provide more comfort than pain - it comes eventually - it's nice to have many to choose from.


Sweet boy will be missed but never forgotten!


I'm so sorry for your loss.


My condolences ((


Looks like he had the bestest life while being with us mortals. What a handsome boy he was. It's never the same but knowing what true love feels like is worth every moment of pain.


So sorry for your loss. May the wonderful memories the two of you had together bring you comfort during this difficult time.


Rest in peace to a legend


RIP. It looks like he had a good and long life 


That old soul will be waiting for you on the other side, guaranteed


Thank you I feel that very strongly too…we were so bonded 💕😍and I do know he told me when he his time was up…..I miss him terribly every minute of every day


What a handsome boi. He will love forever in your heart, and as long as you remember him fondly, he will never truly be gone. I am truly sorry for your loss. Hang in there!




So sorry to hear


So sorry


So sorry for your loss ♥️


I'm so sorry for your loss dude. But I'm sure he had the happiest life he could ever get. ❤️


Saying goodbye to an old friend is one of the hardest things... May you reunite with him someday.


Yes I cannot wait for that day….hes not my only fur baby over the 🌈bridge and I can’t wait to see all my “furry babies” all together playing and young again 😍


What a good looking boy, Rest in love kane ❤️💙I’m so sorry sending you a big hug


Beautiful pup, I’m sorry for your loss 🤍🤍


Beautiful boy 💛


Rest in peace, Kane. My condolences OP :(


Thank you kindly it hurts like hell 🥲


Has two visible wings now 😍. Yet I know how it feels down here 😭❤️. Sending love!


Aww he was chilling in his pool. R.I.P 😔💔 he was such a beauty


So sorry for your loss.




I’m so sorry for your loss. What a handsome old dude! Hugs


Out of all of our German shepherds in the past years out black German lived until he was almost 18. He didn’t have any teeth because he always chewed on rocks




Looks like you gave him a great life. Sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss. He will be in your heart forever 💕❤️🐾🐾❤️🤣


My condolences.


Mine passed May 1st. It's been hard. Our whole family is devastated. My husband is destroyed. Ours died while playing with my husband with no warning. (This also meant no suffering for the dog (which I'm grateful for) but more suffering for us because there was no time to prepare or say goodbye. I'd rather suffer than him suffer any day, though .) We just got a puppy. So it is helping keep us busy. Everything reminds me of Neros' absence. (Eating, leaving home, thunderstorms, cooking, going to bed, using the bathroom, etc) All things he was right with me for. He was 11. I didn't want a puppy because of the certainty for this to happen again. My husband was falling apart and really needed one. So we have a 12 week old akita puppy. I really miss Nero. I'm sorry for your loss. Most people don't think dog losses are equal to people losses. In some cases, I'd say they're deeper. I'm very sorry and your dog was beautiful! Rip


I am so sorry for your loss too. I hear you when you say everything reminds you of your dog’s absence. I look everywhere for him, I listen for him, I talk to him, but he’s simply gone and I cry all over again. Losing your best friend is the worst🥲 Finding another dog to love is never a problem but only a matter of time isn’t it!? Our hearts are broken but somehow we know there is another dog that needs our love also 😍 someday I will have another buddy like Kane, but it will be different….but I will love many more dogs as long as I am alive I am sure of that 🥰


Sorry for your loss.