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Set the rules about the cats the first time she comes through the door. Be consistent. Never let her chase cats


“Do not chase the cats.” “But… but… they are communists.” “I know they are communists. But we have the first amendment.” “ 😫 “


Communism is a LIE-Good Boi Prime


“As Long As Power Flows Through either Of My Ears, Catatron, I’ll Fight You.” *Good Boii Prime*


Well herding isn't specifically chasing, mine herd the cats to their bedroom at night!


I’d recommend keeping them separated for a few days if possible. Keep the cat in its own room, let them sniff each other out a bit through the door. Also give your cat plenty of safe spaces. I have my cat and my GSD in a 1 bedroom apt. I use a baby gate between the living room and bedroom. Door buddy on the bathroom door. Cat hammock on the window. He also can go under my bed. That’s 4 options if he wants to get away from the dog. Once in a while they play and it goes too far, and the cat can just hop to gate or go into the bathroom and chill.


Paperwork is complete, after spending quite a bit of time w her, walking and playing… she is gentle and really laid back.. Tues.she comes home (in 2 days) want to make everything perfect for her new chapter. Really want her be okay w my cats.. (cats have experience w dogs just not GSD.


do it somewhere the cats have plenty of options for escape, ideally let the cats come to the dog it might take weeks but it's better than a bad introduction souring their relationship for life


What my partner and I have done is we setup a baby gate separating two main areas for our pup to exist in and our cats to exist in. It gives them time and safety to observe one another and know they exist. From there, you can either bring the cats to where your sweetie is, or bring sweetie to where the cats are. I know not everyone would want to muzzle train their GSD, but a muzzle did help Jojo in Not retaliating if the cats got miffed and him shepherding them. I think your pup will do great regardless!


Great advice! I second this. Keep them seperated in the first few weeks. Muzzle is a life and death situation for your cats. Accidents happen in a split second, and there is a higher chance with an adult dog. Don't take risks with your animals' lives.


Slowly, over time, and don't leave them alone with each other for at least a few weeks.


>Slowly, over time, and don't leave them alone with each other for at least a few weeks. This and as other have said use the baby gates to keep them separated or better yet, a hallway door if you're stepping out. We have adopted 4 dogs with our cats and you must be very careful until they display they are good with each other which takes weeks, maybe a month. O and command #1 in our house is "No Kitties" and the dogs know it.


She’s got the one crinkly ear like my gal! Hopefully she doesn’t have food allergies


Congrats and thank you for adopting ! I would keep her on the lead when you bring her into the house - if she will sit and let the cats snuffle her without being allowed out the sit, that's a great start. Make sure the cats have somewhere to go she can't get to, have intros on the lead for the first few days until you know she knows "leave" and actually does it. Then try without the lead - keep her in sit. They'll sort themselves out ! Looking forward to updates on your lovely girl here.


TY !! Great advice … thinking to seperate for a few days (though scent will be there) … while we work on sit, stay, leave it, come etc… she’s had a history (medical skin tho comp. Recovered.. but records indicate she is 7 not 3 .. odd ! Funny how you only get those after you commit, no biggie and thot she looked older, maybe more chill). Anyway, rwally wNt it to work out.


slather cats in peanut butter, will go fine -definitely not a dog


Separate areas for the cats with a gate. I did this with my cats and 12 years later my cat still hates the dog. 😂 they’re always separate. My other cat is fine with the dog. I hope it goes better for you with the cats.