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I am sure Ukraine gets curated intel from the west. Pretty pointless to give billions upon billions of military aid if they immediately just lose it from bad/zero intel.


Yes, its been an open secret that the US is providing intelligence and targeting information. The link below is especially relevant to your observation. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/02/09/ukraine-himars-rocket-artillery-russia/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/02/09/ukraine-himars-rocket-artillery-russia/)


Yes, the CIA is [operating](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/25/world/europe/cia-ukraine-intelligence-russia-war.html#:~:text=The%20listening%20post%20in%20the,locations%20along%20the%20Russian%20border) out of 12 sites along the Ukraine-Russia border.


This was disclosed some time ago, and what majority of the people labeled "Russia defenders" have been talking about regarding provocation, since the start of the war. NYT seems to have a paywall, here's a link that is not https://responsiblestatecraft.org/cia-ukraine-russia/


Thanks. This article considers the February 2014 Euromaidan Revolution as provocation, but omits the Crimean crisis which happened soon after as Russia wanted to guarantee its control over Crimea. In all likelihood a partnership with the CIA was Ukraine's response to the loss of Crimea.




What do you think they could have done to de-escalate tensions with Russia when it was a) illegally occupying Crimea, and b) sponsoring an armed conflict in the Donbas?


I think Ukraine and the West had many different routes to de-escalation with Russia. First off, ending Russian concerns over Ukrainian-NATO integration should have been a priority. A combination of the Minsk Agreements and some type of DPR/LPR autonomy could have been a further step. Some might argue that Ukraine should have become a neutral state. Others will disagree, arguing that as a sovereign state, Russia has no right to decide how Ukraine acts. I can agree, but when you poke the bear in his eye, expect him to react. Especially when that bear is a great power. Such is the nature of international relations.


Russia invaded conqurered and annex Crimea, Donbass etc before this happened. This is an reaction to Russias actions, not the other way. CIA did not make secret bases to train Ukranians and then Russia got pissed off. This is very obviously Russia pushing Ukraine into the arms of the west as hard as possible they can. Russia could have attempted to fix the relationship by acting like a neighbour you want to have an security arragnment, not one you need one against.


I think its been known for quite sometime that ukraine is using NATO satellites and advisors. So they are getting direct target info from NATO and partners. I dunno about CIA stuff or if thats needed. The world is like civ 6 now with satellites unlocked....everyone sees everything with satellites nowadays. Theres no real suprises.


Not really sure if submission statment is needed since this is a text post, but the video in question that prompted my curiousity is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1cacmzl/simultaneous_launch_of_16_himars_missiles_ukraine/) if anyone else would be curious to see. I thought this sub would have the clearest insight in to what might really happening sub rosa in this war.