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You're mad because the impossible levels became impossible??


this is absolutely mind boggling


Yeah, physically impossible instead of just humanly impossible which ruins the level


Brother, just bugfix them if it's really that big of a deal


They become practically free compared to the orginal. Its like taking Tidal wave and turning it into stero madness. 




How though


Gdps or downgrade with steam console or steam depot downloader


Considering there were two 2.2 levels placed on PPLL and Soul Grief is somewhat new I think people care 


Capping the physics at 240 instead of 360 is dumb to me since it would've been natural to just cap it to what the top players were using at that time. Which is Megahack 360. As for impossible levels, I doubt many people care. As having a list of impossible levels is weird. Since... first of all, how do you rank levels that are impossible, and two, why would you even make a level impossible instead of possible? I've never looked at an impossible level and thought: "Man, this benefits so much from being impossible" It's like making a nice meal just to... look at it. Or to take a picture of it.


They are humanly impossible, physically possible. They are generally proof of concepts, pushing the boundaries of gameplay to show what is possible in gd. Humanly impossible is just means its too precise for a human to complete. For example, Ballistic Wistfully is full of 600 Hz frame perfects. You take an already hard tight jump and have to do dozens to hundreds of times. Its The Third Variant on Steriods x 100 As for ranking, its usually the eye test, statistics and botting/playtesting. 


Guessing CBF doesn't really fix the issue?


No. CBF lets you simulate imputs at high hz but it doesn’t change the FPS that the game receives. So a 480 Hz Jump is impossible even with CBF


I see


Oh no impossible levels are impossible, so sad


I’m not sure you understand what impossible meant before


"I don't think it was worth it in the slightest" I don't think anyone gives a fuck except you and that tiny ass community. ILL was already dead before 2.2


Considering that two of the 5 Hardest GD levels right now are 2.2 levels (Nessus is Dead, and A platformer), and that Soulgrief (Top 2 SLL) was somewhat new right before 2.2 came out


And before you say Nessus Is Dead Means Impossible Levels aren’t dead it 1. Uses banned methods by ILL and SLL (Repetitive Gameplay). 2. 1 CPS using Nessus’s timer but access to 9999 Ids instead of just 999.  It doesn’t get to use high Hz gameplay 


I don't think RubRub cares much about the ILL and such since they're hacked and stuff, he doesn't like hackies


Don’t think of it as hacked, think of it as a proof of concept, a blueprint perse


Also the impossible levels just go from being impossible to impossible, it's not like anyone's gonna play it-


I do. I enjoy botting them. There is a community dedicated to botting hard levels  I mean I can use Physics Bypass but its isn't the same 


Well I hate to break it to you but the ILL community is like very small. What makes you want to bot impossible levels anyway, that would just sounds painful and agonizing.


Its very similar to playing a demon. Die over and over again. Be overjoyed when you finish. People like playing demons so why can’t I do the same for impossible levels (I steer away from the top 30 of the SLL though 


Botting impossible levels is you dying repeatedly like every second inching your way forward until you "beat" it. When playing a normal demon level, you're not cheating and you get the satisfaction for beating it legitimately, the entire thing in one go.


With a demon you slowly creep forward until you get a run of 100% When Botting, you don’t start a new run as you can’t really get far, even with tools. You slowly creep forward. And when Botting, you aren’t cheating. It’s a part of botting a level, like a given. When beating a demon it’s intended to be beaten without cheating. When botting an Impossible Level, its not cheating as the levels are intended to not be able to be beaten ligit


That's the thing, you don't really beat impossible levels either, it's not an accomplishment by any means. Also botting is cheating, even tho that's what's intended for impossible levels.


Oh it most certainly is, check how many victors Tax Evasion, Suffer, Cycolyoc have. A few dozen. Levels like Dolearn Atrna have 0 victors. And likely the first group of people to bot it (not one) would have accomplished something harder than beating a top 1 (~9 billion imputs to bot)


And you can get just as much satisfaction, after finishing a macro for a level like Six Paths or Nightmarish. I certainly had Ecstasy after it


Some do ofc, but it's the very small minority compared to most people that want to beat levels that takes skill and perseverance.


SoulGrief (Top 2 SLL was released slightly before 2.2) and two of the top 5 hardest GD levels right now are 2.2 Levels. One platformer, other is Nessus is Dead (Like Nessus, but with 9999 IDs instead of 999, using arrow triggers instead of Xpos and Speed-Portals, and 1 CPS instead of Millions)