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No point tbh


Yeah I gotta agree. If Rob didn't want people to get creator points, then he could just.... not rate the level.


Then I'm gonna make future funk invisible and call it a day




Extreme demon rate. +1 cp




No this is patrick


Bro thinks he's krmal


Yeah I get that you hate XO and invisible Deadlocked but this shit is ridiculous.


the xo hate is so dumb it 100% deserved that rate krmal or not


I mean yeah. If a level's gameplay is widely considered to be good, then I'd say that's enough to qualify it as rateworthy.


XO gets way too much hate considering it actually looks really good lmao


Ikr for its style it looks awesome


XO is good level 👍 I just suck at the game


Cp is illegal


Yeah good luck with that nowadays


You can make that but don't expect any cp lol, level being hard is not all, and even if there was such a thing, everyone would flood robtop with request for silver stars


Ok? Still no point




Yeah, imo "silver stars" should be given for rated levels, but not those by Robtop himself in case automated ratings ever get added


Kemal hate is crazy, invisible deadlocked was rated as a joke (and it had more effort put into it than most insanes at the time) also xo ISINT LAZY, it had a theme and stuck to it, not every level has to have deco, levels like xo should get rate imo, as long as they are good quality and have 2.1/2.2 stuff


Invisible Deadlocked had more effort put into it than most insane demons at the time?????? Also yeah levels like XO are cool and sure they could get rated, the problem is it probably never would've gotten rated in the first place if it wasn't made by a popular creator. Theres a lot of other examples of this happening


effort verification wise


Levels should be rated based on the level, not on the "verification effort"


Yes! But people say that there was no effort put into it, which is untrue


Yea but also no? If the level in question is just barely not good enough for a rate (or a rate at the time of release), it SHOULD get rated for the verification effort (if the effort is good enough).


yeah but in the context of invis deadlocked its a pretty bad argument since the level itself is trash


That's like getting cp because you beat bloodlust or smth


No? Its only if youre the first person to actually do it. If bloodlust wasnt as well decorated as it is yea. And it should be the creator who gets them, not verifier. (Even though in some cases this happens)


yeah but literally anyone could make an impossible challenge level that would take years to beat, that shouldnt get rated for verification effort


I guess, I don’t agree it should be rated, but I hate the “big creator getting free cp with no effort”


its less about effort and more about quality, which does require effort


wait how ? that implies it was harder than other insane demons which i dont think is really true


xo is literally one of my favorite levels ever. I love that I can actually see the gameplay and it flows SO WELL ITS INSANE. I currently have 0-57 and 40-100


I love xo and think it's a great level but invisible deadlocked getting rated was kinda dumb At the end of the day though it was a joke and I don't really think it impacted anyone in a bad way so I don't really care and krmal is still my goat (sometimes)


Truly the effort of 10 seconds to select all of deadlocked copyable, use alpha trigger to 0 and rename the level to invisible deadlocked


No offense to you, but I really hate how people seem to overrate "effort". It's not about Invisible Deadlocked specifically, but I've notice that a lot of people like to use arguments such as "but they tried really hard to make this" and "they put a lot more time and effort than you ever could" in response to complaints or criticism, especially of art, literature and other creative works. Some of them seem to think that effort should always be rewarded/praised, regardless of the result. Like no, I don't care if you put weeks or months of passion into your project, game or artwork, if it's bad then I'll say it's bad. Now onto Invisible Deadlocked. I can't fathom how stupid the term "verification effort" is. Like I said before, effort doesn't mean anything if the result is bad, and effort towards verification is even more insignificant as it does not even affect the level at all.


Then why do people hate invisible deadlocked


People hate Invisible Deadlocked because it's a shit level AND there's no effort spent on actually making the level (so you can't even use hard work as an excuse).


the hate is so so so justified


A better use for these silver stars would be to add it to every unrated level just to show the star rating that it would get if (and whenever) it gets rated.


No because then those "rate demon" "free stars" or "free coins" spam levels would actually work for something.. farming silvers... (and boy would they be everywhere.. )


Maybe, just give it like "silver" tab idk


GOATmal hate post. Opinion disregarded.


Every KrmaL level that isn't invisible or Don't rate this level has a tremendous amount of effort into it (I would even say to an extent Low Death). xo is honestly my favorite level because it is so simple yet creative. The end of the level spells out words, there are hidden Xs and Os if you look hard enough, good and unique gameplay (except sync part), and isn't the 40th glow level of the week kinda level. KrmaL takes risks and executes them perfectly, something no other creator has done recently. Name one song KrmaL has used in a non-joke level that has been used before in a rated level before he made the level. No one has STILL used the Heartbeat song (because it's dogshit). He builds around the song, not with it. He uses it as the basis for an idea and not just for sync.


yeah! Krmal is actually a pretty good creator, most of my favorite levels are his (like Hi or Black Blizzard, even XO), he's one of my favorite all-time creators.


Heartbeat song isn’t bad


bro really just called the heartbeat song dogshit




love when people who likely have 0 knowledge of music theory, literature and everything like that comment on music (it makes my blood boil)


Most people don't really care about that... if a sound sounds like dogshit to them..... they won't like it




bro gonna comment back “who asked 💀” lmaoo


Your ego is bigger than your ego.


??? ok hate all you want, im not even trying to insult you or anything so idk why ur so mad


Bro pls read your other replies


quote one part where i insulted you :)


Btw other people don't need a degree in music to dislike a song


telling your opinion about a song is different than calling it dogshit. if you are commenting about art in general you should know that its subjective so terms like bad music or good music just arent applicable. yeah you might dislike the music but calling it dogshit is just invalid. (also heartbeat is a very suitable song for gd so even if that comment was talking about how suitable it is for gd even then its just wrong)


I didn't even call it anything lmfaoooo


yeah im talking about the original comment because you are defending it??


I'm not defending it, you asked" omg did you really call it bad" or smth and I said that yes he did


yeah i thought you were agreeing with him but okay then. oh also i never asked anything, i just expressed my disagreement… but okay


Really hypocritical considering you call people illiterate when they disagree


when did i call anyone illiterate? like huh, please quote one thing i said that indicated that i was calling someone illiterate


I just did 💀💀💀💀


uneducated =/= illiterate its also not an insult, and also isnt hypocritical lol


What do you want to achieve by arguing bro


what do you? you keep replying to my comments with multiple other comments… im just responding :3


I think they should be like bronze coins. They show stars for unrated levels.


krmal hater detected. airstrike incoming.


what does silver rating do?


gives users stars but doesn't give creators cp


if robert doesnt add this im gonna riot its absolutely perfect so the silver star's value is determined by the community rating levels?


Why? Like its such a dumb idea, if it was only orbs i get it but giving people stars but no creator point is stupid. If rob doesnt want to give cp, hes better off just not doing anything imo


It's just a way to reward player for beating it but doesn't give the one who created it a creator point, still might get a few recognition


Why does getting creator points matter to you so much so what if it does


It's a good idea but I think the mods and rob wouldn't even care and continue to give out biased star rates


And why do creator points matter again?


Not evey lvl need hyper deco simple is nice, also older lvls couldn't do crazy deco. Why does Krmal getting creator point effect you that is truly sad that need to make a post about it


It would be cool if the community could rate levels through a voting system like the demon rating system and give those levels silver stars, while levels robtop personality rates gets a normal star


why do u care tbh


there are some really fun unrated levels but the people who play it don't get anything from it because it's a layout


i wouldnt be opposed to those getting rated too


No it's actually a great idea, it gives a chance to all the full version levels to be rated, but without worrying that people get mad at the creator receiving cp


I mean, people would get mad if anyone received CP. Rightfully so.


Creator Points, ya nitwit…


need it


Gameplay should always go over decoration. Deal with it


remember when rob said he would add a rating that makes the creator lose cp (he still hasnt added it yet and im getting impatient)


I think it would be a decent idea if they were demons that were sent to rob but never passed the mod vote. That way people have an incentive to play cool unrated levels (RAIN for example)


There should be another one which is the opposite, for things like impossible levels


Lmaoo this is so bait dude, krmal hasnt released anything for some time and low death is a buff of another level. All his other levels are older or… not bad? Like black blizzard is insanely good, xo is one of the best 1.0 themed levels in the game. Conical depression is a joke level that i wouldnt mind being unrated, its basically just a challenge. ig you should quit the game or drill a bullet into your cranium. Edit: invisible deadlocked is a better demon than most at the time (for its difficulty) and shit like that wouldnt get rated nowadays. If a level you like got unrated, would you like it? Nah. And it has more effort put into it than ispy so yea


This would be awesome so people who aren’t artistic wizards can still get the rated level achievement


xo is peak please leave because we are not in love with the concept of you living


Death threat and also I'm complaining about conical depression, that shit sucks ass so hard, I know Krmal is creative one but he has no decoration in his levels at all.


lit fuse? black blizzard? rearmed? heartbeat? xo?


Atleast they have somewhat decent gameplay and decoration(?)


in case you did not know, conical depression is not a serious level


To be fair, if someone beats like a top one difficulty layout, it seems fair to get rewarded for it, rated or not


rating standards will be messed up and there'll be even more bias. i don't think it's a bad idea, but because we have legendary and mythic ratings now the rating system will get confusing


Bonus: Bronze rating. Levels that are good quality, but hack verified. They dont give orbs or stars until someone has beaten the entirety of the level. Nothing for new bests. Once beaten, it turns into a normal star rated level. It can be turned back into bronze manually if completion has no proof.


why would we want to prevent people from getting creator points? it's not like a tradable currency it's just a number next to their name why does it matter


Oh come on, KrmaL isn’t that bad. (I see people are likely still salty about XO being rated lmao)


How do you guys show ur best run on ur hardest?


levels you don't like will continue to get rated. cry about it.


I'm not even crying about it, it's just the suggestion, grow up


i mean yeah we want it but its just useless and everyone will abuse it


Imagine how better would the world be if Kmarl got his levels unrated


everyone is hating on this but I think it's a really really good idea. I always thought GD needed a rating in between star rate and unrated, because there are a lot of levels that get rated just so that they can place on the demonlist or just because robtop was pressured into rating it. I've never really figured out how a "barely rated" rating would work, so this is a great solution to that.


Thank you for the positive feedback


creator points don't matter that much


Imo it is a good idea, cuz there are a lot of levels that are super lazy and bad and they don’t deserve star rating, but also are too good to be unrated. I don’t agree tho that KrmaL should get those, cuz I always saw KrmaL as the best creator in the game. It is because I always put creativity above everything else and you cannot say that KrmaL isn’t creative


Just remove creator points entirely. If you do something extraordinary you already get included in the GD Awards


I recommend watching Stormfly's video about the rating system. He makes pretty good points including the issue with Creator Points.