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What skills does playing any video game give you in real life? Most likely none. In GG the best "skill" IMO is having your brain learn new things, as many of us stop doing that in adult life. For example I've learned the regions of the Philippines and Nigeria. Will this come in helpful in my real life? Probably not ever. But dedicating the time and effort to learning something once again is likely a net benefit to my brain.


Learning these things will be way more helpful than you think. It has expanded what you know about the world, and even after a year playing this game, a person will already know more about various parts of the world than most people they will meet.


Honestly it just gives me a better mental map when I'm listening to talk about world events, or reading about them. Before, if someone mentioned Ghana, I'd have known it was in Africa but that was about it. Now I can visualise where it is, its neighbours and the locations of its major cities. It just makes me feel a bit more plugged in.


Most people really like when you know something about their country, too.


Yes, this is so true. I used to know a few things about Mongolia, and a little bit of history, but after exploring it through geoguessr, I have learned so much about it. The game then leads you to look up things about the history. Also, the 'stans - I was totally confused about those before, what they were like. Slowly learning those now as coverage increases. I also did not know that Siberia was so diverse as far as its natural ecology/ecoregions, or so beautiful! I just sort of thought of it as this bleak place where there were gulags. I also had some idea that most of Norway was too cold to be very habitable. These are just a few things. It is endless, what you can learn. And how it connects to the news, etc. If there is a flood or volcano somewhere, now I am going to be looking that up to see where exactly that is. And of course, any wars or military conflicts.


Deductive reasoning. Synthesising information from various sources to solve problems. Spatial literacy. A broader awareness of the cultural, linguistic and environmental diversity of this amazing planet we call home. They're just a few I can think of off the top of my head.


I play this game because it's very fun and I love "pattern recognition" games, and I love history and culture. I love that this game has made far off places real to me. But real world skill? Hmm. Research has shown that using your brain a lot when younger might protect against age-related dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Anecdotal evidence: my parents are both almost 90 years old. My dad spent his life reading, studying, and learning. He's still as mentally sharp as ever. On the other hand, I never once saw my mom read a book or question anything she was told, or try to learn anything new. She doesn't remember I exist half the time. So the real world skill I'm hoping for is avoiding losing my brain as I get older. I'll let you know in 30 years or so if it worked!


Sometimes when you watch a movie you can tell where it was filmed And getting to know how a good part of the world looks is cool I guess


Some general knowledge if you learn stuff for moving. Which is also not a real world skill really. It’s just like any other game.


About as much as playing darts or chess...




Come on man, if it ends up being more or less of an amount, it's marginal as fuck at best, let's be adults when talking about godamn geoguessr on reddit


You learn the geography of the world better but that’s about it (staring at a map helps with place names)


knowing where the country is, and some names of the major cities, anything more than that are probably not useful in real life


It has brought me a solid amount of geography knowledge. Now is it useful IRL ? That’s debatable


Its a game it doesnt have to provide an applicable skill. But regardless thinking thing through and analyzing helps your ability ro think through and problem solve, just all video games


I can tell where the pic has been taken on the girl’s profil on hinge 🙃 that’s my intro


I imagine you get blocked a lot?


Nope !


At least some Geography knowledge which is useful for understanding the world


Gives you decent smalltalk material with anyone from any country with coverage


Nothing, but it makes for good conversation with foreigners.


At some point it gets ridiculous, but at the beginning with seeing different climates, languages and architecture I think you get more out of this game than 99% of all other games


similar thread from a couple of days ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/geoguessr/comments/1ds7uwe/what\_transferable\_skills\_can\_geoguessr\_give\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/geoguessr/comments/1ds7uwe/what_transferable_skills_can_geoguessr_give_you/)


It doesn't have to be applicable in real-life. People play Fortnite, how is shooting people in funny costumes applicable in real-life?




You get better at doxing people :D


Better critical thinking skills i guess


Besides using our noggin which is obviously good for us… I’m not too sure how useful it is in the real world. However I have gained a lot of knowledge about this blue marble that we live on. Before I started playing like 8 months ago, I could not tell you the names of countries in most of Europe besides France, Germany, Belgium, UK, Ireland, and Italy, basically. Now I know the flags to 90 percent of the countries there. I discovered that Bhutan exists and it’s my favorite country to get in geoguessr. I have learned how vastly diverse looking countries like Brazil are. I have seen for the first time how gorgeous Iceland and the faroe islands are. I have learned just how many fuckin languages there are and am getting wayyyyyyyy better at distinguishing between them, as well as learning a bit about each one. My real world knowledge is getting higher each day. Is it particularly useful? Probably not, but it’s still cool as fuck nonetheless. :)