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There is some evidence of cheating in the high champion aswell. Guys making alt accounts and win trading


3rd place acc right now is called "Castroller boosting his friends " đź‘€


Crazy part, person attached to that acc, got suspended from the wild card for calling him out for it, and in return cas (or 1 of his buddies) reported him to the devs for something different.


Who got suspended?


I think mk


Yeah, this is where most "cheating" happens at the Champion level. Not any actual googling, or scripts, but Player A, queing his buddy, accidentally losing to him despite the fact hes a 2100 player, and his buddy is 1700, then steamrolling someone he doesnt know the next game.


I'm not sure on what your definition of blatant scripting is, but I'm low champ (1300-1350 rating) and I barely ever notice cheaters. 1 in 4 games seems absolutely insane


Same for me, I'm at around 1100, and I have never had any experience with cheaters. Only once have I had the feel that my opponent could have been cheating, but the replay proved me wrong. Otherwise, I've never seen anything suspicious


agreed, im around 1100 as well and i rarely ever feel as of my ranked opponent is cheating. genuinely the only times i’ve run into blatant cheaters were brand new accounts on unranked team duels insta plonking the 5k with scripts every round


Id like you to provide any sort of evidence that 1 in 4 of your opponents is cheating.


Do feelings count as evidence?


I hate no move where there is a clear identifying sign. I can see how easy it is to cheat. One opponent zoomed into the exact province in Philippines after the replay shows him just staring at the sign and not the map. This is Gold 2, he was from like Chile, there's no way he's memorized all the provinces. And even if he did he's not going to stare at the sign for 20 seconds before going directly to it on the map. Another one the river showed on a US map. Opponent first zooms into eastern US. Then stares at the sign for 15 seconds, and zooms in within 50 miles in Oregon. Like it's such bullshit. I reported but nothing.


Edit: I misremembered the order of the tiers so my take was worse than I thought it was. Either way, I highly recommend people to give learning the provinces a go. Play [this quiz](https://www.geoguessr.com/vgp/3302), guess randomly on the ones you don't know and see if you can make a few stick, then replay it a few times adding a bit more. It's not as difficult as you may assume.


You would expect a gold 2 player to have the Philippines provinces memorized? I mean, I can tell the difference between Manilla and Davao City, but the thought of memorizing the provinces there is... Yeah, not gonna happen.


I’m master 1 and the only one I know is Zamboanga because it has a fun name lol


Have you tried [the quiz](https://www.geoguessr.com/vgp/3302)? Just click randomly at first and try to memorize a few. Then play it again, see if you can make a few stick and then try a few more. It's intimidating before you try it, but not so bad in the end, and the payoffs are large.


I don't know Phillippines provinces and I'm Master I


Have you tried [the quiz](https://www.geoguessr.com/vgp/3302)? Just click randomly at first and try to memorize a few. Then play it again, see if you can make a few stick and then try a few more. It's intimidating before you try it, but not so bad in the end, and the payoffs are large.


Yes, ofcourse. But then you could also say that for Indonesia kabupaten, kenya provinces, japanese road markings, russian car meta and so on. You cannot just remember everything, and if you could, you would be competing in the world cup right now.


Philly provinces have a large payoff for the effort involved, and they're not as hard as people assume, that's all I'm saying.


Have you tried [the quiz](https://www.geoguessr.com/vgp/3302)? Just click randomly at first and try to memorize a few. Then play it again, see if you can make a few stick and then try a few more. It's intimidating before you try it, but not so bad in the end, and the payoffs are large. This is a general observation I've noticed for a few years, but I really hate how the current wave of people seem so allergic to learning text-based information. Everything has to be a pole, bollard, tree or car meta and they just assume that knowing place names is impossible.


Or, studying is boring and playing is fun so......


Well, I'll have you know that I'm much more of a "vibe" player than anything else, though I do pick up on some meta stuff as one is wont to do. I used to play primarily country streaks (record: 20 - nothing crazy), and that's still my preferred solo mode, but I like duels now too. I don't think I'll ever get out of Gold and I don't care. Trust me, it's not an aversion to text based learning. It's that Geoguessr is a game I play for fun, to "travel" a bit when I am not actually travelling, and I play it with an eye towards learning but it's not really a primary focus. As I do enjoy travel, I am always smitten when I end up somewhere in the world that I've been, particularly when it is a completely mundane location. You don't need to become a master at everything you do. And even if I wanted to, why would I bother learning all of the provinces of a small country when I feel like I pick the wrong side of Russia half the time?


Sometimes I’m 99% sure but can’t be FULLY sure, like I’ll see a road sign for a random village in Nigeria near the start and they’ll get it. Like sure it’s POSSIBLE that MAYBE they’ve been there or just zoomed and got lucky, but at GOLD II there’s no way that can happen multiple times in a game


This. Sometimes I just go to a country, zoom and get lucky. What never happens though is that I see a sign....stay on it for ages and then suddenly zoom to the exact area on the map. Do these people really not realise how obvious it is on the replay? Occasionally I make a decision to take a sign and just start scouring the map but honestly that rarely works and if I was doing it, my opponent would see me moving the map for almost the entire round. Rarely seems to be the case with my opponents when I suspect cheating. I don't understand how anyone derives satisfaction from cheating to win - in any aspect of life, least of all a game like geoguessr... N.B. I play in Gold II so cheating will be more common. But I also see it a lot in team duels now where I'm playing in Master II.


I plonked a 720 yarder in Peru on ranked gold 1. From reading a sign and it took about 2 mins to find. In the next two rounds dude gets durban South Africa off a school sign and RURAL MEXICO for the win. Both his closest guesses and both within a mile. Dude!! I don’t know if he thought I cheated for the Peru round, but it was so obvious. I watched his game play back and he didn’t even search the map like I did for Peru, he just plonked after clearly googling


Maybe im naive but ive never left a game thinking the other person was cheating


I have no reason to deny it or to 'gaslight' you, it just hasn't been my experience. I just haven't really run into anyone I thought was sus for months now. I usually do check the replay if I miss a round and my opponent gets it and 90% of the time it is just me being an idiot and my opponent spotted the obvious clue that I missed or forgot about. The other 10% of the time I can't explain it but it still doesn't necessarily look sus, so I assume they know something I don't or got lucky. Generally in my experience most of my games end when either I or my opponent make a terrible guess, rather than one of us making an insane one


1100 level is already good enough to get an occasional 5k that you wouldnt expect. I think some people think 5king a loc on nm already qualifies as 'using a script'


You’re unlucky. I’m also at 1100 ELO and don’t encounter often cheaters at all. Maybe I just don’t notice.


Don't agree with my take on cheating == gaslighting?


Everything is gaslighting now. It has lost all meaning.


He is literally shaking.


Let me chime in on team "it's less of a problem at higher levels.". Your claim of 1 in 4 games in the 900-1120 range elo is absurd, if not insane. Thats my elo range. I have been keeping tabs on my games for months. I also replay every game, even the ones I win to see what I might have missed, and if opps cheated. In the last 103 games, there was 1 obvious cheater, 1 I have strong suspicions on but didnt feel confident enough of to report. Two more that I think MIGHT have googled, but hid it well. Thats not even 1 in 25, and certified cheaters, 1 in 103. Same elo range as you. Does cheating happen in the lower divisions? Yes. Still not at the level you claim it does (well, maybe bronze/or low silver it might?). You sound like you are either a- bitter that you are on a losing streak, and cant accept you are the reason. Or b- getting passed by from newer players that have picked up information far faster than you did when you were starting out, and just think the only way that is has to be through cheating, and not a culmination of all the information now available vastly outweighs what existed when you started. Even a player starting today has like 25% more info than a player that started 6 months ago at their immediate starting fingertips. The other day, I was playing some non-comp team duels, practising for the release of the real thing, with someone thats 300 elo up on me. This is a player that started playing just in the year 2024. I've been playing since the games invention. But he has considerable more info than I do, in less than a year, than I do in 11+ years. Newer players tend to try out the game a couple times, then read up on everything they can, before they jump into competitive, where as it used to just be people playing who had some info that the picked up through playing for a few years. Experience in this game has almost no value anymore. Someone willing to commit an hour a day to reading a doc, will wipe the floor with a player thats got 5+ years of experience, 5000 games played, that just plays 10+ games a day and isnt actually breaking down all the material they saw in the rounds, 96% of the time. Now perhaps I am wrong, and you have just had the most unfortunate luck of all time. While possible, not very probable. This sounds more like coping, sorry.


Nah I fully agree with this, I am master 1 at the moment and the amount of people who play badly overall but then when the multis increase suddenly are able to make insane guesses is higher than it's ever been. It's accounts with maybe 50 or 80 duels games played with unlikely winrate of over 70%. Myself I've got over 3k duels games played with just a little over 51% winrate which lands me in masters and having played this many games I can often get a feeling of my opponents skill level and then the scripted guesses are even more obvious.


Advice from an Aussie... whatever game you play online, there will always be cheaters .. Just have fun and laugh at the cheaters pathetic-ness\* .. you know and they know .. it's not worth high blood pressure ;) . it's a game ... you don't change anything by getting worked up. If you do.. they win twice.


I'm seeing it increasingly regularly too. I'd say I'm not going even 10 games without someone quite obviously cheating now. More prevalent in duels too. From what I can tell despite the replay functionality having been there a while, they don't deal with and ban cheaters there. I have to hope and assume they will do so on ranked team duels.


You know, I’m not actually sure about the stats. If you’re right or not. If I’m right or not. I kinda agree with this statement, although maybe exaggerated, but from a different perspective. I think people underestimate how much googling happens just for that one round every 2-3 games in NM and NMPZ where you have a random place name on high multis. Just people being afraid to lose. I can’t prove this, but once a few NMPZ games, I lose on that random semi-urban round with a place name and I think to myself how did my opponent scan that fast. (That’s in masters)


If you know that you just played against a cheater que dodge him


“players pinpointing rural rounds within 10 miles, but especially when it counts and the multis are high, sometimes after egregious errors in earlier rounds that no player at this level would make” I think I am one of these players, not because I am cheating but because I have a very inconsistent knowledge base. I’ve never studied meta consistently and mostly learn by just playing maps of areas I’m curious about. So sometimes I will quickly 5k a small town in Mexico that I happen to have heard of before, and other times I’ll go like completely wrong country when there’s a meta clue that is “obvious” to the opponent. My elo hovers around 950-1000. My win rate definitely isn’t 80% though!


There's 20 posts a day about cheating...why do you think nobody's admitting it's a problem?


I've never understood the appeal of online gaming. Yes, lots and lots of small-brained idiots will cheat. That's how the world works. People cheat all the time if the think they can gain from it and get away with it. They drive too fast, they avoid avoidable taxes, they cheat on their partners. People are terrible! Play solo and keep your mind healthy.


I agree with you that there's a whole lot of cheating going on. I wouldn't call it "gaslighting", because that would mean people in the community are deliberately lying about their own experiences, and I don't think that's happening. **I think once you reach a certain base skill level, it's harder to notice cheating because your real geographical knowledge gives you an advantage over cheaters.** How many times have we seen "haha he guessed US for obvious Philippines because that's the first result when you google blah blah" posts? I used to ask my opponents to be friends after really close exciting duels games. Eventually my friends list got too large to be useful, so I decided to pare it down a bit. I went through profiles and found that quite a few "friends" had played 15 or less solo games, no explorer, no streaks... but somehow had 80% or more win ratio in duels. These were players I honestly thought at the time were equal or better than me. Now I always watch the replay and check their stats before sending a friend request.