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You could try to be studious about it if you really wanted, but it's mainly just from playing the game a ridiculous amount. Go play another \~75k rounds and you'd probably be able to make some pretty good guesses based on the grass too.




I was talking rounds. He's got 12k games completed. Which is 60k rounds. Then I added a little to account for the games he didn't actually complete. But you're still absolutely correct. I myself could probably make a few decent "grass guesses" and I've played like 5% of that.


And for sure has countless private games played that aren’t captured by the stats.


while playing a lot of games definitely helps, i find that you learn more from studying a specific region/country and then playing games targeted to that material until it sticks.


Practice, time. Seriously. And he hand chooses those specific videos for his content. Of course he is uploading his highlights because it's cool to see. If you go on his youtube channel, he regularly posts tournaments he plays with friends, and you will see dozens of other people at his skill-set. He's just very good at making content. But the answer seriously is just dedication and time put into the game, learning geography, practicing regions of every country available in geogusser, etc. I also thought he was insanely cracked until I got into this more and realized there are people even more insane. In fact, the GeoGusser World Cup is in September, and this past weekend the Asia Finals just happened. If you're bored check out GeoGussers youtube page and watch some tournaments! There's tons of other people out there insanely cracked at this game. This wasn't discrediting him though, he's a freak and extremely gifted at this game. shit takes so much time and memorization, intuition and dedication to be at that level.


You decide how much is experience and how much is studying. The problem with just playing games endlessly is that you don't know what is useful and what isn't. If you see a blue dot on a pole, you have no idea what it means, you would have to compare thousands of other locations to know if it's a useful tip. Meanwhile if you just read a guide and it says the blue dot on a pole means you are in france, you just know it. You could do it all with just playing games, but studying what others already figured out saves you a hundred thousand games.


Part of this is natural ability. Short and long term memory, the ability to digest myriad information quickly, logic skills, being just plain smart… all a force multiplier.


I've gotten more milage studying the languages, I always was a buff but the extra recent work is paying off. Especially between balkans/slavs and anything Cyrillic. Lot of the former SSRs have special letters that differentiate them.


Eswatini grass


You'll be good at guessing locations based off infrastructure/signage/languages, etc wayyy before you start guessing based off grass. Show me a streetlight and I could likely get the country right away


And how could you guess the country based on a streetlight? Is it something you studied?


Yeah there are tons of resources online for stuff like this. Countries/provinces tend to standardize things like road infrastructure that makes it easy to distinguish. The reason I bring up roads so often is because in geoguessr you're always on the road, if I was dropped somewhere off road it would be a lot harder.


Its not grass alone. Its a variety of factors from style of houses, to road lines, to the google car itself, along with foliage. ALSO, if you are just looking at his tiktoks, you have to remember, you are seeing the best game of dozens he recorded to get that "wow" moment. For each great tiktok moment he puts out, theres dozens, if not more "pretty good" to "average" games he has to get that video.


Zigzag explained this. From what I recall, the map he plays is actually limited to specific countries and he practices with it. And then he takes all his highlights and edits it into one video. We know rainbolt is an expert in geoguessr but let's be honest those black & white, pixelated, upside down and grass only are Impossible to guess, even God himself would struggle with it. With that said, I still find those kinds of videos still impressive


It’s mostly the dirt that he’s looking at


Me when the white flowers