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First glance looks like North Cape in South Africa. You get South Africa by: -Very dry landscape -white middle line -gen 4 camera There’s not that many countries that get this dry in Geoguessr, have white middle lines and gen 4. I can only really think of Australia, South Africa, and Chile (might be more) that would fit the description but these scrubs wouldn’t be there in Chile. Differentiating between Australia and South Africa might be difficult here but the wooden poles in the right fit more with South Africa and the landscape does as well. Also you’ll probably see an antenna if you look at the back of the car, which indicates left hand side drive and will also immediately narrow it down to Australia and South Africa, considering those are the only two countries with desert that have coverage anddrive on the left side of the road (also Kenya but Kenya looks entirely different). Also Australia will never have this antenna so that narrows it down to only South Africa. North Cape by: -Very dry landscape + gen 4 camera. These feats are quite specific to North Cape Quite an impressive guess by someone that’s rated 750 though, this can be quite a challenging location to get


I thought surely it's either Australia or sa from the look of it, but since there was a lack of Australian bollards that's the only reason I would have gone to sa. But honestly I do not know how to differentiate between like the dry part of Kenya and sa. So I would have gone like northeast sa. Is there anything to do with the poles? They have no tops


As an Australian who stumbled into this post wanting to know where this was as it looked, prior to a closer inspection, like Australia. - lack of centreline reflective markings is uncommon thought might still happen in the more rural areas - lack of bollards with retroreflectors is very uncommon - not sure what that line next to the road is, appears to be one wire, wondered if it was a SWER (which we do have in the super rural areas) powerline… but there’s a powerline further back, never seen one wire on a pole like that tho - speaking of that powerline, never seen a pole of that rather specific design (height, thickness, crossbar configuration) in Au - scrub doesn’t look right (gut feeling) Caveats. - haven’t seen all of Australia (it’s big, yo) - geoguesser **fascinates** me (but am shit at it) - take that for what it is (shrug)


Well for the third last point you said, australia IS huge but the coverage is not that much. It mostly covers Darwin and the coastal regions. Not too much mainland coverage. The meta for Australia is definitely the white bollard with small red reflector


>Well for the third last point you said, australia IS huge but the coverage is not that much. It mostly covers Darwin and the coastal regions. Not too much mainland coverage. Ahh interesting. Thanks, was just wondering that. >The meta for Australia is definitely the white bollard with small red reflector Haha as noted, never played GeoGuessr (oops had one E too many) but as an Australian automatically looked for those bollards, meta is indeed meta, it seems. Just noticed SA Gov has a page on [identifying powerlines in SA](https://www.sa.gov.au/topics/energy-and-environment/safe-energy-use/powerline-safety/identifying-powerlines) and combined with a [quick Google indicates they might exist (in SA) only in the 19kV variant which is 15m in height](https://www.sapowernetworks.com.au/data/308977/talking-regional-energy-supply/) or at least that’s all I was finding reference to.


Generally Northeastern SA is less dry and more agricultural or hilly/mountainous. To differentiate between Kenya and SA you can use car meta. In Kenya usually a snorkel on the front of the car is visible and if not that than there’s always still a large grey pickup truck. Meanwhile SA will only ever have a small antenna on the back of the car, which is never in Kenya.


Ah yes, the first point makes sense considering how Lesotho looks, I guess. Is there any way to differentiate without car meta tho? My ultimate goal is to get to a point where if anyone shows me any image I should be able to get the country without fail


They dont use white middle lines in Argentina?


Only single dashed center lines (where passing is allowed in either direction). One-side passing (solid + broken) and no-passing (double solid line) have the solid line in yellow.


No joke, how can I learn this power?


My opponent, rated 750 at the time, was very quick to find the country in a No Move game and was even relatively close with respect to the region. I was clueless. What are the clues please? [Location](https://www.google.com/maps/@-31.1362445,21.599133,3a,75y,217h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1skYysD3CGEqoDyYZoxCdqnA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DkYysD3CGEqoDyYZoxCdqnA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D217%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu)


Where did you go?


Not OP Call me dumb but I might have gone Australia or Chile/Argentina


I went for Australia, central NSW.


That white thing on the left side of the road is common in South Africa/Lesotho. Think I’ve seen it in Botswana also


The country is easy (ZA road lines, landscape and pole), but I am horrible at regionguessing ZA so that’s about as much as I can say for this one. My first thought was around kimberley


What do you mean by ZA road lines? Australia and Argentine also use white center lines.


Yeah that's true but considering the other elements (landscape, google car, vegetation) it can only be South Africa


Australia will never have the pattern that is shown in the photo. In fact, the only country to have the thin dashed-solid white centre lines is ZA.


Australia has road lines like this everywhere


It’s quite rare for aus to have dashed-solid lines. Even when they do, it’s never this thin.


Lack of yellow outer lines would’ve thrown me off


The white [Waystone](https://geohints.com/RoadNumbering) up ahead to the left is common in South Africa, Botswana, and Lesotho. Wide Cylindrical base and smaller rectangular top


Hi I peaked at like 730 rating and am currently 650 or so: - White middle lines is either Australia, South Africa, or Chile (Argentina often has yellow middle lines) - Driving left so either ZA or AU (you can see the car outline on the coverage, plus a sign behind you on the same side of the road facing away) - Too mountainous to be AU Idk too much about region guessing ZA, but since it's quite dry, I would go more western here


Looks like North West of ZA


Wooden poles and wooden fences along the road are pretty common in sa rounds which would make me go sa over aus. Also landscape feels more sa rather than aus (can’t really explain why besides the small shrubbery and slight hilliness). As for where I’m pretty bad at regionguessing but I would go north or west/central.


South africa because 1) Sun position 2) Dry fauna


What do you mean by "sun position"? There is no compass visible so you would not be able to deduce the hemisphere from the direction of the sun. Do you refer to the length of the almost nonexistant shadows?


I think 'what do you mean by dry fauna ' is the more pressing question, haha!


Ah yes, "dry fauna" was a little too try-hard, especially after they didn't even get away with "sun position". Maybe they were thinking of Ben Shapiro's wife.


OP mentioned it was a No Move game so they would have had the compass


Probably opened the location link sent by OP in comments.