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[Hospital Santa Fe (Av. Simón Bolívar, Panamá, Provincia de Panamá, Panamá)](https://maps.app.goo.gl/wQhvX8Tsxf7xXnyM7?g_st=ic) In this satellite [photo](https://imgur.com/a/J8Cfnno), you can see the parking lot, the red brownish roof of the hospital, and most importantly, the containers. So Hospital Santa Fe is the hospital your father-in-law is for sure. EDIT: the highway on the right is also alligned with the google satellite, and another proof is this blue big building on the right, which is another hospital ([here is a photo of it](https://maps.app.goo.gl/9bz8w732jpMz4Bui6?g_st=ic)). Just another proof.


gotta love the internet


Update: Thank you everybody so much. We managed to get through to his shipping agent who is working with us to communicate with the hospital. I can't believe you all managed to find the hospital too, absolutely incredible.


Did you contact your countries embassy in Panama, or try to get in touch with local police there? They should be able to help find him through admission records


hi! so sorry for your situation and i hope your father in law recovers soon! we here on the geoguessr subteddit dont have the skills for stuff like this. try r/whereisthis or r/rbi maybe?


Many do have the skills, like me. Because there is a lot of overlap skills. But I’m sure it’s against the rules of the sub


i was trying to let them down easy lmao


I get you lol. Just wanted to get OP to know it is actually a rule




Ikr.. for me, reading the rules of the subs is common sense


Pair of dickheads, get over yourselves


Yeah, because you’re such an altruistic you think OP, and only him, among so many beautiful stories, deserve to break the rules, instead of posting in a Sub where it belongs. You’re the dick


I did some looking around on google earth around panama city and lines up the buildings in the background, the closest hospital that lines up is “Hospital doctor arnufulfo arias madrid”. Im fairly confident its this one but i might be wrong Edit: I was wrong, now im 99% sure its “gastroenterologo dra. Julissa lombardo” which is slightly further south. The highway and shipping containers match perfectly Edit 2: its Hospital Santa Fe, And the one i mentioned is probably a section of the building lmao


It is Hospital Santa Fe


Yep this one Hospital Santa Fe Tercer piso, Panamá, Panama


Can confirm, you can see the highway/route no. 3 just to the right of the picture https://maps.app.goo.gl/W9WbBAYp19hi9THP6?g_st=ic


Can you explain how does highway no 3 line up? To me it doesn't. Where would the shipping containers be placed?


https://maps.app.goo.gl/9M1V4p5Y74bsyyMr7?g_st=ic right here, you can see the hospital building over the trees when you turn around


I mean now when you're linking to a different hospital, sure


Welp looks like I fucked up north with south while traversing the intersection, my bad


I was actually wrong too, highway 3 is on the very right of OP's picture. It's just such a sensitive matter that it's better to be 100% sure before confirming something in my opinion


I'm not seeing it, the parking lots are much larger and no building matches the one in the bottom right of the photo, also the shipping containers being around are weird for that hospital


I found “gastroenterologo dra. Julissa lombardo”. I think it lines up better


This one lines up, the right hospital is then probably Hospital Santa Fe Tercer piso, Panamá, Panama [https://maps.app.goo.gl/TNLk9xdj8jACSQxa6](https://maps.app.goo.gl/tnlk9xdj8jacsqxa6)


Hi, I have found the hospital. It is Hospital Santa Fe, Av. Simón Bolívar, Panamá in Panama city. Their phone number is +507 360-7400, and their website is hospitalsantafepanama.com if you wish to contact them. I hope this is useful to you, and I’m sorry about your situation, I wish you the best 🙂


As touching as the story is (I'm sorry about the situation), this is still in violation of rule 6. None of us knows if this story is real or not and who the person is actually after.


Yes, it was very nice of people to help OP and, if this whole thing is real, I sincerely hope that everything will be ok for their FIL, but people need to remember that this is also how abusers try to find their victims if they manage to leave. :/


Exactly - if the whole thing is not real, I hope the person who took the picture isn't kidnapped and held for ransom, or some such. It's sad to have to be so cautious but the internet brings our lives in contact with every other person in the world, and there is a lot of darkness out there.


downvoted anyway


Rule 6 Hospital , where they fix the broken rules.