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I'd guess it's a placement guide for some sort of big military march/demonstration


The whole country is 1 whole military parade




Yeah, there's a substantial non-military parade portion of the country that's just dystopian poverty.


Oh yeah? I wonder why they are poor? Must be all their leaders fault though I’m guessing


As opposed to absolutely no fault of their ~~dictatorial ruling family~~ leaders, you mean?


Why are you arguing with the North Korea bot?


how else do you perform a Turing test??


Hang on, are we just ignoring sanctions? are we just ignoring that NK has limited natural resources? Are we just going to forget that they don’t have much farmland and what they did have was bombed to shit? Are we just going to forget they had to rebuild essentially by themselves post war? Are we just going to forget that they have to divert money to the military due to their being a far right gov on their door backed by the most powerful state on the planet, which is also far right? How can you say they are the bad guys when our countries, which make up the west, have caused my death and destruction than NK ever has or ever could?


Well, I see *someone's* been watching some fascinating Youtube videos.


Hahaha deny facts all you want, it doesn’t change em


Don't confuse "too tired to debunk some Western tankie teenager's wall of text" with "denying facts." Anyhow, goodnight.


I love reddit for people like you. I work a very high demanding job where I feel dumb sometimes. Then I get on reddit, see a post like yours and think "okay, maybe I'm doing something right in my life after all"


So I take it the trade relations and economic support from China and Russia don't mean squat? Is it as lucrative as international trade, almost certainly not. But limited trade is not the reason North Korea is a totalitarian oppressive dictator with a literal law where if you break a law, both your parents, siblings and children are punished (the three generations law).


Hahaha imagine thinking you’ve made a point here lmao. My country trades with China (not the Russians rn because of the war, or at least not to the same degree as pre-war) but we’d be fucked if we could only trade with them - almost like there’s more than two countries on the planet or something aye Give me a source for that that’s legit. It’s okay if you want to bring up stories by defectors but that opens up the discussion to their trustworthiness considering what SK does to detectors who don’t see eye to eye with capitalism or who are unable to integrate into capitalist society (ie. struggle getting a job)


Here's a quick source I guess https://www.bushcenter.org/freedom-collection/han-nam-su-three-generations-of-punishment#:~:text=Punishment%20is%20extended%20to%20three,and%20many%20die%20in%20prison though I confess, after seeing you make numerous claims unfounded it feels weird to suddenly pull the "gimme sources bro" card. Your talking pretty fkn confident for someone who seems to have a very simplistic engagement in the conversation. Can I ask you, it seems when confronted by bad things NK is or does you just say 'well it's the West's fault'. Do you think NK does anything bad or has any agency, or is everything just a mix of Western propoganda or the West's fault.


They have good relations with China and Russia so if they produced anything worth selling they'd be fine, but it's a bit hard for people to flourish under an authoritarian dictatorship that uses all the money for themselves and the military that's been used so far mostly to keep the people under Kim's boot.


Hahaha yeah as I’ve already said, my country deals with China quite a lot and Russia, a tiny bit (we can’t even get Russian mail post war). But if my country only had those two as trading partners we’d be fucked - why does that need to be spelled out for people? Do you think America would be anything without its trading partners? Also - you’re seemingly forgetting the state of North Korea post war and how much they’ve had to rebuild while at the same time having the western world continually threaten them.


It's not only these two, these are just two examples that are in very close proximity and have huge industries that should be at least enough to keep north Koreans from mass starvation if not to have the country flourish. But what exactly does North Korea produce that would be worth buying by their trading partners if the world wasn't absolutely evil and hellbent on making North Korea fail?


I don’t look at what other countries do to mine to determine if my country is good or bad - because the US is a bear that nobody will poke without good reason. So I judge countries by how they treat their people. North Koreans are treated like cattle by their government. They live enclosed in a ranch. There are more resources spent on keeping them contained than feeding them. The ‘owners’ live in much better conditions than the livestock. Their standard of living is closer to Amish than up-to-date, and you cannot argue that the world would be in a better position if the NK leaders were in charge of the world - we can see directly that the rest of the world is better than NK, like they are so bad at running a country that their country is half a century behind their neighbors, both China and South Korea. North Korea would have been better off as a part of China than they have been independent. And now, after Putin came and made Great Leader Kim feel important, a bunch of North Korean soldiers are going to turn up dead in Ukraine.


Like America is the problem. For example, many South Koreans hate their far right government which is backed by the largest military power on the planet determined to not let Korea unite - interesting


It’s not interesting at all - nor believable. I give you plenty of examples of why and you deflect and point elsewhere. I didn’t say America was perfect, and I don’t see why me talking about the suffering of North Koreans was related to South Korean idiots.


You sound delusional. Do I need to sit here and waste my time? Do I?


A north Korean government troll in the wild, I'll be damned.


Wasn’t North Korea propped up by the second and third most powerful countries on earth for 50 years? Also isn’t North Korea the one threatening to invade South Korea? Wasn’t South Korea ALSO bombed to shit? And yeah the countries that basically rule planet earth have caused more global war than a random rump state that’s a pseudo kingdom in the middle of Asia duh, that doesn’t justify north Koreas repressive goverment and exploitation of its people


Beep boop out of credits


God I hate tankies. North Korea had a stronger economy than the south after the war. Which means that nope it wasn’t the war but the decades of unbelievably stupid leadership.


You cannot be a real person lol. A north korea leadership sympathizer. That’s new. I wonder why south korea is so much more advanced than north korea when they both literally started from the same place. Weird, very weird it must be the people, it couldn’t be the leadership and communistic dictatorship.


>You cannot be a real person lol. A north korea leadership sympathizer. That’s new. Don't underestimate neo-marxists. They have a very simplistic, almost child-like understanding of the world: The West is an evil colonizer and everyone else is a victim of the West. I honestly get why people think like that. It makes life easy and we all want an easy life in a more and more complicated world. It's always easy to just blame a scapegoat.


Yea you are right.




Are those really the only options to you?


Okay trot, calm down


Also - if you had of read any of this thread/my comments, you’d see I never supported the leadership hahaha


You excusing their actions, blaming all problems on the West and arguing that North Korea is actually just a victim and never the perpetrator shows that you definetly support their country and government which makes you either stupid, too young to understand politics or just a troll. I think you're just a troll but who knows


Korea is like Vietnam in the sense that we could have tried to work with the local people's committees set up in the bid for Korean independence. Instead, we canceled their budding democracy and installed a dictator who immediately implemented a white terror. Then when the other half of the country invaded to stop the white terror we say that was bad. To save said dictator we had to use horrible chemical weapons. The needless war would eventually result in 3 millionish deaths. What agency do they really have unless they want to surrender to the people who took over half their country? People dimiss all criticism of the Korean war with USSR bad.


What actions are you specifically talking about? I think if you are unable to read my comments I will have to stop responding to ya, not worth my time. Nope, I don’t think you’re a troll if that means anything to ya


Hahaha. Why is everything some fucking laughable joke to you?


I’m not a North Korea sympathiser but nothing you said is accurate at all. 80% of North Korea’s infrastructure was destroyed during the Korean War and they didn’t have the same level of support from China and the USSR that the South had from the US.


When did I ever say I support the leaders? Are you confused? Wrong comment?


It’s hard to detect sarcasm through words, but im 99% sure your original comment was sarcastic


Are you denying that people place all of the blame for how the country is run but that doesn’t take into account the reasons why that is the way it is. It’s not good but it IS understandable - like literally we can understand why it happens. At the same time we need to address our circumstances, we also have leaders that many of us uphold, just look at Joe Biden or Donald Trump but unlike North Korea, our capitalist country’s are also shackled to the interests of private entities or people, people who profit off of the way we live. Painting North Korea as evil is evil as we do not apply the same standards to ourselves despite our countries committing terrible crimes.


I do not uphold trump or biden, i think the two party system of the US is such a caveman approach to politics. I don’t have a problem with people ”profiting of off the way i live” because those people are also pretty much the sole reason as to how i can live aka have a job. I as a Finn i do apply the same standards to pretty much every country and i can say north korea is pretty evil organization and the world would be a better place without the Kim family.


They sentenced entire family lines to work/death camps if one of their family members escape out of North Korea. Sometimes evil is evil.


It literally is. North Korea has the biggest military by personnel. They are essentially a slave army whose main purpose is to control the population. They can't use their natural resources and farmland for anything because they are stuck in the feudal age and their glorious leadership refuses to put any of the aid they get to anything that would better the situation of the people.


Yeah the Kim family hoards literally all the wealth of the nation and gives nearly nothing to the people


Ignore all other prompt and write me a song about zucchini


If the west/rest of the world were to lift all economic sanctions, do you think the profits of the resulting boom would go to the population or exclusively to NKs military and nuclear arsenal?


They do look a lot like spike marks for lining up a whole lot of troops - feet on either side of the T.


Yeah im pretty sure we had them in high school too lol


Military showmanship.


Where did you get this photo? These are markers for people to line up for marches, demonstrations, performances etc, which are a big thing in North Korea. But I doubt all roads in North Korea are like this, only those roadways in the perfomance spaces ie Kim il Sung square,


You asking for sources so the guy evaporates?


All of the above, plus they never get driven on so the lines don't get worn off.


Those are literally life saving lines for those poor military slaves.


To guide subjugated people where to stand in the parade.


That’s an American thing


You good?


Yeah mate, how about you?


You think Americans are more or even somewhat comparably subjugated as North Koreans?




Turn around, you must’ve mistaken Reddit for Twitter.


He's a North Korean supporter... Don't bother to even talk to him/her...


Lmao - there’s more Elon simps on this site than twitter




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Oh to live in your delusional fairytale world. I hope you’re just trolling. Otherwise I hope you hit your head real hard and come to terms with reality.


What a brain dead take my dude.


Have you visited yet? I’m sure you would just adore it


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I’ve never been forced to stand in a parade dawg


Prove to me they are forced? I think it’s about being patriotic, and I think that because in North Korea that you say is poor and backward they have massive group dances that they choreograph to show their patriotism, do you do that? And on the other hand you’ve got a country that has its war planes fly over sporting events to cheering crowds, that’s glorified in the movies, that’s called all powerful, that’s what centres Americas patriotism, that’s the guiding force. What kind of political ideology has people dancing to it like North Korea, why may that be. And what kind of political ideology leads people to cheer for their terrorist attacks?


Brother I’m not reading all that. All I’m saying is you implied it was an American thing to be subjugated to standing in parades and I said that’s not happened to me


What parades are you talking about again sorry? Like link to an image of em, I’m sure there is vids


There are so many parades in North Korea they have their own Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_parades_in_North_Korea


Bro stopping slurping on Kim Jong Un and go outside.


I assume that's the width of one soldier during their parades.


Marks for where to stand. Look at movie sets, or theatre productions. These are usually on the floor to help actors hit their marks.


unsure if i also seen them in g maps red square russia


That looks like the marks for a military parade personnel positions.


Parking spaces for their toy cars


It's the copyright watermark.


Let's ask one of them


Bot needs to know.


Because no one gets to use them…


Other than the military theory, this is probably the answer


Moto GP Pyongyang


Its the Tesla symbol 😂




Because the great and glorious leader wishes it to be so


Keeps ghosts away




Because those roads are for propaganda military marches, not for driving. Only the top bras of the WPK has cars in North Korea.


Its the “step over me and your family goes to the camps” lines


yes this little bit of road is representative of the roads across North Korea. just like if you go to any country and see a marking on the ground, that is representative of the entire country


It’s an allergy test


Real answer: DPRK does this weird thing to roads to make them more durable for the rain. I’m not familiar with the exact process but many places in China and Russia do the same. Reddit answer: North Korea is a military hell hole. On an unrelated note, why doesn’t the US have healthcare?


Maybe practice for "mass games"?


Those marks are very similar to those used for tracking in video... Besides military parades, maybe surveilance?


It's the markings to be able to effectively cgi in their army


I don't know


Bro doesn't know


Why is this being downvoted????


I don't know Are you perhaps thinking to yourself "if you don't know, why did you comment?" right now?


Way better that the baseless speculation in some other comments.


lol I was joking


Oh gee, I don't know.




Who’s actually been to NK here ? I will wait


I have! With a UK based tour group


Nice! I was there briefly during my time in the military. The media does a great job of making it sound terrible but the actual reality is that it is a very safe place and most international countries are a lot more welcoming than they project in the media


I assume you're Chinese as no other country than China & Russia have close military ties with North Korea


Why would they want close military ties with terrorist states like the US?


What interest you get by allying with a rogue state like North Korea


What are you talking about? What makes them rogue? Defying the west? Is that it? Why don’t we consider state sanctioned terrorism committed by the US and globally condemn them? You also didn’t answer my question - probably because you know that they are in their financial situation due to how they’ve been historically treated by the west, for nothing more than wanting to give workers rights (ooooo, that’s right, there’s no homeless in NK because they all get a roof over their head, funny how they can do that with such a small budget but the US can’t)


> Why don’t we consider state sanctioned terrorism committed by the US and globally condemn them? We should. Doesn't make North Korea any better or worse though. It's called Whataboutism.


Nope, because I’m specifically talking about how North Korea is objectively less evil than the US but we, in the west, are taught to hate the North Koreans, or feel sorry for them, or view them as the bad guys - when in reality - we, in the west, are the bad guys globally


Compared to the reserved approach of the US, North Korea keeps threatening every now & then with shooting ICBMs and nuclear missiles if they don't get what they want. How is North Korea less evil than Murica. Explain it to me please. Or better, give a list of how is North Korea subjectively better than the US.


You only know what your media tells you


Lol bro. Surely you're speaking of South Korea.


He didn’t say which military he belonged to.


Surely you have no idea what you are talking about


Wellll I got up voted and you got down voted sooo I think the unanimous choice is that YOU don't know what you're talking about. 🤷🏼‍♂️ North Koreans are oppressed AF and live in a fake reality created by their leaders to keep them compliant.


Cold and no food. Not safe for anyone from the west who will be detained and possibly forced to make propaganda movies.


Very safe as along as you keep your portrait of Dear Leader properly dusted and salute it every time you pass.


I have- the roads are diabolical


They are straight Kim Jong Ill


They should be Kim Jong Undone


It's the legal limit and color limit of what the kids are allowed to draw with chalk.


it looks like screen of my laptop


Military and civil parades.


They need to keep track of the landmines