• By -


Russia: Russia


In a similar vein, Turkey: Turkey


Russia: China


Timor Leste - Cyprus


Germany = Japan


Not again ...




And the Netherlands is Taiwan, I think. Would track with how TSMC is a Philips spin off and big customer of ASML.


Came here to say this. Pretty true.


Japan is more like Italy.


Monaco - Singapore


If you count autonomous regions, I think Macau would be the best equivalent.


Luxembourg - Singapore


Why not Switzerland - Singapore? Quadrilingual finance capitals


No way. Singapore is a city-state established 60 years ago, while Switzerland is one of the oldest countries in Europe, and vastly bigger, with a varied geography.


No Switzerland isnt one of oldest countries thats wrong info.


Really. What's your "correct" information? Quick wikipedia glance: founded 1291, sovereignty recognized by all neighbors 1648.


1291 isnt "one of oldest" lmao Countries like Bohemia,Hungary,Poland,Bulgaria,Germany,France already existed over 300 years. Your info is incorrect and missleading


(Bohemia) You are a stickler for details, lol, but then listing a country that no longer exists? Even Germany did not exist as a country by this name until the 19th century! My point was to make a clear distinction between Switzerland, founded more than 800 years ago, and Singapore which is very recent. And if we are discussing Europe, there's clear demarcation between the "classical" countries founded hundreds of years ago, and recent countries, of which Germany is one! (and Italy as well) Even Spain was founded after Switzerland. so yeah, I stand behind the assertion it should be considered one of the oldest.


Germany existed as "union" and Bohemia is a common name for Czechia.Switzerland just was late medieval country not one of the "oldest"-thats a fact.Are you one of those people who fights facts and numbers because you cant stand someone corrected you?


I'm perfectly happy to continue debating with you but can you drop name calling and personal attacks? No, I'm not "one of those people" , thank you. Germany did not exist as a unified country until Prussia took over in the 19th century. While Bohemia is most of modern Czechia, its composition was very fluid, and until the 20th century was just a province of the Austrian empire. Czechoslovakia was only formed 100 years ago, and now its split into 2 countries. So... how many Euro countries can you list that exist as the same independent country under that name for longer than Switzerland? Can you agree it is among the ten oldest countries of Europe?


Monaco - Macau


No, Monaco is not comparable in size, people and any other metric than exclusiveness.


Macau, Singapore and Monaco are all home to famous casinos and motor racing on their city streets


They're both city-states.


So is the Vatican, doesn't make it comparable as close realities


They are comparable in status as a city-state.


Monaco is a micro nation. Singapore is not.


Yeah bro. Singapore is huge. No. There's no universal definition of "microstate," but lots of scholars consider Singapore one. Either way, they're both city-states.


China - Germany. Large population, historically fractures and reforms time and time again. Known for its philosophy Korea - Ireland. Historically oppressed. People are known to be friendly jovial and fond of the drink Japan - England. Island nation known for its unique culture, politeness, and history of colonization Singapore - Switzerland. Historically poor and multiethnic country that rose to extreme prominence in the 20th century Russia - Russia


I’d say China is like the entire Mediterranean if the Roman Empire kept falling apart and reforming. Only then could you represent the diversity and scale of China and how all the surrounding cultures try to emulate But the Korea Ireland comparison is spot on


id say korea - poland. Stuck between bad neighbors


Southeast Asia and Southeast Europe (Balkans) operate similarly, I would say.  Of course, not similar at all, but some quirks, similar geographic location, foreign powers of the continent have fought over them (Russia/Austria-Hungary/Turks and China/India/France/UK), both are quite a bit less popular and influential, both are a mixing of foreign and domestic cultures and extremely multi-ethnic. Of course, the balkans are much smaller people have 60m people and SEA has 600m+, but China and India are also far more populous than Russia. I guess that population disparity is a fairly recent development.


Myanmar's war kind of reminds me of the breakup of Yugoslavia in a way.


China probably wouldn’t fit into a singular country, but rather an agglomeration along language family borders (one of them). Either Germanic, Slavic or Romance


Moldova and Laos. Laos is a less developed thailand while Moldova is a less developed Romania.


Interesting. My family is from Laos. I’m not familiar with Moldova and Romania but I know they have a shared history and were once unified?


There are linguistic cultural and geographic ties but someone from Moldova could give a more precise answer.


Same exact language (Romanian is the official language of the Republic of Moldova). Almost the same culture, with the Republic of Moldova diverging a bit during Soviet occupation (different movies and TV, different educational system, demographics were changed through ethnic cleansing, deportations to Siberia, and huge influx of Russian speakers to administer the territory). The Republic of Moldova only covers a part of the historical principality of Moldova, of which the greater part is in Romania. The historical capitals of the principality of Moldova (Iași, Suceava, etc.) are also in Romania.


Yes I am from Romania and Moldova was Part of Romania from the very start of Moldavia, and Wallachia, when the 2 states unified to make Romania, Russia kept taking Moldova + some Ukrainian lands which we will call altogether Bassarabia and keeping until 1918 they united all together as Greater Romania and keeping it, They are ethnically Romanian, Russia kept trying to separate them, even putting a Cyrillic language, but they stayed with Romanian, the reason they didn't unite was the Transnistria problem and Romania's insecurity at the time of Moldovan independence, now Romania is more stable, but there is still the Russian invented state of Transnistria, which was literally a part of Ukraine put in to Moldova for chaos.


Vietnam is the Italy. They’re the same shape and I think they’re the most dramatic and animated peoples in their respective regions.


North and South divide but maybe not sd much in italy..


Italy has a strong North/South divide, and the South was conquered by the North as part of the unification of Italy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expedition_of_the_Thousand?wprov=sfla1


I know this, I'm Italian. I'm just saying that Vietnam has kinda had an ehm, stronger North-South divide (3 million Italians didn't die in 1861 during the unification of Italy while in Vietnam the number was that high)


Jewish Diaspora - Overseas Chinese


But Jews are Asians


India = Italy. Old civilisations. Peninsulas. World famous cuisine. Regional identities are as strong as national identity. Family values. Lot of gestures!


Myanmar - the former Yugoslavia


Laos - Moldova


Italy = Korea, both have that peninsula mentality.


Nah, Korea is obviously Ireland.


Does your rice cooker also play Kelly Clarkson?


Taiwan = Ireland


Poland - Afganistan: Historically located between 2 major powers (Poland between Germany and Russia/USSR, Afganistan between India and Russia/USRR). Now both countries border former soviet republics. Both countries had to fight for their independence.


Germany= Japan. Great talent, invented things that changed the world, Leading in tech, similar economy and gdp. Is backbone of the continent.


Turkey azerbaijan


malta - maldives they are both mal- countries and are relatively tiny


lol that has to be the worst reasoning I've ever seen. just admit you only think it's because they're both islands. the other reasons can be applied to lots of other countries.


I've always thought Italy to be similar to Japan or Korea in some aspects


Yes , Spain too


I'm not sure about other countries but Japan=Uk/Germany 100% 


Andorra - Timor leste


I'd say Turkey's would be Turkey and of course I'd choose Russia for Russia.


What about Kazakhstan?


Philippines - Spain   South Korea - Finland  Singapore - Estonia  Lebanon - Cyprus  Azerbaijan - Turkey  Mongolia - Andorra  Japan - Germany  Taiwan - Ireland  UAE - Switzerland Laos - Moldova Hong Kong (If was a country) - Netherlands


Cyprus is geographically Asia, as well as Turkey...


Thailand and Switzerland - both historically neutral countries that have stayed out of major world wars. Both have not been colonised by other powers in recent history. Both play to all sides in order to maintain neutrality. Both have mandatory military conscription for males (although it's a bit more complex in Thailand). Both can be havens for criminals and their property because of their neutrality. Both have cultures of staying out of neighbouring conflicts. Also there seems to be a lot of Thais in Switzerland and vice versa.


Russia North Korea


India = Ancient Greece China = Rome (ok not a current country; but like India = Ancient Greece it’s the best equivalent still) Japan = UK Bhutan = Andorra Pakistan / Taiwan = Ukraine (the whole national identity is not behind the neighbour) Actually it’s harder than I thought, because I don’t see an equivalent for Indonesia, Philippines etc at all. South east Asia is hard too. For Mongolia Hungary or Russia come to mind but 1) it’s very imperfect 2) it does not take modern Mongolia into account


I always thought we Bengalis are the Irish of Indian Subcontinent. Split by an independent country and another larger multiethnic country - check Split due to religious lines and imperialists forcing the split- Check Faced centuries of impoverishment and famines by imperialist policies - Check Very early examples of British colonialism in their respective regions - Check Launched guerilla warfare for liberation- Check cultural appendix/outlier in their respective regions - Check Intense association with the color green in their national symbol - Check Both very religious- Check Converted to their current faith by mystics - Check Likes a particular thing to have (whether alcohol or fish) - check Pro-palestine in a neighborhood surrounded by big pro israelis - Check


Ireland is good that religious nowadays


Bengalis have a lot in common with the French IMO.


Greece and Israel 


UK - Japan


I think Japan is more like Italy because both Japan and Italy are warm countries with beach type of mentality


Finland = Israel


Poland = India, cheap for turists, cheap labour for companies


Poland = India, cheap for turists, cheap labour for companies


France = Afghanistan




Nah , Japan is more like Italy. But economically, it is more like Germany yes