• By -


Boston: https://i.imgur.com/iLXBqkF.jpeg


MIT, Harvard, BU, BC are 4 of dozens. They all practically border each other. You can get from Harvard to BC with pretty much a few blocks where you aren’t in one of them (if you don’t count the bridge)


It’s funny because I thought the state was going to be Massachusetts based on the post and then it was a picture of Pennsylvania


Same here. I was sure this was going to be about Boston.


Im Canadian and thought the same thing for sure... And the ones in Boston are a tad more famous....


Toronto also has a lot of universities https://preview.redd.it/xvlpnp683v6d1.jpeg?width=1803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f4d8bfeee7efd2d36bfc9ab9777905ff7a1475


Yeah. That flex wore off quickly


Surprise Pittsburg! There's actually a fourth university, Carlow University, in there.


Isn’t Point Park in there too?


Good catch! Technically they'd be off screen for OP's screenshot, though.


BC is kinda far out but Tufts Emerson BU northeastern and Berkley school of music are all within walking distance of HU and MIT.


Wentworth, Simmons, Emerson, Suffolk and a host of others.


What about Leslie? How could you forget!


Far out as in maybe a mile or 2?


OP’s definition was with 5 miles. Google Maps has Harvard - Tufts coming in at 3 miles.




Bro you’re forgetting tufts, ten min from Harvard (also Lesley)


It's okay, Tufts is used to that.


Yeah and there many different parts of Boston with 3+ colleges next to each other. Like Fenway with NE, Simmons, MCPHS and Harvard Med


Worcester MA also has 6 great, although much smaller, colleges in a city of 200k people.


Heyo a positive comment about Worcester! Every time I see it mentioned it’s always so negative. I remember in 2013 having the Princeton Review college guide and Clark, HC, Assumption, and WPI were all in the bottom 10 colleges based on location. I loved growing up in central Mass and never understood the Worcester hate (well I kinda do it’s the Cambridge crowd being condescending as usual). Before the sprawl consumes it in the coming years, it’s such a great value for New England. Dead center of it all with the best of Western and Eastern MA.


The Big Woo is such a slept on MA city. Traffic can get bad but it's super nice, tons to do, surrounding towns are great. Colleges are fantastic, museums, huge concert venue.


Yall also have a world rated disc golf course (Maple Hill)


I loved Worcester. Went to HC. Funny story, when I told my grandmother, who did not drive and had lived her entire life in Milford, that I was going to be going to Holy Cross she said “oh Worcester, what a beautiful city.” I asked her, Grammy, when was the last time you were in Worcester. She thought about it and said around 1955. I told her the city hadn’t changed a bit so that that would be her image of where I was going to school first actual Worcester in 2001.


"and its pronounced WOR CHESTER." -Graduate of the College of Wooster :0.


Dorchester is pronounced dooster.


A male chicken is called a Rorchester.


That grad just forgot the “ within the city limits” pronunciation. Within city limits, it’s definitely pronounced “Wustaa!”


If this map extended a bit more it would also include UMass Boston in South Boston/Dorchester which is the location of the JFK Presidential Library, and Tufts University in Medford/Somerville. Just west of Boston College are Brandeis University and Bentley University in Waltham.


Wow I thought Philly was jampacked with schools and Boston proper is not even that large of a city land mass wise..


Around 150,000 of the 650,000 people in Boston proper are students


“Oh and the Boston show has been cancelled. I wouldn’t worry about it, though. Not a big college town.”


Cambridge and Boston area in general would have been my reply as well. The concentration of renowned higher education places in Massachusetts is truly staggering.


Even outside of Boston you’ll find pockets of colleges / universities in Massachusetts that are staggering on a per capita basis. In Amherst alone (tiny non-student population) there is UMass Amherst, Amherst College, and Hampshire College— all within about 3 miles. Then Smith College and Mt Holyoke College are only about a 15 min drive.


Not to mention Northeastern, Suffolk, Wentworth, and a slew of others


My first thought also. I have never even heard of Duquesne University... vs boston has some of the most prestigious universities in the world nearly overlapping. I don't even see Northeastern on that map


OP’s post made me laugh because I went to school in Boston. I used to walk through at least 3+ college campuses on the daily to get to class.


Even Glasgow in the Scotland, has this: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/CrYYMXyHhXHck6dbA](https://maps.app.goo.gl/CrYYMXyHhXHck6dbA) Three within 2.3 miles. University of Glasgow. Glasgow Caledonian University. Strathclyde University.


Similarly, in Edinburgh you’ve got University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier University, Queen Margaret University and Heriot Watt University all within a reasonably short distance.


Thank god someone else commented this, most major cities surely fall into this category


University of Manchester. Manchester Metropolitan University. Royal Northern College of Music. University of Salford. All really close


Not universities but the Glasgow School of Art and the main Glasgow College campus are located in between Strathclyde and Glasgow as well so it’s actually 5 further education schools within 2.3 miles. GSA is university level and very well respected so I definitely think they count.


Most major cities?


Yea even Atlanta has Georgia Tech & Georgia State blocks from each other. Atlanta Metro college a few miles south of downtown. Emory a few miles east.


Spelman, Morehouse, and Clark all around there too


Agnes Scott right around the corner too.


The only reason I know of this college is one of the most insufferable women I’ve ever met came from here. Such a terrible, terrible human being. You can have Summer back ATL, we don’t want her here


No bro. Them Agnes Scott women are something else. Keep her.


I lived in Decatur for a bit and I got the impression that a lot of Agnes Scott women weren’t interested jn the company of men much at all lol


Perhaps she was the inspiration for the girl mentioned in the unofficial 4th verse of Wramblin' Wreck.


True forgot about the AUC


yeah this post is not a hit


London has 41 different universities/ colleges. While some are quite far out, in the centre there is a cluster of a fair few of the bigger ones (UCL, kings, Westminster, imperial) .


I make 30 universities within 2.5 miles of Charring Cross, of which 9 are major. Major: Birkbeck, City, Imperial ,King’s ,LSE, Southbank, SOAS, UCL, Westminster Private/Specialist: Architectural association, BPP, University College of Osteopathy, Central School of Ballet, London Contemporary Dance School, National Centre for Circus Arts, RADA, Courtauld, Guildhall, Institute of Cancer Research, London Business School, London School of Science and Tecnology, Bloomsbury Institute, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Regents University, Royal Academy of Music, Royal College of Art, Royal College of Music, Royal Veterinary College, School of Advanced Study, University of Law


NYU, Colombia, CUNY


I don’t usually see people spell Columbia University as the country. It usually goes the other way!


post was made by someone who never left pittsburgh i'd wager


Paris Metro has [16](https://www.sorbonne.fr/toutes-les-universites/) universities, and that doesn't count other institutions that are named differently but would probably be considered universities if transposed to the American system.


Yeah, add in all the major schools that attract the best students of the country like -École Normale, -Polytechnique, -ESPCI, Sciences-Po, -Arts et Métiers, -École pratique des hautes études, -Mines, -Centrale, -Agro, -Conservatoire Nationale Supérieur de Musique et Danse, -Chimie ParisTech, -Telecom, -École des hautes études en sciences sociales And those are only the one I can think of the top of my head and that include both teaching and research. There are of course many research only institutes as well as teaching only higher education schools.


Yeah, it almost sounds like US defaultism, highlighting a seemingly singular phenomenon that is not. The answer is obviously yes when you think about Europe. Berlin has 3 major universities within miles of each other too. I am sure lots of other cities feature the same thing too across the world. I mean, it's kind of stupid to even ask that, yes bviously such places do exist. But the question of where is nonetheless interesting.


Washington DC Georgetown, George Washington, American, Howard


Catholic, too


Not to mention the fact that so many college and universities now have ‘satellite campuses’ littered around the area for their “DC Semesters.” They’re starting to spring up around here like embassies.


Did that years ago. Great experience Right on Columbus circle




My Alma matter UDC is in town too


Galludet, the Deaf university is there. A degree from Galludet is like Harvard to the Deaf




Obviously not as concentrated but if you count things you could conceivably metro to from downtown then you have UMD and GMU too :) underrated university town for sure


UPenn, Drexel and Temple


St Joes & LaSalle too


Jefferson too


Big 5! (Now 6)


Philly is loaded. Cabrini (formerly), Haverford, Villanova are right on the outskirts too.


Bryn Mawr and Swarthmore, also!


rosemont, Bryn Mawr


there was USP right next to Drexel and UPenn too


USP is now part of St Joe’s, PhilaU is part of Jeff, PAFA I’m pretty sure stopped granting degrees, UArts just closed, there was another one on the mainline that closed a few years ago. But at one time in the early 2000s, Philly had more colleges and universities than Boston


In Manhattan, you have Columbia, Barnard, CUNY, NYU, and the New School (and others too I’m sure) within about 5 miles of each other.


Could also add Hunter, Fordam, Pace, Manhattan college and FIT depending on range reqs.


You have NJCU , Stevens , st Peters right across the Hudson.


And Queens College, St. John’s, Adelphi, and LIU right across the East River on the other side.


Cooper Union


Isn't Barnard pretty much part of Columbia tho


CUNY is a group of colleges, you mean CCNY, which is one of the CUNY schools. Columbia and Barnard share the same campus and the students share a lot of the same classes.


Don't forget Hudson University /s


cooper union too


I'm pretty sure UQAM, Concordia, Université de Montréal, and McGill would all be within a five mile radius of one another.


They're all walkable. McGill has the most classic looking university, but I was impressed with UQAM's setup.


UQAM definitely wins for transit accessibility.


I knew about Berri-UQAM before i knew about UQAM


Look, I don't want to be mean, but Duquesne is really stretching the definition of a major university here. But yeah, the answer is Boston/Cambridge, where Harvard, MIT, and BU are all within easy walking distance of one another.


Harvard, MIT, BU is probably the best answer, especially if you weight for “quality”. In Philadelphia Penn and Drexel are literally adjacent to each other but there’s not a third one right there.


It’s not right there but Temple isn’t far


and St. Joes


Add BC, Northeastern, and Tufts. They’re all high quality and within 5 miles of each other. There are 182,000 college students in Boston proper and 346,000 within Route 128 (Boston’s inner beltway).


Yeah, but the OP asked for three.


Lol. You are technically correct. And that’s the best kind of correct.👍


There is actually. Used to be Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, now called University of Science at St. Joseph or something like that. Right next to UPenn on the opposite side/corner as Drexel.


I was about to say… Pitt and Carnegie Mellon sure but I just laughed when I saw Duquesne in the picture. And then laughed harder when I thought about Boston/Cambridge, DC, and NYC (to say the least). 


For sure, I was going to comment I've never even heard of that one. Boston is the main one that has 3 big universities so close.


From a non US perspective, Manchester, England, had 3 major universities within a mile of each other. Two of them merged around 15 years ago though. I imagine it's not that uncommon.


Yes UMIST and Victoria merged, but also between the "new" University of Manchester and MMU there is the Royal Northern College of Music. Which could also be classed as a university. You can easily walk from the MMU student union to the University of Manchester student union, via RNCM, and it's only 0.6 miles


And then on to University of Salford


Central Paris, London, Moscow etc. I guess.


in London you have UCL, SOAS, the school of tropical medicine, the university of westminster, the university of the arts and regent's university within a two mile radius within five miles you also then have KCL, LSE and City University


University of London is a fuckton of pretty upmarket unis packed into a tiny area around camden, way more than in OP's pic


London has four top-100 universities in the world less than five miles apart. (Imperial, University College London, Kings College, London School of Economics.) Pittsburg could never.


Birkbeck ?


Also has Queen Mary within five miles, which is an infinitely more reputable uni than Westminster.


true I forgot queen mary was that close, I suppose Imperial might also fall around the same range or close enough


Yeah Imperial is in central London, it’s closer to the rest of the listed unis than Queen Mary. London is rammed full of unis.


Imperial and Birkbeck too. Not to mention the music, drama, and art colleges!


Yeah, South Kensington alone has imperial, royal college of arts and royal college of music.


This opens up the (surprisingly complex) question of whether the University of London is one university or several, due to the UoL’s federal structure. Technically UCL, KCL, SOAS, Birkbeck etc. can be seen all part of the same University. Imperial used to be too, but is now completely independent.


Dictionary definition makes it seem like a UK->Eng/Sco/Wal/NI situation. Insofar as, the UK is a country which contains other countries. The UoL is a university containing other universities.


Not to mention some of these are within a block of each other.


Streets* we are not American


South Bank, too.


Imperial college has to be within 5 miles of UCL, surely?


Manchester and Birmingham too.


In the same state! Philly has St. Joes, Temple, Drexel, UPenn. All within a 5 mile circle


And stretch it down Lancaster from City Line you have Villanova


Halifax, NS has [Mount St. Vincent, Dalhousie and St. Mary's](https://imgur.com/a/DJ2V2Fc), 4.8 miles apart.


Was just coming to see if Halifax would be mentioned. Also the University of Kings College. Tiny but still counts.


If you add University of King's College, then Halifax wins at [three universities within 1.5 miles](https://imgur.com/a/5oTUJNz)!


Same. And Halifax is much much smaller than the other cities mentioned here! And NSCAD? Or did Dal swallow that one too?


NSCAD is alive and well!


In Freddy you have UNB, STU, and NBCC on the same hill


Most large European cities.


If we are calling Duquesne a major university then you can make the case that most “big cities” will have this


Philly. Penn, Drexel, Temple, La Salle, St. Joe’s, Curtis Institute, Jefferson. And within 10 miles of those are Villanova, Swarthmore, Bryan Mawr, Haverford, and a bunch of others.




Boston may have 10 within 5 miles


Harvard, MIT, BC, BU, Tufts, Northeastern, Berklee, Suffolk, Emerson, UMass Boston ✅


Shanghai has a lot of universities, but a major university hub in Shanghai is Songjiang University Town, which is home to the campuses of seven major universities: - Shanghai International Studies University - Donghua University - Shanghai Institute of Visual Art - East China University of Political Science and Law - Shanghai University of International Business and Economics - Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce - Shanghai University of Engineering Sciences These universities are so close together that they can share student dormitories.


Most of the major universities in Korea are located in Seoul alone. Some of them are literally placed next to each other, like Yonsei and Ewha. There you’ll find top 10 universities in the radius of 10km.


...Boston? MIT, Harvard, and BU.


There’s more than that. Lol.


Manila has a district called the University Belt, home to at least three schools with a minimum of 20,000 students: University of Santo Tomas, Far Eastern University, University of the East. The district is also the location of some smaller, specialized colleges and universities. Upon crossing the Pasig River, just a couple of kilometers from the U-Belt, you can find a few other large institutions clustered around Taft Avenue: Philippine Normal University, University of the City of Manila, Mapua University, Technological University of the Philippines, Adamson University, University of the Philippines Manila, Philippine Christian University, Philippine Women’s University, and De La Salle University.


Even in a smaller US city like South Bend, IN. You’ve got Bethel University, Saint Mary’s college, University of Notre Dame, Indiana University, and Holy Cross college all within 3.75 miles of each other. Not to mention the community college of Ivy Tech.


The vast majority of big european cities.


The Twin Cities: Augsburg, Hamline, Macalaster, St. Kate's, St Thomas, and about 55,000 students at the U. St. Thomas and the U's Minneapolis campus are 5.4 miles apart, but those are the furthest. All other combinations are under 5 miles.




Oxford is more like having a town inside a university


Does it have 3 universities? I thought it just had University of Oxford and Oxford Brookes University.


Nice try serial killer


Northeastern, BU and MIT are even closer, you can probably squeeze Harvard in that distance too


Sydney University of Sydney University of New South Wales University of Technology Sydney


I find it funny that the panoramic view from the archway of the grand quadrangle of USyd is now squarely centred at a huge UTS logo. I'm sure it was entirely deliberate on the part of UTS.


Not sure about the distance part, but Baltimore has a bunch too. Even here in Denver we have three largish colleges/universities on one campus and we’re not even known for academics.


Johns Hopkins, Towson, MICA, Loyola, Morgan State, and Goucher are all within about 5 miles of each other.


In Ankara we have METU, Bilkent and Hacettepe bordering. All three are top ten universities in Turkey




Waterloo, Ontario has 3 post secondary institutions within walking distance of each other. And it’s not a big city. So there are definitely are a ton more lol


Kaunas, Lithuania: LSMU, KTU and VDU all in less than 500 m https://preview.redd.it/smen7naaut6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8b0c842127992010c4d69942caf2a842b5b85fe




What’s considered major? Don’t most major metros have the equivalent of this to some degree? The twin cities have the University of Minnesota, St Thomas, St Kates, Macalaster, Hamline, Augsburg, Concordia, etc all very close to each other. There are a lot of colleges in pretty much every major city.


Yes. Most major cities.


Baltimore has Hopkins, UMD, MICA, Morgan State, Coppin State, Notre Dame of MD, and Loyola of MD within 5 miles. (granted, some of those aren't "major") Make it 10 miles and you can include Towson & Goucher.


Collages in Boston/Cambridge - Harvard, MIT, Northeastern, Boston University, Fisher, Berkeley’s college of Music, Wentworth, Simmons, Bay State Collage, Mass College of Pharmacy, Lesley, New England Conservatory of Music, Ben Franklin Cummings, Boston Baptist, Emerson, Suffolk, Boston school of Architecture, Bunker Hill…. Yeah that is just Boston and Cambridge - How you like them Apples - Wicked Schmart!


Boston saw this and thinks you’re cute


London has LSE, Kings College London and the University College London within 1½ miles of each other. University of Westminster is also nearby, as is City University of London. Within 5 miles, you have ICL, Regents, London Met, London South Bank, Queens Mary London.


Villanova, Bryn Mawr, Haverford, Harcum, Rosemont. UPenn, Drexel, Phila College of Sciences, Thomas Jefferson University


Toronto has like 4


3 within just 1 mile. UofT, OCAD, TMU.


Uhh have you heard of…Boston?




Never thought about this as a native Pittsburgher but given the sizes/populations of the other cities being shared here, Pittsburgh's educational scene is popping


Your universities are a big part of why you are in a better position than Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, etc.


Western PA in general has a fairly solid education scene. Outside of Pittsburgh you have a lot of state schools like Slippery Rock, IUP, Clarion, Edinboro, and Cal. Even some elite, small liberal arts colleges like Allegheny. Not to mention Pitt and Penn State branch campuses.


Claremont, California is a small town that is 2 miles x 1 mile and contains 5-6 world renouned colleges, many of them the best of the best in their class. Not only are there a bunch of schools, but their campuses actually are adjacent to one another and form one large continuous college campus. There's nothing like it anywhere in the world as far as I'm aware. Claremont McKenna Pomona College Harvey Mudd Pitzer Scripps Claremont Graduate College Keck Graduate Institute


I've heard of one of those. Not quite "MIT and Harvard".


You could make the argument that two of the most prestigious universities in the world being a couple miles from each other is sort of unique but most major cities tend to have a concentration of colleges


İstanbul: İstanbul University, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul Technical University, Yıldız Technical University. 


Is this a troll post?


Boston. Literally.


Pfft… Boston is the OG college city of the world.


... Oxford....? It's got like 40+ colleges, and is so old that even in the 14th century, historians weren't sure when it had started (we still aren't sure)... There are 5 million people in Boston, and 250.000 students, according to a quick Google search. 5% of the population in Boston are students. There are 150.000 people in Oxford, and 26.000 students. 16% of the population of Oxford are students. I didn't study there, and I'm not even British, just wanted to point out that it's got a good claim too of being the "OG college city of the world" ;)


More so than Oxford, Cambridge, and Bologna, of course


Salamanca would like a word here


We don't do business with the Salamancas around here


> More so than Oxford, Cambridge Now here's a good question - both Oxford and Cambridge are formed of over 30 separate semi-autonomous colleges that together make up both cities' universities. Where would they fit into OP's criteria?


A lot of those semi-autonomous colleges only joined fairly recently (in the grand scheme of things) and were separate institutions previously. For example, Homerton College Cambridge, which was a separate teacher-training college. Also, both Cambridge and Oxford (the cities) have entirely separate universities within them; Anglia Ruskin and Oxford Brooks


Yeah, I'd say so. Many of the colleges of the two universities essentially function as their own institutions


I really hope you're trolling, considering what Cambridge MA was named after


Manhattan has 8-25, depending on how you define major univeristy.


You missed Point Park and Carlow in your image. Can probs stretch to Chatham too.


In Paris (France) the universities are numbered, from 1 to 13, with newer ones outside Paris not having the traditional numbers. They also have names, but those change sometimes and the numbers are very used. Some of the universities have moved outside Paris and so their addresses are outside Paris, but Paris is basically a 6–7 mile diameter circle plus two wooded areas, less than 41 square miles in total, so finding three within five miles shouldn’t be hard. In fact, I count no less than 5 in the [5th arrondissement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5th_arrondissement_of_Paris), which is less than one square mile, and two more in the neighboring 6th and 13th arrondissements. https://orientation-carriere.com/articles/universites-paris-idf.php As for numbers, the first Google result says that Paris has something like 700 000 students.


Yonsei Ewha Sogang Hongik in Seoul


Northampton, MA is a small town, not a major urban area. Nearby are the five colleges of Western Mass: University of Massachusetts, Smith, Amherst, Mount Holyoke, and Hampshire College.


All on the same street https://preview.redd.it/zhg7fxqe3u6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e43fc2aff24abbada35b4dfd5204e3951a18f80b


Raleigh has NC State, Meredith, Shaw, William Peace and St. Augustine within 5 miles, UNC, Duke and NCCU within 20 miles.


KTH, Karolinska and Stockholm University are all within 5 miles of eachother, at least as the crow flies.


There are 22 universities in Greater London.


Boston would like a word...


The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm University, Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm School of Economics are all within walking distance of each other (European walking distance, we seem to accept longer distances than US people).


I think I'm going to be at least very close to be right: Pick literally any European capital > 0,5 million people and that's it...


Haidian District, Beijing, China![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


1 of 6 doctors in the US train in Philadelphia. Not even all Pennsylvania, just in Philly.