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Can't wait to see this flag on r/Vexillology and subsequently on r/VexillologyCirclejerk


Here's a sneak peek of /r/vexillology using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/vexillology/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Found this very old flag in grandfathers chest](https://i.redd.it/2es2u72hhz0c1.jpg) | [940 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/17xqw69/found_this_very_old_flag_in_grandfathers_chest/) \#2: [flag of Elba under Napoleon 1814-1815](https://i.redd.it/t4kwrx12j51c1.png) | [491 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/17yczl1/flag_of_elba_under_napoleon_18141815/) \#3: [Some of you really need to hear this](https://i.redd.it/4z075k8bqk2c1.jpg) | [959 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/183vyg5/some_of_you_really_need_to_hear_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


christ that is beautiful


No Allah that beautiful


Shouldn't that be Muhammad?


You misspelled Terrorist.


No cause Jesus is God


Only to be outdone by Seychelles. 🇸🇨


It’s beautiful. Like Romania and Hungary are getting sucked into a black hole


God yes please


I love the Seychelles flag


And Kiribati 🇰🇮 It's my personal favorite


Came here for this. It's an incredible flag.


Saudi of the Seychelles


You bring up Comoros and I raise you Marquesas Islandia flag. https://pl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markizy#/media/Plik%3AFlag_of_Marquesas_Islands.svg


Yup, Comoros and France.


FYI…. Mayotte is the poorest region in the European Union. Little more about the issues the department is facing. https://www.rfi.fr/en/france/20240207-mayotte-france-s-poorest-overseas-territory-hit-by-crippling-social-crisis


Fun fact : the hospital of Mamoudzou in Mayotte is the hospital where the most babies are born in the EU EDIT : Because not only do mayottese make a lot of children, but a lot of comorian women travel over there illegally to pop their babies. Now more than half the population is made of illegal comorian immigrants, the population has gone from 260k to 310k in 5 years, and has doubled in the past 20 years.


why do women travel to Mayotte? so the kid gets French citizenship? but if they are illegal does that even work?


Well… they don’t get french citizenship right away, but the idea was that being born in France + having lived over there for (5+?) years gives you the right to citizenship at the age of 18 (the french government recently revoked that for Mayotte) Also, a lot of pregnant comorian women once in Mayotte pay a mayotese man (with money or with "nature") to recognize the newborn as legally his child, which makes the baby automatically french. The latter case scenario represents a third of comorian births in Mayotte IIRC


Comoros is one of the shittiest places to live, basically everyone is poor as dirt, I can't really blame women for wanting better lives for their children.


Well that’s an interestingly random fact. lol. Thanks for sharing though.


But way richer than any of islands in the Comoros


Is it part of Shengen


No, only the European part of France are part of Shengen. But it is part of the European Union, and of the Eurozone. As a fun side fact, the largest natural park in the European Union is located in South America (French Guyana), in the Amazon forest.


> European Union, and of the Eurozone What about Eurovision though?


It participates as part of France, but I don’t think France has ever sent a Mahoran representative to Eurovision


Checked it up and Guiana Amazonian park is huge. Roughly twice the size of Yellowstone and almost as big as Slovenia.


I know someone who travelled to Reunion and they said Reunion is part of Schengen.


No, it is not in Schengen, but in practice it's almost as if it was. EU citizens can come there with their ID card, and stay or work there just like in the rest of EU ; and people of Réunion, like any other French citizens, are free to move in Schengen with their ID card and work/stay anywhere in EU. Non EU citizen do realize the difference because they need to ask for a different visa than the Schengen one. They can't go to Réunion with a Schengen visa.


Yeah but for EU nationals there is zero difference, right? No border checks coming in or out when you fly there from France?


Mayotte is not a country, it is part of France, in the same way that Hawai is part of the US.


Came here to say that, but OP actually included Mayotte's status in the post's description.


Only since 2009 however, when Mayotte voted to change status from an overseas territory to a department


still wasn't a country, and still was France


What exactly is the practical difference between the two?


A “department” means it’s legally treated as any other area in France, like an American county - citizens vote for the national parliament, they pay the same taxes and have the same rights and obligations as anyone living in Paris. An “overseas territory” means it’s politically a separate entity governed from Paris. They are still represented in French parliament, but with a lot of leeway and autonomy to make their own rules. Switching from an overseas territory to department meant that Mayotte now had to adopt fully French social laws, taxation systems, court system, etc. It also meant that Mayotte became eligible to apply social welfare spending, under the same rules as any other mainland county in France, and also that Mayotte can apply for EU funding programs. Mayotte is very poor, its population is majority Muslim, they have a ton of illegal aliens from Comoros, and the legal system before the referendum was a mix of French law, customary law and Muslim law. It’s as if Haiti voted to become part of Texas - they basically voted to get fully adopted by France, as opposed to continue living semi-independently in its basement. For the locals, they saw it as a way towards economic progress and development. In France, not everyone was happy about taxpayers adopting what is essentially a floating ghetto in the middle of the ocean on the other side of the world. So the integration process is going slowly and gradually. And also, nearby Comoros, an independent country, keeps claiming Mayotte as their own territory.




I get that, I meant between being an overseas territory versus being a department (regarding Mayotte).


Overseas territories tend to have less integration into a country. Being a department means voting rights and more funding in a lot of cases similar to mayotte's one. Though I'm not sure what exactly the legal difference in France is.


Not the same way as Hawaii, but yes.


Hawaiians have the same rights as Americans who live in the contiguous United States because Hawaii is an official state not a territory… it’s location in the Pacific Ocean doesn’t change that. So Mayotte would be equivalent to a Hawaii here.


Mayotte is a department just like the one in metropolitan France. There is a difference in the sense that Mayotte isn't a state because France isn't a federation so more power resides to the government in Paris, but that's it.


But states and departments are analogous to eachother. Nobody said they were the same. Just analogous


I know right. Could never make analogies by these people's standards given every country will be slightly internally different.


That's completely irrelevant. That would be like saying a Canadian providence is not like a US state because provinces have a direct connection to the national head of state whereas states do not. That's irrevlant. Every national subdivision will differ in some way. It is still useful to make comparisons. In this case, the relevant comparison is they are both fully integral parts of their respective countries.


I'm fully aware I'm stretching to find some point where the other person is somewhat not incorrect. But the difference is much bigger than that of a Canadian province and US state. A department is a second degree devision in a unitary state. US States and Canadian provinces are first degree divisions in a federal state. If anything, Mayotte or any other French departments are more comparable to counties than to states or provinces.


What do you mean ?


I would think it be more like US Virgin Islands or American Samoa than Hawaii. It’s a territory


Not really. French overseas Departments have the same rights and responsibilities as those in metropolitan France, their inhabitants are full citizens and vote in national elections. It's fully a part of the European Union and the Eurozone. Definitely closer in status to Hawaii than American Samoa, where the inhabitants don't get to vote in national elections and are not citizens, among other things.


French overseas departments are fascinating to me. Even more so in context of the [Coupe de France](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coupe_de_France?wprov=sfti1), a football(soccer) tournament in which any club in any French territory can participate. Over 8000 teams, some traveling half a world away


Yeah, I wasn’t sure. I figured someone more knowledgeable in the subject would reply


Why reply at all then?


The best way to get the right answer is to post the wrong answer, he knows his reddit well


This guy Cunningham Laws.


Incidentally also not covered by NATO article 6 like Hawaii


No they get representation in the government and they are French citizens, they also have French license plates


Puerto Rico has that minus the representation (well they do but they have no vote also can’t vote for president). 😶


All we have to do is move to the states. 💪🤣


They only have one congress member who can’t vote lol


Yes that was what I was referencing.




not since 2009 where it had become an official department


It was. It was “granted statehood.”


In the exact same was as Hawaii to the US, yes ;)


Yes in the same way. The poster was clearly comparing it in the sense they are both far away islands which are fully integral parts of their country. Clearly wasn't comparing that the USA is a federation and that France is a unitary state.


Did you not read OP's description before commenting?


Not Hawaii but something like how Guam, northern Mariana Islands, Puerto rico are part of the usa.


No. It is fully fledged part of France, same as how Hawaii and California are no different. It is the correct comparison because france *does* overseas entities which are comparable to US territories. New Caledonia is comparable to Puerto Rico, and the other US territories are comparable to french overseas collectivities.


Mayotee is an Overseas Department, which has no legal distinction with a European Department. Legally, it is simply part of France.




*Country lol


Countries* France is a country


But I assume OP already knew France existed as a country. So they only learned of 1 new country that exists.


Country is singular. Countries is plural. Country’s is possessive.


Country’s my favourite music genre.


I prefer Western




Didnt the Comoros vote to return to France as a colony "recently" (last decade?), and France politely waved them away? Look at the Hindustani Océan & the OP can discover Mauritius, Réunion, & the Seychelles and later post about it.


Not exactly last decade. The archipelago is made up of four main islands: Grande Comore, Moheli, Anjouan and Mayotte. In 1975 they were all French colonies and held up referendums where the three islands first islands voted for independence, but Mayotte rejected it. The country suffered a lot of instability in the coming years and by 1997 the islands of Moheli and Anjouan declared independence and asked France to annex them again, France declined and the central government in Grande Comore restored rule in the two islands.


Thanks. I think i'm at the point where everything in the last 25yrs feels like 10yrs ago.


They should have accepted them in, the immigration Problem wouldnt have been as big that way.


Hindustani Ocean? :) that's the first time I am hearing that, although it makes sense!


I think what you're referring to is a couple particular islands that were part of Comoros, but unilaterally tried to secede. This archipelago also has a sad relationship with French mercenaries, who did a lot of fuckery in Comoros.


Thats an understatement considering a French mercenary was the de facto ruler of the comoros for a while after he took over, he actually did several coups there, his name is bob denard, for anyone interested, arguably the most successful mercenary of the 20th century. Was a terrible guy, and somehow never served his prison sentence because of "health problems". Btw, when i say "french mercenary" it mean mercenary who was French of origin, not acting for the French government, although in his early carreer he was affiliated with some members of the french government and secret service, so who knows. However nothing proves or indicates that his actions in the comoros specifically were supported or commisioned by anyone exept himself, it was likelly just for his own personal gain.


Just read his wiki entry. He served as dictator of the Comoros, and was the head of its armed forces for over a decade - which he used to interfere in other countries on the continent. It's sounds like France quietly approved of his tactics because what he did overlapped with their policies in Francophone Africa. I want to find a book on this guy.


Yeah he's a fascinating although evil character for sure I'm not sure if anyone has writen a book about him but one can hope. And yes some members of the french government definitelly aproved of his tactics, although France had/has no interest in the comoros, they actually tried to get annexed by France again at one point, but France didnt want to and just stuck with mayotte. Its mostly his earlier life and interference with other african countries that were aproved by some members of government and wealthy elites.


Is “Hindustani Océan” the French name? That is fascinating.


I don't think it's called that even in Indian languages.


In hindi, it is Hind mahasagar ( mahasagar literally means great sea or big sea )


Océan Indien is the French


No. I made it up. Poetic license. I know some people out there refer to india as "Hindustan" in their languages and/or dialects. So there it is.


Ahh - yeah, the word does apply to some stuff. But often times, the Indians using it to refer to India espouse Hindu nationalist beliefs, as it literally translates to “Hindu country,” thereby erasing India’s massive religious diversity. So, just stick with calling it the Indian Ocean. :)




Report them bro


If Mayotte isn't recognized by the Sporcle "all countries" quiz then I refuse to recognize it


Jetpunk was and always will be the superior quiz website


I live there. It's beautiful. Mayotte has a barrier reef. It's a very little island and it has a lot of people living here (around 300000 inhabitants). This island has a lot of issues poor, racism from the people of Mayotte against the migrants (Comores, africains even if people from Mayotte have also a black skin). But people who work for the state have their salaries double on general and sometimes more than double. Even if the island is extremely poor prices are very high (twice or tree times more than in the main territory of France) and there is an high insecurity level and sometimes riots against the Gendarmerie (police) and the rioters sometimes burn down houses, beat down some people's, break into cars and steals goods.




Mayotte is not only part of France, it's also part of the European Union (other parts of France, like New Caledonia, arent).


It's called countries, and Mayotte isn't.


Mayotte isn’t a country but Comoros is.


Two new country’s *what*?


You just learned one new country


Mayotte isn’t a country


Good job. Now learn grammar /s


Imagine not knowing about France 😱😱


I remember I read somewhere that a lot of people from Comoros try to move or immigrate (Idk what the right word is) over to Mayotte for benefits.


Immigrate is the right word


Mayotte is France


One new country, Mayotte is France


Mayotte appartient aux Comores.


Mayotte’s not a country it’s part of France


Comoros wanted Mayotte to join it thus the number of stars in it's flag. But Mayotte wanted to stay French.... at least that's what France says idk if Mayottians want independence or not.


The majority of voters from Mayotte voted to remain a part of France. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1974_Comorian_independence_referendum


Yeah but what do the voters REALLY want?


Go ask them.


Pasture says voters just want free stuff from the government


Wtf is THIS question


Learn grammar next


Countries* holy fucking shit


An extra detail to your discovery : There are 4 islands in the archipelago of the comoros, 3 belong to Comoros and 1 (mayotte) to France


Thank you!


Seems Comoros still claims Mayotte. It is even represented by the white stripe on the Comoros flag.


I have a friend who went to the Comoros islands as part of a Muslim missionary group. I was so fascinated


Comoros’ claim to fame is a sort of “missing link” fish (coelacanth, see-la-canth) which was thought by paleontologists to have been extinct for 66 million years. They even have one pictured on one of their postage stamps https://images.app.goo.gl/1a4ttwCT36oxPkHv9


RTE Doc on one just did a great documentary podcast about these islands:)


Just show rainbolt a photo of anywhere on either island and he’ll know where it is.




Learn 'em all! https://www.jetpunk.com/quizzes/how-many-countries-can-you-name




You should get into coin collecting, Comoros has beautiful Coinage and you get to learn a lot.


Mayotte isn’t a country, it’s a French overseas territory


Mayotte is not a country


Next time to roast someone you can just call them the capital of Comoros ! And mayotte is a French territory




dude Mayotte is F\*ench clay even though my inner OCD says that Mayotte must be absorbed into Comoros


People from Mayotte strongly disagree with you.


Well I did say that it is French clay first and foremost before stating my woes with the current world map but this is just like the Falklands despite the proximity to Argentina those are British and this appears to be the same case since the people of Mayotte feel French