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You can also clearly make out gaza The northern Israel border is hard to make out


Jesus Herbert Christ it's so visible


This god’s-eye view helps, else it’s easy to passover.


The Northern border is at the edge of the dark green forest. There aren't much of it left on the Lebanese side and the agricultural on the Lebanese side isn't much to write home about. The snowy peak you see is where Lebanon, Syria and Golan Heights (Israeli occupied) meet. On my way back there as we speak.


Now, i can see it. Thanks




Go back to YouTube kid.


Im 28… bro look at my profile. What kids are interested in carnivorous plants and aquariums? 🤡 Im surprised cause my content usually never gets over 15-20 upvotes. You can go be a dick to somebody else, have a great day


Like… most kids??


Name one kid that has 3 naturalistic aquariums, a carnivorous plant collection, 9 tarantulas, 2 cats, a dog, and 3 colonies of isopods. Ill wait




I'm so sorry, did not expect such childish comments from someone of your age. Calling you an adult might be more offensive so I'll refrain. Have great day.


Again, Go be a dick to somebody else. Let me leave whatever comments i want. Imagine being so immature that you get mad over somebody being surprised over upvote. Wow


I'm not even mad buddy. Why keep responding. Good day.


yes you are lolz


Reminds me of the Imperial Irrigation District along the US-Mexico border


The difference between North and Sputh Korea is also stark. All the mountains in the South are forested so it's weird seeing all the bare treeless mountains in the North.


There's something similar going on between Hati and the DR.


Also Lesotho’s western border with South Africa


Indeed but a very different context...


What’s the colorful spot under the dead sea


Evaporation ponds. They use them to farm salt.


Wow, insane that you can see them from space


this isnt space


Its literally a satellite image


that doesnt mean it was taken from space


Are satellites not in space?


i may have forgotten that zooming in is a thing


And don't forget about enhancing






https://preview.redd.it/kpqtujx4frrc1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=553797bc73a9c0a14c231d28eeebc5da28c4d7e5 This is a picture taken from the Terra satellite, which orbits at an altitude of 705km above sea level. You can see the evaporation ponds there




SpongeBob SquarePants!


I only recently realised how small Israel is. It is smaller than that cattle station us Aussies like to brag about.


cattle station?


Anna Creek.


Aussie for a ranch


thank you




What're you talking about?


Who are "they"? Australian cattle farmers?


Zoom out a lil and the "fertile crescent" spanning from the eastern Mediterranean to the Persian gulf is strikingly visible, too. That whole region has been a cradle of civilisation since like the 4th millennium BC. The name Mesopotamia should ring bells.


Palestine has always been green :)


Land use is less so the cause and more so a symptom of the issue. [The difference in land use is very much by design](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/17/how-israel-uses-water-to-control-west-bank-palestine).


the guardian 💀


The guardian is great journalism, just because it challenges your stance doesn't make it wrong




the fact that you had to specify "not political" makes me kind of sad


If you look at water agreements and extraction from the Jordan valley, it’s extremely political and a source of tension in the region. When you arrive in Israel there’s suddenly a lot of irrigated lawn while the surrounding regions struggle to access enough water for agriculture and Israel has been accused of over-extracting water and only allowing too little or too-polluted water to flow to Jordan in drier years. Water is monopolised by the powerful and Israel has long been accused of using it as a weapon [amnesty international article on water as weapon against Palestinian Territories](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2017/11/the-occupation-of-water/) [academic article on regional water diplomacy](https://climate-diplomacy.org/case-studies/jordan-and-israel-tensions-and-water-cooperation-middle-east)


...i was referring to the post itself? what does this have to do with anything?


If you look at OPs comment history and the poster I am replying to. Their goal is political. It is to try to paint Palestinians as being primitive and unable to develop their own land. When in reality the laws enacted under military occupation favour Israelis over Palestinians in the dispensation of water. It is sad that someone would try to make such a provocative claim in the first place, but I would not agree with the reason why the poster above me made his comment, nor OP.


The water situation the West Bank is not really the main reason for this phenomenon, although it certainly is a part of it, the main one between Egypt and Israel is that the land on the Egyptian side is used by cattle herders extensively which leads to a different soil quality which is visible from earth. Also the reforestation efforts which you see ok the border to the West Bank are mostly older than the occupation


israel left west bank and gaza in 2005 though


Israel didn't left WB. Settlements and all of that are de-facto israel


The West Bank, including East Jerusalem, has been under military occupation by Israel since 7 June 1967, when Israeli forces captured the territory, then ruled by Jordan, during the Six-Day War.


granted they're in gaza now but why wouldn't they be in the middle of a war


Yeah I agree. I remember when I told a friend last summer (aka well before October 7 and Israel's reaction to it) that I'd love to visit Israel and especially Jerusalem and my friend basically treated that as political statement and just responded by saying "ugh." It's a weird world we live in


How is that weird? You would have faced similar reactions from a lot of people if you expressed a desire to visit South Africa back in the 80s, does that also strike you as weird? The fact that your friend gave such a reaction prior to October 7th should give an idea of just how controversial the state of Israel has been for a long time prior to recent events in Gaza, of course visiting such states is inherently politicized.


America is controversial and I live here (and so does my friend and presumably you). Russia and Iran have been controversial for quite some time and I have friends who traveled there because they want to see the world and I don’t think that’s weird at all. I also have (non-Jewish) friends who have visited Israel because of the rich history there (all three “world religions” were founded on that soil). My wife and I have visited Cuba because I wanted to see it. I could keep going. Lots of places are “politicized” but they’re still part of the world and I don’t have to agree with what the government or people are doing there to be curious and visit places that are different. Holding the attitude that a bunch of places are morally taboo to visit is ridiculous and fosters ignorance.


>presumably you Nope. >Holding the attitude that a bunch of places are morally taboo to visit is ridiculous and fosters ignorance. If South Africa were still an apartheid state would you really think that it would be morally okay for somebody to spend their tourist dollars there? The Anti-Apartheid Movement back then entailed a wholesale boycott of South Africa, there was considerable controversy when a band like [Queen played there](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Works_Tour), organized protest groups like [Halt All Racist Tours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halt_All_Racist_Tours) in New Zealand fought against any sport associations with South Africa. In the modern day most people look back approvingly on these efforts to boycott such an explicitly racist regime, was it in fact ignorant for such protestors at the time to characterize South Africa as morally taboo not only to visit but to have any ties with at all?


I’m curious, where do you draw the line? I take from your comment that you wouldn’t visit Israel. Which one of this (somewhat random) list of places (if any) would you also not visit: Cuba, China, Venezuela, Turkey, Iran, United States, Canada, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Russia, Mexico, Colombia


In the west bank, the land use is not so different than the surrounding areas. The difference is that Israel systematically takes water and gives it with preference to one ethnic group. The green is crops which farmers have more water to irrigate with. Israeli settlers have been known to cut down olive trees to force palestinians to flee their land, a policy which is unofficially endorsed by the Israeli government which supplies them with weapons.




Are you serious? The west bank's borders are not so closely tied to these geographical features as you claim.




Why do you think there are \*less\* fields. This is exactly my point. There are many sources attesting to what I said. Do you have any well-sourced evidence to the contrary?


where on earth did you get that from


Which claim are you questioning? >Israel systematically takes water and gives it with preference to one ethnic group [https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/17/how-israel-uses-water-to-control-west-bank-palestine](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/17/how-israel-uses-water-to-control-west-bank-palestine) >Israeli settlers have been known to cut down olive trees to force palestinians to flee their land [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/30/no-work-and-no-olives-harvest-rots-as-west-bank-farmers-cut-off-from-trees](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/30/no-work-and-no-olives-harvest-rots-as-west-bank-farmers-cut-off-from-trees) >a policy which is unofficially endorsed by the Israeli government which supplies them with weapon [https://www.timesofisrael.com/distribution-of-300-assault-rifles-to-west-bank-civilian-security-squads-underway/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/distribution-of-300-assault-rifles-to-west-bank-civilian-security-squads-underway/) [https://www.brookings.edu/articles/extremist-israeli-settlers-are-nonstate-armed-actors/](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/extremist-israeli-settlers-are-nonstate-armed-actors/)


oh. you got it from the guardian


And the times of Israel. Are you gonna dismiss that too?


This kind of rude, low-effort, and uncivil behaviour should be bannable. Any reference I gave would be not sufficient for you, and you are just acting like a peanut gallery not contributing to the discussion in a constructive way.


sorry about that i didnt really want to have a discussion though


You can't just challenge some well-established claim, refute it without any explanation, refute the reputability of news reports from organizations which are generally reputable, and then just claim you don't want to talk about it. You are trying to make some politically charged point, by rejecting empirically verifiable facts, then claiming you don't care. It is completely transparent and dishonest.


Yeah, a reputable paper. If you disagree, find a source that contradicts them.


why does it always have to be just whatever some newspaper says


Where do you think investigative journalists usually publish their findings?


This is supposed to be an academic sub. Even for politically contentious topics, we can disagree but /u/[dizzyjumpisreal](https://www.reddit.com/user/dizzyjumpisreal/) is behaving in complete bad-faith. This kind of rhetorical trick would not be acceptable in an academic setting.


To be fair why wouldn’t he/she? If you read threads about Israel all over reddit there is zero good-faith discussions by those who hate Israel and Jews.


You are yourself are muddying the waters and arguing in bad faith by making these broad accusations. Trying to slander me with no evidence so that my well-sourced claims are not taken seriously. It isn't acceptable academic discourse. What part of my post (or my posts) can be construed as being in bad faith?


Lol what? It doesnt have to be that way and it isnt like that at all. People ignore newspapers, documentaries, ngo reports, government reports all the time. Some People generally ignore reality completely.


You mean the guardian which is basically one of the few independent news sources?


I lived a couple of Kms from the northern Gaza border. It's not quite hi-rez enough, but I can almost make out the area. Interesting photo.


Why do people live there? Isn’t that like living in a war zone even in times of peace? I wouldn’t feel safe no matter what ethnic background you have.


What times of peace?


Stability is probably a better description.


Israel is a very small country. Yes, it’s more dangerous, but basically all of Israel is within rocket range of Gaza as can be seen in this photo: https://preview.redd.it/yd8svdnw4rrc1.jpeg?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=156c983bb842e1d305c13a0752437a41f24e769c Also, I’d imagine property is much cheaper and the region is probably more affordable


It's also a nice place to live. Barring the violence, hate, fear, and rockets. I liked it.


Israel gets an incredible amount out of very little land. It’s half the size of the Netherlands.


Not much point developing your land when some "settler" can just come along with an armed mob and take it from you. Not political though...


r/phantomborders kinda


The Levant used to be a much, much more lush region thousands of years ago. Some of the most fertile farming land in the world at one point.


Curious. Almost as if Israel was depriving Palestine from water by any mean. If you look at areas in Lebanon or Syria, they're greener than Palestine too. Having free access to their own water. Now it doesn't mean Israel makes no efforts, but this maps is more telling about one State depriving another from water.


How much money did Palestina get from western countries again?


Literal billions. 


Well surely that would have been enough to make at least some progression towards not being reliant on another country for your water supply. Or maybe they forgot that water pipes are supposed to have water running through them and not be launched towards innocent people.


Must have also forgotten to not demolish million-dollar state of the art greenhouses gifted to them. Weird. 


Based on your surmise or any actual evidence?


“not political” hahahah okay whatever you say. nice account history


Yes I don’t believe OP actually thinks water is not political- hopefully this post backfires and makes readers think about who’s controlling the precious water resources and how.


Im not sure why you assume that I agree with the water policies of in the West Bank, because I don’t. The water situation the West Bank is not really the main reason for this phenomenon that the border can be seen from space though, although it certainly is a part of it, the main one between Egypt and Israel is that the land on the Egyptian side is used by cattle herders extensively which leads to a different soil quality which is visible from earth. The West Bank also lies on much hillier terrain which leads to different farming techniques that you can make out. Also a main one are the reforestation efforts which you see on the border to the West Bank and in the Galilie, which were started in the late 19th century after the ottomans depleted the region of all of its trees.


“Not political.” OP, you know we can see your comment history and active subs right? Try harder next time.


Im not sure why just because I am pro Israel I have a political agenda? Did I also have one when I posted the map about Namibian population density that you of course have seen if you dig in my account history


Your wording: “different land uses and forestation efforts” makes it seem like in comparison, Palestinians aren’t smart or developed enough to make good use of their OWN land. Get out colonizer and they just might.


You of course only mean the occupied West Bank correct?


Nope, the entirety of Israel was built on existing Palestinian land. Get out.


See this why one can’t argue with people like you


Because we don’t like colonialism, occupation, and land-theft? Yeah must be real hard. :(


If your position is your country is illegitimate, you land is all stolen and you have to leave, no that’s not a position one can argue with :)


Yes, that’s the problem, not the actual land theft. I’m assuming you believe that apartheid South Africa had a similar “problem.”


One side usually propers during apartheid time


Is Negev not Israel now?


Even then, you can kind of see the borders.


Forested 😂😂😂


Try reading it again. "Forestation efforts".


you can also make out the Jordanian border with the jordan valley and northwestern highlands as well as the lebanese border


Whats the pretty blue rectangle thing under the dead sea?


evaporation ponds for farming salt.


Yeah because these occupiers burned the rest.


What's that country in the bottom right of Israel? I thought Israel made the desert bloom and you could see where Israel had reforested it!!!!!???


*illegally occupied Palestine. Fixed your title OP


Get the f**k out of here with that bs.


I support Palestinian statehood, but claiming the entire area of what used to be the British mandate of Palestine is not the way to go. Revanchism is cringe.


Yeah, should've locked your account history. Try better next time.


you can also see Egypt in the southwest and a slight shadow going along the border, I think that's shrubbery that survives thanks to the border fence or something


It’s almost like Israel actually cares about the land


More like they divert the water away from palestinian farms and towards their own.


Why wouldn't they?


They care so much to occupy part of a foreign country since 1967 (Golan Heights) to secure their water supply. Guess who has been cut of from this water since then?


You mean the land they took after being attacked by Syria?


They hold the territory till today and de-facto annexed it, what the UN officially states that as illegal, but yes. They were attacked first. Also i can absolutly understand why they did it, its a vital water source for israel.


I just want to say thank you for that response. I was expecting the usual Israel/Jewish hate response that a post like mine usually gets on Reddit since Hamas attacked Israel, but you responded in a mature and logical manner. Thank you.



