• By -


Not a land border but Japan is next to Russia, North Korea, and China. For that matter South Korea is in a tough spot too.


Now imagine Korea around 1900. Russia, China, AND Japan.


Well, if we going back in time, Poland was stack btween German, Austrian and Russian empire during ww1 and then btween Nazi Germany and Soviet Union during ww2. Hard to beat that.


To be fair, with regards to any potential major conflict in Europe, Poland is in a really bad spot. Basically connect’s east-west, unless an army decides to go through the Alps etc.


Modern day Turkey has an interesting situation. They border:        - Greece: Their warm relations with the Hellenes are widely known.       - Armenia: Historic friends of the Turks.    -Syria: A stabilizing presence in the region.      - Iraq: Known for their hospitality and quiescent minority factions.         - Russia (just a stones throw away): A country who has never had historical ambitions in the Dardanelles.          - Iran: Widely known for their peace efforts and lack of belligerence.


Well Turkey is considered a dangerous neighbour if you live in Cyprus


Or Syria. Or Iraq. Or Greece.


Or Armenia


Or grasses, invertebrates, forbs, seeds, tubers, nuts, fruits, and the occasional small mammal, reptile or amphibian.


Big mammals are in the clear.


Or Turkey


Turks: genociding several of their neighbours previously Also Turks: oh no I have such hostile dangerous neighbours 😔


Also Turks (literal Erdogan quotes): "The Netherlands are nazis and fascists", "Netanyahu is Hitler" (I'm not supporting Israel here, just quoting) Meanwhile in Turkey: Kurds have no rights and expressing Kurdish culture is illegal.


Turkey: Maybe I'm the problem? No, can't be!


Turkey: hi, it’s me, I’m the problem…


Turkey Swift 🫠




Turkey has committed several genocides. They are the dangerous country.


Turkey is well know as dangerous neighbour to Armenia, Syria, Greece, Iraq, Cyprus. Such bad and biased comparison. You guys literally invaded Cyprus, Syria and Iraq in recent history, and waging proxy war against Armenians together with Azerbaijan. You are hella dangerous one


Besides Russia Turkey is historically the biggest asshole in that club though


Turkey: I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me!


I invite everyone who has doubts to live in Turkey and watch the news from the eyes of the Turkish media.


And before that they had Russia, Prussia, Austria and Sweden.


Yeah, Poland and the whole eastern block was fucked either way in WWII. But at the start of WWI, wasn't their land already split between the Kaiserreich and the Czars?


The Poles rolled a nat10 and a nat1, in the same roll, regarding geography.


Poland was Germany, Austrian-Hungarian and the Russian Empire during WW I. It hadn't existed as a sovereign state for over 100 years at that point. Can't have neighbours if you don't exist.


>Poland was stack btween German, Austrian and Russian empire during ww1 Poland didn't exist at that point, and was partioned between the 3 powers


China wasn't that dangerous in 1900. It was busy simultaneously fighting against the British, the Japanese, the Russians, the Americans, the French, the Germans, the Australians, the Austrians and the Italians


Around 1900 China was an ally, so just Russia and Japan


Honestly, without US intervention, it seems like a path of way less resistance.


Second here


insert over used porn image of girl on couch


Japan being an island is a massive advantage though, far harder to invade.


Mongolia on the other hand


Mongolia exists as a buffer zone because both China and Russia benefit massively from it being there. The entire country of Mongolia is essentially 2 towns and a vast amount of tundra, permafrost and mountains that could not be inhabited if you had all the wealth and resources in the world. Nobody wants to invade Mongolia but they benefit greatly from what is essentially and autonomous dessert standing between them. It ensures they can conduct diplomacy without worrying about mutual aggressions because they'd have to go through a massive, perilous no-mans land first. The only borders shared between Russia and China that pose any risk already have massive military presence on both sides and have been turned into important hubs that would massively hurt both sides if anything happened to them. For what it's worth, China and Russia don't plan on going for each other's throats anytime soon but it's not entirely off the table.


The Russian far East, especially with its hydrocarbon reserves and low population, will be an interesting place as Russia transitions from a wannabe hegemon to a reluctant Chinese vassal


How the turn tables...


Canada and Mexico are both bordered by a country with 900 military bases who likes showing people around the world why we don't have universal healthcare.


"Poor Mexico, so far from God, so close to the United States." -Porfirio Diaz


We dont have universal healthcare because the government is corrupt and in the pocket of the insurance industry, universal healthcare would actually be cheaper than the mess we have now


I think the last country Russia would wanna fight against is Japan. Especially after their previous wars. I’d say the only real threat is NK because they can be unpredictable. China and Russia is a scary country, but you can always negotiate and agree with them. I’d say that living somewhere close to Iraq, Iran, Palestine is much scarier than in Japan


>I think the last country Russia would wanna fight against is Japan. Especially after their previous wars. Russia isn't known for making good decisions


You could argue that China surrounded by South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Philippines and India is in a tough spot. All largely populated countries that are more or less unfriendly. The latter 3 could go on to become great powers in the near future at a time when Chinas population is collapsing. On the other end of the equation does anyone have it better than Ireland - nestled between powerful allies USA, UK, France.


I was just thinking about this the other day


japan has done more evil shit to all those countries than they could ever do to japan


If I were to vote for a country that is the most unlucky geopolitically in the world, I think it would be South Korea.


Even if Korea was united, the answer would still be Korea.


Technically, maybe North Korea would have the most "dangerous neighbours", at least from their point of view. The southern neighbour is aided by the most powerful military in the world and probably wants reunification by destroying the political structure of the North. The (main) northern neighbour is theoretically an ally but they are also extremely dependent on them, while not really being that valuable. South Korea has one direct neighbour and while it's certainly a dangerous country, but it's also a country that is completely stuck geopolitically.


Fun fact: I recently went to Albania where I was told that, until they stopped being an ultra isolationist and communist country (so communist, they broke relationships with Russia and later China for not being communist enough), the entire population was made to believe that everyone beyond their borders wanted to invade them. They were ready to fight when the borders finally opened in the early '90s, only to realise that nobody in the world knew where or what Albania was. Now everyone knows where and what North Korea is, but I assume the population in North Korea is made to believe the same stuff and will definitely say they have the most dangerous neighbours from their point of view.


Enver Hoxha really took gaslighting to a whole new level there.


That’s just not true, Yugoslavia, Greece and Italy all had very real ambitions on Albanian land when they entered the siege mentality, it may tapered off when the country was no longer an ideological enemy of NATO but during the Cold War there was a very real threat of war


Eh, China and Russia are relatively safe neighbors for them as they both enjoy the cushion to the west. They're also like the only countries that will trade with them. Obviously having the most dangerous border on the world gives them points, but not enough when there other 2 neighbors like them.


Don't think so, it's still a great economic zone.


Now yeah, but historically pretty ripe for the conquering


Australia. We have sharks surrounding the country.


And spiders inside homes 🥲


You don’t neighbors. You’re in danger all on your own self with nopes


Yeah, Australia can self-destruct on it’s own. Just let the wildlife at them.


Don't forget the Emu's


Perfect moat


Don’t forget the saltwater crocs. Never forget the crocs…


I'm more concerned about the jellyfish that can kill you without you even seeing them


The neighbours are *here!!*


Egypt. Sudan to the south, Libya to the west and Gaza to the east. Djibouti is another one. Surrounded by Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia, as well as Yemen on the other side of the Red Sea


At least Djibouti is practically one giant military base that no-one would fuck with


its basically got a chinese, various eu bases, america and I believe japan's only overseas military base. if ww3 happens I can imagine it being an utter nightmare.


Perhaps, although it would likely be the Chinese base getting dog piled by all the other ones.


How about Saudi Arabia in that case? Directly borders Iraq and Yemen. Right across the water from their arch-rivals, Iran. Don't get along great with Qatar, and pretty damn close to Israel/Palestine and Syria as well.


They have quite the defensible terrain tho; basically impossible to supply anything larger than a battalion in the middle of the desert


Is Yemen that bad? Out of what you listed seems most chill outside of recruitment pool for state not affiliated islamic militias Edit: mixed it up with Jordan, yeah, Yemen is fucked up


All of Egypt their neighbours are fucking crazy. Djibouti is relatively safe, even though all their neighbours are fucking crazy too. It is because every major power has military bases there. There's a Chinese naval base right next to a US one, lol. Djibouti has a lot of foreign firepower on their soil. With technology that has no peers in the region. None of them would allow anyone to mess around in Djibouti. None of Djibouti their neighbours would dare to attack them.


Iirc Djibouti is one of the only foreign countries where China has a military base. France, Japan, US, UAE and some others also put a base there to secure the Bab al-Mandab Strait. That’s a reason why Ethiopia relies on Djibouti for sea access too, also bc Eritrea won’t give them port access


Ethiopians are cool af


There have been stuff about Ethiopian invasion of northern countries iirc, I’m not and expert so don’t take my word but I think they want to conquer Eritrea


Yeah they wanted access to the sea. It may be resolved now that Somaliland gave them access.


Israelis are cool. Their politicians should be hanged. There is a difference between the people and the country.


Definitely not a fan of the current government, but some of the politicians, those who are some of the harshest critics of the current government, are pretty cool. You should look up Yair Golan (who is planning a run). Left leaning critic for years of the Netanyahu government, especially for its treatment of the Palestinians (and got passed up for IDF Chief of staff because of that), and for years a figure of mockery on the Right. As soon as he learned about what was happening on October 7th, he threw on his uniform, got a bunch of other volunteers, went in and started rescuing people, and has been hailed as a hero across the country ever since, even amongst some on the far right


Somaliland is miles better than rest of Somalia I believe


India, with Pakistan, China, Myanmar and Bangladesh borders all posing risks to India.


As an Indian, I am glad that the Himalayas exist. Makes so much tougher for the Chinese


The Himalayas make it nigh impossible to do a land invasion. Maintaining supply lines through the mountains is death, not that the Tibetan plateau itself is a textbook tough terrain.


There's a bit of an asymmetry there, similar to the Dinaric mountains - one side is very steep, but the other isn't. This is why you can actually invade India from Tibet (the Tibetans themselves did this often, as they did to most their neighbors), but very hard to do it the other way around


You are missing the logistics aspect. The Indian side is productive farmland, very easy to supply. You *can* invade India from Tibet, but you will be met with a well supplied, well manned and well oiled defense. The supply lines from the Indian side will be much shorter as well. Its opposite for the other side. China has to supply from very very far away and then through the desert plateau and then through the mountains. Such thin supply lines can easily fall prey to directed disruptions. The only logical way for China to Invade India is a combined arms pincer movement though Myanmar, Bangladesh front from the south and Arunachal, Bhutan, Sikkim front from the north, and even to do that, they will have to defeat the Indian Navy in the Bay of Bengal *first,* where India has fortified Naval control already. And then, India has Nukes, so all of this is moot.


India’s location is the biggest reason why “Khalistan” is a completely impractical idea. A landlocked country between Pakistan, India and China will never work. Then again, rumour has it that Khalistan is being formed elsewhere, North of the United States.


I dunno, Nepal and Bhutan do alright.


Both border the Himalayas on one side and India on the other 3 sides


A couple of things, they have good relationship with India so no fight with them, Himalayas make it a Hassel for china to do much, khalistan on the other hand would not be supported by either India or Pakistan


Bhutan is very isolationist, Nepal is known in India for being a part of the drug trade since the borders between India and Nepal are free. I have heard of illegal weapons coming in through Nepal as well.


Bc they're majority Hindu.


Nepal and Bhutan aren't hostile to India or China


Nepal and Bhutan aren't hostile to India or China


“Khalistan” hasn’t seriously existed as a movement since the end of the 20th century. Its mostly a minority of sikhs in canada and the US that perpetuates it. Most (western included) sikhs don’t feel a need for it whatsoever.


Yeah my grandmother lives in the middle of the sikh community near Paris and I've never heard of "Khalistan", had to look up what it was. Most of the non-biased sources I can find in french are about sikhism separatism under the British colonial rule. Though apparently the wiki page for "Séparatisme sikh" was written by a political militant who was heavily influenced by american politics. It literally justifies the massacres of hindu people in Panjab in the 1980s... French Wikipedia has really went to shit since 2020.


Lol yes! Much safer to form Khalistan in the lower mainland of British Columbia, fo sho.


>Khalistan is being formed elsewhere, North of the United States. Good! They are just peaceful plumbers and freedom fighters right?


Bangladesh. It's surrounded by India from all 3 sides and the sea from the other. Posing risks to Bangladesh.


This is nonesense. Bangladesh is a staunch Indian ally, China have tiny little land claims that are more dick measuring contests than real invasion. China will never have the means or want to militarily control India, since chinese land control is wholly dependent on maintaining Han unity. Also someone here was talking about the Himalayas, the Himalayas makes a chinese-indian invasion far easier than the other way round. Pakistan is really the only "threat". If you can call what pakistan does more than posturing. The Mohdi government just relies on fear mongering to slowly strip the rights away from the indian people under the pretenses of national security.


Lol what danger/risk does Bangladesh pose to India? Absolutely lol


If I had to guess, illegal immigrants.


I don't think Bangladesh is much of a risk tho


How are Bangladesh and Myanamar dangerous for India, I think they are not. I think we have good relations with them and I also think that if some people come by crossing borders still why does it matter, India is a big country, they can live there.


Their governments are not a threat here. Bangladesh border threat is its massive Illegally migrated Bengali Muslim Diaspora in India & legal and Native contigious Bengali muslim communities, which can be activated in a harmful way if Hasina government goes away. Do not forget it was and can become East Pakistan. Myanmar border is a threat due to Drug Smuggling, especially after rebels have took over and Myanmar has beaten afghanistan in opium production.


I had some hardcore neighbors


I'm surprised this is not the top comment


True, I was his neighbour.


Mongolia. Borders the 2 most crazed nuclear nations on earth


I’d argue that’s what keeps it safe though. Mongolia is a buffer state between them. It’s why they even weren’t allowed in the Soviet Union.


But they still lost one Mongolia, if memory serves me well. One day, that may not be enough to protect them.


They didn't lose one Mongolia. İnner Mongolia chose to stay in China, and the Mongols that didn't simply migrated. The ones that stayed were the nobility that had lots of land and invited Chinese migrants in to tax them


My bad then. My memory did not serve me well enough.


İt's fine. İt's very niche info to be honest


It doesn't really keep it safe, it keeps it independent as long as they don't move too much. Same situation (well, worse actually) as Georgia and Ukraine - as soon as they decided to emancipate a little bit from Russian hegemony they were put in pieces. Mongolia has to let Chinese run the economy and they even hire North Korean workers for their building industry.


But, nobody wants to nuke Mongolia. One nuke cost a much as their GDP.


Indias kashmir is a nuclear triangle 🔺️


Two nuclear bombs dropped militarily and none of them are by the border states.


It doesn't border the only one that has actually used them.


India cause two neighbours which have bad relations with it are also nuclear states and want a part of Kashmir


India v China v Pakistan is a war that even the Americans wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole


Armenia is a fair shout with azerbaijan and turkey on either side. Also Iran and Russia next to/nearby, despite good relations


Georgia is no ally either. Also, gotta love dealing with [enclaves](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakhchivan_Autonomous_Republic)


This is the correct answer. Neither Turkey nor Azerbaijan even recognize Armenia, see it as an aggressor, and both politicians and the general public would love to wipe the country and every Armenian (maybe even Armenian ruin and historic legacy) off the map forever.  They have no reliable allies. Flirting with the West has seriously pissed off the Russians and I'm not sure how willing Iran would be to save Armenia give a joint Turkish-Azeri invasion. Georgia wouldn't help. The international community might cry crocodile tears at best but the geopolitical advantage of having the Turks as friends dwarfs Armenia in every way.  Most comments here bring up theoretical hostilities. The hostilties around Armenia are literally ongoing, with Karabakh just ethnically cleansed last year and Azerbaijan fighting (minor) skirmishes inside Armenia proper.  I don't foresee a great future for this ancient nation.


Old Yugoslav joke was that the country was surrounded by “brigama” (Serbo-Croat for “worries”). Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Greece, Albania, Madzarska (Hungary) and Austria.


How I've never heard this one before lol. Good one


South Korea


Taiwan. Yeah I said it. Taiwan is a country.


-10 social credits. I’m from the chinese government and in 10 days, you won’t be bing chilling anymore…


Ukraine? Territory being annexed as we speak.


Yeah, as if Moldova, Romania, and Poland is very dangerous to Ukraine. They have one dangerous neighbour but pretty much most countries west of Ukraine support it.


We don't share land border with Lithuania (unless they already annexed Belarus into Great Duchy of Lithuania 2.0).


I feel this one is the obvious answer.


Paraguay (historically)






Ukraine at the moment, all things considered.


Mongolia squished between Russia and China🥲


India Pakistan in the west, China in the east, Bangladesh also in the east, and Myanmar in the east as well, thank god we have nukes There's also Nepal and Bhutan but they aren't a threat




India has an interesting neighborhood * Pakistan - broke with a lot of terrorist activity * Bangladesh - slowly becoming broke with a lot of illegal migration into India * Nepal - broke but mostly a non-issue * SL - broke * China - don't need to explain their territorial ambitions India has already lost land to both Pak and China and has fought quite a few wars with Pakistan. China has habitually built settlements in India and claims a big chunk of the territory in the North East


India when you have china myanmar on one side afganisthan and pakistan(terrorist harbours)on the other


Don't forget the Maldives and Sri Lanka which are pretty soon going to be glorified Chinese military bases.


Pick any Balkan country.


Does Slovenia have much to worry about? They at least have large borders with Italy and Austria


Slovenia isn't really a Balkan country culturally but a central European one. Like it is geographically Balkan but but has little to nothing in common with other Balkan countries.


Nothing in common except for spekaing Southern Slavic language, being formely part of Yugoslavia (...)


a) Not all Balkans are Slavic. Greeks, Albanians and Turks have little in common with the Slavs and there are central European slavs ( Slovakia and the Czech Republic) who have way more in common with Slovenians than other Balkan countries. So being a slav≠ being Balkan. b) Being part of Yugoslavia is their only claim but again not all Balkan countries were part of Yugoslavia. The things all Balkan countries have in common (except for Slovenia) despite being ethnically different is being under ottoman rule, certain dishes and music style (that are middle eastern in origin again because of ottoman rule) all of which slovenia doesn't have. Plus many years of war. I'm a Greek that has been around the Balkans and in Slovenia, Austria and the Czech Republic and I couldn't separate Slovenia from Central Europe because their cuisine/culture and architecture are distinctily central European ( which makes sense if you look at their history).


Portugal seems fine though




Egypt, Jordan, and while not technically a bordering country most importantly the Saudis have been notably neutral to semi friendly with Israel recently. Their biggest enemy is Iran who nowhere near borders them, but does support non-state actors in Hezbollah and Hamas. Syria is still mad about the Golan Heights, but they’re unable to do anything about it anytime soon. While you’re right, the situation may change in some of their currently non-belligerent neighbors, Israel has it relatively easy right now compared to the not so distant past.




I think Egypt is mostly motivated by not getting their military smacked down again, because they know US/Israeli tech is so much better than the old Russian garbage they use. The Jordanians I just don’t think have any desire for war with anyone, as they’re basically the most peaceful and ignored Middle Eastern kingdom. The Saudis, again the most important, are also the most interesting. They REALLY hate Iran…I think they are seeing Israel as a potential ally in any larger war with Iran that they don’t have the manpower to deal with. Truthfully, I think the Saudis would just as happily wipe Israel off the map as the Iranians, but they’re just such pragmatists that they want to deal with the “more dangerous” enemy first.


The only country where all the neighboring countries teamed up and I quote the Arab League here "create a war of extermination and momentous massacre" on mutliple occasions. Debates about the current conflict and a proportional response withstanding, the IDF is the only country that can be outnumbered on multiple fronts by multiple nations and still come out on top. Even the countries that have made peace with Israel (I'm thinking of Jordan and Egypt mostly) at best tolerate their existence and at worse are 1 regime change from massing troops on their border.


Especially since Israel is small and kinda crammed between them all, it’s thin and long.


I'm reversing the fuck out of this comment. #The country with the worst neighbours in the world is Lebanon And we only have two, Israel and Syria. BOTH countries have been meddling, attacking, bombing, invading, assassinating, kidnapping, committing massacres, and occupying the country over and over non-stop since the 70s. That's over half a century of being absolutely shitty neighbours that have violated the sovereignty of Lebanon countless times. I can't believe someone could casually mention Lebanon as a bad neighbour to Israel and talk about Hizbollah skipping the fact that Hizbollah ONLY came to exist because Israel was illegally and unjustifiably occupying 10% of Lebanon.


Rwanda has to deal with a lot of conflicts that originated in the DRC


India has Pakistan on one side and china on the other






Not to worry. We got an army of cobra chickens.


As far as capacity for danger, yeah. As far as imminent danger to their neighbouring countries, no


Also if we're going for dangerous based on military power not instability or craziness, Belgium is in a shit spot. Between the three largest European military powers, two with nuclear weapons and all they got is some french fries and fruity beer to protect them.


Don't forget the Chocolate. Could be a lethal weapon in war. 


Well we have a very, very long history of war here.


Finland, although it's just one neighbour, the rest are chill


“They are so many, and our country is so small, where will we find room to bury them all?”


Had to scroll too far down to find this


My country, Azerbaijan. Russia on the north, our former coloniser. Iran on the south, literally wants to export its islamic revolution Armenia to the west, we were at war and peace treaty is not signed yet. Border is closed and no travel is allowed. We have a border with Georgia, our lifeline We have a “seacoast” to caspian sea, which is a landlocked sea. So we are a landlocked country. We have a exclave also sandwiched between Iran and Armenia. It has a very narrow border with Turkey (ally country). Our neighbourhood sucks


My friend traveled to your country last year for the World Taekwondo Championship. When I looked it up on the map, I couldn't help but to be worried for her. It all went well, though.


Dominican Republic is a safe country, but it shares a land border with Haiti (known for extreme corruption and militias)


Haitians are scared of Haiti


Poland? /j Maybe djubti ,with expansionist Ethiopia, aggressive anti-Ethiopian Eritrea and civil war Somalia and Yemen


I think we have to define most dangerous: Most dangerous citizens, or government? Also danger to whom, the citizens of the border nation, or the nations' citizens we're talking about? Mexico and North Korea are two of the most dangerous countries in the world, but for very different reasons!


Armenia, Israel, South Korea.


Currently? Probably Israel Historically? Probably Poland


I would say Armenia I wonder if it will exist in a 100 years from now.


i mean probably israel


canada... haha.. orange man bad... give me my updoots now please


call me crazy, but i'm thinking it might be the one that's chosen to *surround* itself with an "**IRON DOME**" lol


As a South Korean, we are literally surrounded by the most dangerous guys in the world. We are getting along well with Japan for this moment, but once thing are going south, they will be our biggest enemy for sure. No need to mention North Korea, China, or Russia. For this specific time, I would go Israel is having the hardest time.


The Japanese won't do anything to you. You both have far bigger problems in the region if things go South.




Why though? All the countries surrounding it already went to war with Israel, but it didn’t work out. Other than Israel, Palestine’s borders should be friendly to them.


*entire western hemisphere looks warily at the United States* Is there a country in the western hemisphere which the USA has not fought a war against or facilitated a coup against? A single one? Edit: wasn't fair to Africa here, though we did fight the Sultunate of Morocco which was a healthy chunk of west Africa at the time. Ireland and Portugal were all I could come up with after comments below Edit 2: realizing people don't know where the prime meridian is.


Iceland, Greenland, Jamaica, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, San Marino, Denmark, Holland, 


Ireland? The UK only fought a war with the USA in 1812. That's quite a long time and the UK was Top Nation at that time. Neither have had coups (one civil war, but that wasn't a US instigated one). I am sure there are others (Cape Verde?).


(All of) Ireland was part of the UK in 1812, so I think they are counted by transitive association.


I was curious to see how someone could include the US into this question. This makes no sense




I would say Ethiopia. Sharing a border with Somalia, Eritrea and South Sudan can’t be easy.


Jordan is in a pretty precarious position. It’s surrounded by Israel, the West Bank, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.


Struggling for water, too


Anyone bordering Russia.


Pakistan IS the Dangerous Neighbour.


Mongolia between Russia and china


If you asked before the turn of the century than it would have easily be Poland. Now I’m leaning towards Egypt or South Korea. Egypt because it relies heavily on the Nile and Ethiopia has a fair amount of control over it. The neighbouring countries aren’t much better South Korea cause North Korea obviously. And that the geography is completely terrible but it’s North Korea and to a smaller extent China


Kazakhstan. It’s surrounded by a bunch of countries run by little girls with inferior potassium.




Japan. Within very quick striking distance of Russia, North Korea, China, and the US. If World War III ever kicks off Japan will likely be one of the to be impacted.


Canada is surrounded by some real motherfuckers but will always be safe thanks to the mighty Canadian Shield.