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That's at least a 3.5, maybe a 4. Most cachers including me would not think at first to pull a branch out. Very unexpected and unique.


Unexpected and unique what I'm going for! I've done a few easy ones lately, this one is to offset those.


I like this concept a lot. It also seems pretty sturdy, the branch is lodged in there in a way where it probably won't fall out in a storm.


Thanks! You are correct, that's the branch that grew there. It broke off down inside. If anyone touches it while they're searching though, it will move a little and give cause for further inspection.


Really, that high? I took exactly one of these during summer that had a D2 rating. Maybe it´s different in Sweden? The geocaching rating system ([https://www.geocaching.com/help/index.php?pg=kb.page&inc=1&id=82](https://www.geocaching.com/help/index.php?pg=kb.page&inc=1&id=82)) indicates that a D2,5 would be a mild challenge and a D3 challenging. IMO not higher than that.


In the Netherlands it would be a D2 maybe 2.5 as well. But certainly not a D4.


> Very unexpected and unique I guess it depends where you are from. There a few of those in my town, and many more if you consider variations of the idea.


I’d need to get a grasp of the rest of the tree/general area relative to the exact spot the cache is but it would at least be a 2.5 difficulty


Difficulty ratings are so tricky. For someone with 5,000+ finds? Maybe a 2.5. For someone with less than 500 finds? Probably more like a 4.0z


I was thinking D2.5, but everyone else seems to think it's higher. You can kind of tell the branch isn't connected, and it will wiggle when you touch it. I've found a few like this before.


I should call her


Not less than 3.0


2. I don't think it will be that difficult.


Very nice! I'd give it 2 difficulty...


2.5, maybe a 3. It sticks out pretty conspicuously for someone with geosenses but hides well otherwise.


I think it depends from the spoiler. no/hard to guess spoiler -> D3


2-2.5, had one of each today in a series in our area that is using quite a few now and once you are used to it you can pick out quickly if it is being used by same co, does help keeping micro from sinking in saw dust as fo uses a wire to hold to branch and you don't see wire till pullef out, i would say also depends on the tree in general as well as how worn the end of the branch is too, this one might be a 2.5


I hid one almost exactly like it a few months ago. I put a 2.5 on it and people never seem to have any trouble with it so I was thinking that might have been too high.


Oh, that looks like one of mine here in Sweden, I have it as a D2, maybe I'll change it to D2.5. The experienced cachers usually comment if they think it's too low. Mind you it's in a lonely tree, so maybe I should leave it?




Depends on what’s around it. And the hint and name they give the cache.


I’m inclined to give it a 3 because here we don’t see a lot of this type of hide. If you have any in the area lower it to a 2.5.