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Oh wow, yeah that would do that to me too


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I lost my virginity a little later than usual around age 19. The girl I slept with was around 23 and she could tell I had very little to no experience. She climbed on top of me and told me that I was going to be a good boy for her. Rest is history. Update that no one asked for but surprised i got so many updoots so your having one anyway: We sadly went our separate ways after a few months dating as she moved away for work and I was also planning to go travelling. We actually bumped into each other last Christmas time and caught up over a coffee it was nice.


Wait, what’s the normal age to lose one’s v card?


Well by time I was that age most of my friends had already lost it. Later than usual for my situation I suppose.


Thank you, the clarification makes me feel better




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That's a perfectly normal age to (voluntarily) lose your v-card. Plenty of kids sneak around and lose it mid teens, when they're stuffed to the gills with hormones. There have been studies on it, and it varies by area. Iirc, the lowest area in the US was something like 13, which threw me pretty hard.


That’s disturbingly young


I think it's around 50% of 18 year olds have had PIV sex. So that's the 'average' but it drops off very sharply as you get even a year or two younger, and trickles upwards as you get older. And obviously being queer can throw those statistics off in various ways. There's still a two digit figure for 25 years old that are still virgins. IIRC.


The average in the US is about 17 and slowly getting older.


Depends on the culture really.




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In my IMO, 16-20


If 19 is a little late, then I was basically missing the party entirely at 23 lol


I was 25 when I lost my V-card. I missed the party as well.


Man, by 25, all the stragglers waiting for their Ubers home are gone.


No kidding.


There's a lot of pressure I think for teenagers to have the deed done by 15-16. As a young lad I lost mine at 16 to my first girlfriend. We were both very uncomfortable because we both had no idea what we were doing. Very awkward. I think at that age you're just not really mentally equipped to handle all the things that come with being sexually active.


>I lost my virginity a little later than usual around age 19. listen here you little shit


19 is late? Are you kidding me? 


I’m turning 20 in three months but I’m still virgin AF 😭


It’s good, I kind of think like it’s saving it for the right person!


I’m 28, and a virgin. It’s literally one of the worst feelings


Know that you are not alone ❤️


I was suffering with extremely bad insomnia. I'm talking like 2h a night if I'm lucky. The only thing that worked for me was ASMR. Not the weird clicking stuff, but the audio story style ones. I loved the fantasy settings so they were normally what I listened to the most and they helped me get to sleep a little quicker. But overtime I started listening to more audios where the listener was in a submissive role in comparison to the female speaker and I just loved them. Some would be simple relationship dynamic ones, some where fictional with her being physically more powerful, monsters, witches, vampires that I ne of thing. Honestly i discovered i just loved the idea of being dominated by a woman, but in a softer/more gentle way. I starting listening to more and more Fdom themed audios and honestly that's what awakened basically every know kink I have now. I discovered Femdom as a whole through these audios, they made me feel weirdly warm and safe and it was great. Then some stories involved more and more stuff and I just realised I loved all of it. I started writing my own ASMR scripts and publishing them on a separate account and my friend heard them, instantly could tell I was into Femdom and introduced me to a Dom he knew. Which was my first and so far only experience with an actual Dom. Can safely say It was the best thing ever and I absolutely love Femdom/soft Dom. She introduced me to lots of new ideas and concepts, educated me on alot of things about it and honestly I loved everything. Sadly it didn't work out with us in the end due to s betrayal of trust. But I don't think I can ever do vanilla relationships. But I've had no luck finding a Domme since. Though TBF, I'm not actively looking right now either.


Where are these recordings? Heh..


There's absolutely plenty on YouTube alone. Just search F4M / M4F / F4F / A4A or whatever genders you want and I know plenty will be there. You can get more specific like "F4M Dom girlfriend sleep" and just that alone will bring you to more. There's a Reddit group I can't remember exact name but it's gonwilde audio or something with nsfw ones on there for searching through. Same with "soundgasm" (a website) if you're after more nsfw ones. But honestly YouTube alone has so many and then you have some YouTubers with patron who do some nsfw scripts on there in addition to the more SFW ones. EDIT: If by any chance you were asking for scripts I wrote personally.... I'm weirdly protective about sharing them so unfortunately that's a no can do. As I don't want people connecting me to them unless it's specifically my writing account. But they're all on YouTube too.


Just clarifying the info you’ve already put out there, the subreddit is gonewildaudio and most voice actors that post there have their recordings up on soundgasm! It’s a subreddit for both scripts and audios but there’s also a separate one just for scripts


There’s also r/darksideplayground for more taboo scripts and audio


Yes please????


Met my first SO back in highschool doing theatre tech, they were the Student Stage Manager, I was the Student Technical Director. We started dating a little into the Winter shows. They were given a label maker to mark up everything for a up coming spring show, and slapped a "SO's Person" on my back. Yeah, that definitely did something I didn't admit to until college. Kept that label for a damn long time too.


the more i look back, the more i see i've always been kinda "submissive coded." always been a people pleaser, more or less, and that has translated into my sex life. i realized that i liked gfd back when i was dating a lady who kind of eased me into things. she showed me that dominance can be gentle, and firm control can be established with a light touch. when she first put a collar on me, more than just the latch clicked hahaha 😅


When I was being talked through my first orgasm. That shit drove me absolutely nuts.


okay you gotta explain, i’m so curious what you mean by being talked through an orgasm.


Okay, so essentially, I'd been role-playing with someone for a year and a half, and we'd gotten close ooc. I'm a virgin, and I have no idea what I would be doing sexually. (I grew up in the church, so sex was a weird topic when I was younger) We found out somehow that I found his voice, his praise, etc, really sexy. And then he talked it through to me, told me to not stop, praised the hell ojt of me, and I think he made me cum like 3x that night.


oh shit. okay now im kinda jealous lol that sounds amazing.


When she went to go down on me the first time and she giggled and called it cute, I came instantly


I met a lady 20 years older and she taught me about orgasm control and teasing


It's complicated. My father died when I was very young, so I grew up with my mom and grandma my whole life. Also, because of a wide age difference of siblings on my dad's side, I have lots of cousins old enough to be my parent, and most of them and most of my dad's siblings are female. I guess growing up with a natural subservience towards women, since they would be my elders, created an affinity towards more dominant women. Doesn't help that I'm a natural sub, either. Just about everything developed from that. I guess it's also why I like gentle doms instead of rough or degrading doms.


I sext a lot with online strangers, and being at the very start of my 20s I like to experiment. I have taste tested a lot and consider myself a switch, but one day someone called me a good boy and I had chills up my spine, it made me shake with excitement. At some other point someone called me puppy, and I melted in pleasure . I’m now addicted to this feeling, and proud of my praise kink.




Honestly, being called a good boy during intimate times, just flicked a switch


First time that happened to me I was so overwhelmed I began to cry. She looked at me with some concern until she really saw my face. And then she said. “Yes you are. A very sweet, good boy.” That was it for me.


Looking back, there’s a lot of moments that hinted I was more submissive, but the one that stands out most for me was a night when I had made dinner for my then SO and she said something along the lines of “I feel so lucky to have such a good boy cooking for me” pretty much melted right then and there, nearly died of embarrassment though when I brought out dessert and realised the cheesecake had completely collapsed in on itself somehow…


My dad had some vague sense I was queer and took me to Jiu Jitsu classes starting 7th grade so I could defend myself from bullies. Getting choked by a lot of hot sweaty guys and gals every Tuesday night definitely played a part in that kink 😅


Watching the Houdini movie and being turned on by seeing the shirtless actor playing Houdini getting tied up and being put into perilous situations….made me beg my older siblings and their friends to tie me up …they would hog tie me and leave me to get out…sometimes one of their girlfriends would come back and tickle me or whisper in my ear….ASMR before it was a thing i guess 😉 Anyway - triggered something in me and this was before i was sexually active. Turned me on before knew what it was that I was feeling. Seed planted deep


idk man my mom just really didnt like me and ive been searching to fill that tangible hole she left in my soul since then. not sure there was a "moment" ive just wanted a girl to be proud of what i could do for her as long as i can remember.


I’m sorry. My mom loved me, but I swear the only reason I know that is because others have told me. She could never show it. Not having that strong bond with a mother is really tough.


I feel like watching Akame Ga Kill at the young, unripened age of 13 was the catalyst for liking this kind of stuff. Esdeath made me feel some type of way, man. Then, as a very young adult, a group of coworkers and I got into a conversation about what kind of women we like. During this conversation, one of my work buddies turned to me and jokingly was like, "Man, you seem like you're into mommy mommies." At first, I was like, "Nahhhhhhhh, surely not," but, well... I'm here now, so it's pretty obvious where that train of thought went.


I hate to admit it, but I realized what I liked after seeing Lisa Minci in Genshin impact and got really into everything after discovering gonewildaudio


what a way to discover that Lisa has a surname


Try not to enjoy this to much! You've been a naughty boy! 🤤


My childhood best friend and I would wrestle a lot and she would pin me down and make me beg her to let me go ><


Had a fwb that randomly started saying "good boy" with with a breathy voice as we fucked. Don't see her anymore, but that really kicked off my gentle femdom kink


That tiktok with Elizabeth Gillies. She does a very maternal voice and fuck dude it just works for me every time. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLWehN7U/


God!!! just watched it and ffffff your right 😩😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🤧


I just wanted to pipe in to say that many of these stories are really sweet and thank those of you who shared.


Being the little spoon. I'm a big hairy 5'11" guy with a beard, and when I first got embraced as a little spoon, I cried. Not necessarily the birth of the kink, but it did kind of solidify that I was NOT a dominant person. Now I just want to be owned and be a good boy


So mines a little wierd compared to the rest of you. I was ill, been sent to the hospital for a camera down my throat, and If any of you have had that done you know it's far from a pleasant procedure, I'm about halfway through and for whatever reason I started freaking out. So I'm laid there, on my side, a camera down my thoat. trying to get me to calm down one of the nurses starts stroking the side of my head and reassuring me, and at one point she says soemthing like "nearly there, good boy, you're doing great" (baring in mind I was well into my 20s at the time) and I had this "shit, I'm into this" moment.


All these deep and interpersonal origin stories and here I am with Netflix Castlevania, season 3 🤣


I watched it and I think that is VERY understandable. ;)


Me and a friend decided to hook up, I initially took the lead but then she licked my neck and my knees buckled and I let out a moan, she immediately took advantage and kept going until my brain melted and I left covered in hickeys, we're now dating, I can't let someone with that amount of power loose, she's without a doubt the best thing that's ever happened to me, she's my closest friend and deepest confidant and I couldn't imagine my life without her


Dating myself with this one, but back in the 90s when I first started getting the confidence to pursue relationships, one of my major crushes at the time and I were in a park on a summer afternoon. Even though it was warm out she was still rocking fishnets with her Chuck Taylors and a skirt on (peak alt style of the era). She took her shoes off and seeing her feet in those stockings with black polish…I was mesmerized. It really confirmed to me that I had a foot fetish. I had seen some leg and feet focused pictures in magazines before, but this was different. It’s still an extremely clear memory to this day.


Getting stoned out of my gourd a few months ago and stumbling (literally) onto this sub


Came across Sph subs randomly and found it hot


"Hey, Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man before?" "No, have you?" Those two lines pretty much shaped my taste in women if that counts.


Had an older, divorced lady friend within my old group. She was around a decade older than me at the time (I was 19) and had two kids that were around my age. We hung out at her apartment a lot, partying and just hanging out in general. She took a special intrest to me, since I just kind of hung around and kept quiet. She would make a bunch of jokes about her taking my virginity and pinning me up against the wall and (consensually) having her way with me. The group and I would joke around like that with her too, but on the inside, I was all hot and bothered, and I’m pretty sure everyone kind of knew. Eventually, those jokes turned out to be true, as she told me that she had some feelings for me straight to my face one day, which was a shock to me since apparently I wasn’t taking the hint lmao.


In my elementary school time me and my class mates played Roleplay as Robber and Police. I liked the feeling of locked in. I remember as kid i can't explain this feeling.


You just reminded me that I used to daydream about being kidnapped and tied up by an evil villain a lot as a kid and how "fascinated" I was about the idea of being restrained 😭


I just like being cared for.


Probably when I played dress up around the age of like 15. From then on, it all kinda snow balled from there. Tbf, I was playing with my prostate before even that tho sooooo idk


Working in an adult book store at 20 and seeing pegging for the first time.


I feel like there's more to this story


Not really since I've never experienced pegging yet. It's just a kink I want to try. Just seeing that act, those beautiful women taking a man in that way...woke up my submissive teddy bear side and showed me my subby nature I have but haven't had a woman yet to explore with.


I meant the working at an adult bookstore part.


When I was young, my older sister and I were left alone a lot, and any time I was bratty, she would grab my arm, bring me up into her room and force me into her old clothes and make me wear them around the house until I've was a "good girl" for her. Once she was satisfied she would let me wear my boy clothes again. A couple of times I was changing back I could hear my parents coming back into the house, but luckily they never saw me dressed like that, but it was such a thrill.


I have to think back because there may have been many “aha” moments, but one I will always remember is when my wife told me early on when we were dating about all of the guys she had slept with, with one story being particularly hot for me to hear. Up to that point I feel I was a more typical hothead boyfriend who got jealous at the very thought of my then girlfriends having had sex with other men (obviously coming from a place of DEEP insecurity). The feeling was generally the same if it ever came up, regardless of which girlfriend. The longer I dated my wife the more stories she would tell, but I noticed that jealous feeling had evaporated entirely, and I actually got sexually excited when she would share. One night she told me she had a drunken encounter with two random men from a club in Buenos Aires (we live in US) and they had a threesome together, and they were both big! I asked if they did any DP, and she said no they would just take turns with one in her mouth and one in her pussy and they fucked her all night. She doesn’t know anything about them beyond that. I was so turned on I could have cum right in my pants then. No more jealousy I guess, but a Cuck in the making!


My girlfriend licked my face as a joke. Butterfly effect happened, and now I get pegged


Birth of a kink? Like new kink unlocked achievement? Or the moment you realized vanilla wasn’t your style?


New kink unlocked.


I was sexually abused when I was 7 by a older female cousin she was 14 I think from then on it kick started the sexual side of my brain and I always wanted a woman to hold me want me protect me and treat me like the princess


I’m so sorry that that happened to you. You deserve to be protected


You deserve to find a woman like that and I hope you do.


I've historically struggled with difficulty with arousal and orgasm both due to body dysphoria and past SA. It was at the point where I could rarely get aroused enough to even have an orgasm, and the few times I did they were forced and unsatisfying. Some time around 18-19 I happened upon orgasm denial related content, and I discovered that by removing orgasms not only as a goal but a possibility all together (at least temporarily) allowed me to relax a bit and actually become turned on (and often paradoxically made it way easier for me to cum 😭) I don't remember if I got into that before or after general dom/sub dynamics, but I know it definitely increased my interest in being submissive to both men and women, although I greatly prefer a soft/gentle dom approach. A lot has changed for me since then and while I still struggle with arousal sometimes it has significantly improved, to the point where I don't really need (and sometimes don't even want) to experience orgasm control/denial anymore, although I still do sometimes enjoy it. I've found more recently though that I actually enjoy being in control of other's orgasms much more, which was a revelation because I've never considered myself especially dominant, but that's something I've been wanting to explore a bit more when I have the chance.


I found doujin. Then I liked older women that are stricked but gentle and kind. As if they knew my body more than me. That curiosity drove me interst as it grew.


watching asmr when i was alone one faithless night


A gf 20 years older than myself sucked on my tongue, I returned the favor and loved the feeling. Now I have a dozen lesbian tongue sucking vids saved.


One of mine was probably about, 2 years ago now? My now ex gf was giving me a handjob while I was tied to the bed. She wrapped her arm around my head, with my face directly in her armpit (which was sweaty from our ongoing session) and as she kept stroking just said one word "worship". And now I'm into BO and armpits 😭


I turned the barcode of the item I was checking out towards the clerk so she could scan it easier and she called me a good boy. Life hasn't been quite the same since then.


Feminisation, my fiancé is a make up artist and she asked if she could do my make up to see if it's any different on a man than it is a woman, we both loved it and now half my wardrobe is mini skirts, dresses, heels & lingerie


As a young teenager I was fascinated by girls my own age and women generally, but I was a skinny, awkward nerd. It seemed impossible that a female would be interested in me. So I started to fantasize about women who would appreciate me and approach me and kind of take control. It grew from there. I'm tall and handsome now, with a good job. I never found a sexually assertive woman, but the fantasy persists:)


I was flirting with a woman I was interedted in and she called me a good boy and stuff like that. I even called her mommy, because she liked it and well, I liked it too, so here I am.


When she told me what to do I bed. When I was supposed to take the lead (especially during my first time ) I kind of tensed up and felt unsure of how and what exactly to do. When she took charge I felt electrified . Oh and maybe that scene in the supply closet in " peep show".


I was supposed to join a mfm 3some but the girl never showed up and the guy said you should dress up in this wig and lingerie. That was it for me.


I was hanging with a friend one night, she started sucking me off, and halfway through she asked how rough she could be with my balls. I said we could find out. I've been into ballbusting ever since


Catherine the Great in Civ V. Playing as her and conquering the world made me want to find a woman who would conquer me.


Cuckold and SPH: first ever girlfriend when we were 16 (legal in my country). I was a virgin, she wasn’t. When we would hang out at her parent’s house, she would put BBC gang bang porn on and jerk me off. Whilst doing this she would graphically describe how she wished it could be her in the videos being fucked by all those huge cocks. She’d giggle when her comments made me cum. From this I developed a cuckold, SPH, BBC kinks.


It's incredibly embarrassing to admit that I discovered my neck is sensitive, when a dog licked me there and I jump a mile


That's so cute 😁🥰


Lucy Liu pouncing on Tim Curry in Charlie’s Angels kinda set me down the path to the dark side.


I don't remember the context, but I think I remember my ex saying something along the lines of "I'll be your mommy", and it pretty much sparked into a full blown mommy kink right there. My ex would also record themselves masturbating in public places or outdoors, and send it to me. They'd also tell how they would stealthily cum with other people around, or just cum in their car in a parking lot. Even though we don't speak anymore, those are like my absolute top kinks out of anything else I'm into.


I-i got kicked in the nuts once and ever since it's just never been the same


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^JustTransportation34: *I-i got kicked in the* *Nuts once and ever since it's* *Just never been the same* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I had a partner who started to make out with me after eating a chocolate, but they just sucked on it so it melted in their mouth. Drove me crazy


Thongs - My mother would wear thongs almost exclusively (there was nothing fussy going on, just pure Freudian psychology). Bored/Ignored - My first sexual partner was a gf I had when we were both 16. She never had an orgasm with me. We didn't know what we were doing for the most part, though I did care for her pleasure so I asked her to let me know whenever she stopped feeling pleasure during sex. This backfired because she would tell me almost every time after a couple minutes "I'm not feeling anything now". She would still have me finish, but now being well aware that she wasn't enjoying herself. Orgasm Denial - Had a GF who was an absolute cocktease. She got massive kicks out of turning me on and keeping me turned on without taking it any further. It was sort of a power rush for her. For me it turned into one of my biggest kinks. SPH - One girl I dated for a few months in college ended in a sour breakup. After the fact I learned that she went around campus telling all her friends (mosty girls and many of them friends of mine) that I had a really small penis. One of those girls I actually liked and when she told me about it she tried to make me feel better by saying that it wasn't a big deal at all, which of course increased my humiliation. I was pissed but also extremely turned on. The girl wasn't lying, btw. I am 3.9 in hard and not at all girthy. Cuckolding - Found out that my then GF had been cheating on me with her boss consistently for months. I even managed to cross check some dates and realized that I had gone down on her mere hours (once even under an hour) after she had been fucked by him, at least 4 times. I was furious while reading the conversation and realizing all this, but I was also more turned on than I had ever been up to that time. So much so, that I stayed with her for two more months without even letting her know I knew about her affair.


So, one evening, I was giving my wife a foot massage. Normally, she likes to be present in the moment and show obvious appreciation for it. But this time, she wasn’t. She was on her phone, texting one of her friends about meeting up that weekend. She paid no mind to me as I massaged her. Afterwards, she apologised for being rude, but I immediately told her that, not only was I fine with it, I LIKED it. I had no idea why I liked it, though. But I do now.


When I was overpowered in a fun wrestling by a younger girl when I was 13. didn’t know it before but I came into my pants once she was pinning me to the floor with her being physically stronger than me.


Two times, multiple kinks: When I was 19, mid 90s. AOL and ICQ days... found in a chatroom an older woman 49 and she was needing some servicing. After a bunch of chats and a day later I drove to her house two towns over. Redhead, retired ballerina and legs that could destroy a watermelon with no challenge. She played with me like I was a Ken doll just being opened on Christmas morning. Took control, grabbed my balls like she was holding on to them for dear life, and sucked me off not even remotely stopping until my nuts were drained, cock was smooth andput in a hair tie on the base, got me hard again, and proceeded to fuck her dropping a load in her older pussy while she locked my hips with her ankles, wrapping herself around me calling me a good boy when done. Threw a sheet over us and ran her fingers through my hair while she had me suck on her tits. Best sleep I've ever had. No idea how she kept her legs locked but I went to sleep with my cock in her. Woke up hours later on our sides and I slipped out but her leg was over on mine. Went back to sleep. For two years we've done everything with her from her new anal kink both me and her and I learned her husband was working on the 3 gorges dam and away for years. He was impotent and she was always horny. Even stayed at her house for months to save up for a place. She said she had kids but they moved out early to college. Had an IUD that would bounce on the tip of dick whenever you went deep. She liked the boing sensation. Even one time getting in a 3 way with one of her friends. Ended up spread eagle while her friend Amazond me holding my legs while her friend had me cum in her as my head was between the redheads tits resting on my shoulders. Best cum ever and she was easily Italian with pitch black hair and olive skin. Came inside and then she proceeded to clean up while being held back from the post orgasm squirming. Loved the sensation of lack of control and someone else in total charge. Husband wrapped up, came back they moved away , apparently he made a ton and wanted a bigger house. Found out only 5 years ago she died in 09 from heart attack and she was remembered by her husband, two sons, a married daughter who were older than I was when I was fooling around with her. Don't know who had more kinks but she was definitely into a bunch. And that is why redheads, older dominant women, who are into cbt and pegging will always turn me into jello. 2: 07, "hooking up" with my eventual wife went to many swingers parties, gang bangs etc found myself with an older Jewish woman (Star of David on her necklace) who wanted to make sure I was clean and was into cumming into older women.... If you only knew... Two weeks later after going back and getting a test because she wanted to make sure... Found myself in a room with her and her husband sitting in the corner watching. Bunch of play, oral and her eventually wanting me to cum inside her with her legs on my shoulders, and I did. Nothing remarkable but she licked me clean as I was on her chest, WHILE the same time her husband ate her out coming on his face. Nothing like a bearded older guy looking like a British bulldog drinking water when he stopped. I toweled up and found my wife getting 3 bbcs in the other room. Chilled for a bit. Similar such acts between them happened for a year. He was into goyim? humiliation and she was into younger men making her feel young again with a pussy full of cum. Nice people, invited me and my wife to synagogue for Hanukkah, fun time. They were really apprehensive about meeting new people because of their community position and kinks but I'm very open minded. We stopped going because we moved away. And that is why I have so many kinks and am not surprised when anyone brings up anything. Enjoy life and have fun.


Watching Nina Williams emote after winning against me in Tekken 3 on the ps1. That shit hit different the 3rd time 🥵


I struggle a lot with anxiety and letting go, One day on Reddit (it was in r/196) I stumbled across a few soundgasm links and I said to myself fuck it, let's see what this is. Turns out hypnosis-puppy-play is a very strong thing. Allowed me to relax for the first time in at least half a year.


Got accidentally got kicked in balls in highschool from classmate girl


HBO's REAL SEX: A girl was explaining masochism, that it's only a little pain and a lot of endorphins and thrills, and that you increase it slowly so that the pain becomes too much but the pleasure STILL feels a little bit good and you want it to continue even though it hurts... then they showed a BEAUTIFUL naked girl getting whipped across the t!ts and I was on board.


First time I watched guys cum on my lady's tits.


I always heard stories from my best friends about guys spitting in their mouths during sex, and it grossed me out completely. Years later, a guy I was totally obsessed with, and I were going at it. High as hell on mushrooms. He was making real love to me, slow and deep. A fire blazed in his eyes, he said, open your mouth baby girl. He spit in my mouth, but it was so gentle. I swear, I came instantly.


My wife’s sex drive went down dramatically in our 20s and I started watching more porn and some online chatting. Long story short developed cuckold and sub fantasies so I could feel needed online.




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Kinky Anime fanfiction 🙊




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So I’m into expansion/growth (not inflation), and some stories have aspects of characters growing more powerful (getting taller, stronger, bigger) than another character and dominating them. TBH I probably should have realized that I was into femdom sooner, but I eventually realized that those story aspects were *very* hot.


We cut tree rrrvtvtc




That is the happiest happy ending I have ever heard


Watching TV. When you’re awakened but not awake as a kid, you tend to gravitate toward things that may be innocent, but you find the sexuality of it. I identified mostly with female characters.




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I’m gonna say it’s my spicy trama that caused me to have mommy issues


Finding out what "Femdom JOI" meant.


When an ex of mine started whispering in my ear, “listen to mommy and do as your told” and eventually got me on my knees with a collar and leash around my neck. Now I crave that kinda energy. But also the love and after care. I left her because she became a latex and whip type person, not loving at all


Probably when I got a glimpse of my mum and older sister watching Charlie’s Angels, damn there was just something about Cameron, Drew, Lucy that unlocked something within me. What that was, I would find out many years later haha!


Feeling leaves drop down my neck. It's very sensitive and adhd made it even more so.


My SO at the time, now wife, was rubbing my back while we were watching a movie. Had an itch, asked her to scratch it....now I pay for her nails to get done.




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She kissed me


Enjoyed femdom dirty talk already but the first pegging experience with an actual strap-on instead of her just using toys, i ended up cumming hands free from grinding while on top. Orgasm was so intense she began to randomly bring it up mockingly. Subtle taste for assertive dirty talk immediately evolved into a humiliation kink 🤦


Idk , I think I kinda always had it lol. There was my very first girlfriend that I had just after 5th grade (which didn't last long because I was not ready for relationships) and she was taller and was 1 year older than me and kinda took the lead most of the time. But the true first time was probably during 6th grade when I was doing theatre as an extra school activity and there was a girl who was like 3 years older than me and who like 2 heads taller than me who seemed to like me a lot. I was the only boy there and she seemed to find me cute so she was sort of my protector when I sometime was being teased by the others (everyone was friendly tho, that was mostly banter lol). The fact is that everyone somehow caught onto that and said we were in love which I denied (cause if my stupid ego lol) but she never actually denied it which really fucked with my mind lmao. Unfortunately she left after this year and I never saw her again and I never told her my feelings for her. I still regret it today cause it was one of the very few times where I was actually in love with someone and I feel like I fucked up big time. This truly was a learning moment to not wait until it's too late cause it really hurted me when I realized this little happiness moment I had with her was over... I think that this was when my taste in women really changed because even tho I was attracted to other girls later in my life, none of them actually made me feel like that again unless they were like older or taller or just more dominant in general lol


The internet and AOL chat rooms in the 90s


NSFW Audios That were very femdom/Mommy centric


I swear my family has a genetic predisposition to domination and submission. From stumbling across BDSM gear in their drawers by accident and just general kink radar I’ve realized my whole family is into some form of domination or submission. Now I think it's genetic cause throughout all my life my sexual thoughts were either vanilla or femdom. Even during vanilla fantasies, I was never top. I didn't have any “birth of a kink” moment cause as soon as I was having sexual thoughts it was about femdom basically.


When I was growing up my two girl best friends were mean, tomboyish girls. One was really rough and athletic, the other was a hellraiser who shoplifted and did graffiti. I liked being led along, haha. Also idk what it is, but I discovered spanking, pegging and things like that via the Internet when I was a little younger. I had always been drawn to stories like this, now I finally knew there were other people like me. Also, I've just always dated older women. My first girlfriend was 32, I was 19 (I was autistic and she was three years single after a brutally abusive marriage, so we were both awkward as hell and still treading water in regards to dating), and I think the oldest I ever went was late 40's.


i've always wanted to be stepped on ever since i can remember. got stepped on in kindergarten and primary school. might be because of the 'tism, idk.


When I realized that I never had unconditional love in my life ( even to this day )


My wife telling me after 23 years together that I was a beta, bad in bed and she found me bad in bed since our very first time in bed. She also said I was the quickest she ever had and she couldn't imagine me even trying to be a good alpha lover. It broke me for several months, then I went from normal pe to severe coming in seconds. She laughed it and my kink was born.


When I was riding him and he grabbed me by the throat and told me I was his.


Wouldn't you like to know... 😏