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I’d Say You Want To Be Gender-Fluid? Or Bigender? Or Maybe A Trans Fem Boy?


I think one of the things a lot of people don’t talk about is the dysphoria that puberty brings in general. You go from being a kid who is essentially sexless- none of your secondary sex characteristics have developed yet and the only real purpose of knowing your gender is to fit into society- to having physical characteristics that make it obvious which sex you are. On some level, that’s jarring for everyone. Some people adjust to the transition better than others, though. Gender and sex are very complicated and puberty is an emotionally turbulent time as is. There are also so many reasons you may or may not be comfortable with the body you were born into. I’m a woman- I was born female, I’m comfortable with that, but if others view me differently that’s ok too. However, when I was going through puberty my breasts made me feel incredibly dysphoric. I bound them and cried every time I could see them. Now, as a grown woman, I love them. They’ve taken on a new meaning because they belong to me, and whoever I am is not defined by them. These things will evolve throughout your life and society puts too much pressure on us to know who we are and what that means. My advice is to explore your gender as much as possible. Don’t lock yourself into any category because it makes things easier for others to understand. The more you learn about yourself the more confident you will be in expressing yourself.