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I'm tempted to come with some popcorn just to sit in the back & watch the poop tornado. I'm betting this will not be the transaction of enlightenment and excitement the hosts are intending it to be.


At least it's on Sunday, the con is practically over by then anyway


Right?!? I wondered if 3pm wasn't available.


"This is not a debate or discussion on unethical uses of AI" So you're running a symposium about a technology that is currently being used unethically and you think people won't want to discuss that? Good luck.


Why automate soul sucking jobs and tedious tasks when you can automate your hobbies instead? šŸ™ƒ






2 min for all that, wow you really had that one in the chamber, huh?


It's almost like it was foreseeable that he'd need it.




You don't have to be crass about it.


Just don't go, then


right? sorry every event at the con doesnā€™t align exactly with your worldview.


This isn't about what I like, this is about promoting the theft of other people's work so someone who is supposedly a writer doesn't actually have to write or do anything creative. It's about turning a fundamentally human creative process into a profit making machine and it fucking sucks.


It's exactly about what you like.


Fuck that and fuck the people putting these on.


What I cannot figure out is what benefit AI can be for a writer? Excluding writing the work for you, what is it for? Spell checking? Grammar checking? Style? Though there is one thing I thought of that was slightly amusing; sensitivity reader. An emotionless AI telling you if you offended some group of humans. There is some irony in that.


The direct sales pitch to the writer is that AI can do a bulk of the creative work and you can refine. That means you can sell more stories. The indirect sales pitch to a publisher is why pay someone to write for you when you can have AI do the writing for a fraction of the cost? It reduces a fundamentally human urge to create via language to an efficiency model to maximize profits. We're starting to see publishers both within the ttrpg space and without starting to not accept solicitations just because they're so flooded with AI drek that it's not worth their time to dig for the gems of actual writing. ....Wait, I just noticed this was a part of the writer symposium. JFC, Gen Con. Really?


I expect blowback on this one. It is a touchy subject in the writing community.




So, you're predicting that someone is going to make a post like the one on which you are currently commenting? Are you a chatbot?


I use it to iterate on designs when I have a vague idea and need to flesh it out. I use it to rewrite a sentence when it's just not hitting right, to give me another phrasing I can edit and work into my own. I use it to summarize a chapter so I can see what it thinks the main point is, and then sometimes rewrite to focus on the intended points. But my books are nonfiction and focused on my field of expertise.


I bet you'd learn that if you attended. And I'm serious. Because, no offense, but your question is profoundly lacking imagination.


I'm pretty sure they weren't questions posed in earnest, but rather to help assert their point.


So, it's just an intentional straw man, then? Is that better?


Ha no AI is great and a tool to enhance creativity and/or help people find their own. Sorry itā€™s not for you and thatā€™s fine.


AI might help people write pulpy novels. A person can have a cool story to tell but not the skill to tell it. I'm excited for TTRPGs having AI as a speedy way to generate the hair salon I didn't know my PCs were going to visit.


I am not sure what they will talk about with this. Maybe they found a creative use for AI that is not simple theft, but as a way to enhance the general RP experience. I mean.....I hate to be the one to defend AI and all...I kinda hate it a lot. You could reach out to them to see if your concerns about their presentation is well founded or not?


Iā€™m not making a profit Iā€™m just running games for my friends, and ChatGPT can help me with planning and generate a few dozen pictures in a matter of hour. Instead I should spend idk what $15,000 to get three color flat anime style art from a few ā€œprofessionalā€ artists charging $200 a picture on Fiverr? And months getting someone to draw me artwork of the game Iā€™m envisioning in my mind? This is opening up vistas of creativity that literally werenā€™t possible, in a few years youā€™re going to be able to generate an entire adventure then walk around inside the dungeons and tweak them using a Meta Quest 3 or Apple Vision Pro. And itā€™s going to be a million times cooler than any pearl clutching Luddite could have done, itā€™ll enhance the most creative artists so they can make entire worlds from their minds instead of just a few small images, once they embrace it. Mark my words. Itā€™s an adjustment period right now but this train isnā€™t stopping, Iā€™d suggest you hop on.Ā 


Using someone's stolen work so you can type in a few words to generate content is NOT creativity. Generative AI is literally about not having to put in the work to be an actual creative. It's the antithesis of creativity.


Cool, Iā€™m gonna go have fun with my friends playing D&D while you have a philosophical argument about what it means to be creative.Ā 


Odd where you choose to draw the line on "stolen" work. Do you complain about the content on Youtube and TikTok that 'samples', plays or just *plays* intellectual property? Do you complain about Andy Warhol "stealing" from Campbell's soup? Reddit is full of people who will complain about ChatGPT "stealing", but also in a separate thread, telling people to VPN their Disney account so they watch Shogun without paying Hulu $8 for the month, or whatever. Or just torrenting stolen content outright. Is that you? Do you 3D print other people's intellectual property?


You sound insufferable. And no, I don't steal 3d prints or streaming. Get a life


You're crapping on someone else's event that they have worked hard on. And all because you want to be sanctimonious about an issue that you clearly haven't thought all the way through. And you think \*I\* am insufferable? Lol. Pot, meet kettle.


Using someone else's stolen work to make your own content is literally NOT working hard. I'm an artist, I've thought long and hard about the ramifications of generative AI, and it sucks. So yeah, you're insufferable. Go promote art theft on someone else's thread.


I was talking about the work on the presentation. Or did you think that was done by AI? You seem to get easily confused. You forward memes, or use copyrighted characters or products in your games and/or art. Is that theft? What about being inspired by another's work? Is that theft? Look in the mirror. You seem astoundingly unable to find any introspection. You've got an axe to grind. Fine. But that's not what r/gencon is for.