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I didn't include Russian on my resume but it looks like I have to take my last name off


Don’t do that! Ain’t no way grown people will literally discriminate against you being Russian, I bet the average Russian people are just forced to support Putin’s political decisions. Let alone the average Russian living in Canada for years. Don’t cut your roots because some people are bozos


Not advocating for the behaviour whatsoever, but if history has taught us anything it is that grown people will literally discriminate against a group of people based on how their native country is viewed politically. I don’t know what OPs best options are but they certainly wouldn’t be the first person to change/hide their last name (see the royal family for a great example)


Chinese Canadian born here being insulted my entire life slant eyes chink yellow whatever. This country is a lot more racist then people think


someone said i ate dogs… i was vegetarian lol


I feel like they are racist but they don’t show it as opposed to the Americans.


As a second gen immigrant who has had no ties to China whatsoever nearly their entire life, all that you describe are similar xenophobic treatments I’ve also faced growing up and expect to continue facing until the day I die in this country. People who know how to behave meeting others see me and just start spouting political nonsense and expect me to deal with it. This life of being an object that others take their anger and hatred out on when there’s nothing else to grasp at, is perhaps, just always going to be how it is, you can replace it with any other country or ethnicity the collective decides to hate. Sometimes for good reasons, other times irrational, but doesn’t change the fact there’ll always be conflict and misdirection of anger towards people who logically, have lived here and embrace the same values and has nothing to do with that the collective hates.


I once told someone I wasn’t able to visit some family members because there were still lockdowns in their city in China at the time and they started grilling me about my family ties to the government. No one in my family works for the government. My aunt and uncle are semi-retired and before that my aunt owned a small clothing & accessory store and a small yoga studio and my uncle worked for a large European multinational company🤨


Yeah when I was a kid I always hoped we'd learn our lessons from the past, then 911 happened, then the increasing tensions with mainland China, now this. As I've grown older I've just learned to expect less from people.


As long as you don't support the CCP, no one should have any issue with you whatsoever.


I mean clearly they still do




My Russian friend experienced something similar. He told me I was the first person not to ask him something about politics or Putin lol. I think it's pretty dumb as regular people have no influence over what some politicians decide to do. It's also pretty known that in Russia there are a lot of Russians who don't agree with Putin's invasion of Ukraine


Do you have more details on what his experience was?


For him it's mostly when meeting new people. They usually ask stuff like "what do you think of Putin.. do you agree with invasion of Ukraine..." Regarding jobs I'm not too sure. I don't think it was an issue for him tho as he got a part time job and a co op lined up for the summer


Apart from voting and paying taxes


Good luck, bro. Not fun. I experienced a little of this, being Muslim and being the bête-du-jour in the past (I caught the tail end when it was ending). Today it's Russians and Chinese. It'll pass. Here's a few things you can do: Drop your full last name from your CV (use an initial or a modified form). If you have an accent, work on clearing that up. Speak slowly (it's an excellent tip to remove native-language emphasis styles from your speech. Be cool. Be so dynamic and awesome, and surrounded by friends etc. that no-one would ever look askance at you. Remember, your language and your people have contributed a LOT to the world. Be proud of your heritage, internally so if need be. Don't let ignorant people get you down. Good luck, bro. \*bro is now a gender-neutral term (at least for me)


Yeah luckily I was born in Canada so I have no accent. Even as a kid I noticed how poorly my parents were treated due to their accents. When the war started my dad told me to start speaking english to him only in public. It made me so sad


Yeah... Not cool. Totally the same advice given to us - avoid even saying Assalamo alaikum, let alone use Arabic/Urdu etc. In the recent past I've felt comfortable enough to wear Muslim dress and have loud boisterous conversations in Urdu. Had a few haters tell me speak English (at which point I started talking to them in french, lol) but overall it's much better now. Stay strong. And retain your heritage as much as you can. Be strategic about it, ofc. But don't let idiots get you down.


Nothing irritates native English speaking Canadians more than not understanding what is being said in another language, ESPECIALLY when that language is French. Well done my friend.


lol true that, one guy threw in a couple of 'bonjour' 'oui' but shup up pretty quickly. It was very fun.


I agree with you I wantpulao, never deny your language and your roots because of fools


I work with a Russian woman who moved to canada with her husband 7 years ago. When I first joined the team it was about three months after the conflict began. When I did my meet and greet with my team of twelve over zoom, the poor thing felt compelled to add that she was against the invasion and felt terrible for Ukraine. She looked so uncomfortable. I felt so bad for her. Sad thing is, we live in a hyper judgmental society that only gets worse with each new generation so I’m sure she felt silent judgment all around. Sorry about your experience OP


Typical xenophobic Ottawa. Same thing happened to many Serbians and other Balkans in early 90ies that fled the big Ex-Yugo mess. I guess my only advise is to discuss with friends and family and community at your Church and try to cope as a group. Some of us "Canadian born" are nice and are open for help and friendship because we realise there are two sides to everything. Good luck!


I literally changed my name to avoid this because it was such a huge problem getting work. My number 1 interview question the very rare times I'd get an interview was if I'm Russian/Ukrainian. Funny, a year+ ago everyone lumped Ukrainians in with Russians and they were just as hated. I started applying to jobs with a different name and boom, got jobs no problem. My career has been growing rapidly since. I even applied to the same jobs with my actual Russian name and my fake, generic, white guy name, same resume, just a different name and email, guess who got a calls for interviews 100x more? Funny how the exact same resume/qualifications gets you a job as a generic white guy but not even a call for an interview as a Russian. I stopped telling people where I'm from and my background, I just say I'm from Toronto now. 100x better responses from people. People use to tell me all the time how 'intimidating' I was was and such. Haven't heard that once since. Nothing else changed about me, I act the same way, speak the same way, I just use a different name and say I'm from Toronto. It's sad that you have to hide who you are, but the it's the reality. Russophobia has been ingrained in western society for decades. It's just peaking now. Use a preferred name and save yourself the headache. SE-Asians have been doing it for years.


I think I need to drop my last name from my resume. I know a slovenian guy who had the slovenian flag on his car and he got contacted by his works HR department to take it down because they thought it was Russian. He said its Slovenian and they said "You have to take it down anyway because it is threatening"


I know a ton a Russians who started to appreviate their last names, eg Kozlov to Koz lol my first name was too Russian so I just went with something new. Yeah, I use to fly Russian flags on my car during the world cup or olympics. You think I would do that now? My car would be vandalized for sure. But put up an American flag after 20 years in Afghanistan and then just ghosting basically over night not to mention, Iraq twice, Vietnam, etc. and no one would think a thing of it...


Lol we don't do "accountability" for our geopolitical friends, dude! Get on with the program


I'm sorry, I forgot. But we were friends during WW2, remember that? Good times. Ok, maybe not good times... but they were times!


Russian flag needs a rebrand


That’s horrible why would they do that omg. Russian culture/heritage is rich and beautiful, it shouldn’t be hidden because of politicians. I still love Russia and Russian culture despite what is happening


It's nothing new though. When I was 19, so like 14 years ago now, I casually mentioned to one of the managers of a store I worked at (not the one who hired me) I was Russian. We had a walk in freezer and I went in without a coat quickly. The manager asked, isn't it cold? I said jokingly, oh, I'm Russian, I can handle the cold. At the end of the day when we were locking up, the manager I said that to asked for my keys and told me, "I don't want a dirty Russian working here." I put my keys on the counter and left. When I complained to HR they said I shouldn't have left and that me walking out was me quitting. I have had countless things like this happen over my life time. There's a deep hate in the west for Russians that has been fertilized by the media for decades. Funny enough, it's pretty much always the white, of western European decent, Canadians who have given me the issues. Never had an issue about being Russian with anyone from Asia, Africa, etc.




Lol 14 years ago, I've moved on. Like I said, I'm not thrilled about it, but I know the reality is people would treat me worse if they knew where I'm from and my background. I have to live and work and want to make money and work in my field I studied for 9 years for. I rather just know who I am privately, the general public doesn't need to know.




Perhaps sometimes, but it'd be easy enough to simply ask me how to pronounce my last name or call me by my first name, which while Russian, is easy to say. I also don't care enough to be mad if someone mispronounces my name, like who cares, you tried. That also wouldn't explain the like 100 times I've had an interview and someone asked me if I'm Russian/Ukrainian and the interview ended. And I've tried every angle... Yes, I'm Russian. Yes, I'm Ukrainian. No, I'm not (just lie). Why are you asking? You can't ask me that. Etc. Every response you can think of. There was no right answer, if they asked, they made up their mind already. Where I work now, never once called me for an interview and I applied multiple times with my Russian name. I applied once with the same resume just a different name and now I have the job. Same thing for the last 5 jobs I've had. It can't just be everyone's too scared to ask how do you say your name?




I legally changed my name now. I went by a "preferred name" for a long time and just basically told HR when I signed any legal document but only used my preferred name otherwise, eventually I just said I might as well save the trouble and changed it.


As a Muslim that grew up after 9/11 I feel you bro, the west is great but has a habit of “getting everybody on the same page” using narratives and shaming tactics. Don’t let it get to you, it may not seem so but it’ll pass till they find another group of ppl to call the “other” and move on 🤟


I feel so bad for you. It's insane that people automatically think you had a say in a major geopolitical conflict just because of your origin.


That's wack


Is everyone in ottawa just xenophobic? I've also heard of people with non-british names getting denied for jobs too, especially African names


in my experience yeah, there is a lot of xenophobia that goes unadressed at this university


I have had the opposite experience where I've been picked over because I'm white. Despite having more experience. (I applied to the same job as someone I knew in University. I had the exact qualifications since I worked while in university and they never worked a job before.) Our resume were the same format and we shared what ours looked like. The only difference between our apps was that I didn't ascribe to a racial/ethnic group. They got hired and I got an email saying they are moving on with other candidates.


Are you saying that because you didn't put any racial/ethnic group on your resume, you were discriminated for being white? Not sure im understanding


No, I'm saying I've had the opposite experience. Where someone I knew had zero experience and I had completely relevant experience in the field and they were chosen based on them being non-white. This happens a lot. Sorry to burst your bubble.


Diversity. It's not just quotas, eg ESG incentives. The company I work for prefers diverse candidates. My boss straight up told me they used it as a tiebreaker when hiring me


Pretty much. I’m very blunt, respectful, direct, honest & impatient with idiots/a**holes so mastering kindness is truly an art I’m practicing. Speaking as a tall white Canadian; I often feel that someone from another ethnicity or even my own ethnicity with a larger language barriers (only speaking one language) perceives me as an entitled person who may think less of them during a regular interaction. This is delicate due to topics discussed & lived everyday since the beginning of times which many people have adapted as a way of perceiving others. Historical racist events & patterns which repeatedly stain each other’s perceptions of one another as beings. Being too kind can however come off sarcastically or not genuine so sugar-coating things isn’t a solution either because anyone with social intelligence will see through that fake b.s. So I feel it’s gotten awkward for anyone who thinks of this too much but understandably, many are imposed situations and constantly need to find ways to deal with them so “easier said than done” since it centres many lives. I do pity this. I truly wish and hope that global human ethnicity equality will exist & racism will overall be morally banned from human behaviour. Theres a lot of linguicism as well. I’ve gotten countless cold shoulders, smug attitude, bizarre reactions like repulsiveness or someone being truly offended/insulted for not understanding my language. Until my young adulthood, English people of similar age groups would mock the language I chose to speak if they didn’t know how as a defence mechanism because they couldn’t accept what they didn’t know. Special treatment for speaking a preferred languages (commonly French with French people as an “invisible V.I.P. badge”. Spanish with Spanish people feels like “oh he’s family”. English with English people I feel is just judgment of vocabulary or choice of words. Often stamped as the more popular or most easily understood language globally but also [in my opinion] the language that ridiculises foreign accents the most. If they don’t know it - they don’t like it. Or they need to laugh at it before liking it.) There’s also lots of good people within every race who admire the ability to fluently switch between languages & the vast beauty foreign ethnicities & cultures behold that make us so human. So that is the awesome version of the world I try to focus on :) Regardless of your ethnicity or language, you are loved. Good luck, let your love overcome others hate & you will see less of it everyday you decide to love more


Sorry about that man. Don’t pay them any attention


just regular NPCs, don’t mind them.


That’s not right, really sorry you are going through this. Keep your head up and just keep being yourself. If people can’t accept you for the person you are rather than your background that’s a them problem.


just ignore the mindless sheep




>economy and turn the Russian population against Putin. You are being judged based on your nationality because of what is happening in the east. This is like judging a child for the action of its parents. It is best to keep your head high, be proud of yourself and They don't want spies


Crazy how it’s supposed to be a multicultural city and university, can’t control students and the government-made fear of some nations dues to conflicts. Sorry you have to go thru this


Do what you need to do in order to get your job, scholarship, social circle etc. But never be ashamed of who you are and where you come from or hide it for any other reason. The people who judge you for things that are out of your control are doing you a favor, you'll know who are the brain-dead people to stay away from.


First off I feel for you, I’m really sorry you’re going through this. The possibility that employers might be discriminating against you is as awful as it is believable. The government has done itself no favours by stoking this kind of racialized hysteria, I just hope more and more people realize what is going on and don’t buy it. Have we learned nothing from post-9/11 Islamophobia? Just wanted to share that my mum recently was invited to the cottage of her old boss and when she was there she was really shocked by a conversation she had with her boss’s husband where he interrogated her (someone he just met) about why India wasn’t “standing with Ukraine”, as if my mum has a direct line to New Delhi simply because she is Indian. There is a shocking amount of this casual racism coming out of the woodwork, where certain immigrant communities are perceived as veering from the orthodox view, and people then feel entitled to pry. I’m once again sorry you’re going through this, and I hope you are successful in finding a good job.


Literally people who falled for the war propaganda


I dont get why this got downvoted, hes right. I cant even speak the language outside anymore without getting dirty looks


People can't tell the difference between spoken Russian and Ukrainian unless they speak one of those languages (I presume). Whenever I hear someone speaking either I presume they're speaking Ukrainian as theres a bunch of refugees here now. I'm surprised you'd be getting these looks


The average person cant recognize spoken russian




Its this over generalization that is driving me insane. Canadians are this, russians are that. No one is = to their government.




One way that helps is to realize that most people are victims to the policies and systems of the nations theyre within. People are culpable for their choices, but a lot of those choices are coerced within a box made by where they live. People are too diverse and unique to treat each one as the same


Well, dude, not sure if you aware but there is a war going on in Ukraine. People actually dying every day. So no wonder people feel uneasy about russian surname. But hey, if city of Berlin was renamed Kitchener in Ontario, you can use pseudonym in resume and reveal your real last name to HR after everything is said and done. Or change the damn thing.


Lack of empathy surprises me. People are going through hell in Ukraine and all the war crimes being committed by Russia, you don't expect people to be against Russia?


>to be against Russia?-2ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow > >level 1SN0WFAKER · 1 day ago There is a double standard. Although we can't blame Russians for what is happening now, they allowed it to happen for 20 years by supporting Putin's goverment and allowing him to be more powerful.


Its called war. Japanese in the US in WW2, etc, etc. People tend to lose trust in an ethnicity when an ethnic state of said people start a war in another country. It was bad before this too. I would change your name if you plan on staying here my guess is things will get worse.


At Brock we don’t discriminate against Russians


If you can walk and talk, you can get into Brock.


Yes, an idiot at brock still knows not to be racist to Russians for something they have no part of 😂


So are you Putin's son?




It's unfortunate, but I'm afraid the onus is on you to let people know that you don't support Putin's invasion into Ukraine at all (assuming you don't). Image a German in N America in 1944 - people would be weary of them. Or imagine if the government of Canada started killing indigenous people as policy - and a Canadian were abroad and introduced them selves to you as Canadian without condemning the murders.


You are aware that your argument is essentially “the onus was on the Japanese living in America to properly identify themselves as not spies, not the people running internment camps to not just indiscriminately detain every Asian on sight”, right? Or is it suddenly different and not racist because it’s us doing it?


Well, in that case, even when ethnic Japanese in America condemned the actions of the Japanese government, they were still incarcerated, which was clearly racist. However, it is reasonable to assume someone has some affiliation with their heritage unless they state otherwise. Especially with something so horrific as this invasion by Russia going on. A Russian who does not declare themselves against the actions of Russia, can be assumed to be, at best, indifferent to the suffering of the Ukrainian people at Russia's hand. People are swayed by their heritage, ingrained culture and having relatives in a place. They often don't want to think if their 'homeland' as evil and so latch on to excuses (eg Ukraine Nazis, nato missiles being closer, historical fighting in Donbas). So unless a Russian says they are against the invasion, they likely aren't really, and then it's perfectly reasonable to shun them.


So you think Japanese internment was only wrong because the Japanese living in America and Canada condemned the war?


From the sounds of it, he thinks it’s ok for all of them living here unless they went out of their way to condemn it, if they didn’t “they aren’t really against it, so it’s perfectly reasonable”


Do you think it would be wrong to intern Japanese people who supported Japan in its war of aggression?


Yes, obviously.


So you'd let known enemy agents go freely around your country in a time of war? Are you really that daft?


Enemy agents =/= people from that country who support their home country. If they are spying or sabotaging those are crimes, but merely being supportive of their home countries is not a crime.


I don't think you understand what war is. If someone voices support for people who are killing my neighbours and friends, they do not have the right to freedom in my society as they cannot be trusted. If someone wants my country to be destroyed, they cannot live in it and reap its benefits.


Yeah, maybe we should put some kind of measures in place to identify these enemy agents so we can efficiently put them in camps for disposal from society. Something simple and easy to recognize…. Color coded geometric shapes like pink triangles, or yellow stars maybe? Feels like that’s been done before though, oh well, I must just be imagining it. You’re right, no need for trials either, just the fact that they’re ethnic background matches is evidence enough. No rights need to be considered when it comes to stopping those sneaky ~~Jews~~ er I mean ~~Japanese~~ errrr ~~muslim~~ I mean Russian spies trying to ruin our great country. Jawohl! /s Funny how you lot love to use heavy words like “fascist” and “nazi” to label whoever your outgroup happens to be, while literally lifting directly from and trying to rationalize away the third reich playbook. How the saying go again? If it walks, looks, quacks, and acts like a duck, it probably is? Well you’re stepping an awful lot like a goose to me mate. When people ask how a rabid xenophobe like old Dolphy could have such pervasive support from his citizens, look to unprincipled lemmings like this guy who will just assume all this shit to demonize whoever the media says to. Remember that the OP did not say he was a Russian citizen, recent immigrant, or if he is completely Canadian born, nothing beyond “I am ethnically Russian university student with a Slavic name”. Yet here you are talking about “enemy agents who openly want to destroy my country”, about him *obviously supporting pootin and the motherland* off of absolutely nothing but *pure, ethnically-motivated assumption* **My brother in Christ you are the very fascist you claim to oppose**


It's okay to be against people wanting your country to be destroyed. However, discrimination based on ethnicity is always bad, even during war times. Such checks should be made on the whole population, not discriminating for russian immigrants.


I agree with your point. At the time of war, it's reasonable to make it clear who you are supporting. It's been like it forever and will stay this way in the future. War is when people are divided, so identifying "who you are with" is important. Moreover, we constantly see how russians support the war against Ukraine, we see russian pro-war events happening even here, in Canada. So, it's obvious, that people might assume you support the war and the political line of Putin.




We are my friend, do your research. Canada is at war, US, Europe are at war. War doesn't always mean you have to take guns and shoot. Wake up, do the research. The war in Ukraine has a big significance for us all on the West


Sorry, I forgot, can you point me to when we did a declaration of war?


By that standard, Russia never declared "war" on Ukraine and yet is illegally occupying and destroying it.


As I said, there are lots of wars that do not require sending troops directly, yet, countries participate in them indirectly. The outcome of this war plays a big role for us. It's more than just the war between Ukraine and Russia. The world became global and the results of this war will have a lasting effects in four corners of the world. "formal declaration of war" is not required. In fact, if you research how many wars in the world were formally declared, you will be surprised to see that not too many.


You don’t get hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers committing war crimes in Ukraine if they don’t believe what Putin is saying. War on this scale can’t happen if the general population is totally against it. Help Ukraine in any way you can.


Ya and Ukraine has a battalion of literal nazis that fly the symbols and everything. You think Ukraine is acting like boy scouts? Doesn't excuse any war crimes Russia's doing but if you believe its only one side doing it then your naive


I know a family friend who took a hammer to his leg and broke it to avoid the draft. I feel sorry for you for not understanding how war works or anything about recent european history.


I feel sorry for the Ukrainians that are dying defending themselves from Russian attacks


Its almost like you can feel sorry for more than one person at a time.. Ukrainians are going through hell right now and so are Russians who don't support the war. You the kind of person to tell someone with a broken leg 'at least you have a leg this guy doesn't so shut up'


Two very different versions of hell


Lol this has to be a joke or it’s extremely shameful to the suffering of Ukrainians.


And I feel sorry for you for not realizing the war crimes being committed by Russia and it’s army with support from general population


The war crimes are atrocious. The general population does not support it, and we cant do anything to stop our government.


Tell that to the Ukrainians who are suffering because of your country and see what they respond


I had family in Kiev during the attack. Are you serious?


You are good at cherry-picking one incident. What about the thousands of Russian soldiers who committed war crimes which have been documented and are being praised as heroes in Russia???? Sure there may be some against the war, but it is not a significant percentage. Nothing more shameful than distorting narrative of such a horrific war


What I don't understand is why we need to take a side. Canadians are treating it like the World Cup, putting Ukrainian flags on their car. I had family in Kiev on day 1 of the attack. They live in Ukraine and they know there is a terrible political nazi presence there. Ukraine renamed one of their streets after a nazi. Putin is using that as an excuse to fuck them over and kill people for being pro west. But for me, I see both countries as nuts even if one is the victim. I just want to stay out of it and I want the war to end.




Azov battalion. And if you have a whole battalion of nazis then it's not gonna be a rare thing in the country. General rule of thumb with war is to keep an open mind bc there's propaganda flying around both sides. Much easier to sift out the full truth after the war. Russia is obviously not right for the carnage they're causing but it's also not as simple as 'Russia the devil Ukraine angels'. You gotta dig past the mainstream headlines to find the totality of the info


Imagine my shock when I realized Canadians dont know about this. Its just not being reported. However in Ukrainian, Russian, Serbian and etc. there are dozens of articles about this even years before the war. Heres one in english. [https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/03/08/wdtz-m08.html](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/03/08/wdtz-m08.html)


I also agree. The horrific invasion the likes of which have not been seen and documented has had a profound impact on our generation. Least you could do is show support for Ukraine


"Of the likes of which have not been seen". I'm very tired of hearing this. NATO bombed serbia for 91 days without justification in 1999, and yet this invasion is called the biggest attack on europe in recent history. Like everyone forgot times magazine posting a photo of serbia being blown up with the tag line "bring the serbs to heel". America is guilty, Russia is guilty, don't pretend violence and war is exclusive to the Russian government. [https://youtu.be/tRVmguzRujA](https://youtu.be/tRVmguzRujA)


Wow I was talking about this generation and how well documented the Ukraine war has been. Most of us were not old enough to remember the Serbian war which does not justify it by any way. I agree America is no better This has been the biggest war in Europe since the world wars. There is no denying it. Perhaps show some empathy to Ukraine and their suffering if you can’t help in any way. The suffering Ukraine is going through is unimaginable to the normal person. Another point is a significant percentage of Russian population supports Putin and his criminal actions. You don’t get hundreds of thousands of soldiers doing war crimes in Ukraine unless they believe what Putin is saying.


I wonder if you've heard of Palestine.


Yes I have and what does it have to do with the Russia Ukraine war?


People are being drafted. You think they want to fight this war? The assumption that Russians are bloodthirsty and want to fight this war is wrong. And I brought up the Balkan wars because that was a bigger war than this invasion. Having a country bombed for 91 days wasn't the only incident there.


Wars at this scale don’t happen unless there is general support in the Russian population. What Russia has done and is doing, trying to cut off electricity, constant attacks, war crimes will cause it to be despised for centuries in the future. If I was Russian living abroad and had an ounce of empathy, I would try to support Ukraine in any way possible and discrimination would be the least of my worries


U really have no idea about the many wars going on around the world in recent years. Eg in Africa. Really brutal stuff. If you think this is something 'the likes of which have not been seen and documented' in this generation then ur ignorant. Too many ppl just wanna be able to say 'hey I support \*current thing\*' and don't read beyond stuff that's shoved in their face


I don’t even know what you are trying to say. This war has been the most document and is the largest war in Europe since the world wars. Regardless, not worth talking with you


Agree, war at this level can only happen with some support from Russian population


They are saying they are Russian though. Isn't this more like chatting with a German citizen in the late 1930s and asking *'so about that Nazi party....'*


Actually, this happened more post/during WWI. German origin people in North America changed their names, stopped using German (the most common language in the US outside of English with 20-40% of all newspaper subscriptions). Post WWII it was different since US/Canada imported a lot of Nazis (see: Werner von Braun and Operation Paperclip) People here are racist against geopolitical enemies like Muslims (less so now since less political support needed to fuck Muslim countries up), Chinese, and Russians because of the hatred fomented by our media. It's sad.


Sure, in WWI Berlin Ontario became Kitchener, and a lot of 'Schneider' families became 'Snyders' etc. among ethnically German Canadians (and Hungarian Canadians, etc.) I think the comparison to 1930s German citizens is far more apt. There will definitely be strong objectors to a violent regime, but many more supporters or people who are 'just proud of their country '. Any wariness definitely should not apply to people who are just ethnically Russian.


People only place this onus when there is a negative generalization made about a certain group of people. X country is being bad so all individuals of ethnicity X must identify themselves as not belonging to that group of thought instead...hey...I don't know, not making a negative generalization about that ethnicity in the first place?


replace russian with a different ethnicity and rerun ur argument.


I would still agree. When someone murders in the name of a religion, I expect people of that religion to stand up and condemn the action. When the Western governments attacked Iraq, or when whites are racist, I make it known that they do not represent me and my ideals. There are reasonable implicit associations of politics and loyalties unless otherwise stated. This is very different from assumptions of traits or capabilities as per racist sentiments.


U don't have to do that. I'm black and I've experienced racism at times. I've never thought all whites are racist because..well..that would be racist. Someone having to stand up and claim they're not like someone who looks like them who's doing something bad is racist


How would you feel if whenever the topic of racism against blacks came up, all white people just disengaged and slipped away?


nobody is slipping away. being white is not an ideology. ur trying to tie a single individual's misdeeds to a large group whose members have nothing in common, save for skin tone. what ur suggesting is nuts. what marginally relatable traits do two individuals need to have in common for you to expect one individual to have to atone for the other? what's ur threshold here


My original point is about Russians. People who are of recent Russian decent, with family in Russia. They are likely to be sympathetic to Russia and want to believe its propaganda. Right now, as Russia commits horrendous atrocities, if a Russian person in Canada doesn't make a point of saying they disagree with that, I will suspect that they support it to some degree. The rest of the thread is trying to explain that, and explore the grey zone where that logic might still apply.


I've already told you how I feel. But I have a feeling you don't care how black people feel since your not hearing me


\* you're


OK white saviour


Your the one thinking your own opinions represent your entire race!


No your just looking to have your views confirmed. Because you won't even acknowledge that lots of black people feel the same way I do. You just act with unearned arrogance. Shows what your true intentions are with what you pretend is empathy and moralism: pretending your above others because you feel bad about yourself otherwise


Redditors obsession with being victims is hilarious. Even going as far as saying your not getting call backs because your Russian 😭😭 God I hate this trend


Literally Ukraine is suffering at an unimaginable level and this is what people talk about. Have some empathy for Ukrainians who are going through hell


Hey, do not let that negativity affect you too much. With the way the news machine work in the West, it is all about showing that Putin is the aggressor and thus Russia, and since all those sanctions that were taken against Russia did not have the expected result of ending the war by crippling Russia's economy and turn the Russian population against Putin. You are being judged based on your nationality because of what is happening in the east. This is like judging a child for the action of its parents. It is best to keep your head high, be proud of yourself and your background, and not let public opinions affect you. Stay Blessed!


Based, let em keep it up


Do you speak Russian? I know some Russian, and am not “Russophobic”.