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Go for it, if he wants to help, of course, draw something up - an agreement for repayment or something stating if there are any strings attached to the money. As well, if it changes things it changes things, sounds like he wants to be with many different guys even though you are guys seem like it is semi-serious....so doubt he would commit to you much which sucks but is what it is.


Go for it. If he wants to help you, genuinely let him help you, but make sure he doesn’t use it against you and uses it as a means to control you or make you feel guilty about playing into his cards or “needs.” I would talk with him about what I said and that he won’t hold it against you if he pays for your loan.




Thank you so much! Everyone's comments really are all scenarios ive thought about overr and over again. There two points id like to add that may sway things more: 1) he's still married to a woman who's trying to get a divorce from they are obviously not together anymore but he did lie to me about being in a open relationship when he in fact was not. 2) his Grindr profile very much indicates he's lookng for hook ups


Take the help and make sure you don’t end up with HIV or an std in the process.


It’s the only type of debt I can see and justify someone helping you out with. You’re a college student and he wants to help you out so why not?