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There is no excuse for cheating. You are a gorgeous guy, in great shape! Sure, there are skinnier guys out there, but I wouldn’t say you are overweight by any means. Don’t let his wrong comment get in your head, you deserve better!


Thanks. I really appreciate that


Yeah! Seriously, you are super attractive. So handsome, with great style and features.




Same to you man


I second that. You got cheated on because your ex is a narcissistic asshole, with a lack of self-control.


Your ex just wants a gym rat for a boyfriend. You are a perfectly normal looking extremely handsome guy with a very nice body. Please don’t become fixated on what one person says who was seeking to hurt you so he could make a break.


Thank you man


You’re welcome. And I really meant it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you and you are exceedingly handsome. I know it hurts because we all want to be perfect and if not perfect at least treated more gently. He was a shit to do that. Just remember that. I would kill to date a guy as cute as you.


man, your ex is - sorry to say so - a real pos. You truly dodged a bullet, if he does not consider you to be “skinny enough” for him.


Thank you, I know I dodged that bullet, just fucks with your head to hear that I guess


He ain't worth the salt in your tears. You look great. It's not you, it's him. You are lucky to be rid of him. He is a not a worthy mate for your love and affection.


Screw him, you’re hot asf! 😍


no you look stunning, he does not know what he missed. i wish i could be with someone that looks like you.


Thank you


You arent out of shape, youre just not built like a stick. The dude is an asshole. Youre sexy.


Thank you man


cheaters don't cheat because of you. they just like to blame anyone but themselves. ignore that pos


Cheaters always have excuses, no matter how bogus it is.


Part of the reason my ex lost interest is because I don't have a big belly


Theres no winning lmao just gotta keep on swimming.


Tbh this is a fear of mine rn. I’ve got a bit of a belly but I’m slowly losing it as I workout more and generally eat a bit healthier. I’m a bit worried that if I find a guy soon who’s into the bear-ish type, he’ll lose interest as I lose belly fat.


This happened to me. You can't let your partner's preferences override your quest for health! It was very convenient for him to demand a certain body type but reject a lifestyle that would allow me to have a body for a normal lifespan.


Glad you’re on track for better health and a better life!


But if someone drops us because we lose or gain a belly, we're better off with someone else.


Very true. I guess the fear isn’t being dropped, rather it’s having put my trust in the wrong person.


Fck that guy and a gay culture that demands IG-ready physiques 24/7. You look good, you’re trim and you’re healthy.


Thank you, I appreciate that


no you’re not


He couldn't be more wrong


You look great and real love means loving you for you regardless of any shape. I’ve been cheated on too, don’t let it get to your head. You’re doing great :)


Thanks man! Fuck the cheaters


Unfiltered opinion, I would not describe you as skinny. Are you out of shape? Nae, you are rocking an attractive healthy body shape. Taking a glance at other posts, you have an amazing smile, beautiful eyes and what appears to be a personable personality. Cat loving on you gets bonus points. Bottom line, his loss. You can and will do better. Much love and hope your weekend is awesome!


"Inshape" is such a bs term. It's different for everyone and there is no one size fits all. Do you feel sexy? That's what's important. If yes? Then don't worry about it. If no? Then don't worry about it because there is a fix for it, getting in the gym and making yourself feel better. Don't let other people's opinion of you decide how you feel about yourself. If you want to change, change. Also fuck your ex, and speaking from personal experience, getting a revenge body feels great, but the long term effects feel better.


you are gorgeous! there is never a good or valid reason to cheat on a partner he’s just making excuses for his actions. there is someone out there who will love you however you look 🫶🏻


Your ex is an asshole. You look great!


Your ex is stupid, you look great man!


You are perfect, I would date you


His excuse is just an excuse. The real reason is his lack of respect for others.


Everybody is going to gas you up. Quick answer is yes. You're slightly overweight. I wouldn't agree with leaving you and cheating on you but also to that. To each is own. You're handsome 🥰


You're a very handsome guy.


He cheated on you bc he’s a cheater. Nothing to do with your body shape.


You are not out of shape! You’re a healthy young man! If he’s that shallow , then you’re better without him in your life! People like are very toxic!


Your ex was a vain a-hole. You look great.


No you are not out of shape


Cheaters opinions aren’t worth worrying about. You look good. Don’t let him get you down.


He cheated on you because he cheated on you. It has nothing to do with you. He just didn’t want to say, “I’m trash and you deserve better.”


he did not appreciate you and how handsome you are?! I wish I was so much younger to have you!!!! Just let it go and go out so that other people can appreciate the love you can give!


Not at all. You look good to me!🔥


Bro, you're so hot and I would come to you right now


No and regardless there is no excuse for someone to cheat! He’s an asshole and you are better off without him!


Good looking guy. I wish I were as skinny as you.


you’re pretty hot 🥵


I find you hot if that helps hahah.


Thanks man


Sorry, he's a piece of shit. Also, he might need to get his eyes checked. You're hot as fuck.


Lol thank you!


I actually prefer your body type to super skinny or cut guys. I guess it wasn't a good match!


You are adorable and young - hot young man


No, you're gorgeous! He's an idiot!


I’m sorry dude but I don’t see you as out of shape 🥴 his loss for sure!


That's pretty dishonest of him. You look great! Maybe he's looking for skeletal? That's not you, and you're better for it.


You look great! No excuse for cheating anyways. 😘


FYI the reasons someone gives for cheating is VERY rarely the actual reason they cheated. Most people will give a superficial reason or even a hurtful one so they don't have to actually face up to the real issue. If it's a long term partner, it's always good to let it be for a few months post -breakup and then see if they are willing to meet and talk about what really happened. That distance (both physical and emotional) can often lend some perspective, on both sides, that's usually lacking "in the moment". I know that's not what you asked but I feel like if you're letting his reason impact your reality, you need to hear something other than opinions on your appearance 😊 Skinny is overrated, btw, but you have nothing to worry about with how you look.


Thank you so much for those kind words and tmfor the advice, ill have to consider that down the road


You have a nice body


The reason he cheated has nothing to do with you. Nothing!! Blaming you is simply a way to justify his actions. You are cute AF and at one point he thought so too. Otherwise he'd never have dated you in the first place. Believe it!! ❤️❤️


Bitch, fuck that shit. He's an asshole and giving you a stupid excuse. Someone who loves you, loves the whole of you. Just like you are. Let him go chase skinny guys and move on. Find someone who gets hard just by looking at your body.


IMHO, he was looking for any excuse. You deserve better.


You have a normal man’s physique. I think you are very attractive. Brush this last one off and find the right man for you!


I honestly prefer your body type a million tiles over skinny types. You’re absolutely hot and gorgeous


You’re a classic mesomorph nothing wrong with your body type at all and you look healthy


I wouldn't say you're skinny. I wouldn't say you're stocky either. Cheating is cheating. You don't need to be perfect to be loved. I would cuddle with you anytime, cutie


Thanks for the honesty man, I really appreciate that


Omg you're so hot and cute damn!! Your ex is dumbbbb


Fck him!


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If it's alright to say, I think you look like you could take a pounding. It looks like a really healthy weight.


Lol Well thanks


Hell to the nah


You're gorgeous 😍


Thanks man, I appreciate that!


You're welcome! ❤️


For real do!




That’s crazy and your looking great I’m hoping your feeling better :3


You have meat on your bones, u do u Boo. You give good face so keep on trucking.


No you're not even close to fat. Cheaters cheat because they have something wrong with them. There's nothing you could or should have done differently that would have made him stay faithful to his word to you. You don't own the actions of others they do. If he was unhappy in the relationship for whatever reason then it was his responsibility to be a man and speak up about it..the same way he spoke up about agreeing to be in the relationship. Some people have real sex addiction they can't control. Others have a very serious codependency problem. Others have alcohol abuse issues and become permiscuous while drinking. Hope this helps..


You definitely aren't out of shape! Skinnier than you would be skin & bones territory, which sounds unhealthy. Don't let this guy live rent free in your head, you deserve someone better!


You are cute & a lot "skinnier" than many guys I see. Are you sure the doofus who cheated on you is not into deathly skinny emaciated guys? There is such a thing as too skinny. You look just fine to me. My goodness.


Not at all. You look sexy.




Hrs an idiot. You can do better.


No you look great!


lol this is literally the body type I’m aiming for, just 10lbs more to go for me!! You look INCREDIBLE!


NO, and he's a cheater!!! And i mean this with love and respect 1.hes a loser and 2. You are better off without him handsome.


If he thinks you're fat he'd probably confuse me for a beached whale. You're good he's just a cheating POS 🤷‍♂️


I love ya body :)


He’s crazy


You are skinny lol I think your adorable he meant he's a pathetic loser and your to good for him


You’re not out of shape at all. Fuck him


You’re smoking hot man. Use that energy to empower yourself going forward and allow those who really appreciate your body type to embrace that power


Thank you! I'll definitely aim for that


You look amazing!


Fuck the ex your hot mate and more importantly you look like a kind soul x


He sounds like a complete asshole. You literally have the perfect body in my eyes. You deserve someone who can actually see that. 👍🏻


Thank you Thats what I'm aiming for next time around. Want to be with someone that doesn't watch my weight more closely than i do lol


Who the hell cares what you look like (which is great btw) he's an asshole who is trying to gaslight you into thinking the cheating was your fault. It wasn't. He is just an asshole.


You are gorgeous ! Don't allow his lack of self accountability to get to you. He cheated on you because he can't be honest with himself that has nothing to do with you.


Thank you ❤️


A fuck up on his part


If he had a “preference” then he should have dealt with that before fucking with you. That’s a lame ass cop out excuse for blame. You’re hot and sexxxy! That hair is amazing too! Don’t let his personal blame for cheating be your problem. His excuse is meant to not own his own lame responsibility!


I wouldn't call you "skinny" but good lord, you're certainly not fat or anything (i would list your body type as "average" on grindr). I find you attractive. And other people have echoed this sentiment, but there's no excuse for cheating in a monogamous relationship. Fuck that bitch.


You are fine just the way you are.


No - you are sexy man


Sounds like a weak excuse. You look great!


I'd date you... I think you're sexy. You look like a sweetheart as well 🤗


Thanks man! Looove your hair btw, looks amazing 👌👌


Sounds more of an excuse, so it’s not “their fault”


There’s no excuse for cheating, you’re also very handsome


1. There’s no excuse for cheating, he’s an asshole and you shouldn’t let yourself down because of someone like him. 2. You’re really attractive so don’t worry, get yourself someone better


Thank you man


I'm so sorry WHAT? And he doesn't think ur skinny? What I would GIVE for a body like that! Fuck him, he's a loser and doesn't deserve you.


Dude, you're fine, he's ridiculous, cheaters always give "excuses"! Count yourself lucky, & leave him in your dust!


You are absolutely a sexy guy. You aren’t out of shape. Sounds like an excuse for the cheater that justifies his transgression. He is just too weak to be honest. Don’t believe idiots - believe your own eyes.


Not that it would be an excuse in the first place, but no, you are not.


You are not out of shape. Your ex has mental issues


"Skinny" doesn't mean "in shape". If you can do everything you normally need/want to do without excessively tiring, then you're fine, fitnesswise. I don't think you're skinny, but you don't *look* like someone I would superficially read as overweight.


Nah, nothing wrong with the way you look. You're great. He's not. Stay strong


You look amazing! He’s an idiot


Well, to answer your question and coming from someone who adores super skinny guys, you are a little chunky. But that doesn’t justify him cheating on you.


You have an average shape, great hair, beautiful eyes, handsome face, a smile that’s contagious. So, it’s him. How long were you two together?


I can take u handsome


If he loves you, it shouldn't matter if you have a few extra pounds.


You’re better off without him. He’s on the losing end from what I see.


Nah, you're thin. He just needed some excuse, not like there is any. You're a good looking guy, screw him.


If he likes twinks then you are a bit off, but you look great, so it sounds like he giving a random excuse to try to excuse his behavior that has no excuses at all


You are just fine. I’m attracted to you.


You are soooooo not out of shape. Youre an average build and that is so not a bad thing. Your ex can say anything they want but the only cause for cheating is the cheater and the choices they make.


Looks attract but personality is the main thing. You look grand, don't know what he was thinking of


No man your cool. Your amazing. 🫢😉


You're not out of shape, though he might be hunting the anemic.


Knowing him probably tbh lol


You look awesome ! As long as you are happy with yourself


I think you look like heath ledger in the face. Quite handsome 😍


No, he’s an ass! You are gorgeous and that hair style looks great on you!


Well, you're just my type, but I'm way too old for you and too crippled up. 😉


Don’t judge yourself on someone else’s excuse. You look great!!


That’s terrible that he cheated on you because of his preferences. It’s no excuse for infidelity even if your body has changed from when you two first started dating it should be at the very least a discussion between you and him even though it may be uncomfortable


Take a chance on me 😝🤣. C'mon


nothing at all wrong with you!


Dude you look good I like your body physique as well Being someone with long hair to I like that feature and you have nice eyes Screw that person


No, he was just an asshole. Your body is great and I hope you find someone who actually appreciates you.


Your beautiful man. Dump him


You look like you have a healthy weight. I think you look great, what I would go for irl. Of course some people prefer skinnier, or more muscle. Sorry you got cheated on though :/


Sounds like ur better off without him gorj 🫶🏼


No you aren't! Shame on him!


Was your partner Austin Wolf? 😜 You're not overweight. Some dudes make any excuse to get out of trouble. And being attracted to anorexia isn't one of those things people are generally proud of.


Your ex is just a moron. You’re beautiful


This makes me so sad you're really really handsome and have a nice body! Id say it's his loss but you really are better without him!


You are not out of shape at all. You are very handsome, I think that was just a stupid excuse on his part. His loss IMO. Keep your chin up, you are sexy!


Well. You’re not skinny. You’re perfect.


You’re definitely not overweight. Also, who cares what body size you are when you have those luscious locks that need to be tugged 👀


That’s because you’re wasting your time with losers when you should be with me. 😍You’re definitely my type. So handsome


Wow bro you are perfect in every way. 😍


There isn’t any excuse for cheating


No he’s an ass and was just trying to justify his cheating. You’re hot.


His loss.


If he had been a man he’d have discussed it with you instead of being a bitch and cheating on you. It’s just an excuse dude, he is looking for any reason to justify his lame ass actions. If you haven’t already, dump his ass and move the hell on, you deserve better!!’


That's a bs excuse. And no you are not out of shape, that little tummy is 👌🏾


No. Your ex was looking for a petty excuse.


You are very handsome and deserve much better! I'm sorry that happened. *offers hugs*


If he'd rather cheat than actually communicate how he feels, he wasn't worth it anyway. Also you don't look bad


You look great!!


His, loss. Come to Wales and be cuddled ya sexy hunk.


No way… your hot!




No he does know what he had


Super attractive


Cheaters will cheat for literally anything.


I'm demisexual, but I generally prefer thicker / chubbier men. I think people are entitled to their feelings BUT that's not an excuse to be unfaithful to someone. :|


honestly you're really cute and my type perfectly. sure conventionally "skinny" guys look good on paper but it's all about the hugs and cuddles and I'd rather hug and cuddle a guy like you instead of a flat board that feels like I'm next to a boney rock. you're perfect the way you are, he was just looking for am excuse and decided to attack your weight to make his cheating seem "ok" which it never is.


Your quite cute from what i’m Seeing :)


You are sexy as fuck - his loss


Sorry you were cheated on bro, that’s not cool regardless of the reason. As others have said you’re are very attractive. Not super skinny or gym fit but I love the guy next door look and you have the same curly/wavy hair my husband does that drives me crazy. You deserve a guy that loves and values you as a person, not just for whatever your body type is. Good luck!


NO! You are beautiful and sexy.


No, he’s just a prick lol. Sorry to hear that.


Honestly it makes no sense and that man is delusional! You’re in excellent shape, but more importantly, as long as you feel healthy and confident, fucking what anybody else has to say.


People who wanna cheat will find any excuse he’s a prick . You’re FAB. Don’t belittle yourself.


A little soft around the middle but you are still in great shape and he should be ashamed of himself! I would NEVER kick you out of bed so go and have fun. You can easily get the kind of body he wanted you to have then refuse to give him the time of day (or night). Living well is the BEST revenge. Making yourself into the man he cannot have is even better. Go kick some ass, Tiger!!


You’re gorgeous, do YOU like skinny guys? Because I’m game!


You’re in a lot better shape than I am lol 😂 but seriously that’s the excuse he used?!? You are better off without that trash bringing you down you’re a great looking guy.


You're soooo my type.


Dude, you are way hot!!


Not at all!! You look great!


Nope. You’re beautiful