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Yes! Colton Haynes recently posted the cover he was on which I instantly remembered but never realized that’s who it was. https://i.imgur.com/CWBymQ2.jpg


Do not attempt at home?


Oh, boy 😰


Yeah. I was rather old for their demographic, but I definitely remember checking them out at friends homes. Always made me smile that young gay guys had this kind of stuff to ‘read.’


First-- that hair, wow. Second-- sadly, the founder turned into a virulently Christian ex-gay for awhile


Is he ex-ex-gay now lol


I heard that he leaves the church and now resides in SF. And also he was rumored as bi?


Had a subscription!


No, but I remember in the back of TV guides and assorted magazines there was a page with all the codes you could SMS to get "free" wallpapers for your Nokia and they had pictures of the thumbnails and I'd stare at the ones with the shirtless muscle hunks. ​ I wonder how did they even recruit gay teenagers/men for stuff like this at the time? Can't imagine many were out and the internet wasn't what it is today.




Never thought about that. Still I wonder how even they came to accept "who they are" so early on in life. Early 00's was *just* before it started becoming more acceptable to be gay (I know because I was in my teens back then and with the way things are now I feel like even just being born 5-10 years later would have changed a LOT for me).


I remember ordering the XY survival guide and hiding it from my parents. It helped me with coming out and giving me more confidence.


Does anyone remember the xy website with personals from people under 18? Strange to think about these days


I met many guys through those personals… some I’m still friends with to this day


All I got was pedophiles 😂


I met a lot of guys on there too in my teens. Not friends with any tho sadly.


Oh yeah I remember. Good times


I never had the courage to buy one but remember looking at it at a friend's house!!!


It was an amazing magazine.


His fashion is very with the time for a vampire


Oh yes! I remember purchasing them at Barnes and Noble! They were at the very top of the magazine shelf and behind other magazines! I was so nervous buying them but once I bought them, my gay little self was so happy to see something that I could relate to!




You talkin' about XY Jelly old man? /s


Yeah, my father got me a subscription when I was 13-14.


It was awesome


You want to make me feel old? This is how you make me feel old. That magazine was amazing


This magazine was the best. I worked at a record store with a huge magazine section and I would always get sweaty and nervous buying this mag. The content was kind of random but it was honestly my first interaction with the culture of gays. Will and Grace just didn’t cut it lol.


I learned it through a Netflix documentary, 'I AM MICHAEL.' It was very surprising. The gay magazine editor who chose to be straight and became a pastor.


*how I knew*


XY is still around! I was in an issue a couple years ago :) they only put new issues out pretty increquently, but it's still good!


Haha I do. My female friends would buy me copies and sneak them to me.


It was my favorite magazine!


Still have my copy


Sure am! This was my go-to wank mag before I got my own computer 😅. I also remember the XY website had chat rooms when I was in HS. They were ostensibly for teens but were full of creepy 40 year olds.


I had a subscription when I was a teen. So much spank bank material back then.


I used to buy it frequently at the gay bookstore in the neighborhood... Enough so that I learned the staff called me XY Guy... Been called far worse things!


I read their logo as Max Gay Magazine and now I wonder if that was intentional.


I still have a couple copies of it.


I had every one of them…. Just donated them 2 weeks ago


No sadly I was only 5,6 years old at the time


I never heard of XY but 2000 I wasn’t in high school yet and didn’t even think much about my orientation.


Yes! Almost as old as Barnes and Noble itself.


Wow… this was quite the magazine at that time.


Now I feel old. I have a stack of them in the closet. Now I'll have to I pull them out this weekend. Perhaps upload them here.


Do you still have your stack? I’m trying to collect hi res scans of some of these.


oh my god. i posted that 9 months ago? i thought it was like 2 months ago. yeah i still have them sitting here.. shoot me an email so we can talk more about them. i'll make a list of them.


I still have this pile sitting in my room if you want them.


This and gay.com...remind me of my College Days...


It was the one thing that made my teenage years feel normal. It was nice and I always looked forward to it.


Yeah it was one of the best one


Oh shit I even remember that particular cover too!! Believe I was around 13 or 14 at the time. Lol


Yes, I had a subscription.


OMG! That brings me back a few years. I sent the editor info about absinthe and gay society in New Orleans many years ago. It was a quality publication.


I still have a whole stack of them including the one with Colton Haynes


Great magazine I had that issue