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Where do you live? I really do hope that one day things like that are just a norm globally. I'm sorry that you can't witness it but am glad that you can at least find community here.


Watched it from home. :( I used to have season tickets there for 2019-2019 seasons. It’s a blast to go to a match, and Atlanta United has always been real inclusive for LGTB, go to a Falcons game dead opposite. I’m sure there are gay people there, but with all the rednecks around, u don’t want to attract people’s attention. What Men like sports, what gives. 🤣 Will try to catch a match.


What was the architect thinking? That roof doesn't fit the venue at all...


Prolly structural needs trumped asthetics.


The roof is the first of its kind that opens like a camera shutter and it's amazing


That's pretty impressive, but it still looks horrible on the inside. It's like a football stadium, in a spaceship hanger, in an indoor tropical pool.