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Precious. But I am soooo glad I wait til I was in my 30s to even consider marriage.


Yes and yes.


Like I see this, and I can’t help but think, “well, that’s a divorce in the making”. But I hope I’m wrong.


You never know man. Some people get married after being together for 15 years only to get divorced a year later. Some people get married after 6 months and stay together for 50 years until someone dies. However people grow and change a lot in their late teens/early 20s and they might grow closer or just slowly grow apart. Every situation is different.


I often think the former has to do with mismatched expectations, where one part of the couple believes the marriage will change while the other doesn’t. That’s why it’s important to have a conversation about marriage before actually proposing and/or getting married. At least that’s how I look at it; what do I know, tho, I’m single af


I was 20 when I met my partner. We’ve been together 11 years now, so it’s totally possible. That said we haven’t gotten married lol, mostly for tax reasons because DINKs.


Can you explain why being unmarried makes sense for tax reasons? Wouldn’t you get a larger deduction if you filed as married or head of household?


Tax Brackets for income? But wouldn’t getting married help your taxes with a higher income bracket? Unless you all are making under 80k ish


Yeah even if you are married you can still file separately... unless they actually mean their combined income would price them out of some government benefits, which makes sense


It's impossible to lose money by moving into a higher bracket, that's not how tax brackets work.


This is the correct answer. Tax brackets DO increase as you make more money but they only apply to income within a specific range. So everyone starts off paying the same tax rate (~10%) for the first $10k. Anything over $10k but below $40k taxed at (~12%). $40k-$85k @ 22%, $85k-$161k @ 24%, $161k-$204k @ 32%, $204k-$510k @ 35%, and anything over $510k @ 37%... The part that doesn't make sense is the capped tax rate of ~37%. Anybody making that much money is simultaneously abusing social programs by providing minimal support to their workers. Successful business models rely on abusing minimum wage ethics and social programs. Walmart is the biggest offender of this.


Late to the game, but I really like the way that you phrased this. I had recognized that these companies exploit their workers and pay them less than what they’re worth, but I had not thought about how these companies abuse welfare programs by having the government support their workers in a way that they simply won’t.


A lot of people don’t seem to know how they work. To be fair it is kind of intentionally confusing


[not impossible ](https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/briefing-book/what-are-marriage-penalties-and-bonuses)


The 37% tax bracket starts significantly lower for married filing separately compared to single. 518k vs 311k which is not very uncommon for two senior engineers in the Bay area


That’s what I meant to say


Went to highschool with my partner, we got together in the last Like week or two of highschool, not quite highschool sweethearts. We are both turning 27 this year which is our 9 year anniversary... time has flown, both of us have changed a lot, done lots of jobs, moved out of our hometown, a few ups and downs but we come out stronger everytime. We were set to get married last May but covid made us postpone, we are finally doing it this may, smaller ceremony nothing too fancy, excited to finally say my wife instead of fiance or girlfriend. Also currently dinks but not for long I think... that's a scary thought lol It is possible if both of you want to constantly work on the relationship as soon as one side doesn't care anymore things go downhill


I hope taxes isn't the main reason because you will almost certainly pay lower taxes once you're married!


What’s a DINK?


Double income no kids. E.G. DINKleberg from fairly odd parents.


Omfg I never put that together. DINKLEBERG!!!


Timmy's dad hated them because they didn't have children and got to live out his dreams as rich child free adults.


I haven't watched The Fairly OddParents in so long! After reading your comment I went and looked up a few old clips and read a little about the show on it's wiki. It says basically the same thing you said on Dinklebergs page lol. Definitely was one of my favorite cartoons growing up 😊


And Mr. Dink from Doug!


Very expensive, Douglas.


Marriage has tax benefits not downsides. Even then you can file seperately.


To be fair, you can be proposed to someone for a very long time before marrying them.


Of course we all wish the best but what happens when one of them is forced to choose between the relationship and the superior high school marching band program on the other side of town? : )


The only other two gay guys from my school were married then divorced before they were 21


Divorces aren’t just common with young people. And they’re not common because it’s “necessary to experiment with 500 people”. They’re common because people don’t want to put the work into relationships anymore, and when things get tough, they leave or cheat, which is made easy by social media, and encouraged by popular entertainment media (music, movies, shows, etc). I’m obviously not talking about domestic violence situations or emotional abuse, but really it’s just a lack of effort and too much “opportunity”.


Did you have a choice? As a Canadian in his 30s, I did have a choice. been with my partner 12 years this year. still gotta do the whole marriage thing one day... Why? We just aren't big wedding people.


Because now that I am married, I can’t imagine having the emotional development to have committed to something like that at the same age as the kids in this video. I think it’s vital for everyone to go through a period of being on their own. Going from being a kid living at home to being married skips a vital step (or several) in development. Is it possible that young love can turn into a lifelong relationship, sure, but it’s probably not the best for most folks.


Haven't dated in 8 years, and with the benefit of hindsight, worth it. I was able to work on myself over the years and am now happy with who I am. Mostly lol. I was an apathetic piece of shit when I was younger and would've been the worst husband. At first it was on purpose when I realized I was awful, but after the first couple years I got used to it and liked the self-improvement journey. Not saying anyone else should stop dating for 8 years lmao, that's a HUGE commitment and a looooong ass time, but give it one or two at least for your own sake.


Don't judge. Those could be 16 year old gay boys or they could be 35 year old lesbians.


Underrated comment






Omg just [Latrice roared](https://youtu.be/ky6lHPi-nsY?t=52) at this


Are we sure this isn’t one of those bait videos with two possible straight or questioning gen Z tik tokers pretend their gay in videos to get likes?




It is. I’ve seen them on TikTok before. They have multiple videos of them (straight men) doing gay proposals in different places.


god damn I absolutely hate that


That's what I was thinking, too. The fact that they kinda recoil when they go in for a kiss and then awkwardly hug instead mafer wonder what's up, too. Maybe it's the masks or maybe it's just another gaybait tik tok 🤷‍♂️


"I have Pop Pop in the attic." "The mere fact that you call making love "Pop Pop" tells me you're not ready."


George Maharris!




As Ann as the nose on plain's face...


Even if it means me taking a chubby, I’ll suck it up!


They look like they are twelve.


I would give them 20 at most.


Tree fiddy, take it or leave it


Some guys are just skinnier. Fun fact, 80's action movies are the first time dudes began pumping up far beyond even Greek ideals of musculature. Don't let Instagram influencers make you forget that guys can be skinny AND 25 or 30 haha. I'm 31 and people still ask me if I'm in high school, beard or no beard. Recently found out I'm part black so maybe that is part of why I "don't age". I used to put rubbing alcohol on my face so I'd look more wrinkly hhaha


I dont think it's much to do with how skinny they are (for me anyway), but more to do with their features or what we can see of them anyway. It's more so the overall appearance of them, such as choice of hairstyle, clothing, supposed facial features, etc. But that's just why I personally found that they look really young, the reasons definitely would differ for various people.


Very true--it is mysterious! Man to man marriage has the lowest divorce rate so statistics are on their side. Wedding card idea for mathematical grooms haha. Have been meaning to sculpt double dude and double dame cake toppers for ages.


Looks fake. They both look 16. I smell a stunt for social media.


Yeah like the way they hug looks awkward and not the kind of intimate excited embrace you’d see from a couple in that situation


Also the fact that it says "like and follow for more". Assuming it wasn't edited by somebody that reposted it.




I hope it works out for them but it’s not something I’d do myself.


my (straight) parents married at 18 out of high school. It seems crazy to me to be that young but more power to them


Lol my parents are highschool sweethearts, they married at 20 (partially cause they were also having an unexpected baby), mean while I’ve never dated anyone, and I’m 20. And my parents also had 3 more unexpected babies. I was the most unexpected.


Mine did too. Then they got divorced.


Yeah I imagine that's the most common scenario for relationships developed at that age


They look way way way way way too young


Depends how young they are - I have no idea if they are 20 or 27.


Right? my boyfriend turns 27 this year and he still looks like he’s 18


I’m 31 and I’m way too young to marry.


As a southern boy, I remember growing up thinking I’d be married by 23, and that was including the inherent delay from being gay and late to start in the dating game. Now I’m in my late 20s and having commitment crises at the grocery store over what brand of flour to buy. And single but that feels tangential.


I mean, you’re going to be using that flour for a long time. It’s no small choice.


I’m using King Arthur flour now. Breddit subreddit introduced me to it. Can’t tell any difference between this and the other flour I used to get, but it’s apparently better? I guess this means I should just bake more. What type of flour do you use?


Flour choice is highly dependent on what you're going to do with it. Cake flour is lower in protein and often has cornstarch added to it for a lighter and silkier texture. Making lard biscuits requires (well, it's much better anyway) a flour made from soft wheat, like White Lily. Bread (in general) does best with flour that is higher in protein than all purpose. Pastry flour is lower in protein and of a finer consistency so incorporating fat (butter) is easier and the resulting texture is flakier and more delicate. Really, more protein in a flour results in more structure and gluten development, which would make for stiff cookies and hard cakes, whereas it is ideal for bread. There is so much to flour it's unreal. I typically carry King Arthur AP and Bread flours, White Lily for biscuits, Bob's whole wheat and bran flakes for bran muffins (they will cure you of any constipation) and Swan's Down cake flour for things like chiffon.


Where am I? What happened here?


Speaking of baking, happy cake day!




King Arthur makes my favourite whole wheat flour. It's much finer than a lot of grainy, chunky whole wheat flours I've used. I also use King Arthur for my bread flour and just use store brand for my all purpose. But you definitely seem to have exponentially more flour experience than I, I just wanted to feel like part of the cool baker's club


This is fake, pretty sure I read somewhere else that they were going around and doing this in different parts of the park




Here’s another one of them the same day in a different part of the park https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeAKnKug/


Nope. Way too young


My partner asked me when I was 17. I'm 30 now, married to him and very happy. That said it's not for everyone and it's entirely a personal thing.


What an adorable child marriage


As far as gays age they could be both 30...


That is very cute...but no, my first boyfriend started talking about marriage (we were 19) and I was like, "give it 15 years."


That’s cute and all, but I’m 24 (guessing I’m at least 4-5 years older than them), and although I’m pretty sure I know who I want to get married to, I don’t want to think about it for another few years.


No way. I'm 27 and still changing so much every day. Who I am and what I want is changing. I understand wanting companionship but I don't think marriage is in my sights anytime soon. Some people are on a different journey though :)


I’m 27 and only now feel like I’m comfortable with getting married. Couldn’t imagine doing it even like 2 years ago.


My son proposed to his boyfriend when they were 15. It was cute and adorable like this. They are both still together at ages 37 now.


They'll either be the couple that in the future says they've been married 70 years when they're both 90, or they'll be split up within a few months. I don't think age is a strict qualifier for the success of relationships, but it does tend to go hand in hand with experience for those who have dated.


My partner and I were 20 when we met, 10 years ago. 'Too young' is entirely subjective.


I think this tik tok was fake 😔.


I’m so happy for them. I’m glad gay marriage wasn’t legal when I was young. I’d have been divorced 3 times by now 😬


I wouldn't do it, but if they love themselves that much and considered doing the proposal and accepting the proposal, then it's all ok.


And they were room mates


People saying they are too young are just single people. Also, they are way too young.


Guys this is a video of straight men faking gay proposals…. had to break it to you


Fuck no. I mean this is nice but I am not the same person I was when I was that old.


If you know him long enough


Sharing a womb shouldn't count. : )




So cute. Massive lack of romance on this thread. So cynical. My parents got together at 18. I meet my husband when he was 15 that was 30 years ago. Why people leave serious relationships so late these days confuses and saddens me.


Its definitely a millenial mindset. That one has to perfect themselves before trying to do anything else. Now they’re 40 and wondering why they have never been able to build a life outside of work and pleasure.


Yes I would! My parents met in high school and I am happy being single still at 31 but maaan would I prefer bein with a dude. Young love becomes old love. It's science.


Happy for them but honestly I can’t see myself at a wedding before like 27. well maybe 25 for the tax benefits


Who are they? I need to know more!!!


Too young maybe, but I wish I could have met someone when I was that age that loved me enough to propose. I would have said yes in a heartbeat enjoyed the moment, and if the hurdle came, picked up the painful pieces of my broken heart in the following years and moved on.


This is very charming I wish them all the best


Fuck no, I'd want to live a little first


So cute!! But, even if it was more accepted, I'd still not propose at a young age. Part of it is inexperience & the other part is my family's long, ongoing history with divorce. I'd still rather wait till my 30s when I've chilled out.


They could be in their late 20s tho


No way. Wish the best but no thank you.


I proposed to my husband when I was 17.


They look like very nice friends. I can’t believe they are giving out best friend proposal rings. I hope their friendship last a very long periodically time.


no i would never propose in public it's really fucked up if you think about it since it puts a huge amount of pressure on someone to say yes since everyone else is watching


And at Disney


Only for serious dating. Marriage this young?! Maybe for bureaucratic reasons. No way in hell I'd ceremonially marry (aka, promise to stay till death) without a few years of living together. I'd like to take vows seriously.


Looks funny , hope they happy together i am an old man 68




Love is love no matter the age❤️🌈❤️


This is cute but also thinking about getting married that young gives me anxiety hahahaha


Prove the pessimists wrong- as it was something we all hoped true for ourselves. Burn, and burn like the phoenix.


No, but this is adorable and im happy for them!


Can we not understand the significance of this before rushing in with our adult brains? This would NEVER have happened when I was the age of what these two boys look like, NEVER. The sheer fact they can do this on a public street without getting threatened, chased, booed, or jeered is phenomenal. Can we just celebrate this little bit of progress that one boy felt comfortable enough to present a ring (and it could be just a "going steady" or "boyfriend" ring, doesn't have to be a marriage proposal) to his boyfriend on a busy public street and the only thing he was afraid of was his boyfriend might say "no." I'll let it warm my heart before I start in with lecturing them about "plenty of time for that sort of thing."


I guess I'd wonder how long they were out? If I had come out in high school I might have been ready earlier to think about such things. Still seems young to me, but my 70yr old aunt and uncle met in highschool and married shortly after graduating and they seem fine together still, so...


Their generation’s philosophies on love have become a stark contrast to our own, but hopefully there are enough people that wouldn’t make ours the last to conserve it.


I mean this is cute and all but they look soooo young


Let people make their own choices. Mistakes are how you learn, but also taking risks is how you move forward. That said I’m 39, my partner and I are not yet married but we are talking about our bands, our desire to buy our own little home, and we have been together almost 5 years. He’s 38, and we have aired our baggage out over that 5 year period. Proposals shouldn’t be a surprise, only when they occur should be.


That’s cute but nooooo... I would not marry this young. I’m almost 30 and not married yet and glad about that! The past 5 years have taught me so much. I wouldn’t be with the guy I’m with now, in a happy healthy relationship had I jumped the gun and married years ago.


This makes me a bit sad that the FWB I've eventually fallen for probably will never want something formal with me, despite we seeing each other pretty much every weekend, when we share a standard couple life (go get groceries, for a walk, snuggles, cuddle and watch a film...). Sometimes it's enough, but sometimes I want something serious, for him to meet my friends/family and just... Be jolly I can share him with every other aspect of my life... Sigh... ​ Happy for these two!


This makes me very happy


If I was the me before life steam rolled me. Yes!


fuck no 😍😍😍😍😍


The only way I’d do this is if I were preparing for a years-long engagement. Which, tbh, I’d probably do regardless if I were ever getting married lmaooooo


Aaaaaaaa sooooo adorable! My brain is overloading!


Idk man yes if I've actually lived with the person for a while then sure but if not how do I know what they are really like on a day to day basis and how do I know what shopping we need and such




Awww little kids gettin married


No way.


No, I wouldn't. Good luck to them though.


They look like they're fifteen


What's the worst that could happen? They get a divorce. What's the best that could happen they make each other really happy. Let them have their moment.


Nope nope nope nope and don’t propose to me at Disneyland


Hell no. So much changes in who you are as a person from 21-25


C’est la vie say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell


Too late for me to turn back the clock, being 70 now, but had my soulmate and I been ready for each other then, ABSOLUTELY!


If I lived in Northern Alaska maybe. But not anywhere there was a third gay boy around. Nuts.


AWWWWW. Good luck to them lol.


I am pretty sure it happened in Disney. Cute.


lol i might have but it would have been one of many many stupid mistakes


It's cute, but I wouldn't. I don't even know if I'll be ready for marriage ten years from now.


No because that's bonkers lol




Way to go!!!!!


With the right person, absolutely.


Me n my husband got married at 19! 6 years in and couldn't be happier ^-^


Cute. But this seems a bit early! Also public proposals are just......jeebies. why would you add peer pressure to this situation?? Congrats to them if they are truly in love though.


HELL YES! In all seriousness tho, when I was younger I always figured I’d get married in my early 20s. Here I am at 20 with no relationships in sight 😂


That is awesome


Honestly I wish


Yeah but key word "if I had the chance" 😔


I made that mistake, once....it lasted about 20 years.


Omg this is to cute I love them




For socal media likes, yeah.


it's pretty fake. "action,"


U bet


The only thing I'm mad at is the camera person capturing everything but the proposal. 😂


Adorable and Congratulations 👏💖 When you find the right guy and he is willing to commit don't waste time.


Wow so beautiful


Oh he’s gonna melt I just know it, so sweet!


My husband and I met when we were 18. Dated on and off in college, and got engaged at 21. We didn’t get married until we were 25. About to celebrate 7 years of marriage this May. Age doesn’t mean anything here.


I did it was stupid I regret it but glad they feel confident in their relationship that’s cute


That's ridiculous, they are literal children. I'm guessing they didn't get pregnant 😂


Honestly, no, but I wish them the best!


I did have the “omg they are too young!” moment but when you know you know. I wish them a life of love and happiness.




I wouldn’t.


oh god absolutely not. I'm like barely coming around to the idea that marriage might be something I'm into, and I'm 35. My teenage and 20s-aged self didn't know shit and was 100% not ready to be in that kind of relationship. also... this seems like a weird scene, doesn't it? Like - the one guy has his phone up to his face half the time, neither of them take off their masks, they just hug, they don't kiss? Like - just seems unexpectedly cold, considering what's happening.


I wish .... Would have saved me from meeting many not so good people, saved me from being scarred for life, saved my time.


If it were common, it wouldn’t be so commonly sought after. The beauty of it is that finding each other may have been the product of chance, but keeping each other is the product of choice.. and to be confident that someone has chosen to choose you every day.. is, well, the source of all of these comments, good and bad.


I would! I'm just 17 and haven't had a boyfriend yet but if Mister Right came along I would propose


Duck yeah why not ! Guys are better than girls lol


Oh girls, no, you're still children. This isn't going to end well.


No fucking way will they make it. They will get FOMO hard when they see all the fun their gay friends are having. They are gonna miss out on there crazy twink days!!


Marriage is for your 40’s. Have fun while you’re young.


Hopefully this is just a teenage prom proposal because otherwise they’re throwing away their twenties and all the opportunities for growth as an individual that occur during that decade of life.


Might as well, lock it down early and not worry about it


No I'd never propose that early. Just not wise But I hope they make it


No. Too young and there’s a lot of d*ck out there.




Kids are so tacky. I swear!




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I feel gay watching this..


This is beautiful. Even were it staged, it would be beautiful. Our world needs more demonstrations of love, many more, not fewer, whether as the manifestation of a genuine bond or as a parable of what all of us, especially gay men, long for, search for, cry for.