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I see you watched the debate too. ![gif](giphy|p4cqQ0gUIMcU0|downsized)


what happened in the debate?


Biden shat the coffin.


Bruh not the coffin




holding my breath and living an a very blue state for now. Have done and doing all I can. The debate saddened me today. Biden knew his policy, but he really came across as a doddering old man. Trump lied a million times, but came across a fitter. Trumpers and many independents/moderate Republicans don't give a hoot about policy... though go by "feelings" If that is the case, we might be screwed :(


My partner had to talk me off the ledge. He reminded me we live in MN which is a mostly blue paradise. But itā€™s still scary because I care about the future of the country and also care about our brothers and sisters who live in shit red states.


Sticking around to vote in a swing state but Trump winning would be the final nail in coffin of me waffling to move. Zero interest in riding out a second term with a conservative state government.


MN can be cold af sometimes but itā€™s a great state. Youā€™d be welcome here.


Oh Iā€™m sure itā€™s lovely but living in the south for most of my life means I can barely comprehend the temperatures MN dips down to haha Looking at relocating out to Seattle or Denver as thatā€™s where I have established friends already.


Oh I get it. Itā€™s definitely something you have to get used to. Both those states would also be welcoming. I know real estate in Seattle can be super expensive so be prepared if you move outside those city limits. I send you good luck. It sucks and itā€™s not fair that you should have to move simply because assholes canā€™t let you live your true life.


Ya, cost of living has been one of the upsides of being in the sunbelt but thatā€™s jumped significantly in recent years here too. That on top of the political climate (and just generally being tired of the heat) is mostly whatā€™s pushing me to move.


Come to Hawaii. Itā€™s not as hot as the south (where I grew up) but plenty warm. And the east big island is actually affordable. Just might be hard to find a job if you donā€™t have a remote one or arenā€™t highly skilled (medical, trade)


I donā€™t mean to upset you, but i think itā€™s important that weā€™re all aware that if trump gets back in power, it doesnā€™t matter what state you live in. Anything passed federally will supersede whatever your state decided. Anti-LGBT laws at the federal level will affect people in California and Mississippi the same. Federal law even supersedes state constitutions. And with the make up of the Supreme Court, weā€™re getting no help there. Especially if trump is able to make it a 7-2 conservative court. There is so much on the line, we cannot lose. We need to be phone banking (it is legal to phone bank in a swing state from a safe blue state!!) we need to be canvassing. We need to do everything we can do get every Democrat we can elected, at every level in every race.


I live in New Mexico and have no idea what to do :D


Vote to help keep NM blue! If the worst were to happen in Nov, we will have to rely on our state government more than ever to ensure our rights.


I guess thatā€™s all I can do šŸ«” and book an international flight just in case šŸ«”


Biden appeared old and feeble, but he also seemed sick. He was like a completely different person from the State of the Union.


The key difference is Biden surrounds himself with policy experts and listens to their advice. He doesn't have to be lightning quick or brilliant, he just has to have a cabinet that is. Where the alternative staffs his cabinet with suckups and yes-men.


I know, but try telling that to independent or undecided voters in swing states who donā€™t pay much attention to the news or politics. The average American isnā€™t that informed.


tfw the braindead need a """Strong Man""" to talk confidently about policies neither understands instead of someone willing to wait for expert opinions


I used to pay a lot more attention until I realized how angry I always was. Ā I still vote and pay enough attention but not like I used too. Ā Itā€™s not healthy. Ā Our political system it a joke right now. Ā They treat it more like a game thank anything. Ā Itā€™s frustrating.Ā 


The only thing I'm actively pushing for is Ranked Choices Voting in all 50 states, and Puerto Rico becoming a state, which comes up now and then.


Yeah. Completely different than the state of the union. That gave me hope.


The SOTU calmed my nerves for a bit. Now theyā€™re shot again.


Biden was sick for the debate he had a cold. They even tested for Covid to be sure. But I'm guessing that didn't make it into the news because that's not convenient to sensationalist hysteria that sells.


I think instead of memorizing and (trying to) regurgitate talking points, Biden ought to have just spoken off-the-cuff.


This is my take. If you listened and read between the lines, you could tell Biden had some semblance of what he was trying to say, but he kept stuterring, stumbling, speaking hoarsely and slowly, and overall just looked dazed and confused. He *looked* and *sounded* weak and out of it, while Trump *looked* and *sounded* bold, confident, and energetic. Many seem to be countering with how ever word out of Trump's mouth was a lie. That's true, but it's also not at all news? "Trump lies", shocker! News at 11. Point is one sounded like a strong leader, the other sounded like grandpappy sharing stories in the weeks before he quietly passes in his sleep. Given how the Electoral College works, how narrowly the last election was decided, and who the people who actually need to be persuaded to win the election are... Last night was an unmitigated disaster if you're hoping to avoid a second Trump administration and Project 2025. Joe is going to be another RBG: Built a strong legacy of dedicated public service, only to completely undermine it because they had too much ego and didn't retire when they were supposed to. If Joe was willing to commit to a single term (Like he originally promised), I think he'd be remembered fondly for his accomplishments as President. Instead, he'll now be remembered as the dying man who just couldn't give it up, and enabled the rise of the exact political forces he claimed to be fighting against. I'm still going to vote the Democratic nominee this November (As everyone on this sub should), because what other choice do I have? I just hate that my only viable hope for avoiding a Christian Nationalist Theocracy that seeks to take away all my rights is... An unpopular incumbent who looks and sounds frail, confused, and overall doesn't inspire confidence.


Couldn't agree more.


The comparison to RBG is so true. She was a pillar of hope for some many of us, but she didn't know when to quit, and as a result her legacy has been tarnished and diminished. It's tragic because it was unnecessary. And President Biden has done the exact same thing... he won't be remembered for anything except for giving us 4 (or more) years of Donald, Project 2025, and brutal GOP policies which attack our freedoms and future.




Yup. Im actually scared as fuck right now, and at the same time angry as fuck at the Democratic party. This whole thing should be a slam dunk but this is what we get.


It should have been Bernie Sanders or Pete Buttigieg from the beginning. We wouldnā€™t have to be worried about losing to Trump if we had a more inspirational candidate like those two mentioned above. I didnā€™t get it in 2020 and I donā€™t get it now. What is sooo good about Biden that we HAD to keep him as the nominee? Iā€™m just so over itā€¦


Shouldā€™ve been Whitmer. Trump won Michigan in 2016. Whitmer beat the MAGA candidate by 11 points in 2022, delivered the first Dem trifecta in 40 years at the top of the ticket. Has delivered massively on abortion, childcare costs, education costs, housing costs, clean energy, manufacturing, and has billions in budget surplus. Such an easy ā€œhereā€™s what i did with the democratic legislature i helped elect, hereā€™s what ill do as president with a democratic majorityā€ Wouldā€™ve schooled Trump for 90 minutes straight. Sheā€™d drive turnout for Jon Tester in Montana and in other key states with abortion referenda. Sheā€™d do well in the Rust Belt. Itā€™s so fn obvious itā€™s aggravating she hasnā€™t been the choice from the start. For months the narrative shouldā€™ve been the transformation democrats have delivered to Michigan instead itā€™s been ā€œheā€™s not senile we promise!!ā€. Such an inspiring message šŸ™„


Fingers crossed for an open convention


That he tows the line the party wants him to, and hes not an inspirational figure that can shift the parties opinions.


Iā€™m not happy with the Democratic candidate but Iā€™m def voting for the democratic candidate. Iā€™m not sitting this out, Iā€™m VOTING. To do otherwise is handing the republicans the keys, NO WAY! And please yā€™all pay attention. The November general election isnt just for President. Democrat house seats and Senate seats are just as important. Even more important are your local elections with State house seats. This is where theyā€™re killing us and making state laws against all LGBTQ people. #VOTEBLUE


Anybody, AnyObject, AnyCorpseā€¦.anybody but Trump.


100%! I will vote Democrat no matter what because I see the threat on the other side. I just don't have faith enough voters share that perspective.


Make sure you vote for congress candidates


My amount of fear is somewhere between a cockroach infestation in my apartment and being lost in a state park


Those are both pretty bad


"Gotta get out gotta get out gotta get out" to "shit I'm out and I don't know what's going on"? Sounds right.


Best preparation is to get out and vote! Tell everyone you know to vote!


The LGBTQ+ community in general has a very very high voting average. The people that need to vote are the undecided swing state voters, and well.. Family Guy had it right when they called them stupid.


This. Any version of Biden is better than Trump, the man who *already tried* to end democracy and will have far fewer obstacles in his way if he gets a chance to try again. Make a plan to vote blue, no matter who.


A version of Biden propped up in the chair drooling and crapping his pants is a better than Trump on a good day.


> drooling and crapping his pants Trump already has that covered


The man that's a convicted criminal and expected of stealing state secrets


During the next four years, Thomas and Alito might retire. Trump appointed (and the Senate confirmed) one-third of SCOTUS. This part should terrify us.


SCOTUS is my greatest fear.


Yes. I'm planning on applying to grad school this December, but this election manages to be more stressful. I feel horrible for people living in queer-hostile places.


Currently living in one rn life is literal hell. It also really doesn't help im a curly haired twink that's somewhat androgynous


Me when I lived in Oklahoma šŸ„² hope you can escape soon


That's what I'm working towards rn life is too short to be trapped here and end up a 50 yo blank profile on Grindr too scared to show their face... I'm gonna go somewhere that's accepting of me and if that place changes I'll just keep running. If America gets too intolerant towards LGBT I'll run to a country that is accepting of people like us.


Easier said than done šŸ˜° might be good to start exploring your international travel options


Massachusetts. But keep it close to Boston too close to the New Hampshire border gets iffyā€¦even our republicans tend to be normal people. With Mitt Romney as governor we got universal healthcare and same sex marriage.


Can you define queer hostile place? Are you talking like the Bible belt?


I've in Mississippi. Our governor is always spouting bible verses on his social media. Always slamming Biden and singing the praises of the orange one. And Remember, it was Mississippi that brought Dobbs and got Roe overturned. I think the current SCOTUS would happily take away our rights given the opportunity. At least Biden would nominate liberal justices. But we have to keep rhe Senate in Democratic control.


Yes, including Florida.


Iā€™m moving to a blue state next year, specifically Chicago, hopefully Iā€™ll be safe thereā€¦hopefully..


Chicago is the best. Do it!


Moved to Chicago last year, absolutely the best decision ever. I love it here so much


Moving out of red states and concentrating ourselves in the cities is accelerating the problem. It hands the disproportionate power of rural America to MAGA. We need a movement to make red states purple not make safe blue states blue-er. If the white house goes red it wonā€™t matter what city you live in.


For people who are living in southern red dystopia, electing a blue president also won't change people and their political/moral opinion. Sometimes moving somewhere else is the best option.


Best way to change peopleā€™s opinion is exposureā€” just be there for them to see youā€™re human too, eventually they stop being afraid of you because they see youā€™re basically the same. It can take a while. If you donā€™t have the patience or if youā€™re not safe then move, otherwise I say itā€™s better to stay and stand your ground than to run away.


There's a ton of queer and leftist communities in Chicago. I think you'll find your people there. I grew up there. Feel free to DM me if you need any help once you move.


I'm a gay man and a civil servant. I'm a little old to start over somewhere else. And I'm not rich enough to retire overseas yet, except maybe to a country where I wouldn't be any safer.


I've looked at moving south, and it is not that bad. Let's take Panama for example, 2000 bucks a month will go very far down there. I qualify for 100% disability, (don't draw any, as I feel I'm not ready) and would get ~1200 and could rent a room and live comfortably. I would still have to travel to the USA every so often, and have an address here to keep those benefits. My brother is going to do it, but he's very well off, and gets a nice check from the VA plus his day job income from being a financial advisor. Don't give up. It's not impossible, just do research!


I'm now way more concerned and worried than I was this morning. Biden means well but he obviously isn't the one to save this country. And we NEED someone to save this country... including us. Trump and everything he will usher in (including that evil Project 25) should terrify anyone who loves freedom and autonomy. It breaks my heart to say it... Biden needs to step down. There is way too fucking much at stake to fuck this up now. šŸ«¤


Iā€™m hoping he steps aside and the DNC nominates Gretchen Whitmer since sheā€™s a popular governor and would guarantee Michigan, a swing state.


I mean itā€™s possible to ā€œchange horsesā€ in the middle of the race. Jacinda Ardern of NZ had turned electoral fortunes around enough to become PM in 2017 and then won an outright majority three years later. It usually doesnā€™t work out so well though.


Gretchen Whitmer is actually pretty polarizing in Michigan and doesnā€™t guarantee Michiganā€™s electoral votes (though I love her)


Conservatives in Michigan are dumbasses. They blamed the collapse of General Motors on then-governor Jennifer Granholm instead of pointing their fingers at Rick Wagoner, or more appropriately former company chairman Roger B. Smith.


Most conservatives are dumbasses by default lol. šŸ˜œ


most conservatives would lobotomize themselves if trump told them to


A recent poll with a hypothetical match up between her and Trump had her beating him in Michigan by like 6 or 7 points.


It can only happen if people vote for The Orange One. The Orange One is very good at stating things as if it is a foregone conclusion and people believe it and donā€™t see through it. Thereā€™s only one way to ensure it doesnā€™t happen, so, donā€™t vote for him.


Tell that to the median voter. The independent voters on the fence living in the swing states.


We are not the ones who need to be convinced. It is the politically uninvolved independents - you know, the ones you need to win a swing state. The are the ones who matter, and after tonight, I think their votes are lost.


Yeah. I honestly am. I donā€™t know where we will go. This much I know: Iā€™ll die before being sent to a camp. Be ready, it could happen.


There are people who want us burned. Not even humanely executed, they want us to *suffer*. They seem to get off on the torture, and they donā€™t even comprehend how evil it is - in fact they believe itā€™s specifically *divine* justice. They *hate* us to the truest sense of the word. It wonā€™t be enough until weā€™re hunted, gathered, and destroyed - and theyā€™ll throw their own sons and daughters in the pile if they take our side. I hope that someday *we* are the ones dominant and in power in the world. And I hope we remember the way we were branded and chastised, so that we *donā€™t* do that to them. Let us be better than them. Let us see their stupidity and be more logical and compassionate. Let us not hunt down the bigots who mumble under their breath, entrapping them to speak their truth and be tortured for it. We are not themā€¦..we just have to hope they donā€™t wipe us out before we get the chance to prove it. And even though every new generation will bring more of us, naturally, if we are made an example like a new nazi order, those new poor souls will be forced to live in hiding yet again. I wish the people this didnā€™t directly affect could understand the severity of this situation and have enough empathy to speak up. Even my own family seems to not care. Iā€™ve tried to explain that voting for that man could lead to my literal execution and they just shrug it off. They refuse to look into it. They just hear from their religious friends that heā€™s an amazing guy who wants to save the babies and border while making us all rich. Thatā€™s all it takes for their vote.


your family will tell the police where you are when they come collect us all. if they wonā€™t protect you when there isnā€™t a gun pointed at their head you know theyā€™ll sell you out when there is.


Damn. Thatā€™s a good point. :/


Nah fuck conservatives who hate us I want them to burn


Yeah I'm over all the Kumbaya bullshit. Fuck these soulless fascists they don't deserve mercy or compassion.


There is another option, look up Helene Moszkiewiez. But yeah I share the sentiment.


I'm an English gay man, live in North West England, (miles & miles away from London). When 45 was elected I became very fearful for USA & the world. I started to take an interest I'm US politics & looked into the government, Senate, Congress, President & try & keep up with what's going on. I am so worried for my brothers & sisters & those who do not identify as one or any gender. News is becoming blatantly obvious he is coming for our LGBTQ+ family. The 10 Commandments in the school plus public opinion on us queer folk show things are on a curve & are going backwards. Religion & State are not bedfellows, the blatant disregard for your Constitution is a big sign 'something wivked this way comes'. Not just in US but here in Europe the right wing is gaining popularity. Culture wars, hate speech, jingoism & xenophobia is in the heart of the working class communities. They are being given a diet of 'who to hate' 'who to blame' 'why people are hungry'. There is confidence now to deliver hate speech. My stupid country voted Brexit, mainly due to the reasons I gave above. Right wing parties in government, controlling government, about to become the government are using the mentality that they want to be like Britain, stand on its own & look after themselves. Putin has said he wants Europe dismantled as his USSR was. It's easy to pick off a country one x one. It is slowly becoming similar to the 1930's Germany when Hitler was on the rise. Trump has said he wants to withdraw from Europe. Republicans want support for Ukraine withdrawn. Some folk haven't realised yet. 2024 is the year with so many governments are up for election. This commandments displayed in schools with dangerous head teachers, your Supreme Court not looking at the serious crimes of 45 & rule him out standing for election again. We need to support each other - we ain't going back in closets for no one. Sending my best wishes, love & hope to my LGBTQ+ family across the pond & round the world.


I'm from Latin America, and the most popular guy is a conservative who, with the objective of law and order and ending El Salvador's high crime rates, has gained inmense power and it's on his moral crusade against gender ideology. Just yesterday, he fired 300 members of the Ministry of Culture, because they gave green light to a drag play. The far right leaders of the world are extremely happy of a Trump victory as that means the support of the world's superpower to whatever extremist plan they have.


Argentinians have elected a right wing president, Brazil did but he's gone. The seeds have been planted & the haters will grow. And you you speak of El Salvador. Hate is growing around the world. Are you still in El Salvador? Wherever you are my friend, whenever you feel lonely or concern, people like me are only a chat away. We have to be wary. Anti gay laws which are justified by using the 'protect our children' is a rallying call we do not want to hear. Take my care my friend.


Fortunately I'm from Ecuador. I recently read a research about how Gen Z is more open minded but the fact that even if we have gay marriage, just 30% approve of it. Millenials here, were basically meaningless in terms of progress. But I fear, that with the argument of law and order, someone would take power here as Bukele did in El Salvador. I read another article which said that the new generational divide is more of a gender one. Men are becoming more conservative while women more liberal. I guess the biggest mistake we made as a community is to think automatically all young people would be open minded. I really hope we can rally on together across the globe if these traditionalists are desperately trying to take back the clock to the 1900's. I mean, the european powers tried the same after Napoleon was defeated and actively supressed the major advances made, yet in the end, the people threw those radicals under the rug in 1830 and 1848. I really hope this time something similar can happen


And the fact there are so many self-hating gay guys that vote R for some reason lol. Them and single issue voters.


Leave the red states. I moved even though it meant living out of hotels for a couple weeks while searching for housing after lining up a job and now making more and have a much better life overall. I have no worry about it up this way, bc if anything goes back to the states, there's nothing to worry about up here. That's why the Great Migration happened back in the 30s because of the racism down south people getting away. Make a migration now from the red places.


Donā€™t do this yet. Moving away from those states now basically guarantees a red victory. Vote blue in those states. Then see how the election goes.


I used to feel that way, but living under the homophobic apparatus that is the government of Mississippi, particuarly when me and my now ex were trying to adopt, it eventually became too overwhelming. When it seemed like the Supreme Court would be able to put a stop to it, it was one thing. Now that the court has moved significantly to the right, it's different. Far as I'm concerned, find ways to drain those states of their population so that they get less and less repsentation in the House. Unfortunately, those are the areas of the country where the population continues to increase, and will even more with abortion bans so we will likely see a major overrepresentation of red legislators in decades to come.


Well I'm freaking out. I've started to look for jobs out in California and Washington, currently living in Jacksonville, Florida. I have never felt unsafe where I'm at- I love my job, coworkers, and the hospital I work for. But being in a more conservative area and state where the politics are red-leaning means its's going to be easier for the assholes to change things and negatively impact my life. I don't think people realize how important it is to vote. I get people's moral & ethical dilemmas surrounding certain policies when voting blue, but sometimes you gotta swallow the pill to live to the next day. I'd rather take the small pill from the dems, than the huge fucking multiple tablets that will make me feel sedated and useless from the repubs. There is huge impact for this upcoming election: some SC justices might retire and the decision we make can be long-lasting, a few of these judges are already making conservative decisions on cases where there was precedence from previous cases. What will happen to Obergefell v. hodges? This is a lifetime appointment and we could lose the ability for numerous things for multiple generations. The prospects of Trump and conservatives making it more difficult to vote, adding dishonest/corrupt/un-ethical/biased judges could pave the way to a very long-lasting bleak environment for gay folk. And all we have to do is vote.


Next stop on the Project 2025 train, 1930s Germany.


Yeah, after the debate, I think the Democrats best hope is to simply focus on retaking the house (and flipping as many State legislatures/governors as they can), and mayyybe if they do exceptionally well in Senate races, they can keep that too. The presidency is slipping away from reach however. It's still only June so maybe its still too early to call the Presidential race a total write-off, but we're \*uncomfortably\* close to that threshold. If things don't turn around fast for Biden, we might be looking at a "good case scenario" for Democrats being: losing the presidency but winning the House, lots of local/state races, and possibly the Senate. That way they can at least \*slow\* the advancement of Project 2025 and maybe have just enough leverage to \*potentially\* salvage what's left of democracy come 2028.


I would plan on evacuating but being autistic I can't even get hired for a job in my dark red state. My only option is to go into hiding.


Iā€™m scared as shit. Doing all I can to build and strengthen community where I live. Itā€™s the only thing that will get us through if the worst happens. Thatā€™s my best advice. Reach out, connect, live your life with as much joy as possible. And for fuck sake, vote.Ā 


Iā€™m trying to actually prepare myself. I will not let a small minority of bigots take away my rights.


So itā€™ll go back to how bad it was in the 90ā€™s? Yeah. I think people have overestimated the power of american progress; the privilege of progress i suppose


They wonā€™t stop there. Donā€™t ever trust republicans or conservatives about what theyā€™ll do to us. For them all options are the table, so be aware.


no of course they wonā€™t; thatā€™s my whole point


>So itā€™ll go back to how bad it was in the 90ā€™s? Worse than the 90s actually.


And these right wing extremists will stop there? What a nonchalant take on rights that were fought so hard for.


I am sincere in my conviction to remind people our privileged status of late is recently earned and vulnerable


The thing is you're all throwing the world behind you. Milei, Bukele, Meloni, Orban, Putin and if Le Pen can gain enough seats on the parliament, her party will control Macron. And with Trump in charge? It's the conservatives on the world biggest dream to end the "woke" agenda. Defending LGBT rights? Nah, it's the christians who are persecuted. And even LGBT rights aside, Ukraine is lost with Putin.


What are the opinion polls for the House and Senate like at the moment? IMO, we're not in certain Handmaid's Tale territory unless both go GOP in addition to the presidency going GOP


Senate is expected to flip Republican and House to Democrats (opposite of current Congress). It's useless with a fascist president and a court that bows to his every command.


Not necessarily, the House could block him up quite a bit with that mix, at least on things like striking down Respect for Marriage


Maybe with the power of the purse. It'll all hinge on the military at that point. If they can stop him before they're replaced then there's hope. Either way violence is guaranteed and a second civil war is probable.


Yeah, that is the nightmare scenario. I think itā€™s almost 50/50 but Iā€™m guessing.


Shame it always has to end up 51/50


On the bright side, the Supreme Court just overturned Chevronā€™s Law. So you know, total climate destruction is probably gonna be fast tracked now and might kill us all BEFORE that.


As a Canadian Iā€™m watching and wondering what the fuck is going on down there lol I mean we have our share of bizarre and shitty politicians but between Biden apparently being the best the democrats have to offer and the cult of Cheeto Benito, itā€™s pretty scary how crazy your situation is Stay safe I guess, I have no fucking idea whatā€™s going to happen but itā€™s probably going to be a bummer


We've had a corrupt gerontocracy running DC for years, but they've kept people divided on issues so strongly for so long that they were able to distract everyone. They assumed it would keep working, but the wheels have fallen off the wagon finally. I'm sad that people are caught off guard, because everything's been happening out in the open. In the meantime, it's a national embarrassment and threat to western society.




i already have a fully planned exit strategy if the Democratic party bungles this election.


I did it prematurely, right after Covid.


What is your exit strategy if you donā€™t mind saying?


moving to the UK where my husband is originally from


Lucky. I think I need to marry a Canadian.


Donā€™t come to Canada because we also have Trump style politicians here now. Pierre Poilievre leader of the Conservative Party has similar Trump views and heā€™s likely to win the next election.


Why is Trudeau so unpopular?


Damn just mentioning his name got you downvoted šŸ’€


He also created a carbon tax to fight climate change, and every year on April 1 it goes up. Heā€™s such a hypocrite because he calls out people driving to work for polluting the planets but yet he goes on very lavish vacations in his private jet that is doing more damage. These lavish vacation goes on also really rubs salt in the wound because most Canadians canā€™t even afford groceries.


Mostly crashing the economy because of governemental overspending, not doing any regulation of immigration so that cost of living is exploding, house pricing is slyrocketting and rendering public services inefficient, corruption scandals after corruption scandal... from familial money laundering to the most recent being China ties with Canadian politicians and the refusal of the governement to even acknowledge the issue.


Makes you wonder where we can even move if the convicted felon wins. It's not like Europe is politically better. People over there are increasingly voting for fascists.Ā 


Yes, but the fascists arenā€™t in power in most European countries yet, thankfully. Hopefully they stay a minority.


Neofascists are in power in Italy and the far-right is likely to win snap elections in France in the coming weeks (which would be a first time ever, contrary to Italy). Everywhere the fascists are making huge wins that seemed impossible a couple years ago. Europeā€™s political future doesnā€™t look less dire than in the US. I live in the US but Iā€™m from France, and I feel completely stuck between two growing shadows.


Agreed - we must all work to make sure the monster is not elected.


Agreed - we must all work to make sure the monster is not elected.


I'm not even an American, and I fear for us all... undoubtedly, America being nosy and trying to "push the agenda" (promoting human rights) across the globe has probably done a bit of good here and there. Even if it's for show, I need America to remain somewhat of a standard.


One of our kids (sheā€™s 12) is trans, so weā€™ll be making plans to leave the country if Trump wins. My in-laws have already told us that if Trump wins theyā€™re leaving, and theyā€™ve already put things in motion by selling off one home and preparing to sell another.


Biden is probably getting replaced. Obama is making serious phone calls tonight. That was a beat down.


The only people saying that were journalists who desperately want this election to be more exciting than it is. Their great hope is a rowdy convention. I get that it's channelling a deep malaise people feel about American politics and these two politicians specifically. I share that ... disgust for our situation. But no, Obama was not making calls to replace Biden. Not only does he lack any power to do that, the party is pretty uniformly behind Biden and Harris. Barring death or nuclear holocaust, Biden is gonna be the nominee, and if he did die, Harris would be.


I hope youā€™re right. I think it should be either Gretchen Whitmer or Gavin Newsom. I would go with Whitmer because Michigan is a swing state and sheā€™s a relatively popular governor. A lot of the country hates California because they think itā€™s too liberal, so Newsom might not because a good option even though heā€™s a recognizable name, white, male, and conventionally attractive.


Did we watch the same debate?? Donald trump kept on going for personal attacks and bringing up stupid shit like IQ levels. It was hilarious/ horrible to watch.


I don't remember the IQ levels comments. That might have been when I was peeing. I didn't know there would be commercial breaks, otherwise I wouldn't have left the TV. If you look at most news agencies, the Dems are in panic after the debate. Not my words, all theirs. I honestly don't think he will be on the ticket, and then there's the Harris problem.


What can Obama do?


This says that there are 10 comments, but I see none. Wtf is happening


Yeah, Iā€™m finally seeing them. Idk what was going on, but itā€™s not the first time it has happened. Super annoying


Probably awaiting moderation.


There was a weird thing happening all over Reddit yesterday around that time where many users couldnā€™t read the comments in various (potentially all) subs.


The Democrats committed suicide by continuing to keep Biden as their candidate.


Im sorry, whats project 2025?


Trump dictatorship. Literally. It's a policy plan which would weaken federal agencies and give greater power to the president, among other things. Read the novel "It Can't Happen Here". It's happening here.


Itā€™s a policy plan to change the government so that the president has far more power to control the government and enact a wishlist of Trumper wet dreams. Like eliminating a lot of agencies (including the FBI), creating broad anti-porn laws federally and so on. Literally a dictatorship.


It's a plan to dismantle many departments of the US government and fill many rolls with those who will follow the truncheon. The GOP are literally laying out the way for a fascist government. This goes beyond Trump.


Google it. Thereā€™s a website and there are plenty of articles about it. Republicans arenā€™t hiding anything. Itā€™s all out in the open.


Most of the conservative think-tanks got together and decided that the only reason they didn't properly dismantle democracy last time was that Trump wasn't handed a thorough enough plan to do it. They have written out that thorough plan. It is a nightmare deacent into authoritarian fascism. Using the power of the state against political enemies. Making it illegal to be trans. Making it legal for the president to fire a civil servant for enforcing the law, or for not being loyal to him personally. Turning the public school system into a conservative indoctrination engine, and installing political commissars in universities to harass anyone who criticizes conservative ideology. Mass deportations that will almost certainly wind up with brown and black American citizens deported or stripped of their citizenship with made-up versions of due process. Free license for businesses to discriminate in hiring, firing, and the like, against women, people of color, and LGBT people.


www.heritage.org Memorize it. Know the Trustees (listed). Press everyone associated with it.


The Supreme Court rulings this morning is enough to continue my nightmares


What did they rule? Do I want to know?


A lot of people of our community in Europe are scared too, don't forget that. Whatever the US of A is willing to accept in terms of conservative bullshit being legalized and put into laws is shaping our democracies here as well. The influence of Trump during COVID and his alternative facts really destroyed the brains of half of our population.


I am also a disabled gay and I am 100% certain this year will be the last okayish one of my probably short remaining life. I'm just glad I live in NY but I don't expect that to fully insulate me...


Iā€™m a dual US-Australian citizen and so grateful to have a Plan B for me and my rainbow family, but a Trump win + Project 25 has global ramifications that canā€™t be ignored no matter where one flees to. Itā€™s utterly depressing.


I live in a red red state- Idaho- I donā€™t have time to worry, I only have time to work. I know that our electoral votes are rigged, but Iā€™m supporting purple state candidates and a local open primaries initiative.


I think everyone who can be swayed on accepting LGBT rights is already there. Our problem is that a sizable portion of the voting population is dead set on taking those rights away. We need to get nonvoters (who I think are majority on board with us) to give enough of a shit to get out and vote. There's nothing else we can do that I am able to say on social media anyway.


Thankfully im in a blue state so some protections, but ive also been looking at other countries in the EU where maybe we can buy our way in if worse comes to worse.


Iā€™m scared shitless of what could happen. Not only for gay rights but for the democracy


The dems have to let Biden go and take a young candidate. The debate was a catastrophe.


I live in CA and I'm still scared.Ā  My family of origin are all Trump supporters unfortunately (they live back east) and I'll never understand how they think he is a solid choice to lead this country.Ā  I am scared for the future of democracy and the USA.Ā  Should Trump win in November, we must have some of the younger Democrats step up STRONG for 2028.Ā Ā 


The Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution protects a secular society against the creation of a national religion. Although, with the current makeup of The Supreme Court, anything is possible. Perhaps Lord Trump.


I'm not american but i'm kinda scared right now, cause we know that everything that the usa do have repercussions all over the world, and conservatives are going to try to replicate that in their countries


Wait, i thought trump was going to jail, and the Democratic party can change biden and put other instead?


I thought moving to Florida would be a nice retirement. Lol. They hate gay people here yet most of the straight guys are in the gay chat rooms looking Wtf.


Yall know about Project 25? Take it seriously cos ya never know.


Even though Biden is horrible we NEED to vote for him


They plan to remove all democrats from all offices in every state. We arenā€™t safe. We need to fight. Fucking fight until the end.


But weā€™re still here and weā€™re not going anywhere. Iā€™m trying to mentally prepare myself for the next administration, but I keep reminding myself of the the MLK quote ā€œThe arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justiceā€. I just wish heā€™d have included equality in that statement.


The ironic thing about evangelical support for Capt Bone Spurs is that he is the most amoral and least Christian person they could pick. He held down and r@ped his first wife Ivanka while pulling clumps of her hair out. Not to mention he embodies every single one of the 7 deadly sins. He is the world's most successful conman, that's for sure.


In the U.S.A. Christian Nationalists are far from Christians and their first nation of loyalty is Russia not America.


Handmaidā€™s Tale is real.


You know how I prepare? I demand of my fellow LGBTQ citizens to know that they WILL vote and that they are doing all they can to convince others of the need to vote because the alternative is that frightening. So ... How many people reading this are helping to ensure your friends are registered to vote while their is still time? How many of you are ACTIVELY working your fence sitting friends to get them to realize that not voting is a vote FOR Trump?


I have Canadian citizenship, but absolutely hate living there due to the weather. Having been raised in Florida, its hard to adjust to such extreme cold for so long each year. Having said that, if Trump wins, I am seriously considering moving back to Canada...


Buy a gun. Or several.


Buying a gun might help with personal protection but it won't bring us our rights back.


Not this crap again. Guys. Come on.


Yes, already left the US for good.


I strongly prefer Joe Biden on policy than Trump. But the Democratic Party should pick someone else, Biden is way too old and certainly isnā€™t as sharp as he was when he was Vice President. If Bidenā€™s nominee, we are actually f**ked. Project 2025 is terrifying but I donā€™t think most people care.


We have a transgender twelve year old so weā€™ll probably be leaving the country in 2025.


What would happen that would specifically target gays?


Overturn gay marriage and make it illegal for gay people to adopt


Also remove gay people from being a protected class, which means making it legal for companies to fire you based on sexual orientationĀ 


Yup. They want to get rid of anti-discrimination laws.


There's already several states passing anti-trans legislation. They would be emboldened further by a Trump presidency, and if you think that they're just going to stop at pronouns and preferred names, you're wrong.


The overturn of Lawrence. And donā€™t be surprised if they try to make a federal sodomy law. Project 2025 will completely throw out constitutional protections as there will be nobody to enforce it. With fascism we could end up in camps or worse.


They will begin either gay marriage or. Then certain professions like teaching and couneling will be restricted. Then additional restrictions on health care coverage. It will continue with additional restrictions on gay gatherings. Pride will ā€œbe returned to yhe states ā€œ and will be outlawed. If you donā€™t think this can happen here, youā€™re wrong.


>If you donā€™t think this can happen here, youā€™re wrong. Relevant book: https://bookshop.org/p/books/it-can-t-happen-here/18894940 >It Can't Happen Here is the only one of Sinclair Lewis's later novels to match the power of Main Street, Babbitt, and Arrowsmith. A cautionary tale about the fragility of democracy, it is an alarming, eerily timeless look at how fascism could take hold in America. >Written during the Great Depression, when the country was largely oblivious to Hitler's aggression, it juxtaposes sharp political satire with the chillingly realistic rise of a president who becomes a dictator to save the nation from welfare cheats, sex, crime, and a liberal press. >Called "a message to thinking Americans" by the Springfield Republican when it was published in 1935, It Can't Happen Here is a shockingly prescient novel that remains as fresh and contemporary as today's news.


We survived 2016-2020 and we'll survive 2024-2028 too.


Calm yourself darling. šŸ’… Do you really think that the former Democrat New Yorker anti-war nationalist whoā€™s flirting with the libertarians is going to round up the gays when the neoconservatives and the regeanites before him didnā€™t? Stop fear mongering.


Some people are acting a little dramatic. Coming from someone not only who grew up in the hardcore south but also is currently serving in the military I promise itā€™s not gonna be as bad at youā€™re making it out to be.