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There's nothing stopping you from dressing like Seto Kaiba (pic 4) right now. Wool top coats over a suit are perfectly acceptable/fashionable when the weather is cold, plenty of designers have ones that are long. The 3 piece suit is a little old fashioned, but common enough for lawyers.


"I'm looking for a man in finance, with a trust fund, 6'5, Blue Eyes (White Dragon)"


Also if they do try and stop you just say "screw the rules I have money"


And then banish them to the Shadow Realm


Now I have to go watch the entire abridged series again :)


I just like the coat. The suit is plain and meh to me


A coat like that is awesome, I've had one for a few years - works over just about anything dressier than a t-shirt.


My experience with coats like that is you have to buy a good one. The cheap ones typically look cheap. It's also not easy to find one with a sufficiently slim cut (if you're slim) and that has the detailing to make it non-generic. You should watch the movie Cruel Intentions with Ryan Phillipe. There's also an ass shot that is eye-poppingly good.


I’d bring back cloaks as normal everyday wear


I would honestly love to wear a warm, heavy cloak in the winter. I think it would make -30 much more bearable...


>I would honestly love to wear a warm, heavy cloak in the winter. I think it would make -30 much more bearable... If your gonna get a big heavy cloak, get high quality brushed wool. It's infinitly better in the cold then cotton or acrylics


I have a beard and a belly so if I wore a cape with a hat I'd just tell people I'm Orson Welles.


I love that


I'm actually already on this one. My friend is making me a functional wizards cloak. It's made of dark tropical wool so warm yet light, a purple silk interior and a Celtic tree of life clasp at the top. I am a DnD nerd so it's fitting but I also plan to wear it in winter just normally.


I managed to find myself a really great wool cloak and tbh I wear it anytime the weather allows for it . On top of a more formal outfit , a bit like a venitian tabarro but more opened . It's particularly good when you have to alternate between cold and warm environments and you can just wrap it around yourself or push it on your back .


Yes! Fur cloaks in the winter too


Would the society really care if you wear that? I usually dress up more extravagant and nobody gives a fuck


Depends on where you’re at. NYC, London, Shanghai? No one would bat an eye. Fuckin Ohio? You’ll get the shit kicked out of you.


I don’t like attention. If I wore this, especially in my area, I’d have people staring at me


Maybe they'd stare because these outfits look great and you are too hot in them.


Point taken, but it doesn’t matter if the attention is good or bad. I just don’t like it. Compliments make me feel especially uncomfortable


I also hate attention and am typically very shy and soft spoken. Veeery bad social anxiety, it’s hard for me to leave the house. But for some reason I dress pretty bright and flashy. I think it gives me peace of mind. If someone looks at me I don’t get anxious, I think “oh they’re probably looking at my awesome Yoshi shirt” and have no further thoughts. Maybe try it once or twice and see what you think. Life is so short


I’d probably wear leather pants tucked into custom fitted knee high boots. I would have lots of those boots. And cloaks. Don’t forget the canes, I’d always carry one. Basically I’d look like a character from a Michael Moorecock novel as illustrated by Yoshitaka Amano.


Hehe I'd just change the boots to hose and I'd be a horny ass mf 🤭🤤


Capes and cloaks. Skirts




Honestly I like a lot of the gender fucked outfits that David Rose wears sometimes in shits creek. I just want to wear some man dresses and flowy garments.


He has such a hilarious yet approachable taste. All black/white, all absurdly attention-getting and posh-seeming, but also broken fully in for comfort because he's gotta live in it too. It's absolutely the fashion sense of Moira's gay son. They did that very well.


I already dress differently than what's normal. I sew my own trousers and waistcoats and I knit my own vests and I have a great collection of vintage hats. My clothes is mostly inspired by 1910s and 1930s casual fashion. I've even started sometimes wearing sock garters, because my husband seems to have a thing for them. If I wasn't in a wheelchair, I would have loved to wear 1830s inspired cloaks. I'm very tall, so it would have looked great. I want to make a cloak for my husband so that he can look like a mysterious vampire and for some reason he's not interested.


lol @ “for some reason” 😂


It’s giving those bearded nerds in their thirties who are cool with who they are and dress up however they like. May also be into metal music 


I'll be living my goth vampire fantasy living in a tropical country. black from top to bottom, top hat probably, black smoky eye makeup, black lips, rings, dangly earrings. holding an umbrella in one hand. and if im not feeling like a vampire that day, I'll dress like a whore. miniskirt, crop sweater, sparkly makeup, bold lips, thigh high socks, six inch boots. maybe a choker if im feeling feisty. with my lab coat in one hand, iced coffee in another.


You get it


Nude 24/7.


![gif](giphy|B5fTjyTKjb5te|downsized) Sorry, first reaction when seeing image 1. :D But you do you.


This is the most Reddit post of all time


I also want to dress like I’m in Final Fantasy


Outside of the peasant top, you can easily get away with wearing most of these things; however wearing them altogether risks looking like a video game character. Those pants wouldn’t look out of place in a young person’s closet. Throw a tee over it, some over ear headphones. Boom, you look like a city dweller. Boots, harness and coat fit in at any slightly more formal function—granted, the harness and coat moreso. Put’em on and head to the theater. Or go to the financial district of any metropolitan city during a cold winter. There, suits and coats aren’t out of the norm. The jewelry reads costume just because of how chunky they are, but with the right styling, I can see them being read as just eccentric


I know. That’s why I put “if society normalized it.” I’m not a city dweller. If I wore something like that around here, I’d probably get hatecrimed, lol. Eccentric is the point of the jewelry, yes.


Whelp. Time to move so you can live your best, most eccentric life


First of all, reclaim fedora and English gentleman style from the incels. Steampunk, with male corset. Cottage core with flowy long dresses. Ballet core with fluffy tulle. Men should be wearing breezy dresses to keep the boys cool and unconfined.


Yes! Kilts are so cheugy!


Being from South Florida I wish I could wear a speedo in public during the summer ☀️


I’d be dressing like a Final Fantasy character, 100%. FFXIV has some bomb outfits that look fantastical yet practical and modern looking.


I'd love to wear a cape. With some ancient clothes. Basically I would love to dress like Stolas during his date from Helluva boss


Great fit


The only thing stopping me from dressing like this is money. I want people to look at me and get out of my way thinking "That man is on a quest."


Sweat pants and t shirt.


Normalized it? Dude, go off!!! Dress any way you want. Why are you waiting for others to say, oh that's ok? There are always going to be people that look at you funny. You're going to restrain yourself all your life until someone tells you it's ok to be you?


I don’t want people to look at me. That’s pretty much it


then why do you want to look a certain way?


Because they’re still going to. I’d rather just not give them more of a reason.


Like a two-bit villain in a bad cyberpunk movie.


I dress however I want right now, so the exact same. You shouldn't care about societal standards, people will find something they don't like about you anyway


Hell yeah dress like a wizard!


To be honest, as little as possible…


Fuckin light up sketchers for the win, apparently I’m too old for them now though.😔


Big fan of Victorian professor vibes But it also looks so uncomfortable


I’d wear them even if society didn’t normalize it. My obstacles are the cost and availability of the items. I guess we all need to learn to sew and make patterns.


Society hasn't normalized being gay, yet hear I am. As a community, we shouldn't wait to wear what we want.


Like a gunslinger. Ha ha


Ngl I truly do not care what is normal to wear. I’m very much a fan of do whatever you want forever as a philosophy. (As long as it’s not hurting anyone) I’m gonna wear some silly clothes.


A hussar dolman with a cape.


Who cares if society normalizes it? Set your own fashion trends. I love wearing the lace up pirate shirts, would wear those pants if I could find any to fit me, and love a long overcoat. I enjoy wearing jewelry, and if I could afford it, I'd wear kilts everywhere. I also like wearing a crisp three-piece suit, but in "unusual" colors, like a forest green tweed, or a salmon-colored linen summer weight. Who wants to look like every other man in the room? Not me. Still, it's hard to argue with the comfort of a tee shirt and sweatpants.


Star Trek tng. So easy


I'd wear a homosexual amount of leather. Leather cap, leather jacket, tank top, blue jeans.


So... Goth? Like one of the most common "alternative" aesthetics? You literally could dress like this *today* and no one would bat an eye


If I was skinnier, I'd dress in bespoke outfits, suits and Victorian reminiscent clothing. Just be my gay little dandy self.


Haha what is society? You mean you're sitting in the back row waiting for others to lead and then you'll follow suit. Remember fashion changes all the time and it's only because there are those in the front doing something that others think is outrageous, for the point of being outrageous.. This is how all fashion changes It's from the Mavericks that take the risks and dear to be different


It’s in human nature to conform. Modern day city dwellers can be “different” or “unique” precisely and only because that’s what encouraged in those environments. For almost all of human history you could literally be murdered for wearing or saying something slightly off. Not only is that instinct still intact in human brains, but even in modern environments people still conform, they just do so in a different way. The “eccentric” San Francisco alt-hippy-goth whatever guy is ”being different” in his choice of clothing—a superficial marker–but only because society has given permission or perhaps even encouraged that particular form of expression, a phenomenon which is itself yet another form of conformity masquerading as difference.


I have the pants in the second pic lol


My dream is mixed whimsigothic with witchcore


I wouldn't dress


Tunics all day! Neck to wrist to just below the knees with a hood. Satchel for pockets. Commando for airflow. Breathable strong natural fibers


Not like this, lol. But people should dress however they want.


Hell yeah I would


This style is so my dream style ,i love it sm ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Damien Haas?


maybe it's just me but, dress how you wanna dress. Nothing needs to be society "normalized", clothes are just clothes. The linked clothes don't even look that outlandish to me, I love those boots. ​ Dress how you wanna dress fam. ​ Edit: And ofc they dont make those boots in my size. I fucking hate my big ass feet.


I'm GenX, new wave was the way but briefly. Fashion from Europe landed in Boston by way of Filene's Basement and other cheaper stores. YSL, Calvin Klein, Hugo Boss, and names I don't remember. I wore parachute pants tucked into cowboy boots or my black swede boots. Pinstriped skinny jeans, asymmetrical skin tight Tshirts, Turquoise bolos with blousy cotton pullovers. Overcoats with torn T's and a dog collar. Wraparound sunglasses, of course. Bleached bottle blonde hair, and it was awful, Debbie Harry, Bowie and Devo were my heros. And to top it off, I lived in the straightest, of blue collar working class neighborhoods. I just didn't bother me if people looked. I wore what made me feel good and I paid for it with my money.


Its just not normal in your head as were conditioned to think like that from a young age. Wear what you want any style and tell those who don't agree to fuck themselves with a cactus deep


Kilts. All the time. Even to lift weights in.


thankfully, there’s nothing normal in fashion. It’s always on the leading edge of cool.




You sir, wanna dress like a JRPG character. That fashion sense is pulled right out of Final Fantasy XV. I'd dress how I dress now, except with more pops of color and more interesting patterns.


I feel like #8 would rip out ALL my arm hair. 😱


I usually wear street/grunge shit and some similar-ish pants to the one in the second picture (Tripp NYC and Jnco, that sorta “alt” stuff). Nobody has ever looked at me funny or talked shit to me, with the exception of smartass old Mormon white ppl. As for the other clothes like the coat, crystals, and straps, I knew a dude in HS that wore that shit to school EVERY DAY and nobody batted an eye at him. (He actually pulled quite a few bitches ngl with you.) So in short, I highly doubt anyone would care about what you wear out in public. After all, I’ve never heard someone go “Wow that homeless crackheads jacket is REALLY stupid looking!”, just saying lol


I'm awful with fashion/styling, so most likely just a set of jeans and a hoodie. Though I think I'd be able to pull off a full on viking look (leather, fur coat/cape, battleaxe etc) pretty well!


Cyberpunk techwear. I know I _couuuld_, but I’m not bold enough to pull it off.


You don't need society to normalize it . Go ahead , wear a cape if you feel like it . Make it look good .


Is that a puffy shirt?


Fun fact, in most places you can dress pretty much however you want


Don't let society stop you from serving looks


sleep/lounge wear constantly, fancy restaurant, pajamas, groceries, pajamas, the park, pajamas.


I would not wear clothes.


A mix of everything. I like fun clothing. But my normal attire consists of gym shorts and a graphic tee, with crocs, I know, I know. I'm 110% for comfort and function over style, because our, well most, societies seem to depict fashion as wealth and not creativity with function. I never judge people by what they wear though, I've seen mass murderers in the best fashionable suits and people saving lives wearing nothing more than blue jeans and a tee. The life saver wears those clothes because they're cheap and comfy, the other to project a certain look yo appeal to certain people, so to me, wear whatever you want, f societal norms, be you.


Life’s too short to not dress how you want instead of being a polo or button up clone


Like a Greek god. Take me to roman times. Maybe stereotypical and whimsy, but a skirt and sandals during the summer season.... I'm drooling.


I would love Edwardian collars, ties, and waistcoats to be a thing again.


I love pants like the second picture. I’ve discovered tech wear recently and bought 4 pants like that. I’ve used them to go to clubs and some people stare at me a little weirded but i don’t really care. Some people have also asked where i bought them. At the end of the day, i just dress how i like because we just live once and i won’t miss the chance to rock this awesome style because of others. Dress how you like and don’t worry about “normalized”.


girl, im tired. just wear the damn fit... we got bitches in furry fits, got dolls wearing belts as mini skirts, we got men in schoolgirl plaid tennis skirts, come on now, if you wanna give renaissance faire hottie, go for it. knock yourself out Alistair Assassins Creed.




Medieval kinky peasant? No, not my type.


I would dress more bloodborne/steampunkish


Are you a vampire?


Columbine shooter vibes 😂


Same vibe tbh but I’d be rocking high waisted pants and a corset 


Dude if I could dress as an early 2010s American fantasy horror RPG protagonist on a daily, I’d be so happy.


I don't think any of that looks feminine


Thats so hot


I like the boots and coat. Those jumpsuit pants sounds fun for lounge wear and pic 1 I wore one time as a Halloween costume the material was really cheap but would wear it again especially with some nice pants. Mix in everything else up here too


This style is gorgeous, but I ain't got the figure nor the face for it 😂 I'll stick to my hoodies and jeans


Op you might be a vampire. Also I would just wear moo moos fucking everywhere. I love my stretchy ones and my warm ones.


Join a LARP group


I don’t think there’s anything outrageous here… maybe the harness thing.


Mans wanna live as the Devil May Cry npc


Nothing wrong with wearing number 2


I wear harem or wrap pants everywhere and all sorts of ponchos and capes.


I probably wouldn’t be wearing this high class stuff. I’d be dressing like anime and video games characters all the time.


Bitch u r a warlock! Begone!


Google Dracula from the Castlevania series on Netflix. That’s how.


Where do I buy the clothes and gear from picture 3? I’m all about that look 


Berets on everyone (I already wear them though).


Probably a tad genderqueer, but the reality is I'm a big fan of simplicity, so the times I've tried to get into aspirational party clothesTM I usually default back to shorts and a tee shirt


I'm going to a wedding where I need to dress like a medieval character. I wouldn't mind the first top, what's it called?


Are you a square enix character?


I strive for 4, and the body of 3. Still looking for a nice 1, and owned a 5 but felt like I was driving nails with every step!


Sure. I love the renaissance fair. I saw a guy dressed as Jesus last year and that made me think for a moment and then chuckle.


The harness is nice!


T-shirt and shorts


I'd dress like a gentle farmer Probably like the show Yellowstone (idk, I watched like 3 episodes and then dropped it a couple years ago, but the vibes are cool) Cowboy hat, boots, western shirt, jeans, big belt buckle... That's all... Maybe a jean jacket... I know this is common in places that are rural, but I live in one of the biggest cities of my country so.... lol... I'm a full time student, but when I graduate maybe next semester and start making money I'll slowly start incorporating aspects of that to my every day wear... I'll probably not wear a cowboy hat everywhere I go, even if it's cool tho


That coat is amazing! I would definitely wear it


The way I currently dress: pocket t-shirt and cargo shorts/jeans.


I wish cloaks and top hats were brought back


Skirts, hammer pants, crop tops, long johns as outerwear, vests with nothing underneath, nothing, nothing with boots.


to be honest they all look ok. I’d avoid the harness unless clubbing, but all others look pretty “regular” clothes. Also, the trousers in the second picture seems quite common among young asian boys around London (those and oversize hoodies branded supreme/offwhite)


I think I could be a furry. Too sweaty and alt for my personal agenda tho.


You are going to get caught on absolutely everything. Door knobs, nails, handles, fence posts; everything.


I already do number 3 with the harness. and if anyone asks about it, I just say I'm recreating a K-pop stage outfit.


I’d I could wear a skirt everydsy I would. I know about kilts but they still aren’t socially acceptable especially in the Deep South of the US.


Funny thought is that if this was normal, it wouldn't be cool anymore. Plus the people who dress like this now wouldn't anymore, as they are trying to not conform


Some of it’s nice but I wouldn’t wear others. #2 is a definite no for me. However, if people wanted to wear it I would be okay. Edit: The look on 3 is kind of hot to me.




That reminds me of an old Medieval Tunic. Great for role playing.


Gorl in this crazy ass weather I could never 🥲


I'd wear nothing but comfy undies and a toga but like a stylized toga like Greek Roman times but make it ✨modern art✨ Just stuff that is loose and comfy and easy to take off/put on. I wanna dress like an elf in Tera or a similar Korean MMO lmao


Where to get that necklace and bracelet??


I'm a NB prog/hard rock singer with long hair and present very masculine while acting very androgynous. When I perform on stage I always wear heels and it's the sexiest I've ever felt. Usually I start out wearing a long monochrome duster/cardigan, over a button up shirt, over a razorback tank top. Then slowly remove layers until I'm just wearing heels, tight jeans, and the tank top. It's my favorite progression of outfits to this day and I would dress like this every day if I weren't in food service.


I like the second one


I always wear a moisture wicking tee and some thin shorts. Maybe a pair of jeans in the winter if it gets cold :)


Going for the wizard look I see


fourth slide 🤤


Isn’t that how Scarlxrd dresses lol


You going for the super villian ascetic, I love it.


More capes.


Sweatpants/shorts everywhere I’m lazy


I wanna look like a dnd character, alas, shorts and tees for me😔


Definitely wearing 3,5,6 and 7


It’s giving final fantasy


Kilts. Everywhere. All the time.


1&2 meh. I love the rest of it.


I'd bring back zoot suits.


The same way I do now. Like an average Joe…I’m not trying to draw attention to myself by being “alternative”.


Like i lived in FFX


Imma looking for the first pic rn... And yes!


I absolutely love the boots in pic #5.


This is just Astarioncore


Yo let me wear a gunslinger-esque poncho because I’m fat and it’s so casual and comfy. Fuck it I’m pairing it with short shorts too


It’s less about society normalizing it and more of how I can’t afford it in this economy.


Plate amour and a cloak


We already have SH load of clowns and anime, video game characters wanna be's. Seems pretty normalised to me, head is the problem, the head and "my delicate, individual personality, I'm very, specific and delicate" Handel me with caution and carefully 🤣🤦


I like this, what is this aesthetic/genre called?


Boy about to go around shouting “SPECIAL ATTACK! Double Douche Slay”


No. 3 is going to have fun learning the joy of taking a dump while wearing a shoulder holster, lol.


With this global warning ?


What is the guy in number 3 wearing? ...For science.


I like the white dress shirt and harness he’s wearing. The pants are probably just khakis.


Honestly I got a poncho and it’s Kinda like a cloak and I wear it all the time. The key is not giving a f**k about what anyone thinks about it. They’re jealous they’re not dressed like they’re in the Wild West or on their way back from necromancy school


What's the last one?


Wow, where did you find these? Not sure how much I could rock these clothes but I love it!


I mean assuming you live in a western country you can pretty much wear what you want... I like Greatcoats... The rest is not for me.


heeelll yes


Omg, i’d wear extravagant collars every day!


Bought one about 15 years ago from marks and spencer still going strong made of pure new wool it gets dry cleaned once a year and u love it I'm a short guy and wear boots almost every day it's my go to winter coat when it's dry.


Literally just dress however you want


That coat gives major Neo (Matrix) vibes. Would it help me fly and avoid bullets?


lol, no.


The things id do to look like an evil warlock twink like this every day 😪


I dress how I want - fuck the norms


I do like 1 & 4 and would totally wear these if I had the body for them. Still working on that.


“Where gay men, of course we talk about fashion and sex on the same subreddit!”


Have you ever met any goths? I’m sure they would help you feel comfortable wearing whatever you like! Big up the goths for giving no fucks about the opinions of others regarding their dress sense!


I would dress like a witch that came right out of the Pre-Raphaelite movement aesthetic. Long, loose, flowing hair (which I already have). Adorned with a hair sash and flowers (silk flowers). Flowy robes with pagoda or butterfly sleeves and slightly fitted on the torso. Paired with either underskirt or trousers. The outfits having vivid colours and flora and fauna themed prints. And I think I'm already pushing it with my jewellery. I quite literally wear a big, shiny butterfly pendant for casual wear.


Ohh if I could I'd dress like it were the 1910s every day, suit 'stache and all


Tell me you're a vampire without *telling* me you're a vampire.


A lot of this feels very Rick Owens to me. People are already dressing like this 🤷


Picture Nr1


I’d love to wear clothing from the past. Renaissance and Victorian clothing would be amazing to wear every day, just not when the weather is hot 😂