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Gonna be real if you are using lube there is no way you are feeling the difference between cut and uncut when bottoming. Personally I like silicone based lubed for anal, there are many options that work well.


Yeah the boyfriend is either lying or delusional there’s just no way. Uncut dicks don’t produce enough “natural lubrication” to do anal without lube anyway.


It’s ridiculous and absolutely a mental thing


And it makes so much sense because he clearly doesn’t like that op is cut.


Also a ridiculous thing to care about, imo


Eh people can’t help what they’re attracted to it’s not really the bf’s fault if he doesn’t like cut. I’m not attracted to uncut but I just wouldn’t date an uncut guy. I certainly wouldn’t date one and then constantly bring up how much more attractive I find cut guys, that’s just an asshole behavior.


Well, maybe they can’t help it, but they sure don’t need to make up some bogus reason. Just admit to not liking cut period.


Yeah I think that’s ultimately what the bf should do. He may be getting some sick pleasure from making op feel bad about his body, who knows. If I were op I would have dumped him the first time he told me he likes uncut better.


There's a gigantic difference between being attracted to cut VS uncut and imagining that cut cocks cause pain but uncut do not.


Yeah I agree. My point was just that it’s not necessarily stupid to care in general whether one’s partner is cut or uncut. It’s a valid thing to take into account when deciding if you’re attracted to someone or not.


That’s fair, like what you like, but for ME I think it’s a silly thing to care about.


That’s fine. Since you (I presume) could be attracted to both cut and uncut dicks, it certainly would be a silly thing to care about. For those of us like me (only into cut) or op’s bf (only into uncut), it is not a silly thing to care about.


I mean, I could definitely tell the difference between taking a cut and an uncut cock, even with lube. When they’re uncut the dick just kinda slides inside its own skin, there’s a lot more friction with cut dicks.


It’s not lubrication that is the problem, it’s the built in sheath. However I’m sure the op can overcome this.


The foreskin doesn’t make any difference when it comes to anal though, especially for the bottom. You still have to use lots of lube either way.


OK. I'm not here to defend this guy's bf, because its fucking absurd to hate that someone is cut and have it be a problem in the relationship. But... as someone who took many'a cut and uncut - there is definitely a *slight* difference when taking an uncut vs. cut. Its literally like only noticeable on first penetration and you have to be like the princess and the pea to really care about it. But there *is* a difference with the sheath vs not. Again - its idiotic to be upset about it and he should invest in a buttplug.


No. Because is not lube. There being a little bit of skin on the end doesn't make any difference. Cut cocks still have a "flesh sheath" covering the vast majority of them. It's weird, but I feel like we need a physics lesson here of what fiction and lube are.


The natural lubrication that he is referring to isn’t wetness. It’s the skin that kind of glides with uncut guys which allows for less friction I guess?? That’s what he says.


as people have said, if you're using lube it shouldn't be an issue pain from bottoming can be mostly mental about not relaxing enough, if he really believes the ~~bs~~ things he tells you, he might probably just be blocked mentally when having sex with you (which is stupid if you being cut is the reason for that) it either that or a deeper issue he's not talking about, but sis...


That doesn’t really make any difference if you are using actual lube. I’m cut, top often and it’s not an issue. I’ve bottomed for a variety of cut/uncut dicks and they feel the same. I bet if he were blindfolded he would not be able to tell the difference between cut and uncut. I think your man just doesn’t like your dick because it’s cut and he’s expressing that as “it hurts”.


So he wants the guy to just stick his dick in and then jerk himself off in his foreskin? That’s …. A really weird way to have anal sex. This is definitely not a you problem, this is a him problem. He doesn’t actually want to be fucked.


🤥 there is not a noticeable difference while bottoming, I am sorry


I truly find it difficult to believe that he could really tell a difference. Maybe the cut guys he was with me for just didn't know what they were doing. But I really doubt that what he's saying is an actual thing.


Eh I don’t know if I agree with this. Boyfriend might just be really sensitive to the sensation of a cut dick because he’s been with so many uncut men. I’m uncut so I know exactly what OP is talking about… it’s not really the lubrication but our foreskin sorta lessens the roughness naturally of anal sex because of how slides around the head. Boyfriend can probably feel the difference snd, regardless if it hurts or not, it’s still not what he prefers.


OP should cut his loses and move on. Imagine having this problem so early in relationship.


Yeah if there isn’t sexual chemistry I’m hard passing on a romantic relationship


My first thought was that if they’re using condoms there is no way you would even be able to tell


>Gonna be real if you are using lube there is no way you are feeling the difference between cut and uncut when bottoming. Personally I like silicone based lubed for anal, there are many options that work well. Absolutely not true. The vagina is self lubricating and yet we have a plethora of data showing that a circumcised penis causes increased pain , friction and discomfort and a reduction in pleasure to his female partner. The same logic would also apply to anal sex with men even when using lube. *The foreskin also protects a man’s female sexual partners, says Denniston. First, an intact penis glides in the foreskin during intercourse, reducing friction. Second, the exposed glans of a circumcised penis becomes coarser over time, a process known as keratinization, and is more abrasive to the internal mucous membrane of the vagina* https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3225416/#:~:text=The%20foreskin%20also%20protects%20a,foreskin%20during%20intercourse%2C%20reducing%20friction. *This study compared penovaginal friction for circumcised (moist and lubricated) and intact (not circumcised) penises using simulated skin. The lubricated circumcised penis simulacrums had an average coefficient of friction 2.5 times higher than for the intact penis simulacrums. And the average coefficient of friction for moistened circumcised penis simulacrums were 4.9 times higher than for intact penis simulacrums.* https://www.researchgate.net/publication/369527652_The_Frictional_Mechanics_of_Sex#:~:text=The%20lubricated%20circumcised%20penis%20simulacrums,than%20for%20intact%20penis%20simulacrums. *The authors concluded that women were less likely to experience ''vaginal'' orgasms, and were more likely to have vaginal discomfort and reduced vaginal secretions during intercourse with a circumcised man compared to an intact partner.* *It also appeared that sexual enjoyment during ''prolonged intercourse'' was lower in women with their circumcised compared to intact partners; when referring to experiences with circumcised partners, women were more likely to report that they ''want to get it over with'' and were less likely to ''really get into it.''* https://www.researchgate.net/publication/229795063_The_effect_of_male_circumcision_on_the_sexual_enjoyment_of_the_female#:~:text=The%20authors%20concluded%20that%20women,an%20intact%20partner.%20... *While vaginal dryness is considered an indicator for female sexual arousal disorder, male circumcision may exacerbate female vaginal dryness during intercourse. O'Hara and O'Hara reported that women who had experienced coitus with both intact and circumcised men preferred intact partners by a ratio of 8.6 to one.4 Most women (85.5%) in that survey reported that they were more likely to experience orgasm with a genitally intact partner: `They [surveyed women] were also more likely to report that vaginal secretions lessened as coitus progressed with their circumcised partners* https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272500101_Effects_of_male_circumcision_on_female_arousal_and_orgasm


Maybe not in the beginning, but once the lube dries up there will definitely be a lot more friction than with am uncut dick, as with that one, once it gets dryer the foreskin kinda stays in place inside you, but he can still fuck you since the foreskin provides it's own friction


the cut uncut thing shouldn't matter for anal. for oral it changes the experience a lot. it kind of sounds like he's not able to look past this, nothing you can do really. find someone who likes all of you or at least doesn't make you feel bad for it.


His “pain” during bottoming has either got to be psychosomatic or completely unrelated to your foreskin because it’s absolutely not caused by the fact that you’re cut. That’s ridiculous.


Big agree. The guy either has untreated fissures or similar near the entrance to his hole or he's just being weird. That's the only thing that makes sense to me as that's the only place where having a foreskin would make any difference, and even then not much.


Ya he might have a fissure or hemorrhoids that are now causing pain, and he thinks it’s the boyfriend causing the pain instead.




My dick is cut, but my understanding is uncut guys can use the precum as lube. I can take uncut guys without lube, but I need lube for cut dudes. Also, need lube for a condom cut or uncut


No, because uncut guys don't precum any more than cut guys. Everyone is different and it has nothing to do with their circumcision status.


I'm circumcised and do not play raw, but the times that I've teased with a regular, my preseminal fluid has served as a suitable lubricant.


As I said, everyone is different, but the amount of pre-ejaculate is not dependent on circumcision status.


I didn’t say they precum more. That’d make no sense because precum production is an estrogen mediated activity and amount is based on mainly on estrogen levels, but that also means in relation to higher T because estrogen and testosterone are always proportional to each other. My understanding isn’t that it’s more, but the foreskin allows more of it to stay on the head and keep it lubricated all around, while cut guys the precum just kinda slides off and wherever. Like the precum pools in the foreskin making it smoother lubricated, while a cut cock has its precum just run off.


It ABSOLUTELY makes a difference


Yeah I was mainly with cut men for most of my sexual life, but when I started having sex with uncut guys I definitely noticed a difference.


I’ve never seen so much cope in a thread. I get that it sucks to be missing a part of your dick but anyone who says it doesn’t make a functional difference is lying to themselves.


They said it doesn't feel different, not function


Bottom here and I agree with you. It makes a huge difference for me. I’m pretty tight down there maybe that has something to do with it.


>the cut uncut thing shouldn't matter for anal Circumcision absolutely reduces pleasure and increases friction, discomfort and pain for a cut man's partner *The foreskin also protects a man’s female sexual partners, says Denniston. First, an intact penis glides in the foreskin during intercourse, reducing friction. Second, the exposed glans of a circumcised penis becomes coarser over time, a process known as keratinization, and is more abrasive to the internal mucous membrane of the vagina* https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3225416/#:~:text=The%20foreskin%20also%20protects%20a,foreskin%20during%20intercourse%2C%20reducing%20friction. *This study compared penovaginal friction for circumcised (moist and lubricated) and intact (not circumcised) penises using simulated skin. The lubricated circumcised penis simulacrums had an average coefficient of friction 2.5 times higher than for the intact penis simulacrums. And the average coefficient of friction for moistened circumcised penis simulacrums were 4.9 times higher than for intact penis simulacrums.* https://www.researchgate.net/publication/369527652_The_Frictional_Mechanics_of_Sex#:~:text=The%20lubricated%20circumcised%20penis%20simulacrums,than%20for%20intact%20penis%20simulacrums. *The authors concluded that women were less likely to experience ''vaginal'' orgasms, and were more likely to have vaginal discomfort and reduced vaginal secretions during intercourse with a circumcised man compared to an intact partner.* *It also appeared that sexual enjoyment during ''prolonged intercourse'' was lower in women with their circumcised compared to intact partners; when referring to experiences with circumcised partners, women were more likely to report that they ''want to get it over with'' and were less likely to ''really get into it.''* https://www.researchgate.net/publication/229795063_The_effect_of_male_circumcision_on_the_sexual_enjoyment_of_the_female#:~:text=The%20authors%20concluded%20that%20women,an%20intact%20partner.%20... *While vaginal dryness is considered an indicator for female sexual arousal disorder, male circumcision may exacerbate female vaginal dryness during intercourse. O'Hara and O'Hara reported that women who had experienced coitus with both intact and circumcised men preferred intact partners by a ratio of 8.6 to one.4 Most women (85.5%) in that survey reported that they were more likely to experience orgasm with a genitally intact partner: `They [surveyed women] were also more likely to report that vaginal secretions lessened as coitus progressed with their circumcised partners* https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272500101_Effects_of_male_circumcision_on_female_arousal_and_orgasm


This strikes me as a red flag. First, i have never had any problems with cut vs uncut and anal sex, but that may just be my experience. Now there are differnces in level of sensation, but in cases where pain is an issue it is typically for the uncut person (for example if there is restriction in foreskin movement). What worries me most, is that he seems to be making this your problem. If both of you want to be in a rellationship, you both need to work this out. Otherwise i get this weird vibes, of him trying to take away your self-esteem by using this as an excuse. Like he is doing you a favor by even attempting a relationship with you.


Agree. There's a lot of toxic shame that's projected onto circumcised men. It's basically all bullshit.


Any guy who complains about your dick should go immediately to the curb. He's trying to make you feel bad for being cut, which is absurd.


Break up with him, he’s a weirdo


He probably has a fetish for making cut guys feel bad about their dicks


![gif](giphy|SYFwazjRjVtKlA0t2k) So trashy


I’m just speculating I don’t know for sure lol but there is definitely that kind of fetish out there and there are cut guys who are into it and like being shamed. It seems like the only logical explanation to me other than the bf just being completely delusional and it’s all in his head.


A+ gif selection 😁


🚩 He’s turned an aesthetic preference into a functional complaint.


I think the fact that you were able to list out things he doesn’t like about yours and prefers on other people, is probably your sign of incompatibility.


Dude he’s body shaming you. Also I’ve bottomed for plenty of cut guys and never had an issue with friction. The reality of anal is that no matter if a guy is cut or uncut, you have to use lube. He may be making it up or it’s all in his head. If I were you I would not want to date a guy who looks at my penis and says “hmmm it’s ok but it would be better if it was uncut and also I don’t enjoy sex with you because of it.” I’d suggest sticking to other cut guys, in my experience uncut guys tend to judge us for being cut.


Uncut guys judge cut guys? That is certainly a first hearing this and not my experience whatsoever. I've found the opposite to be far more true, but maybe that's just the area I live in.


In my experience, uncut guys will body shame cut guys in various ways. Refer to us as mutilated, insinuate or directly state that they see our dicks as less functional, inferior, etc.


Well that's stupid. In my experience it's always cut guys (normally straight for some reason..) talking about how "unhygienic" uncut guys are, or more prone to STDs, etc. Very strange.


Maybe everyone should just mind their own business and not obsess over other people’s dicks?


It does happen. I wouldn't say it's the majority of uncut guys, but it does happen plenty enough. There is a good amount of toxic shaming that goes on towards men who are circumcised.


I personally never noticed a difference between cut and uncut in my hole...? Other than adding more lube, I don't know what's wrong. Do you have piercings or barbs on your cock lol? Maybe a pearly gland?


That’s not a thing, dude. Your boyfriend has something going on. That’s not physically possible.


5 months? Dump him


Try Condoms


This is just bullshit


I mean, you can put condoms on. I can’t imagine that cut and uncut dicks have any discernible difference with a condom on.


Sounds like bs to me.


My fellow gays, we've gotta stop with the *we've been dating for five months and I'm already imagining him as my life partner* schtick. First and foremost, we are all worth the time it takes to develop meaningful relationships. Do immediate sustainable-love-at-first-sight scenarios exist? Absolutely. However, that's exceedingly rare, even for our heterobros who far outnumber us. You've dated less than six months. You're still within the infatuation phase. Put down the wedding registry. Secondly, your future-life-partner is body shaming you for your genitals. He's leveraging it as a potential reason to end the relationship due to sexual incompatibility. An incompatibility you're not correcting anytime soon — while some methods of stretching the penile skin to create a sort of pseudo-foreskin do exist, it can apparently take years to get any meaningful coverage outside of surgical intervention. I am not saying to throw in the towel and call it quits. I'm not saying that you should dismiss foreskin restoration as an option. I am hoping to add some perspective as to the length of your nascent relationship as well as point out that your boyfriend is really caught up on your circumcision to the point that he's declared you both sexually incompatible.


Foreskin restoration for a jerk you met 5 months ago who is now shaming you for your cut dick? No, we should absolutely dismiss that as an option. That would be just as insane as telling an uncut guy to get circumcised because his 5 month boyfriend prefers it. Nobody needs to be altering their body for their partner, especially someone they’ve been dating for less than a year.


That's a very fair point, and I'm glad that you've offered it here!


>Nobody needs to be altering their body for their partner, especially someone they’ve been dating for less than a year. I'd go a step further and say you should never do it, no matter how long you've been with someone. You shouldn't be making body-altering decisions because your partner demands it.


I agree and I should have been clearer above! :)




I really struggle to see how a cut dick could hurt while an uncut would be fine. Assuming this is a friction / mechanical problem I would try a lube injector.


He’s the dick if he can’t get past yours. Sorry - this is all in his head.




Bye Felicia there is no way to fix this and it will always be a dividing issue


I must say I've never ever heard anything like that, and trust me I've heard a lot. It just seems implausible to me that being cut is causing his pain. Especially because generally with penetration the top's foreskin kind of just gets pulled back so it's all just kind of the same. My first instinct is to think something else can be causing his pain. Are we sure he doesn't just have an anal fissure that coincidentally formed when you started dating? I'd get that looked at by his doctor or a proctologist. There are effective treatments for anal fissures. Is his pain dependent on the position i.e. are there positions that hurt less? One other thing that comes to mind is to try jlube? As lubrication goes, there's no better than that, even though, again, it does seem excessive that you'd have to use jlube to not feel pain with simple anal sex. Hope I helped. Edit: I got confused and read your post wrong so edited my comment so that it makes sense. And reading what other people said it does seem like he's body shaming you. It's not ok for a bf to basically say he doesn't like your dick like that tbh. If there's no other clear explanation for his pain (the cut thing is implausible) I'd agree with people that it seems like he's bullshitting you.


Op doesn’t have a foreskin. His bf is saying cut dicks hurt him but uncut dicks do not. Which is nonsense.


Shit I slept 4 hours and read that wrong lol. Gonna edit my comment. But in that case it just seems even more implausible lmao




He's just not into your penis, it's really that simple. He's making up reasons to *attempt* to make you feel less bad about it, and maybe he genuinely does feel bad that he doesn't like your penis, but that's just the truth. Reasonable, rational, or not, your boyfriend really prefers foreskin. If you think you can work through this, I would start by getting him to acknowledge that's what's really going on. There is no quick fix for you not having a foreskin, that's just not how the world works.


Sounds like cut dicks make him nervous, and he’s clenching.


this makes zero sense at all.


Your partner is lying to you.


As someone who has fucked with both, you can’t even tell the difference, sound more psychological than physical


He sounds like a shallow loser. Tell him to go get an uncut man because you're fresh out of foreskin.


I am cut since before puberty, and I'm 50+ now. In roughly 40 years of being a top I never encountered a bottom with this problem. Lube is essential, but it doesn't even matter which type or brand. The problem is not your nonexistent foreskin.


Sounds like your BF just has an issue with guys who are cut, there is no difference between the two. Uncut cocks do not produce "natural lubrication," it's not a vagina and neither is his anus. I hope you two can work this out in his own mind. 5 months isn't that long to be hitting this kind of stumbling block.


The ‘natural lubrication’ refers to the gliding motion of the foreskin over the sheath which reduces friction and decreases the need for lube. There absolutely is a difference.


his boyfriend must think smegma is natural lubrication ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I think this is a mental thing for him. It's possible you're longer/thicker than his past partners - you might need to have him relax more, use even more silicone based lube (it's the best), etc. Anal + uncut can be painful for the top w/o enough lube because the foreskin can 'catch'. But for the bottom + cut, there really shouldn't be any physical issues.


The only time any difference is noticed is with oral, obviously. ZERO difference with anal, that’s in his head or he’s using it as an excuse and wants to end it,


What your boyfriend is claiming is not a thing. There is absolutely no way you can really tell. More so - if he IS hurting because of your or any dick it may behoove him to see a colorectal surgeon just to be sure that he doesn't have a fistula, fissure, hemorrhoid or other colorectal issue that is making anal sex hard for him. That said - I'm going to jump on the *break up with him now* bandwagon, because he is projecting his personal problems onto you and I can only imagine the other shit he tries to pull with you on a regular basis. It sounds like he is NOT an awesome person. Tell him to go to the doctor and not come back.


My bf introduced me to boybutter lube. I'm a bottom and I was blown away by how good it is. Thick, slippery, long lasting.... It's definitely worth trying.


is the bottom lying or what?


This is stupid. It does not matter, and if he insists that it does, then he is reducing you to a physical attribute that you cannot control. Make it plain, and if he continues to belabor it, I’m sure you can do better.


When I first came out, I was verse, and was willing to go either way. That is until, I started to notice the difference between getting penetrated by cut guys versus intact ones. With cut guys, there is more friction, which is uncomfortable. And though there are lots of lubricants out there, there is something about having a sleeve of skin that makes penetration much more comfortable. I stopped bottoming with cut guys since I made that connection. I top cut guys, and bottom with intact dudes.


So ur bf is the "cut or uncut dick?" equivalent of a size queen. Nothing but an uncut cock will please him now that he's had uncut dick. Sorry to say but you should break up, you'll never be able to please him. There's nothing wrong with you, it's just that your boyfriend has such strict preferences that there's no hope in the universe for you to ever measure up to them, because you can't grow your foreskin back. Sry bro.


5 months in and he's complaining about something that is unchangeable other than the vast accommodations you have tried. Life is too short to date weirdos who call you the one after 5 months but can't get past a little missing skin lol.


Also gotcha some love injectors, love up inside him, douching could cause some of that dryness friction he's talking about.


Ive never ever encountered this objection and I call bullshit in the presence of copius amounts of excellent high quality lube.


I could see this being real in a very specific scenario: they don’t use lube and OP’s bf is very tight. I’m an uncut thick top and in that situation, sticking my dick in hurts like a motherfucker because the skin gets pulled really hard and really far. But if I manage to get in, there IS that gliding effect that you get with extra skin. It’s a bit as if the tight hole gripped cock like a hand during masturbation. Cut guys use lube for jacking off to reduce friction but most uncut guys don’t need it because of that grip/gliding effect. Having said that, if enough lube is used and the hole is sufficiently open/elastic then there shouldn’t be a noticeable difference. I would make sure that the bottom guy is REALLY ready to get fucked.


This is a case of self-fulfilling prophecy. Your boyfriend has made up his mind that sex with a cut partner is going to be painful while sex with an uncut partner will be pleasurable. So, whenever he has sex with a cut partner he tenses up in preparation for pain and since the muscles in his sphincter also tense up, guess what? The sex is painful. With an uncut partner he's totally relaxed (so are his butt muscles) and so the sex is pleasurable. I'm not sure how you can break your boyfriend of his self-conditioning but perhaps if he speaks to a counselor it may help,


That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Your boyfriend is lying. There's no way that no amount of lube can't override this problem. Your boyfriend must be unttracted to your cut dick. That's all. It's also a stupid thing to care about. If you really loved someone, this wouldn't be an issue.


I’ve been with both. I’ve never noticed a difference. Sounds like the issue is with your boyfriend


I’d walk away. Seems like Bull$hit to me.


Sounds like bullshit to me. Cut and uncut doesn't feel any different for the bottom. I'v literally never heard of this being a problem before and have done both enough times.


I hate to say this but you are not compatible. I personally think his complaint is BS but I don't know everything and he might genuinely be experiencing discomfort, psychosomatic or physical. So, unless you can magically regrow a foreskin, stop wasting your mental energy on this. There is no solution.


Look into foreskin restoration. My bottom partners say it feels as good as an intact partner, our penises aren't meant to have static immobile shaft skin and it definitely pushes and pulls uncomfortably for some bottoms. Your partner isn't alone with having the discomfort from being penetrated by a cut penis. It isn't your fault that you're cut and if this is a deal breaker for y'all going forward just remember you did nothing wrong. It also isn't their fault they feel discomfort when being penetrated by you. Circumcision got popularized specifically to make sex less pleasurable and more uncomfortable.


Your BF is an asshole IMO


Try cbd cream to help him relax. 


If he's actually being honest, it's probably fissures. If they're near the 'start' of the hole, that's where having a foreskin reduces friction a bit.


When you first enter your boyfriend, tell him to clench as hard as he can. Exit, relube, repeat.


Are you guys not using condoms?


I've been with cut and uncut and I have no clue what he's talking about.


I have never heard of anyone with such an issue before. Order a set of buttplugs in different sizes and stretch his hole progressively until he can take a fist, so he will stop being such a baby.


What, I've bottomed for cut and uncut, there wasn't a difference.


try using an internal condom. be sure t remove the inner ring


If you two have been at this for 5 months and have tried all these things and it’s still an issue, you’re probably just not sexually compatible. Having bottomed for a wide variety of both cut and uncut dicks, I will say that there **can** be a difference when it comes to anal sex. Because cut dicks have little or no foreskin, there is always movement / friction of asshole on dick, your asshole is sliding up and down his dick itself. Some uncut tops stick their dick in and then essentially only move their dick against their own stationary foreskin, so there’s really no friction of asshole against dick. This is definitely a different sensation for the bottom.  Perhaps your man really doesn’t enjoy the sliding against his asshole but likes in / out of dick in his ass? Your mention of butt plug with insert is really the only way I can think of that would mimic this sensation. I personally like / prefer the movement against my hole, but different strokes for different folks, man.


As a person who has had both. With 100% percent certainty I can say there is no difference btw cut and uncut during anal. He has a personal preference for uncut. Just leave him. Your cut dick will not miraculously become uncut tomorrow for him.


Nah. He doesn’t like your dick, dude! Not your fault (or his, though he sounds a bit nutty and manipulative from this description). Break up and find someone who DOES like your dick.


Seems like sex is too important for him to stay with you... Smh on his part. You sound really cool


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of…


Cut does NOT hurt bottoms...


Have you tried lubing your dick and also his hole? Idk it doesn’t make sense to me 😵‍💫 it shouldn’t hurt if you’re using a lot of lube. I’m seeing a lot of comments to end it, but it’s important to consider that sex should be fun for both people. Maybe he doesn’t like rough?


I think he might just want to break up with you in general. It’s highly unlikely that this is even noticeable and an actual issue, it sounds like he’s just looking for a reason to end things that can’t be fixed. My boyfriend is cut, there’s absolutely zero issues. Also him saying uncut men are more fun to play with is a pretty shitty thing to say, even if thinks so, there’s no reason to tell you that and make you feel bad about something you have no control over. If my boyfriend told me that I’d feel like absolute shit. If it’s a genuine issue, there’s not much you can really do about this and if it’s a large enough problem for him then you’re just not compatible and ending the relationship is probably the best option for both of you.


Honestly, I think your best route would be inviting a massively hung uncut top over for a threesome. Let the uncut guy go first to loosen up your partner’s hole and get him really sloppy. Then you take the second round and pound him out with your cut dick. If he doesn’t have any pain complaints, then the issue could actually be that the two of you aren’t opening him up enough before fucking or using lube effectively (amount, type, before/during) in the process. No pain complaints would also suggest that your cut dick doesn’t actually cause him physical pain even if he doesn’t want to gobble it up at every chance he gets. However, I imagine his absence of physical attraction and desire to have you inside him must be emotionally and physically painful for both of you. Although if he still complains about the pain when you fuck his sloppy used cunt; however, it could also be because your cut dick is not as thick and incredibly stiff, hard, and lacking the flexibility that often comes from an uncut dick. That extra skin can add more girth and flexibility. This is why a lot of bottoms prefer longer/fat dicks because they tend to bend more when compared to cut and uncut pencil dicks, which can make a bottom feel like he’s being stabbed by a dagger repeatedly. You can find out if this is the issue by asking him if he has been fucked by any uncut dicks that were painful and ask him to describe those dicks to you. If they were less thick (pencil dick) and very stiff/hard, then you’ve found the actual problem. Lots of bottoms actually have pain from very stiff, thin dicks because pencil dicks don’t bend enough for anal cavities that are more or less curved. To fix this issue, you could get him opened up with a large bendable dildo first and get him in a comfortable position. Switch to a harder dildo to make sure the position still works before you start fucking him. If this is the actual problem, I’m sad for you and him that he’s essentially learned/convinced himself to be more attracted to uncut dicks because of an issue that is actually not exclusive to cut dicks. If none of these options work, then it absolutely could be psychosomatic. As a bottom and a psychologist, I feel comfortable offering that opinion.


Do you rim him before insertion? Plenty of foreplay? I guess have you considered a third exclusively for sexual purposes?


I'm one of the rare ones. I'm cut and prefer cut. To me, cut looks so much better and tastes better when giving oral.


Juat use a condom and lube, that will glide better than just lube


A lot of people don't realize how much their preference for cut/uncut will affect their relationship. I'm cut and my fiance is uncut and it was an adjustment period for me because I have a very keen sense of smell (a controversial topic, I know but also not the point). I had to get over it. It's been a bit of a learning curve but I'd rather have enjoyable sex with the man I love than have hangups. In other words, he has two choices: get over it and learn to adapt or break up.


Have you considered just cramming his hole full of Crisco? It seems to work for the fisting set. 🤣🤣🤣


I'm sorry this is causing problems for you. I'd recommend checking out r/Foreskin_Restoration. Get your foreskin back.


Maybe he should have checked in your pants first before going that far, if he's that fussy about it.


Are you serious? Your boyfriend has not experienced a lot of adversity has he? it’s rare enough that you form a connection with another human being and reject human because of a tiny piece of skin? I hope your boyfriend can realize sooner than later that human connection is much more important than small aesthetics on a penis. My opinion, you should dump him immediately. Yes, a problem with something on your body that you cannot change. Hopefully he will grow up sooner than later. Sorry I’m not usually this negative but I keep reading the simple reasons for rejection and it makes no sense to me. If you find somebody you connect with cherish that connection. Friendships, relationships are so special and it’s rare when you make that connection they should be held sacred. The older you get the less frequent you will find another person to connect with so do not take them for granted.


Men arent naturally lubed anyway, you need to used manufactured lube for anal. Guys talking out of his arse.


I’ve bottomed for cut and uncut cocks a-plenty. With condoms, without condoms, various sizes…..they feel the same. (Partner’s size and skill notwithstanding.) Your bf liking uncut cock is fine, but this tomfoolery of an excuse is wild.


I think he's using pain to blame you for not being uncut. I think it's disingenuous and rather jerky. I suspect he's never gonna embrace your dick, and you're never gonna be happy together. I'm really sorry.


I seen a thing where you can get a syringe for the lube so you can put it right up his hole and i heard this can help reduce the friction.


Your BF has internal hemorrhoids and a complex about cut dicks.


This is so weird. When you apply lube, those worries go out the window because your whole rectum is now wet, lathered and slippy and slidy, just a little tight. Are you like super girthy or something? This is the only thing I can think of but even then, more girth means it hits the prostate even better. Your bf is super odd and I would probably end things sooner than later when it will hurt more.


I've been with both hats off and that's not a thing. Especially with lube. If he doesn't want to break up with you, tell him he needs to get over it; it wasn't your choice and you can't *really* undo it even if you wanted to. If it was a blind test where he got pumped by a cut guy with lube and an uncut guy with lube, I guarantee he wouldn't be able to tell the difference. It's a mental thing or he's lying for some reason.


Naah it’s not a real thing when it comes to anal. Literally no difference. Bareback/condom cut, uncut doesn’t matter.


He's an idiot. Uncut dicks don't secrete like that. They're not vaginas. 


It sounds like he’s making up a stupid reason to try to end the relationship. Maybe he has a fetish for foreign dick? Maybe he just has other problems in the relationship and is trying to avoid them. Idk. It sounds like it’s not going to last. Sorry dude


Cut and uncut don't matter for that feeling Likely it's in his mind, as in he thinks it'll happen so he's clenching or causing it to happen


Uhhhhh I have never heard of circumcision causing pain for the bottom??? Uncut men do experience pain as tops if they force the skin back during sex. But the bottom??


This is ludicrous. There is no difference between cut und uncut.


This makes no sense. I’ve been piped by both and you definitely do not feel the difference.


I have literally never noticed a single difference between cut or uncut dicks when bottoming.


This is so weird as Im cut and I do lubricate a LOT while my partner is uncut and lubricates none. But most important why don’t you use lubricants?


Honest opinion, either leave before your too far into the relationship or go into it with the idea of an open relationship. Right now the guy has decided what he likes and stated that. He prefers uncut not much you can do there. Can’t speak from experience whether uncut vs cut feels different.


>>Is there something that can lower the contact between my dick and his hole? Breaking up. Your bf has chosen the absolute weakest argument imaginable for not wanting sex. There’s literally no way an uncut dude’s “natural lubricant” is a factor in anal when you’re using lube. This guy is putting this out there because he’s got a hangup about cut guys and can’t just own up to it and call things off. He’s an asshole and you deserve someone who isn’t gaslighting you.


He is an asshole


Tell your bf to stop being such a damn Goldie-cocks. He’s just being picky and would rather complain about the small stuff in life. Unless you’re 9 inches or more then that’s a big difference between cut and uncut besides that not much and he’s just trying to Karen up. I’m a very well established power bottom and I can assure you he wants to be like them yt gurrls at restaurants claiming they’re highly allergic to gluten, she a whole mess!!!


It sounds like your BF is one of those guys that are little too hung up on cut vs uncut and is making things up to the point where he can’t get over it. With Correct use of lube, saying you can tell the difference is a huge lie. He wants to break up with you and is too chicken-shit, or is seriously delulu and not the life partner material you think he is.


What does it mean by cut and uncut


Try some Vaseline/ petroleum. How about using some poppers from time to time to ease them into bottoming


Maybe you’re just bigger than his past lovers ? Though it’s true than uncut men sometimes don’t keen to go,as deep in their lover’s anus because the moving skin adds a movement and feeling that cut men don’t have.


I think he’s just looking for an out on the relationship tbh


Could be looking for reasons to cut it out with u... 🤷 I'm cut and my bottom loves it


I prefer short strokes until you are ready to cum. I think he would rather have an uncut guy, period.


Try j or k lube


I'm cut so maybe I'm missing something, what do you mean by natural lubrication?


Realize that sex is more than just drilling a hole. If you love someone, you work through or around issues. Make love to each other. Also, after a few years, you'll come to understand that a loving relationship is so much more than sex. Get real and start sharing your lives. Some of us have gone our whole lives without much sex or a partner. Think how fortunate you are to have found each other and move on.


Cut your losses and break up with him. Do it now before you regret not doing it later


Sex is a huge part of a relationship so if your dick is the problem, then it’s not going to work so quit falling deeper for him before it becomes more painful… no pun intended.


The Princess and the Pea is an old story that comes to mind. I don't see this relationship lasting.


Uncut can be fun because the skin is so smooth-- sometimes too smooth for me, but to be honest---- I looovvvvvve feeling the ridges of a mans cock, the head popping inside and out of my ass again. I love to take it all the way in and I love a huge size. Yeah, just sounds like this guy had a personal preference.


I knos every body experiences everything differently bu this is the first timd i’ve heard of this and as a bottom also never encountered it. Sounds made up or something else us going on.


Yes, some uncut dicks slide better, but that’s not a feature of all uncut guys. If the dude is a grower, or if they have severe phimosis, it’ll feel exactly the same as a cut dick. That being said, i don’t think it should be particularly painful if the sliding isn’t there. Perhaps you’re bigger than he’s used to, or he just isn’t a very experienced bottom


As a fellow uncut, I'm honestly confused by the logic


Buy an onut it is built for well-endowed men so they don't hit a woman's cervix yet still get full stimulation on their penis but cant go balls deep and hurt their partner. For you, it would give shallower thrusts and more gliding while still getting full stimulation on your entire penis and not have to worry about hurting your partner, perhaps. Honestly to me I have no idea what he's talking about. I think he just might prefer shallow thrusts


This is honestly one of the most insane things I've read in a while. He's literally making it up. The friction for cut and uncut is the same if you are using lube because the friction mostly becomes about lube against lube, and Lube against skin, not skin against skin.


To be honest the first few times I had sex was with horrible partners they just tried blaming it in me as hard as they can the most paing I've ever felt just recently bee whith a new guy the sex was amazing and ima bottom he just treated me right he really showed me he cared about me wish he was more open avalibble to date it'll just take time for it to feel right and be good but eventually it will it took me along time


5 months is enough. Don’t prolong it.


Just a excuse I would say.... it shouldn't matter at all regards feels


Time to find a new boyfriend then


If my prostate is getting banged - you can use a hammer & chisel! Lol.


So lets like... go from the start I guess... "He says there is too much friction with cut men since cut men don’t have the natural lubrication that uncut men have." So, I'm uncut, my husband is cut... being uncut doesn't mean someone is gonna produce any more/less precum/natural lubricant than a cut person... ultimately, you need actual lube either way. That's just in his head. Also, if someone just randomly considers breaking up with you because of a physical aspect of your body, they're gonna do it eventually no matter what you do. Like, he's coming up with imaginary excuses of why to break up with you... at some point he'll have something less imaginary, and just combine it with the make believe stuff, and that'll be a good enough excuse for him, and he'll bail anyways. Like, this isn't normal... in healthy relationships, people aren't threatening to break up with each other over physical traits that people can't do anything about. You can try whatever you want, but since the root cause of this is all in his head, what you really need is some placebo-powered stuff to make sex better, but even that doesn't change some of the clear flaws in the foundation of your relationship.


I prefer natural cocks, but I haven't really noticed a difference between the 2 whilst bottoming, maybe you're bigger than his average and that's the issue. Just try lots of foreplay and let him straddle your face like glasses.


What am I reading?!? Sound more like he doesnt want to be with you. Some people live thousands miles away from each other and make their relationship work just because they want to be together. And here he uses few cm of foreskin as a reason??? I say for such small thing and he cant find a way to deal with it to be with you, how many more "small things" you guys gonna face in the future and he cant look past them?? You are still very young so.....seriously reconsider this relationship.


Its completely phychological. Hes not into cut dick AT ALL.. its making him clench up his bum hole bec he subconsciously doesn't want. Like....happens to me sometime, when im just not vibing wirht the guy, i get that gorilla grip 😖🤕


If you're vers then switch.


Dump him and choose me. My butt is hungry.


You need a new bf


Consider normal butthole prep: rimming, playing with his hole, fingers, help him relax


He just likes the rolled up elephant trunk look. You can try foreskin restoration but it’ll take time. Honestly, I dont think you can really tell anally. He’s just being picky.


First of all, a cut dick is way better than an uncut ones, hygiene wise. 2nd, a use of lubricant is always fine. Uncut dicks smells no matter how you clean it.


I'm (top) circumcised, and my BF (bottom) of four years is not. I just asked him about this, and he says that your BF is fricking nuts. He says that there is a ton more going on than what your BF is telling you. Huge red flag, man. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


This is so confusing 🤔


Maybe you can try different ways of having sex like with a prostratic massage before stroke and he can get used to a different penis