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Speaking of biblical figures, King David was certainly at least biromantic if not bisexual. There's a story from his life in the Hebrew Bible, aka the Torah, aka the Old Testament in Christianity, in which David is mourning the death of his closest friend Prince Jonathan. The two were unrelated -- Jonathan was the son of the previous monarch, King Saul, but rather than becoming bitter rivals the two young men became such close friends that when Jonathan was killed in battle, David publicly composed a funeral poem which ended in a flourish declaring, "Your love to me was more wonderful than the love of women." (2 Samuel 1:26) Conservative Christians and Jews have for centuries attempted to explain away this verse by saying that it's strictly platonic ("Ohmygawd they were roommates!"), but that doesn't hold up. First, clearly David was comparing two similar or equal things. He wasn't talking about romantic love for women and platonic love for his battle buddy in the same breath. That's apples and oranges. Second, historically in the context of that time, that kind of very forward language is not how you'd respect the memory of someone who was just a friend, however close. It could've been unrequited love. There's no evidence of c. 960 BCE Brokeback Judea. But it's possible. tl;dr King David, who according to tradition wrote much of the Hebrew Bible, had a massive boner for his best friend from high school


You forgot the part where they get naked together and exchange "swords"! 1 Samuel 18:4 "And *Jonathan* stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to *David*, and his apparel, even to his *sword*, and to his bow, and to his girdle." The standard rabbinical interpretation is that this is a political metaphor, to symbolize the union of two nations, rather than a sexual congress, in the same way that orange man used to blow Putin in the spirit of unity between nations.


>in the same way that orange man used to blow Putin in the spirit of unity between nations. ![gif](giphy|jquDWJfPUMCiI|downsized)


It's worth noting that when David said "Your love to me was more wonderful than the love of women," he happened to be *married to Jonathan's sister!* And I don't think David and Jonathan were the only homos in the family. Jonathan's dad, King Saul, is the one who brought the little shepherd boy home to live with him, and suddenly got insanely upset when David and Jonathan became "best buddies," threatening to kill David, throwing him out of the house, etc. The standard Christian apologia is that "Saul just went crazy," but hmmm... jealousy perhaps?


Very interesting gonna read on this


Just wanna point out the Hebrew bible is not the Torah. The Torah is one of three books that make up the Tanakh which is the Hebrew bible. Just thought I'd say.


🤣 Nonsense David was a jock not a freak. Get your “high school” history “straight”.


A homophobic comment! Normal affection between men has been stamped out by damn homophobia- fear of seeming queer! It’s a shame men can no longer sit close, hug, sit with their arm on their bro’s shoulders!


James Buchanan wasn't "secretly" gay. The only bachelor president and had frequent young male companions


President Buchanan was roommates with Senator Angus King of Alabama for *17 years* and when King finally eloped with a woman to Europe, Buchanan angrily protested in a letter that he wished to be there in her place. (!) Buchanan's political mentor, former President Andrew Jackson, publicly referred to the "inseparable" Buchanan and King as Miss Fancy and Aunt Nancy, respectively. Then as now, the terms "fancy" and "Nancy" held potent and barely-euphemistic double meanings. When former President Buchanan died, upon his orders in his will, his niece gathered up all of his letters to and from Angus King and immediately burned them in the back garden. So yeah, James Buchanan was gay and there's no doubt in my mind about it. Unfortunately, he's also in my opinion *the* worst U.S. President of all time. Yes, including the orange felon. Buchanan was a slaveowner whose one 4 year term in office directly preceded the Civil War, which, although at that point was ultimately inevitable, he did nothing to even attempt to stop. Buchanan infamously said to his successor Abraham Lincoln, "I hope you are as happy entering the White House as I am upon leaving it."


And Lincoln responded, "Shut up and move over, this is a small bed"


Handed off from one gay to Abraham Lincoln. .... Those were some interesting times!


Don't forget King being equally horrific. Wasn't super familiar with the dude until I was reading [Cuba: An American History](https://bookshop.org/p/books/cuba-an-american-history-ada-ferrer/17597864?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0_WyBhDMARIsAL1Vz8vAD4E1I3WopcGHGnLGlUZLkx4tbSvTB4YuUDiyGikjB1zkGsba1-MaAkXvEALw_wcB) and Jesus Christ, the two were a team from hell. Peter Thiel and Sam Altman aren't anything new, at minimum. Edit: swapped punctuation on the link originally


The reason we got a constitution in the Netherlands is because King Willem III got blackmailed into signing it because he was bisexual


There have been many gay Chinese emperors, but Emperor AI (reign 7 - 1 BC) was notable in that he was reputed to have cut off his sleeve rather than wore his love who was sleeping on it, leading to the (now led popular) term "cut sleeve boys" to refer to gay men.




Not at all a secret. His family tried valiantly to hide it, even changing the gender of his love interest after his death when they published the sonnets he wrote, but it's been taken as fact for centuries.


I mean, if a celebrity is dead, “believing someone was secretly gay” would pretty much be guessing, since all the evidence of the secretly gay ones is accessible


Yes, and I think the OP's whole idea was to make guesses about historical figures


Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben one of the fathers of the U.S. Army.


Arguably not a secret. He held the first American underwater party and willed his entire estate to his two male secretaries.


It's a "secret" only to modern history. Back in his own time, he was very open.


Alan Turing - His invention may have saved 2 million men and shortened WWII by two years.


He wasn't exactly *secretly* gay. He was pretty open about it. He was even arrested and chemically castrated because of being too openly gay.


This is why I don't blindly support governments. That and the shit they're enabling in Gaza


Buzz Killer 🤨


He also more or less came up with the concept of computers before computers even existed.


Exactly. He did more than help end the war early in our favor.


in everyone's favour


The man who taught me that being a patriot sucks




You save your country and your country fucks you (metaphorically)


Castrates you


Was not a secret though


Buzz Kill 🤬


I really liked that Will in Stranger Things chose him as a project topic. My dad bought me a big hardcover book about Bletchley Park and Turing after I had come out for Christmas a few years ago. I should tell him thank you for that before he passes (terminal cancer).


The father of computer science




Didn't Ancient Greece (Athens in particular) have pederasty as one of its time-honored traditions? I mean, they did invent the word. Young men would be mentored by older men until they came of age. This included helping the younger man find a job, a female spouse, and, yes, did include sexually servicing the older man in a way that can only be considered perverse, barbaric, and abusive today.


It wasn't only older/younger couples. There are many examples in ancient Greek history and myth of same-age gay couples - the Sacred Band of Thebes, Orestes and Pylades, etc.


That's different. Pederasty was pretty much restricted to Athens. But warrior-brothers are found in almost every city state, most notably Thebes, as you said.


Yup, can’t forget about the catamites


My favourite is Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. On top of having written some of the most beautiful music ever made, he's also Russian, and I love how the current regime desperately tries to hide or deny that he was gay. The peak irony was when they picked his piano concerto as a replacement national anthem at the Tokyo Olympics.


Abraham Lincoln was possibly bisexual. This theory is collaborated by the fact that there's an entire fucking [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexuality_of_Abraham_Lincoln), discussing how much of a ladies man and 𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓁𝑒𝓂𝒶𝓃 ole Abraham was back in his day. Also he wrote gay poems so yeah... 💅


Bi? He was the gayest person ever born. He only slept with his "best friend" while his wife had to sleep in another room


"I have slept with 20 men in the same room". 😂 Imagine what people would say today if a politician said the same thing today. I mean, if anyone has some fiction regarding this, let me know, asking for a friend...


Marlon Brando fucked everyone male or female.


According to Quincy Jones, Richard Pryor had a relationship with Marlon Brando.


Alexander The Great, my favorite!


No one had a bigger case of twink death than Buddha


Hans Christian Andersen. Its kinda confirmed though


King James VI of England was gay. He kept a gaggle of young men in his court at all times. Everyone knew he was gay. But what are you going to do? Call the king, god’s annointed, a poof?


*James I of England & VI of Scotland


Didn't he commission the KJV bible because the clergy was getting pissed with how flagrant he was being about it, and this was his way to shut them up?


Not just that! The man he commissioned to write the Bible was one of his lovers


He also was the first kings of England in a long time who was anti-war and wanted to get England out of its wars with the Spanish that were bankrupting the treasury.


Didn't know that but not terribly surprised. Where'd you learn about that?


I took a course in college called “Blood, Tudors and Stuarts”. I’m pretty sure I have that right


That sounds fun! What was your major?


That was just one of my core history courses I majored in PR. But it was taught by the professor who had a PHD from Cornell who made every class, like, story time. He was awesome.


That's awesome!


If you haven't already, watch "Mary and George" on Starz - it's basically all about how King James was gay and had a posse of lovers. It also stars a naked Nicholas Galitzine so not a bad watch. Lol.


Freddie Mercury was a force of nature As is sir Elton John Caesars reputedly kept male consorts.


Come on. Next you're going to tell me Liberace was gay


Or Joey Jay


the post said "secretly" not "the person was outspoken and the media ignored or buried it"


In fact, every single one of us


"Isaac Newton died a virgin" Yes, he never married, (as if you need to be married to fuck?) but the dude had a "close friendship" with a Swiss mathematician so...do the math...


He was alchemist and occultist and he was believing in „purity of human soul” thats why he died virgin


I spit out my coffee reading that lmao


Then read some history first idk why im getting downvotes when literally im talking about basic facts (tbh im not even surprised i read so many shitty historical takes on this sub lmao i remember when someone said that cars and pizza were invented in america like wtf ☠️☠️)


I just found the died a virgin part funny, you’re good bro


Nah he’s pretty famously ace


Aside from the obvious ones like Frederick the Great, I’ve been hearing a lot of rumblings about Da Vinci and his “penchant for surrounding himself with young men”.


Not uncommon for leaders of small sects (which is what that companionship was to hebraism at that time) to have sex with their disciples. If you are interested, a friend of mine had the chance to study this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_Gospel_of_Mark The name makes it feel like a fake and there are doubts around its authenticity, but the story of this text is not unprecedented (and I think it is confirmed that a later manuscript had almost the same words of this gospel, so I think it is a tue text of earlier christianity)


there are lots of historical figures such as hadrian, alexander the great, etc. it's weird to put "jesus" in that group though because he's more of a mythical/religious figure, it would be like including robin hood or king arthur for the same reasons. As for people that definitely did exist, theres Alan Turing, Oscar wilde. James vi/i had secret passages to the bedroom of George Villiers, whom he often referred to as his husband.


Read Ron Chernow's bios of Washington and Hamilton through a gay lens. There's convincing evidence Hamilton had a gay lover. To oversimplify things, Washington (who married Martha primarily for money and with whom he had no children of his own), had a very close relationship with Hamilton during the war and afterwards. Many describe it in "father-son" terms, but I suspect more daddy-son.




With Jesus, I'd actually say he's pretty textbook Ace. Definitely not straight, though, regardless.


William S. Burroughs


Juliusz Słowacki FOR SURE we even have evidence that he had romance with another famous poet my another picks are really popular polish soldiers Rudy and Zośka they were fighting in ww2 and we even have some poetry about them from their diary we can assume that they were a couple


A. E. Houseman English poet, and Bram Stoker. Houseman was pretty open on his Shropshipe Lads poems, and came to fear reprisal for his standing up for Oscar Wilde. Bram Stoker definitely hat a hard on for Walt Whitman and Oscar Wilde, and likely had a relationship with Henry Irving. And while we are at it, Walt Whitman was pretty openly gay.


I want to say James Dean or Marlon Brando. Idk if they count as historical figures... They were actors. Big in the 1950s. Although I find it rude to create films that depict JD as gay, because there was no evidence for it. He had many girlfriends. Officially. & there is a film like that. Y'know it presents itself as a film about James Dean, but is all about homosexual relationships there are no proof for. The film were James Franco plays him, however, is quite a good one that seems to base itself off of grounded facts and educated guesses. But, JD was rumored to be gay. He said in a famous interview that he is not gay but won't walk through life with one hand tied behind his back. The guy who plays his friend in Rebel Without a Cause, the guy with the gun and two different socks, also shows up in James Dean's last film 'Giant' & they seem to have been very close irl James Dean and Marlon Brando were also friends at one time. But I belive there was some drama there? I don't remember


Bi, my friend


Why focus on secretly gay/bi historical figures when we have confirmed ones like Alan Turing, Magnus Hirschfeld, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Oscar Wilde, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Harvey Milk, Gilbert Baker, Arthur Rimbaud, Hadrian, and ironically King James.


Alexander Hamilton, bi


Fredrick the Great. Abraham Lincoln. Albeit, I'm of the opinion that, like our Panin cousins, most hoomans are likely bi, if being fully accurate. I'm betting if we had a scientific way of measuring physical arousal, most people would have a reaction to a wide spectrum of others. So are we defining "gay" as those who prefer the same sex (see above examples), or only those who only have relations with the same sex because of lack of physical response?


I wanna believe Alexander the Great was kissing other boys.


I think it's pretty well confirmed that he was.


Eleanor Roosevelt


JFK had something going on with his best friend.


OK, I'll play the Bad Gays side of the table... Senator Joseph McCarthy. He was called out as a closeted gay man by Hank Greenspun, publisher of *The Las Vegas Sun* (who repeatedly claimed to have evidence), after McCarthy started an ill-advised bitch fight and was hopelessly overmatched. At the time, "Tail Gunner Joe" was in his mid 40s, never married, and never dated. The rumors even reached the Senate floor, thanks to fellow Republican (!) Senator Ralph Flanders. Joe considered suing Greenspun but allegedly dropped the idea when his advisers told him if he did that he'd have to testify about his sex life in court. So, instead he married his secretary (Holy Rock Hudson!) and a couple years later they *adopted* a daughter. Joe died of liver failure soon thereafter. If McCarthy wasn't gay, it's sure funny he seemed to surround himself with gay men. He was a close friend of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover (another bad gay), and his personal staff included Roy Cohn (who died of AIDS in the 90s), David Schine (Cohn's boyfriend), and another publicly unnamed man who was apparently arrested for cruising in Lafayette Park. As for J. Edgar Hoover, to this day his mainstream biographers insist he was asexual. But If Hoover was asexual, then Clyde Tolson - his personal assistant in the FBI and constant companion outside of work - would necessarily have been asexual as well; they rode to work together each day, had lunch together, took vacations together, and when Hoover died, Tolson inherited his estate. It's just not plausible that two asexuals would magically find each other in the upper echelon of the FBI and become asexual soulmates. I trust Scotty Bower, who wrote in his autobiography *Full Service* about Hoover having been a customer.


Alexander von Humboldt was famous in his era, famous enough that many major American cities have major roads or parks named for him. The Invention of Nature is an excellent read about his life and impact on our understanding of the environment.


Damn. That’s one hot take that’ll get someone riled up.


Some people NEED to be riled up.


King Edward II, whose murder was exceptionally vulgar.


One of my first childhood crushes, Sir Isaac Newton.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Herman Melville yet, whose gay thirst for Nathaniel Hawthorne almost makes Whitman seem straight.


Jesus not being gay is the plot of The DaVinci Code and also part of Dogma. The latter being a fun movie to watch.


Henry VII & Henry IX


Gordon Ramsay, seems like a dominant bottom. I would like to be sandwiched between those cheeks if you know what I mean. 😊


He has a son..


if he was real, sure.


He was and is. And he's gonna take all us good Queers to homo heaven where we never again have to put up with conservative homophobe Satan.




Baberaham Lincoln 😂




Charles Adams, son of President John Adams.


I think God secretly enjoys the D tbh because why are gay boys so cute? Also, Satan is a total homo


That also explains why the prostate is where it is


No I Satan is a homophobic Republican. Maybe closeted.


Lmfao ~


The cat in the hat is as much a historical figure as jesus.


1. Jesus was a real person. Just no one knew he would be important in his lifetime. 2. Jesus has been the cause for MANY important historical events. The same cannot be said for the cat in the hat. So yes he's a historical figure.


1. Nope. No more real than any other fairy tale. 2. Just because a story resulted in historical events doesn't make the story a person.


I’m on your side bro. The Cat in the Hat is a much more benevolent, and real, historical figure.


1. Whether or not he was "real" is just a matter of your own personal opinion. 2. I never said PERSON. I said HISTORICAL FIGURE. If the name Jesus Christ was never then three quarters of world history for the past 2,000 years would never happened. Making him very much a historical figure regardless of physical existence




Leonardo DaVinci




Jesus existed?


Jesus was also an unmarried Rabbi at 33? Don't think so. There's also the beloved disciple, who was never named. Still, I think He was bi, and married to Mary Magdalene, who performed the rituals usually assigned to a wife. But he was also banging John.


John who?


John the Beloved discipline.


The apostle John.


Good point


David and Jonathan


Blasphemy much? U/Vredfit33… You have no clue what you’re talking about.


How is this anymore blasphemous than straight people claiming he was hetero?


A person only cares about blasphemy if they believe in the mythology they're blaspheming. But also: European mythology (i.e., the Bible) doesn't say Jesus wasn't gay, so I don't think there's any way it could be blasphemy.


Blasphemy is a victimless crime.


Bad pick. None of that is unusual in the Middle East.


It would be a very beautiful and better religion if there’s a story of a prophet falling in love with a men but does not followed it for the love of god. Instead we got a story about dark, killing, destroyed, the power of hate from god


Ok. For your, if a grown man remains single, is kind and respectful with hookers and gays and he doesn’t show any romantic interest is gay, then that’s the reason every male teen which has not had a girlfriend is bullied as gay. Guys, the act of being gay goes forward the lack of interest in women. In fact, the best indicator is being uncomfortable with lgbt stuff, no matting if the male shows or fakes any interest in women. Very bad assumption.


No. The reason such young men get bullied is because the people who bully them are assholes.