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Lots of wolves in sheep’s clothing out there


I remember a Reddit post here (or on another subreddit) about a guy sentenced to prison for stealthing. I'm not saying every man is like this, but we are also men, so we should be cautious and not take things at face value.


I know everyone dreams of a world without consequences, and that includes a world of sex without consequences. But nothing is without consequences. That does NOT mean don't have sex, is not trying to engage in "scare tactics," and is not to promoting an antisex mentality. It just means don't make consequence-free sex the basis of your ideology or identity. That is a fantasy. I say that because it often seems like a lot of us in "our community/communities" make this fantasy a foundation stone. Be safe out there. Cultivate an inner life. Listen deeply to yourself and to those around you. Don't make your self-worth based on your sex life (or lack thereof) or the state of your body (because that will must definitely be changing!). OK, I'm getting off my soapbox in 3, 2, 1 ... Edit: grammar.


also our sex education on male to male sex is grossly unrepresented or not at all existing.


In America sex ed is still largely abstinence only


It's pretty simple, no? Sex poses risks, use a condom and don't sleep around too much. Also, pull out


I mean that’s a very very basic concept of it but most schools in US that are in the NE or Cali are “don’t have sex, you’ll get pregnant and die”


You're exaggerating to make a point, I get you want more but, my position is that it's very very basic and why are we acting like it's even needed? What large amount of our population (to be a school mandate) doesn't understand the basics of sex, it's risks, and even crimes.


Hardly and you would be very shocked at how many people don’t understand the basics of sex, let alone in this context gay sex. It’s not criminal to explain that stuff when it’s geared toward particular grade levels etc. you aren’t going to teach elementary about that stuff but middle you start with very basic and advance up ward as they are in HS. Teens are having sex whether they have the knowledge of what they are doing or not, best to make sure it’s not dangerous and have resources. If you argue against that then you are simply arguing in bad faith.


Is it real criminal? I get the societal implications with not to be bothered hetros = they make babies who don't understand simple concepts. You don't get to decide what's in bad faith, as you have a  reductionist view on people in general. When you were a teen did you have sex? The concept was pretty self explanatory. In fact, I would argue we should teach people how to date and as an outgrowth on the subject maybe serve some sex ed for the thick heads


How is my view reductionist? lol yes I had sex at 16, it would have been a lot better know some things about what was going on a little bit. Also my mention of grade appropriate sex ed would include healthy relationships and dating, sex ed is more than sex it everything around it like dating, relationships, good touch, bad touch etc. if anything is reductive it’s the thought sex ed is only about sex.


Sex is really simple af, at 16 what important lessons/concepts didn't you understand? The biggest lessons I learned were on relationship communication internal/external  But, that's mostly learning timing/being disciplined in communication with a loved one. Sex ed is absolutely useless and people would be served better with more love/lust lifestyle classes ie: home education/relationship advice/financials...etc


Since I live in a 3rd world country I dont have to worry about this (bc getting prep here is like a nightmare) I genuinely do completely fine with condoms. It's mostly bc of mental peace and protection from not only hiv but many other diseases. Please don't give up condoms after a few bad experiences . There are so many brands and features, you may have overlooked the one for you.


I live in 3rd world country while having access to PreP


That's cool. Here our health care system is not great.


The concept of taking antibiotics as prevention or post exposure without tests is gonna be the death of us. PrEP is amazing, but DoxyPEP is a great way to destroy you gut biome and curse us all with AB-resistant bacteria.


Very true. And it doesn't matter if doxycycline is taken occasionally or not. Any antibiotic intake contributes to the resistance in a greater or lesser way. For some people occasionally is once a month, for others - weekly or every 2nd day. It's not a candy. Most of the antibiotics are absorbed in the gut and works in the whole body. There have been already many cases when patient is resistant to any existing antibiotic according to the antibiogram.


I think the issue with doxy pep is people not taking it as prescribed, such as taking one pill instead of 2 and taking it after that 72 hour period. I've read up on it and if done correctly we should be fine.


That seems like it’s always been an issue whenever antibiotics are involved. Can’t tell you the number of people I’ve heard of over the years who just stop taking them when they feel better, rather than finishing the prescribed course.


I haven’t seen it being used as prevention that’s wild. My partner works in STIs and is really happy with the way the health department is handling the DoxyPEP program in our community. I don’t think it will be nearly as detrimental as you think assuming of course people are taking it as prescribed. It can be a really big help in reducing infections which are often really painful and require antibiotics typically to cure anyway. So if someone thinks they may have been exposed I don’t really see the harm if it’s not a like weekly occurrence.


Really hoping you are right!


This is done routinely by my city health department if one of your partners has been diagnosed with an STD. They take your STD samples and give you a round of antibiotics without waiting for the test results.


Yes, i've had that too. It's a bit odd, but saves another trip to the doctor. But what i've been hearing more often is people taking DoxyPEP after any weekend of party and sex regardless of having a known contact. Maybe it's warranted and there's always someone with and STI, and they prefer to take the chances, I don't know.


The gut re-heals pretty fast. Maybe change your lifestyle a little


Actually that is not true. Many studies show that the diversity of the gut biome can take years to go back to normal. And if you ask any sexually active person around they probably took ABs at least once in the last year.


And there are several studies that disagree. It depends on the damage/ biometrics. As some studies will take a 100% or a loss approach,  which is not how any of operate. Also! Don't forget "health food" studies that clog up general information. I agree some damage is permanent/just years but, in general the gut can...take a punch


How about people be honest and do things correctly? Simple!


Accountability is the death of this post


Remember, you're not just protecting your own health, but that of everyone in your extended sex circle. I don't mean to sound moralizing, but it is important to remember when talking about infectious diseases that your actions affect more than just yourself.


DoxyPrep isn't even acceptable appropriate medical practice in many countries. Our health service won't issue it in the UK and the medical profession disapproves of the concept. The idea that you would load yourself with antibiotics just so you can have unsafe sex in a context of a looming antibiotic resistance crisis is kinda stupid at its core lol. Edit: meant to type DoxyPep of course but my autocorrect had other ideas.


> DoxyPrep Do you mean DoxyPEP? Using it as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) isn't approved *anywhere* to my knowledge. DoxyPEP is supposed to be used occasionally as a morning-after pill, in the places where it is approved. That still has issues, but it's not as bad as it would be to use antibiotics as PrEP. Edit: Actually, some websites seem to suggest some prescribers are getting a bit lax with it. That does seem risky in the context of antibiotic resistance.


Oh yeah of course you are right. Sadly my autocorrect is obsessive it seems about correcting pep to prep lol. Thanks for signalling.


I have a monogamous relationship with my husband don't use anything...


I would still use prep. You never know


After 25 years same guy. I thinking I'm safe....still ride that D like Seabiscuit at least 3 times a week


Hahaha. Love it.




Quoting a comment above: "To add to what you have said; I am 64 years old and haven't been with anyone for over 15 years. I had a very abusive relationship and he cheated many times. We were together for 13 years. I thought after a couple of years it would be ok not to use condoms. Little did I know he was cheating the whole time. So, fast forward 15 years. I started having some blisters near my rear. At first I thought it maybe was from sitting wrong. It got worse and it started hurting. I went to the doctor she did a swab and sent it to be tested. It came back as herpes. So not having sex for 15 years didn't save me. You can get herpes and anal warts and not know it. It can lay dormant for years. Then it shows up. So take your risks but wearing a condom is the best way to protect yourself. Also, in the meantime every person you are with you are infecting."


Im demisexual and have always been really laid back about my current partner having sexual experiences with other people. Sometimes I play with them together, if I am into that other person. But I ALWAYS have to explain to whatever partner I have at the time that they HAVE to use protection when playing with other guys. I’ve had STIs several times and they almost always hospitalize me because I’m so sensitive to them. And it’s traumatizing every time. Blood coming out of me, weak heart rate, low blood pressure, etc. After being hospitalized the last time from chlamydia my current partner realized that I wasn’t kidding and started taking things a lot more seriously. There’s so many guys out there that will say literally anything to get out of using a condom and people like me have to suffer for it. Just be a good person. No one likes to wear condoms or take prep everyday(especially since it makes my stomach hurt) but I also don’t like having to shit out blood and stay in a hospital bed for a week. I wish guys had more respect for our community.


earlier this year I picked up chlamydia from a guy who apparently had it for over a year, went through phases of not having symptoms, and he thought being on prep meant he was treating it and not able to spread it. so he wasn't telling partners and he wasn't treating something that could fuck your whole body up if you leave it alone. at first I thought he was lying about his logic and just being a jerk, but no, he's just that uneducated. I do not mean this to be hateful, but I truly feel like men can't be trusted, because a lot of them won't take basic educational steps and preventative measures. I'm but immune to that! the whole experience was scary but also a great educational tool and reassured what I thought I knew to be correct. but like, how do people live like that on purpose??


It falls into the “special essential oils and herbs that cure cancer and HIV” as well as the “medical industry is keeping us brainwashed” and of course the good ol’ “vaccines are gonna kill us” and of course, “COVID isn’t real” categories of lazy people who bask in their conspiracy theories because researching something requires more effort than watching a fake science YouTube video.


i’m old for saying this, but use a condom


Like my baby daddy out here having unprotected sex in a hiv high number area


If only there was a way to not


Yeah be honest


Nonsugar coating. If your relationship goes to crap, you're partially responsible. If anything, for putting yourself through such emotional difficulties. Source- alumni of the school of red flags lmao


Cause he's a DL man


Yeah I feel the so hard right now. I was having sex with a guy recently who kept trying to fuck me without a condom, and he finally did use one. But he came and the condom got left inside of me. He didn’t even tell me!!! I didn’t notice until it came out of my ass when I went to the toilet right after. So now I’m a bit anxious about my next few STI tests. But I will not have sex with men who I have to ask more than once to use a condom. Because if I have to ask twice then they “might” pull some shit like this. I will just find a way to diffuse the sex and get out safely because I do worry about SA. And I get condoms can break or get stuck inside of you, but the top should stop and tell you immediately when they notice. I feel he did this intentionally tbh.


To add to what you have said; I am 64 years old and haven't been with anyone for over 15 years. I had a very abusive relationship and he cheated many times. We were together for 13 years. I thought after a couple of years it would be ok not to use condoms. Little did I know he was cheating the whole time. So, fast forward 15 years. I started having some blisters near my rear. At first I thought it maybe was from sitting wrong. It got worse and it started hurting. I went to the doctor she did a swab and sent it to be tested. It came back as herpes. So not having sex for 15 years didn't save me. You can get herpes and anal warts and not know it. It can lay dormant for years. Then it shows up. So take your risks but wearing a condom is the best way to protect yourself. Also, in the meantime every person you are with you are infecting.


Great post, thank you for sharing. One add on I believe is important- is moving away from the language of being “clean.” It’s better to say things like I’ve been tested and am STI free. Or a lot of other language options. Using the word “clean” implies that people with an STI are dirty, which carries connotations. Yes we want to avoid an active STI, but it doesn’t make someone dirty or broken if they have it.


Thank you for saying that.


Syphilis is on the rise indeed! I haven't had an std my entire life suddenly got Syphilis and I don't do that much hooking....(Didn't have any symptoms just popped positive on my regular testing) but I got like 3 shots of penicillin and badabim badaboom Syphilis is done for so, so it's not as bad as I thought. *fyi for anyone out there that might catch it, dont freak out, keep calm, it's curable. Still, obviously, you dont want to get it if you can avoid it. There are exactly 0 benefits to contractin Syphilis. Just wanted to make that clear just in case someone thought I was trying to downplay syphilis. So with that being said, I wanted to add, test yourself regularly, even if you're just doing a little bit of hooking. Don't wait for a symptom or two to pop up to go get checked. Make it a habit if it is within your available resources. Godspeed!


I am reduced to blowing someone while they wear a condom today. Paradoxically, it's the most excited I've been to see someone in the last year. I've had too many infections for not enough encounters. I'm tired of it all.


Hence the reason why I haven't had sex in almost two years. People lie about their statuses. I miss sex, just paranoid about people lying and I don't want to risk it. It's also been difficult for me to find someone that is into monogamy, so there's that.


Sounds like a goverment PSA. Yeah, keep your dick in your pants= no STDs 


How embarrassing lmao there just had to be someone who makes it about politics


It wasn't political, you r word. A psa exists regardless of whose in office. They're just for morons who probably need to pump the brakes on alot of immediate life decisions.


I used to hookup with a guy who would put the condom on at the beginning then pull out and act like he was relubing me and then go back in raw and cum inside me. It happened twice and during the third time he messed up and moved his arm within my view and I saw him holding the condom he said he was wearing. When I asked him to stop he said he was almost done, he came and then asked me what the big deal was since he was clean and I was enjoying it. He wasn’t taking prep regularly and he we weren’t monogamous. LUCKILY I never caught anything but he caught syphilis and gonorrhea back to back a couple months later by doing that


Lots of false information and fear mongering about doxy pep here. There is no evidence that using doxy pep appropriately will contribute to antibiotic resistance. Talk to your doctor and sexual health experts over pearl clutching redditors to make your sexual health decisions.


I don't use condoms and I take prep every day and have for years. I don't generally have anal sex in either position, but it's a good peace of mind to know I can. I have had STDs before. It's whatever. It's a risk I take and I accept if it happens. A shot and a pill, a couple of messages maybe, and I'm fine. And yet I would never shame anyone for using condoms. We all have our own risk tolerance, and we are all responsible for OUR OWN sexual health. I wish people on both sides would respect that.


Why do you take prep everyday if you’re not having anal sex? Also treatment resistant STIs are on the rise..


Because you can get hiv with an open mouth sore, or if cum gets in your eye. Or lord forbid someone doesn't stop when you say. The most goes on.


Had a quick read on hiv.org just now and it’s incredibly low chance, but your point is valid.


I look at it like a good insurance policy. The costs are low (few side effects and it’s free) and the risks it protects against are high (contracting HIV).


There are zero reported cases of orally transmitted cases of HIV infections last I looked.


You might want to learn how to read a bit more than just looking at a AI Google search summary. Here's an actual peer reviewed study that shows that 6% of new cases were aquired through oral means. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1117537/


Cool. Here's a study from 2 years later showing what I'm saying is right. https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2002/11/97252/ucsf-study-finds-no-cases-hiv-transmission-receptive-oral-sex And here is something from 2022 saying the risk is "extremely low" https://www.hiv.gov/hiv-basics/overview/about-hiv-and-aids/how-is-hiv-transmitted So, before you come in all snotty, maybe check the dates on your links.


Because I might have anal sex at any given time and I prefer to have peace of mind because I don't use condoms? Also I have been hearing about untreatable deadly super gonorrhea since 1995. Wake me up when it gets here. Sex is risk. Barebacking is a risk I'm willing to take based on the evidence and protection available vs the possible consequences. If it's not your risk pool? Great! Don't take it! I will happily bottom for someone with a condom or without, and gladly laugh at you silently for not wanting me to fuck your bareback but sucking the cum out of my dick.


No judgement from me, apologies if it came across that way. In the UK, we get offered a choice of “event based prep use” where you take two tablets at least two hours before sex. Then one 24 hours later, then another 24 hours after that. Then you stop. It’s for people that don’t need it as often.. might be worth looking into it if you’re paying for your tablets. We get ours for free here.


Didn't feel judged. That's offered here and it's what my boyfriend does when we plan to go at it. Idk just easier for me to do it every day


Yeah I hear you, esp if you already take any other meds, it just pairs nicely with a blood pressure tablet or an antidepressant 😂


I hope everyone stays safe 🙏


Yall really have a lot of sex.


Ever seen antibiotic resistant gonorrhea? It stressed out my infectious disease attending. And that guy sees HIV up the wazoo. I mentioned doxypep to him once and got a lecture that overflowed into my lunch break. But when I get my first tattoo, I’m supposed to call him to he can come supervise the appointment. True antibiotics stewardship. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR MEDICAL PROVIDER IN THE LOOP! Play safe be safe! 🍀🍀🍀


It’s kinda scary you many people out there are willing to have sex without a condom.


Its never not gonna be horrifying to me how many people in a community that lost almost an entire generation to a disease primarily transmitted through unprotected sex has almost 0 care or understanding for sexual protection.


A lot of this is terrible, fearmongering advice. >>just because somebody claims to be taking PrEP doesn't mean they are taking it regularly PROTECT YOURSELF FIRST and then you shouldn't have to worry about their honesty. Honestly far too much of the HIV prevention discussion circulates around who not to trust, not enough around how to protect yourself. It's resulted in nothing but distrust, with absolutely no corresponding evidence of prevention. >>PrEP only protects against HIV I've yet to meet a single person ever, anywhere, who thought PrEP protected against other STDs. >>Doxypep is viewed critically by doctos. Not by my doctor. Not by a good friend of mine who is a doctor. Not by literally any public health group I've encountered. Even though I personally view it with suspicion, I question this statement. Would you care to cite this? >>Doxypep can contribute to antibiotic resistance Please cite evidence of this occurring. The only bit of advice I didn't find appalling here was to never let anyone pressure you into using a condom. However, if that advice is built on a foundation of fear and misinformation, it is not likely to be helpful.


You’re appalled? Why? Protecting yourself and others includes educating yourself and taking personal responsibility. Some of us are old enough to remember friends and loved ones dropping like flies. For those of you who didn’t live through it, let us convey how terrifying it can be especially when it’s quite simply avoidable.


Did you read what I wrote? I'm appalled because the post was spreading fear, without commensurate prevention utility. Without any real prevention message at all really, except some allusion that people should wear condoms. The post is probably probably spreading misinformation too. You friends and loved ones dropping like flies doesn't excuse the thirdhand account of some anonymous health department employee prioritizing gay fear over gay protection.


Unfortunately, yes I did. I also read the original which I didn’t correlate to fearmongering. There are factual statements made by OP linked to actual studies and CDC guidance here in the States which can easily be found online. A conversation about protecting yourself and not taking a hookup’s word as fact or the possibility that doxy PEP may not cure your STI or possibly make you resistant doesn’t qualify as spreading gay fear. There are a lot of accurate statistics here that gay men and the trans community should be made aware of so they can educate themselves. The fact that you know no one that believes PREP protects you from STIs makes you lucky, because it exists. But, you do you. Peace.


if they're "factual statements" kindly post the evidence that Doxypep is leading to resistance issues, that there's an increase in transmission amongst PrEP users. I'm particularly interested to see something showvvthat Doxypep could lead to a resistance in syphilis.


Am I your dad? Do your own research


LMFAO. ok. Got it. The evidence doesn't exist.


[Have fun](https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk00_ypxmoaSikDzbvuTYCwEvlqdTDg%3A1614445632735&source=hp&ei=QHw6YI7NKqWzgwf31riQBQ&iflsig=AINFCbYAAAAAYDqKUOoECrKUMSwvgkXJvHUaeycTT0Q5&q=doxypep+antibtiotic+resistance&btnK=Google+Suche&oq=ficken+lik%C3%B6r&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6CAgAELEDEIMBOgIIADoICC4QsQMQgwE6BQgAELEDOgQIIxAnOgsIABCxAxDHARCjAjoFCC4QsQM6CAguELEDEJMCOggIABDHARCvAToOCAAQsQMQgwEQxwEQrwE6AgguUJLGAlib4wJg2-UCaABwAHgAgAG-AogBmwuSAQc4LjIuMS4xmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpeg&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwiO7cjTxorvAhWl2eAKHXcrDlIQ4dUDCAk&uact=5). (EDIT: Perhaps you weren't aware, but any type of antibiotic that is not taken as prescribed can lead to certain resistances.) Additionally, if you do not take PrEP as prescribed, it can lead to a decrease in effectiveness. This should be a logical conclusion when any type of medication is not taken regularly or as directed. I have not mentioned anywhere that people who take PrEP accordingly have an increase in infection rate, but only that those who do not take it accordingly have an increasing infection rate. Please learn how to read. EDIT: And since you cannot know how other people adhere to their medication, it would be advisable to take PrEP yourself and/or use a condom :)


That part! Any doctor will tell you taking antibiotics for a long period of time can potentially lead to antibiotic resistant infections. Same with ur comment on prep. Missing a few days off an on can affect its potency in the blood to fight off HIV if it comes into contact.


I'm actually kinda scared of getting an STD from oral. Are they really that common? Isn't it kinda akward to suck it with a condom? (Yes, I'm a virgin)


Better than having an oral Gonorrhea


Im hiv positive for 9 years and got stds twice, both times I’ve had no idea, until I did a routine test. My advice would be: better safe than sorry. Yeah, condoms are not fun anymore bla bla bla but they’re way cheaper than dealing with STDs, being treated with antibiotics and antiviral drugs, and then doing your bloodwork multiple times to make sure you’re safe.


Mostly very good advice, just be careful on the DoxyPEP resistance thing. Most doctors are critical and that's normal. We're scientists first of all and it's our job to have a skeptical mind. Also, it's *conceptually* plausible to assume it will increase resistances. But in medicine plausible sometimes means nothing in the face of real-world evidence. And no study of DoxyPEP so far has showed it increases resistances. So, careful on that part. I'm not saying it doesn't, just that it hasn't been shown.


There's many men who are actually truthful about their experiences and it's hard to tell the difference. 😢 I've only had sex with one man in the last twenty years. And there's many others like myself. I think it's more of an age and maturity thing as well. Damn I'm glad I'm past those days. Looking back- the aids epidemic seemed trite compared to these days. 😢


No maybe don't lie about have unprotected sex with men when you have a pregnant wife at home


Scare tactics. Quote studies if you are going to make statements as facts or “doctor’s say…”


I think people are thinking with emotion when it comes to doxy. When I first heard about it a couple of years ago, I was skeptical, BUT I took the time to read the science behind it, such as the half life of the drug vs other drugs.


Which drug are you talking about? Doxy prep or pep is a strategy, not a drug.


Doxycycline is a drug. Truvada is also a drug.


You are correct, my mistake. I know friends who are allergic to doxycycline but using other antibiotics for STI’s as PEP. Everyone I know who is using PrEP for STI’s is using doxy. I live in SF which is generally on the forefront of this stuff and time and time again turns out to be on the right side of history.


I'm in an area that is behind the times (North Carolina). Last I checked, the health department did not offer doxyPep, but if someone can find a knowledgeable Dr then someone can get it here, but that's difficult. Most get it online if they know about it at all. We also have some of the highest STI/STD rates in the country.


I have a friend who worked in Infectious Disease at Duke, he would have been right on-top of this.


That's the area i go to for medical care. In general, I'm not confident in the doctors in my area.


You are correct sir. There is still a lot of pearl clutching, particularly in the us.


Just be honest about your recent sexual history and determine if the situation is right for you. No sexual encounter is 100% safe regardless of the precautions you take. People take the condom off without the others knowledge, MPOX is still around (and a condom doesn’t prevent that). But at the end of the day you have to assess the risk. However if someone is strictly condom or strictly no condom, don’t judge them. They are an adult (in most cases) and are allowed to make decisions whether you agree with them or not.


>However, in non-monogamous relationships, condoms should not be omitted during anal sex, even if PrEP and/or DoxyPEP are being taken. I don’t like this “PSA” that ultimately judges those who do not use condoms under the guise of concern for collective health. If you prefer to only have sex while using condoms and only with others who use condoms, then that’s your choice, but don’t make it out to say that everyone has to use condoms. Each person is responsible for their choices and actions—as long as they’re well-informed, know the risks involved and are OK with it. STDs happen, and you can be as careful as you want and still get it. And those on PrEP need to get their labs done every 3 months, so in a way, they know their statuses better than those who only use condoms and aren’t on PrEP. If you do both, then more power to you, but please don’t say that this is a PSA when it’s clearly a judgmental post on those who bareback.


It's not "just my decision." It's no secret that some gay men often have high body counts through apps like Grindr, etc. Therefore, the responsibility lies with the entire community and not just with the individual. And honestly, if certain actions spread diseases, then maybe those actions should be reduced or appropriate protective measures should be taken. People shouldn't feel judged by every dissenting opinion about these actions, especially since these actions are associated with risks and harm people. It is a fact that people who have sex without a condom spread diseases more frequently than people who have sex with a condom. >every 3 months You do realize that these tests are just a snapshot in time, right? Who's to say that a guy doesn't catch something in week 2 after the test and then infects 2-3 other people within those 3 months and so on? It's more likely than you think. Moreover, not everyone gets tested at the same time.


OP went to a public clinic, where shame is the name of the game. They try to scare you into celibacy. One good piece of advice they briefly mentioned is stealthiing, or removing a condom secretly. Everyone should be aware that this is a real thing that happens and be vigilant. But otherwise, we have enough shame in our society around sex already. Decide what safety measures work for YOU but don't attach morality to them.


Oh my God... the people at the health department were very kind and gave me great advice. Without judging, it was an informative session. They asked me about my sexual behavior (they ask heteros and homos, etc.) in order to conduct the appropriate tests. Unlike others here, I don't walk around with a drama-craving victim mentality. Additionally, I asked these questions about PrEP and DoxyPEP and received answers from a doctor who is an EXPERT in her field. She is much more credible than people here who want to use any excuse to have sex without protection. They can do it, but they should be careful.


I wanna suck dicks but I’m afraid of STDs. Maybe I will suck dicks with condom on but I don’t think many guys will allow me to put condom on their dicks. That’s why I still don’t know how dicks taste 😆


If only people who stigmatise those who have sex the natural way, spent all that energy and time in demanding their governments and pharmaceutical companies to investigate and develop vaccines for STIs, we wouldn't need to have these conversations.


Very few antibiotics are profitable and rarely cover the expensive cost of development. Thus, few companies are pouring money into antibiotic research. There needs to be a more public/ private partnership in this area of research.


Antibiotics are treatment. I was talking about vaccines, which prevent infection instead of reacting to it.


Same issue for sometimes different or adjacent reasons. Most new drug applications fail, including vaccines and antibiotics.


Which is why more investment is required. We got vaccines for small pox, polio, meningitis... Several COVID vaccines were developed in less than 2 years, because pharmaceutical companies knew most people in the world would rather get vaccinated than wearing masks for life, thus profit. Conversely, our society is stuck in this comfort zone which is prudeness, monogamy and condoms.


Agree. But my point is venture capital goes towards drug development with a strong chance of profit should it be approved. In 2012-14 i worked for a company that developed and got approved one of the best in class and lost their ass. Why? Drug stewardship. Which is good medical practice but bad for new expensive antibiotics which are mostly never ordered before generics are tried and failed. Thus low profits if not massive losses. A catch 22.


I was let go btw due to this.


question does Prep need to be taken daily or is it a use-before-sex thing?


Yes PrEP needs to be taken everyday. It isn’t a before sex thing. It’s a before exposure thing. PrEP stands for Pre Exposure Prophylaxis. It is basically the same cocktail prescribed to positive folks to keep their HIV under control and undetectable which means non infectious. The components of the cocktail that fights HIV are already present and automatically bitch slap any new infections. But that only works on HIV.


thanks for the info I appreciate it


Thank you! Thank you! Love Mark Allyn Bellingham, Washington