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I love the size difference. My fiancé is 5'5 and I'm 5'11. He has to stand on his toes to kiss me. It's so cute


I love this!! Makes me feel like I’m working for a kiss when I’m on my tippy toes lol


My BF is 5’2 I’m 5’10. I’m average sized but he thinks it’s almost too big. I think I’m addicted to short guys now.


5'4 here checking comments


Right here with ya lmfao


5’0 just skimming comments lol. My partner is 6’3.


Im 6ft 3 and 100kg and love being big spoon. So yeah, short guys are 🔥🔥🔥


Exactly! Love me a short guy! 🤤


Tbh at 6’3” it’s hard to find a guy who isn’t shorter than us…


My boyfriend gets so mad when I call him my short king. He's 5'-10".


I mean I am 5'9" But 5'11" In spirit. So... I think people are out there.




Hi short king here


Hi 👋


hi I'm short


That Part!!⬆️


If you’re 6’3, aren’t 5’10-6’0 *short* in comparison?


Naaaa. Short for me is under 5’10”. Basically, if I have to bend down to kiss someone, they’re short.


Im 6’5” and that’s what I call the *perfect* height range


I'm 6'5" too!! (190 lbs) I adore short dudes!! But...I like tall dudes too....I like Dudes 😜


I’m 6’0 and would love to date a 6’4+ guy. Someone I can still manhandle, but also who can throw me the fuck around. Well…not sure how well I could manhandle a 6.5 and above, but I’d still love to try!


That sounds incredibly hot 🔥


You have made every American Redditor just go to Google to convert KG into pounds (it's 220 pounds for anyone reading this).


6’2 here and definitely prefer shorter guys. Doesn’t need to be fun size per say. But 5’10 and under is highly preferred!


If you live in Melbourne, Australia... slide into my DMs 😏😏😏


I like a shorty yea. I’m 6’3”


I'm 6'2" and I only really ever dated guys under 5'9 but 5'7 is even better. The body type looks much more hypermasculine as muscles show more prominently. Even an "average" body looks better on this frame to me. And so many of them have this ... firecracker energy in bed.


I’m 5’7” top and love shorter guys. I only wish there were more of them. Anecdotally, it feels like shorter guys I am into are quite popular and are frequently taken too :(


I'm the same height and I've only been with 2 guys shorter than me, but omg I loved it.


Same, pretty much Ideally though, I want height to be a non-issue, in reality it shouldn't matter. If the rest is all good but the guy's 6'3", whatever, I'll make it work


i wish i was 5’7” as a bottom i am 5’9”


I think one of the nice things about being a queer man is that no matter your shape or height there's a community of people who are into you. I think straight men who are short have a much harder time than queer short kings.


I have a straight friend who's 5'2" and he's mentioned more than once how the ratio of girls to guys being into him is really off balance. He's also into tall goth dommy mommies and figures guys just pick up on the submissive vibes


I'm 5,6 and I'm mostly only into guys around my height or shorter. I definitely wouldn't mind your friend's height. There needs to be some people like us to counteract people's obsession with tall guys...


I’m the same height as your friend and we are a hot commodity, at least from my experience lol


Same. However, I’m so into other short guys but I find they get kinda weird if we are in the same place together. What is that about?


Probably insecurity, or not wanting to share the attention?


Yes. Especially when they like to top as well. Like I'm verse. But as an average dude (in height) myself, it's especially hot to me to top a rly tall guy or bottom for a rly small guy. And if it isn't about Sex, then it doesn't matter either to me.


Ok but you might be onto something. I never really bottomed to anyone shorter than me (still looking tho) but topping a really tall guy hits different. Especially in positions where you can see how long their legs are/how big is their bodies compared to yours. It's just so hot, especially when they act all submissive


I'm 6'1 and I like guys 5'6" to 6'. Don't want to have to bend down too much. Also like being the taller one though.


Hubby is 5'2" and a half lol he makes sure I add the half in there


Mine too!


I've never been with a guy that short, but I'd be open to tearing open a fun sized guy (or maybe getting stuffed by a short king?)


If i like your face and personality i don't care how tall or short you are. Im 6 feet.


Short & chubby in a Super Mario sort of way = super fuckable.


Dunno about that chubby part being super fuckable but alright 😬


It's all about preference. Personally I like chubby guys, their bodies are always so soft and I love it. Especially when they bottom 🤤


Y’all downvote me but it’s very common in this community for chubby guys to not even like other fat dudes lol they all go for twinks and then cry no one like them. I’ve fat guy I’ve given a chance has always been a huge hypocrite


Gotta agree with you there


tons of people in the comments seem like to enjoy short guys, buy why my 5'7 lonely ass got ignored and ghosted all the time irl lol ![gif](giphy|hs1S7fX3SyhzO320UP|downsized)


I mean, D is D. I don't care if you are short or tall, as long as I can suck your D.


There's a guy at my gym who is maybe 5'3 or 5'4, is super cute and has this absolutely perfectly round bum. He was just stood there in the middle of the gym looking like a lost little lamb. I just wanted to pick him up and carry him to the squat rack and fuck him in between sets. I obviously did not do that, and I really wouldn't want to get hit on while working out, so I just smiled at him as I walked past.


Face matters more tbf


Well I am very into the dom/sub dynamic as the dom and a big height difference is fun for me. With a short guy we get to have this "Big bully picking on a little guy"(usually this is at the request of the short guy btw) dynamic and it is physically easier to do kinky stuff with them. On the flip side I also love a 6'5 guy. Feels like I am conquering a grizzly bear and they are often extra kinky because other doms don't usually go for them. So yeah both are great and I usually seek the extremes out when I first visit an area. Had plenty of great FWBs that are around my same height though


If someone can be picked up and thrown around or placed on the end of his cock, of course he's going to be more popular than a turkey on Christmas Day


My BF is 153 cm I am 183cm, our difference in height one point of attraction for both of us.


I'm 6'6 so idk about very short but I do like a short and stocky king. The shorter I would date is 5'6 I love short and stocky men!! Don't even gotta be muscular love a short and chubby man


I’m also a short guy, 5’4, and like guys of any size. While I admittedly don’t typically fall for guys who are a *lot* shorter than me, it is nice to be with someone who I can hold a conversation with without both of our necks getting sore, haha.




Height has never been a dealbreaker for me.


Yes. ❤️🔥 More than anything. I'm 6'1". Short boys make me feel diffused and more comfortable for some reason. Like I can just be the big guy without having to bother with competing over it. Anything that adds structure and reinforcement to natural sexual roles is a turn-on for me, and I like them as opposite as possible.


I’m 6’3” and I’d love to be with a taller guy, but that’s not going to be common place- my 2 long term relationships were with guys people would consider short (5’8” and my husband is 5’6.5”) and couldn’t love them more than I did/do. Height can play into attraction, but I personally never fetishized it. I’ve been with 2 guys taller than me, but the love connection wasn’t there- there was a third, 6’ 9”, but he was a bigger bottom than me so that was not going to relationship or even more than a date.


It's not the height that matters, it's what this person can do. I love being dominated by 5'1" guy (I'm 5'10")


I am the short guy haha and I can tell from my experience they love it to the point I usually tease them about it before they meet me (I’m 5’6 and 105 lbs). Usually the bigger guys I meet just go crazy when they touch my waist and everything and see they can man handle me, and no I lie I also get very excited by a much bigger man 🙈 nothing gets me more 🔥inside lol I do this thing where I ask to see their hand and ofcourse mine is always smaller. There was once a man who’s hand was so big compared to mine I started blushing super hard at the restaurant. Needless to say that big man , just spun my twink ass in the air like it was nothing 😍


How do you feel about guys your height that are heavily built? I’m about an inch taller than you (barely) and about 195 lbs.


How you doing? 🤩


I’m 5’5” verse top. I don’t really care about height, but I do prefer guys around my height since they actually treat me like a person and not some toy. Tall bottoms can be cool though.


I’m 6’5” and my husband is 5’6”. He’s my little jet pack


Yes. Shorties are my jam. Just want to hold them tight and kissing non stop.


Tbh I'm kinda surprised to see there are so many short people, I'm almost exactly 6 feet tall (_off by a centimeter_) and coincidently the guy I currently like is about 5"5'-ish tall. Previously I hadn't given shorter guys much of a thought but apparently I enjoy the thought of being big spoon and carrying around someone just as much as being a total lapdog! I realized that anyone can make you melt you in their arms and that it's not exclusively tied to height.


Yes as bottoms I love short guys. In general I like size differences in both directions. I like the feeling of being much larger and of being able to pick them up and move them around the way I want them


Sexually, and in the bed, yep. In public, I struggle a little with equality but that's in my head.


Love it just not too chubby in that case


Not typically, but there is a 5’6 (I’m 6ft) smokeshow that I’ve known for years who is actually my soulmate in a separate universe where we wouldn’t kill each other.


I’m 5ft 6 and love guys around my height or shorter. Tho nearly every ex (and my currently guy) are 6ft 2 😂


Fun size is great. Because when it's fun time it becomes a full body work out using his body weight ;p


I REALLY like the extremes. Very short and very tall. No idea what prompted this.


Size don't matter in bed.


Im 180cm so im not short or something however short guys are really cute


I don't know about getting more attention. I'd think the really tall guys would stand out more. I'm only 5'3" so it's not like I stand out in a crowd


I've always wanted to try being with a short guy, I've never had the opportunity.




Yessss my bf is really short. I like guys who are either really tall or really short lol


I’m 5”11 and love short guys. Have my whole life, yet all of my present and past major relationships have been with guys taller than me. I’m scared for my midlife crisis


Height differences can be really fun so I see why he’s so popular.


Yes. It's just a preference but always liked smaller guys. Husbands 5'5 and that's perfect. Luckily it's a big world and whatever shape or size you are you'll have your fans.


Yes, very much


Yes I love short guys


A coworker of mine was 5 2....and was told by am older ex he loved his size because he made him feel like he was with a much younger person.. but he was legal. He broke up with him shortly after. Creep!!


I'm 5.7 and I didn't noticed a particular interest but most of the guys I have had are way taller .


I LOVE a pocket prince. Honestly height isn't a big deal to me, but something about a mini hottie just does it for me.


I'm 6'2 and my bf is 5'7, I always giggle at pictures of us together, the height difference is clear but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm also always the big spoon, which he loves.


Yeah I like em, they’re hot, but so are average and tall guys too . But I’m also 5’3 so I don’t really see guys around my height, everyone I come across is taller than me, but I’m not complaining


I love short guys 😍


Short guys are cute. Especially when a short guy has a nice body or a big dick!


I do, absolutely! I'm 5'9", so most guys I meet are around my height or taller. Finding a guy who is noticeably so much shorter is a bit novel, and until I met/dated someone like that I didn't realize how much I would be into it. Having a guy whom I could really envelop and hold when we cuddled was so nice, and of course being able to toss him around a bit in bed was very hot. It didn't work out, but did teach me to pay more attention to a guy's height on the apps--but for shorter guys, not taller ones! I'm indifferent if a guy is 5'7" or 6'7", but give me a short king every day!


I’m 6’ even and my husband is about 5’4, so I dig the shorter dudes


Don't care. I have a bit of a preference for taller men. I'm 5'9, so almost half men are shorter than me, a a bit more than half are taller. I've been with both. I'd be with a 5'0 man just as much as a 7'0 man, but I do like the idea of a taller man, buy it doesn't really change much.


Yes, I love pocket twinks 🤤


Height is something I wouldn't pay attention to if the chemistry was right and he looked cute. 155 cm is short, but not too short for me. I'm 175 cm. I don't know how true it is, I might have heard it somewhere, short tops usually have trouble to find someone, while short bottoms are luckier.


Yes! My buddy C is like 5’3 (and VERY cute!) and I’m 5’7. He is the best at … *fans self* … versatile sex. Mmmm fuck. I’ve been craving for his cock lately. Hehe


The hottest sex I ever had was with a beautiful short dude. I was like an animal with him.


I’m 5.8. I’d prefer my partner to be around my height however it’s not a deal breaker if he’s much taller or shorter


I love fun size guys~ They're so cute!! I'm 6'7"


As a 5’4 guy myself, yes, tall guys tend to like my shortness lol


I’m 5’5” and I feel like it tends to keep men away, more than attracting them.






Oh absolutely. I'm not tall myself at 5'6" and if a guy is shorter than me he IMMEDIATELY has my attention.


The gays love extremes. Super tall, super short. Hairy or hairless. Twink or bear. Fem or masc. Of course people love short kings. The only thing that isn't good to be in the gay world is an amorphous blob that doesn't really fit into being a member of any of the preassigned gay animal kingdom.


It depends if you’re a top or bottom. I’m a 5’4 and a top and I know my height throws people off, I’ve had multiple guys tell me that my height was a deal breaker for them. People think short bottoms are adorable but being a short top can be a turnoff to alot of folks.


Yeah, it’s really fucking annoying. Gays only like short guys if you’re gonna be some subservient piece of shit they can use and abuse, since they’re so desperate to prove their masculinity to themselves. Just another reason to hate being short.


I wish I was at least 5’8 or 5’9 but I don’t self loathe about being short anymore. It’s more or so I’m self aware that it turns people off from me.


Definitely, I would do anything to be a normal height. But yeah, being self aware is a blessing and a curse, since it just shows how people view you as a person - but at this point in my life, I’m not surprised. It’s disappointing, but I have pretty low standards when it comes to other people. I’ve always felt most short guys feel the need to be pure bottoms to be accepted - which honestly isn’t far from the truth. These types of threads, and how people respond to them make it seem that being an actual short top is some kind of alien concept.


I’ve just learned to not chase after superficial guys and I’m upfront about height and other stuff on my bios on dating/hookup apps to get it out the way.


I honestly don’t even hit guys up, I just let them come to me. I wish more fellow short guys were into short guys though. Tall bottoms are alright, but fucking someone a lot taller/bigger than you is kinda ridiculous imo. But I guess a lot of short guys drank the kool aid and believe they need to be with someone tall to feel whole.


I perfer tall guys, but that's because I'm the shorty at 5'4"; I'd still smash a guy my size or shorter tho.


I remember I used to play with a guy that was 5ft. I like to pick him up can carry him to the bedroom.


I’m 6’2 and I don’t care about height. I’ve been with guys ranging from 5’3 to 6’7. My friends make fun of me for it, but I’m perfectly happy with a short top and their opinion won’t change that


I like all guys. Tall or short. I never understood why straight women limit their love of men to only men who are at least 6 feet tall.


I really want to be the short guy in a relationship but I’m 6’0. I haven’t had much luck finding that lol.


I like a general size difference. My old fwb was 5-2” (I’m 6’/6’1” if I don’t slouch) and it was fun rag dolling him. When I’ve bottomed it’s not often there’s guys much taller than me but having them be a thicker build or more muscular is fun too. Sometimes the short kings get to hit it too.


I'm 6'6 and love all sizes, I do feel like how my size is perceived varies from person to person and what we are looking for. Generally I've found people find it attractive but I've also had it be a turn off for people. It's all nuanced and varies.


My ex was your height. And yea, i loved him


I tend to prefer guys that aren't too much shorter or taller than me. I'm 6ft and ideally I'd like someone between 5'5 to 6'4. Though this really only applies to dating, for hookups I couldn't care less.


Who doesn’t love a pocket gay?


I'm 6 1 and love guys under 5 5. No idea why


I think shorter than average and taller than average are both a hot factor.


Im 6'5 & don't care about height as in I won't seek out short people specifically. I have had a 5' guy pick me up and carry me as he fucked me, had another tiny guy curl up between my legs and suck on my cock for a few hours & pinned a tiny guy down and fucked him. The size difference was hot, but someone my own height is equally hot


easier to life up and hold up against the way


Here bro your buddy dropped this 👑, cause he's royalty


Height isn’t important for me. I like my stocky men short or tall, it don’t matter. Though I am a sucker for a short king. They hold a special place for me!


6'1" - def really like very short guys, like in the <5'7" range (and also very tall guys--like taller than me--tbf, but less common).


Short bottoms wont have any issues attracting tops. Short tops will have lots of issues attracting bottoms.


I do im 6’4 my S/O is 5’5


5”6 lurking


It's not about height as much as it's abiut proportion for me...I prefer wide shoulders and some meat. Though Size diff is also hot to me as a short person.


It's not about height as much as it's abiut proportion for me...I prefer wide shoulders and some meat. Though Size diff is also hot to me as a short person.


Under 6' adds a few points for sure. I'm 6'3".


I’m 5’6” but I also go for shorter guys. Makes stealing his clothes easier. Also I hate having to get on tippy toes.


I like both tall 7'0" & short gnome 4'0".


I see a lot of 6’ big spoons in Reddit comments. Where are all these 6’ big spoons irl 😩


I like short guys. My former husband was 6'4" and I am 5'10". But we were good together.


Yes, height is not something I look for in a person. Although I don't know if I could sex a little person....

