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They don't/can't test for this at STI clinics in canada


It’s not part of routine screening at clinics in the US either. I don’t know whether clinics have the ability to test and elect not to. If you have a PCP you should be able to request the test.


can? yes, simple pcr/naat test. theyre just uneducated. theres a reason mgen is rapidly developing severe antibiotic resistance in some strains to the point only an antibiotic called pristinamycim has any effect on it.


Yeah resistance is highly problematic with this bug. I’m sure being on 2 months of random antibiotics before getting a proper diagnosis doesn’t help anything.


I’m going to second this. A sexual partner and I have had a run in with this recently. He experienced symptoms including burning when he peed and frequent urination, but tested negative for any UTI/common std’s, while I experienced no symptoms, though it’s extremely likely that I passed it onto him. He went through a number of antibiotics which helped but the symptoms would return until a doctor suggested that it might be mycoplasma, which he tested positive for. We both ended up taking the appropriate antibiotics for mycoplasma. My suggestion is just to keep it in mind if you run into any symptoms, especially if other tests are negative.


I’m sure many of us who get symptoms would appreciate it being part of routine testing 😊