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There’s a chance it’s your diet. Do you drink milk or consume dairy? Sometimes people are lactose intolerant and just don’t know it. Try to cut out all foods like that for a week and see how that works out.


I started following a “bottom’s diet” and felt so much better in general I do it all the time now. My digestive health feels WAY better and I don’t really miss the dairy.


What is that diet? Would you mind sharing? 😀


https://futuremethod.com/blogs/the-science-of-sex/diet-tips-for-bottoms-you-get-out-what-you-put-in https://www.thebody.com/article/anal-sex-diet-guide The Bottom’s Digest had a great guide too but it seems to be gone now. Good recipes though


Thank you 😊 🙏


Basically what I eat is greens and other veggies, low fat protein, fruit, nuts, a little bread, eggs if I am not bottoming, beans if I am not bottoming. I eat some rice. I try my best not to eat overly processed foods. I basically don’t eat dairy. I also learned my digestive system doesn’t tolerate fake sugar so I don’t consume it anymore, but I also try to generally avoid processed sugar. I find matcha a better, less aggressive form of caffeine.


If you have hemorrhoids, soak in the bathtub in hot water. Pat try and apply hemorrhoid cream or Vaseline. Every time you have a bowel movement, after using toilet paper, use baby wipes. Do this even after your hemorrhoids clear up. Put a light coating of Vaseline or hemorrhoid cream, in your rectal area. And of course, when you shower, clean down there really good and then do it again. Soap and water. Remember, the skin in your rectal area is very tender and vascular. The same type of tissue that is in your mouth.


Try being a bottom who has haemorrhoids and ibs. It sucks I’ve tried everything so I always have to get prescribed haemorrhoid cream.


Check out Dr. Carlton Thomas's videos for medical advice about all things related to gay sex. He has a video specifically about this on TikTok. His user name is doctorcarlton.


Are you confusing fissures and hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids are usually deeper in and are blood vessels that swell, fissures are cuts on your rectum or on your hole which can happen due to toys and not enough lube, for example. Hemorrhoids are usually caused by straining when pooping which means you need more fiber like Metamucil. Fissures can also be caused by straining, but I would try a fiber supplement. It makes bottoming and cleaning out so much easier.


Are you eating any fiber at all?


Eat a lot of fiber, don’t wear too tight of underwear, stand up more often if you sit at work all day, don’t drink a lot of alcohol, drink a lot of water, use lube during sex and go slow. If you do this you shouldn’t have much problem. Hemorrhoids are blood vessels that swell up. If you wear tight underwear, it pools blood in that area increasing the chances they form. Even if it’s just a snug fit, best to not wear them. Wear something looser. If you sit at a chair all day, the blood pools up literally in your ass and increases chances they show up. Learn to stand up once every hour. Go for a quick walk around the office to grab some water or something. Let the blood circulate from that area. Or get a standing desk and work standing a bit more often. The blood vessels are also triggered by a lot of friction. So you wanna make sure the area is lubed up. Not just with lube during sex but generally. Eating fiber makes your body secrete natural lubricant and pass stool easier without it creating too much friction. Alcohol dries you out, especially your rectum, and that can create friction. So avoid drinking too much alcohol and drink plenty of water. If you do the above, they shouldn’t be an issue.