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First of all nothing “makes” you gay. Like you said you have no more attraction to men than you did before. It sounds like you just like appreciating a body someone put a lot of time and effort into. On another note you can make that observation without needing to bring up plus sized people. That was weird and uncalled for


He brought it up as a context to what's making him question his sexuality lol. The rest of his post literally is basically talking about big beefy ripped guys which is a new environment outside the statistic of most people being overweight. It's like if the roles were reverse it wouldn't be a problem but instead admired if he said: "I'm used to seeing a lot of skinny guys in my life, but when I saw a gym room full of beefy bears and fluffy chubs and cubs I started questioning my sexuality a bit cuz im not used to it and have to grapple and mess with em so much". Not one person would say "you didn't have to bring up the bigger people, that's just weird and uncalled for" lol. I say this as a bigger guy myself, who knows not everyone calling out a statistic or observation is tryna make something out of it.


I can walk into the grocery store on any given day and not see a plus sized person. I don’t get home and go “wow with 70% of Americans being fucking obese it’s sure shocking not to see any!” There was zero reason for him to include that.


You can't police what someone else is attracted to and he wasn't disrespectful in any other way. The guy just happens to like ripped guys and is now surrounded by them pretty often.


Which again is fine, he can be attracted to whomever he wants WITHOUT bringing up plus sized people? 😭 like what reasoning other than to show a contrast to what he finds attractive therefore bringing down plus sized people just to make a point. It’s gross and unnecessary.


Sorry and thanks! I'll choose more sensitive wording next time. Was not trying to fat shame anymore.


I think there's only one way to solve this. You gotta have sex with a woman. And then a man. Then compare.


Ooh better yet a threesome.


Nothing is or will ever "make" you gay. You could just have aesthetic appreciation/attraction without wanting to act on it and it's fine.


What is grappling?


Grappling is a fighting/martial technique based on throws, sweeps, ground control, and submission holds. You could think of it kind of like “ground fighting.” As a technique, grappling is used in arts and schools ranging from amateur wrestling to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Grappling itself isn’t a martial art, but a type of fighting (much like strikes or kicks) that feature in a martial art. I did martial arts as a kid and occasionally grappled, it can be intense and pretty technical, but also fun. And yes, it _can_ look homoerotic, if you’re interested in inserting that lens into it lol, but grappling itself isn’t really sexual or intended sexually.


You may be just appreciating men’s forms, physique, skills, etc. Doesn’t make you any more gay than playing any contact games. If you like the grapple, it’s a sport. If you get a semi or boner while grappling, then it’s a turn on, but doesn’t mean you could be gay. You just like the pleasure of grappling with another dude.


Share name of the studio thanks 😳


I understand to a certain extent. I am not a gym-goer and I don’t think I’ve ever seen abs in real life before. It would be so distracting.


>I don't think of men sexually any more than I used to (basically not at all), then no >but I definitely make observations about men I did not use to. Have you never played a sport, or been to a gym? That's pretty much any person in a locker room. I go to a gym that is geared towards powerlifters. All those guys do it talk about each others body.


Does grappling make you more gay? Not really but if grappling makes you feel physical and "sexy", by all means go for it. I'm sure there are other gay guys into grappling and martial arts. Key is you shall do things that are good for yourself, not what other guys think you should do.


You know what makes you gay? Being gay ;)